84 research outputs found

    Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome in Patients with Psoriasis

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    Background. Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disorder in which proinflammatory cytokines including IL-6 and TNF-α increase both locally and systematically. It is thought that chronic inflammation results in metabolic diseases and proinflammatory cytokines give rise to the development of atherogenesis, peripheral insulin resistance, hypertension, and type 2 diabetes. Our aim was to investigate the prevalence of metabolic syndrome in patients with psoriasis vulgaris. Methods. Study consisted of 115 plaque-type psoriasis patients and 140 healthy individuals. Data including body weight, height, waist circumference, body-mass index, and arterial blood pressure were collected. Fasting blood glucose, triglyceride, and HDL levels were determined. International Diabetes Federation Criteria for Metabolic Syndrome and Insulin Resistance were used for evaluating patients with metabolic syndrome and diabetes. Results. Compared to the control group, metabolic syndrome, diabetes mellitus, and hypertension were found to be higher in psoriasis patients. Metabolic syndrome was increased by 3-folds in psoriasis patients and was more prevalent in women than in men. It was determined that the prevalence of metabolic syndrome was higher in psoriasis patients after the age of 40. Metabolic syndrome was not related to smoking, severity of psoriasis, and duration of disease. Conclusions. Our findings suggest that psoriasis preconditions occurrence of a group of diseases such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and metabolic syndrome. For this reason, patients with psoriasis should be treated early and they should be followed with respect to metabolic diseases

    Diagnosis of comorbid migraine without aura in patients with idiopathic/genetic epilepsy based on the gray zone approach to the International Classification of Headache Disorders 3 criteria

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    BackgroundMigraine without aura (MwoA) is a very frequent and remarkable comorbidity in patients with idiopathic/genetic epilepsy (I/GE). Frequently in clinical practice, diagnosis of MwoA may be challenging despite the guidance of current diagnostic criteria of the International Classification of Headache Disorders 3 (ICHD-3). In this study, we aimed to disclose the diagnostic gaps in the diagnosis of comorbid MwoA, using a zone concept, in patients with I/GEs with headaches who were diagnosed by an experienced headache expert.MethodsIn this multicenter study including 809 consecutive patients with a diagnosis of I/GE with or without headache, 163 patients who were diagnosed by an experienced headache expert as having a comorbid MwoA were reevaluated. Eligible patients were divided into three subgroups, namely, full diagnosis, zone I, and zone II according to their status of fulfilling the ICHD-3 criteria. A Classification and Regression Tree (CART) analysis was performed to bring out the meaningful predictors when evaluating patients with I/GEs for MwoA comorbidity, using the variables that were significant in the univariate analysis.ResultsLonger headache duration (<4 h) followed by throbbing pain, higher visual analog scale (VAS) scores, increase of pain by physical activity, nausea/vomiting, and photophobia and/or phonophobia are the main distinguishing clinical characteristics of comorbid MwoA in patients with I/GE, for being classified in the full diagnosis group. Despite being not a part of the main ICHD-3 criteria, the presence of associated symptoms mainly osmophobia and also vertigo/dizziness had the distinguishing capability of being classified into zone subgroups. The most common epilepsy syndromes fulfilling full diagnosis criteria (n = 62) in the CART analysis were 48.39% Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy followed by 25.81% epilepsy with generalized tonic-clonic seizures alone.ConclusionLonger headache duration, throbbing pain, increase of pain by physical activity, photophobia and/or phonophobia, presence of vertigo/dizziness, osmophobia, and higher VAS scores are the main supportive associated factors when applying the ICHD-3 criteria for the comorbid MwoA diagnosis in patients with I/GEs. Evaluating these characteristics could be helpful to close the diagnostic gaps in everyday clinical practice and fasten the diagnostic process of comorbid MwoA in patients with I/GEs

    Determination of genotipic variations for salinity tolerance at early plant growth stages in green beans.

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    TEZ5623Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2005.Kaynakça (s. 73-86) var.ix, 87 s. : res. ; 29 cm.In this study, 67 various bean genotypes were screened in the early plant growth stages for the salinity tolerance by the deep flowed water culture technique. These genotypes were exposed to 125 mM of NaCl salinity stress and were investigated for the ion regulation. Moreover, new practical techniques with high validity were tried in order to employ them in mass screening studies. Genotypes developed different mechanisms for ion regulation under salinity stress condition. While some absorbed plenty Na ion in their bodies and showed high tissue tolerance with a mechanism called Na-inclusion, some absorbed few Na ion and protect them self from its danger with a mechanism called Na-exclusion. The total 67 bean genotypes expressed a very high variation for salinity tolerance and the 13, 17, and 37 of them were classified as highly tolerant, medium tolerant, and susceptible, respectively. At the end of the present study examing the green bean cultivars for salinity tolerance with mass screening, the different parameters were determined for either the Na-inclusion group or Na-exclusion group. The low Na/K and Na/Ca ratios, the low Na concentration, and the high K and Ca concentrations were found to be suitable salt tolerance screening criteria for the Na-exluder bean genotypes. The high Na/K and Na/Ca ratios and high Na and the low K and Ca concentrations were found to be suitable salt tolerance screening parameters for the Na-includer bean genotypes.Bu çalışmada 67 farklı fasulye genotipinin tuzluluğa tolerans yönünden, erken bitki gelişimi aşamasında derin akan su kültürü tekniği kullanılarak taraması (screening) yapılmıştır. 125 mM NaCl ile tuz stresine sokulan fasulye genotipleri iyon düzenlemesi (regülasyonu) yönünden incelenmiştir. Aynı zamanda, fasulyelerde tuzluluğa tolerans için kitlesel tarama çalışmalarında kullanılabilecek, uygulaması kolay, geçerliliği yüksek teknikler araştırılmıştır. Genotipler tuz stresi altında iyon regülasyonu yönünden farklı mekanizmalar geliştirmişlerdir. Bazı genotipler bünyelerine bol miktarda Na iyonu alarak yüksek doku toleransı gösterip ""Nakabullenen- inclusion"" bir mekanizma ile tuzdan zararlanmaz iken, diğer bazı genotipler ise Na iyonunu oldukça az alarak kendilerini korumayı başarmışlar ve ""Na-sakınan-exclusion "" tepki vermişlerdir. Toplam 67 adet fasulye genotipinde tuza tolerans yönünden oldukça geniş bir varyasyon belirlenmiştir. 13 genotip dayanıklı, 17 genotip orta düzeyde dayanıklı ve 37 genotip ise duyarlı olarak belirlenmiştir. Denemeler sonucunda, fasulye genotiplerinin tuzluluk için kitlesel taramasında (screening) erken bitki gelişme aşamasında kullanılabilecek, ""iyon regülasyonu"" parametreleri bakımından ""Na-sakınan"" ve ""Na-kabullenen"" grupları için değerlendirilebilecek ayrı parametreler ortaya çıkmıştır. ""Na-sakınan"" (excluder) genotipler için düşük Na/K, Na/Ca oranları, düşük Na konsantrasyonu, yüksek K ve Ca konsantrasyonları tarama (screening) parametresi olabilirken; ""Na-kabullenen"" (includer) genotipler için ise yüksek Na/K, Na/Ca oranları, yüksek Na ve düşük K, Ca konsantrasyonlarının tarama (screening) parametresi olabileceği belirlenmiştir.Bu çalışma Ç.Ü. Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Birimi tarafından desteklenmiştir. Proje No: ZF2004YL23

    The Demand for Dairy Products in Turkey: The Impact of Household Composition on Consumption

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    This study estimates different Engel Curves (in the forms of “Working-Leser”, AIDS with unit value, and double-log) for different dairy products in Turkey. The study provides expenditure elasticities for four dairy products (milk, yogurt, cheese and butter). Own-price elasticities are also calculated for cheese and butter. Household composition effects on cheese and milk consumption are determined by the study. Results indicate that addition of an extra person to a household has a negative impact on per capita cheese and milk expenditure. This negative impact increases with age.Publisher's Versio

    Bebekler için kullanılan ve piyasada bulunan çeşitli kozmetik ürünlerin mikrobiyolojik olarak değerlendirilmesi

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    Kozmetikler,deri ve eklerine uygulanan bu kozmetikler, insan vücuduna sürülen, serpilen veya sprey şeklinde uygulanan temizleme, güzelleştirme, çekiciliği arttırma veyagörünümü değiştirme amacıyla kullanılan ilaç etkinliği olmayan ürünlerdir Kullanılan bu kozmetik ürünlerin en önemli işlevi derinin fizyolojik özelliklerini değiştirmedengüzelleştirmek ve korumaktır Kozmetik ürünler özellikleri itibari ile mikroorganizmalar ile kontamine olma riski yüksek ürünlerdir 1 2 Bunlar arasında en çok dikkat edilmesigereken grupların başında, ciltlerinin daha hassas ve bağışıklık sistemlerinin daha zayıf olması gibi sebeplerden dolayı bebekler için kullanılan kozmetik ürünler gelmektedir Bunedenle bebekler için kullanılacak ürünlerin hem içerikleri ve üretim teknikleri, hem de satın alındıktan sonra kullanımları konusunda çok daha fazla özen gösterilmesi gereklidirKozmetikürünlerde sıklıkla kontaminasyona neden olan mikroorganizmaların varlığı, ürünün bozulmasına ve kullanıcılar için ciddi sağlık sorunlarına sebep olabilmektedirÜretimden kaynaklı kontaminasyonu engellemek için kozmetik firmalarının iyi üretim uygulamaları (Good manufacturing practice, GMP) kurallarına göre üretim yapmaları veayrıca kozmetik ürünlerin formülasyonlarına eklenen ve koruyucu adı verilen kimyasal maddeler de ürünü raf ömrü boyunca mikroorganizma kontaminasyonundan koruyanönemli unsurlardı

    Testing for financial contagion: New evidence from the European debt crisis

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