7 research outputs found

    When fast logic meets slow belief: Evidence for a parallel-processing model of belief bias.

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    Two experiments pitted the default-interventionist account of belief bias against a parallel-processing model. According to the former, belief bias occurs because a fast, belief-based evaluation of the conclusion pre-empts a working-memory demanding logical analysis. In contrast, according to the latter both belief-based and logic-based responding occur in parallel. Participants were given deductive reasoning problems of variable complexity and instructed to decide whether the conclusion was valid on half the trials or to decide whether the conclusion was believable on the other half. When belief and logic conflict, the default-interventionist view predicts that it should take less time to respond on the basis of belief than logic, and that the believability of a conclusion should interfere with judgments of validity, but not the reverse. The parallel-processing view predicts that beliefs should interfere with logic judgments only if the processing required to evaluate the logical structure exceeds that required to evaluate the knowledge necessary to make a belief-based judgment, and vice versa otherwise. Consistent with this latter view, for the simplest reasoning problems (modus ponens), judgments of belief resulted in lower accuracy than judgments of validity, and believability interfered more with judgments of validity than the converse. For problems of moderate complexity (modus tollens and single-model syllogisms), the interference was symmetrical, in that validity interfered with belief judgments to the same degree that believability interfered with validity judgments. For the most complex (three-term multiple-model syllogisms), conclusion believability interfered more with judgments of validity than vice versa, in spite of the significant interference from conclusion validity on judgments of belief

    Міжнародні угоди щодо охорони торговельної марки

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    Шинкарук Н. В. Міжнародні угоди щодо охорони торговельної марки / Н. В. Шинкарук // Міжнародні читання присвячені пам’яті професора Імператорського Новоросійського університету П. Є. Казанського: матеріали Міжнародної конференції (м. Одеса, 22-23 жовтня 2010 року). – Одеса : Фенікс, 2010.- С. 323-325.Автор статті робить висновок, що зазначені міжнародні угоди істотно сприяють підвищенню ролі і значенню торговельних марок у торгівлі та інших сферах міжнародного співробітництва. Вони надають ефективну охорону та захист права на торговельну марку, а також значно полегшують реєстрацію права на марку

    Use of a method of calculation of life time of an artificial satellite at projection of de-orbit system from Earth orbits

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    Розроблена методика розрахунку траєкторних параметрів космічних апаратів, що відводяться з низьких навколоземних кругових орбіт з висотами діапазоном від 600 км до 1200 км з ціллю боротьби з антропогенним засміченням навколоземного космічного простору. Побудовані залежності значень необхідного приросту швидкості та маси робочого тіла, котрі можуть бути використані при проектуванні систем відводу космічних апаратів.This article is devoted to the development of calculation’s method of trajectory parameters of the spacecraft, which are going to Low Earth Orbits (LEO) with altitudes ranging from 600 km to 1200 km. Its aim is combating man-made space pollution. The following problems are solved in this article: - the analysis of a possibility of use of calculation of life time of an artificial satellite on LEO at problem solving of projection of systems of de-orbit of spacecraft in which the necessary size of an increment of speed for exercise of descent during the given time term is defined. - creation of dependence of necessary size of an increment of speed on value of heights of LEO, in the given range of 600 - 1200 km. - development of recommendations about necessary stocks of a working body of the designed systems of de-orbit of spacecraft from LEO. The issue of the choice of a trajectory of de-orbit of the spacecraft in the context of requirements of the Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee to limit stay of non-functional spacecraft on LEO to the period in 25 years is touched. In article the necessary increment of speed for de-orbit non-functional spacecraft on the considered trajectory prodetermines what the stock of a working body is necessary for exercising the de-orbit. The coefficient of the attitude of the relative mass of system of de-orbit towards the dry mass of spacecraft is defined. As a result of the carried-out calculations it is found out that the technique of determination of life time of an artificial satellite in circular orbits in the range of heights from 600 km to 1200 km allows to receive values of a necessary increment of speed and mass of a working body for exercise of de-orbit of spacecraft. The offered approach can be used as at projection of means of de-orbit of the injectable spacecraft, and at development of the system of de-orbit of non-functional spacecraft from LEO.Разработана методика расчета траекторных параметров космических аппаратов, уводимых с низких околоземных круговых орбит с высотами диапазоном от 600 км до 1200 км с целью борьбы с антропогенным засорением околоземного космического пространства. Построены зависимости значений необходимого приращения скорости и массы рабочего тела, которые могут быть использованы при проектировании систем увода космических аппаратов

    Information processing and intuitive decision-making on the fireground: towards a model of expert intuition

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    In addition to other cognitive tasks that need attending to, experienced fireground commanders are also faced with a crucial task of identifying various environmental and informational cues that could affect their performance on the fireground. Although these cues play a crucial role in activating the pattern recognition or intuitive decision-making process, the major challenge remains that they usually emerge from multiple sources, thereby increasing the cognitive load in working memory. Previous studies have shown that attending to multiple informational sources has serious implications for intuitive decision-making as it then becomes more difficult to select the most relevant cues amidst the rapidly evolving conditions. In order to determine how firefighters cope with this difficult task of processing information from multiple sources, 16 experienced fireground commanders were interviewed using a semi-structured critical decision method protocol. Following the insights derived from the knowledge elicitation process, this paper presents and describes an expert intuition model, which we termed the information filtering and intuitive decision-making model. The model attempts to conceptualize how experienced firefighters scan through multiple information sources from which they are then able to select the most relevant cues that eventually aid the development of workable action plans

    Small Inorganic Rings in the 21st Century: From Fleeting Intermediates to Novel Isolable Entities

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