665 research outputs found

    Phytochrome gene diversity

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    The structures and functions of the phytochrome apoprotein genes (the PHY genes), their diversity across the plant kingdom, and their evolution are central concerns in the study of red-light sensing in plants. We summarize here recent advances in two areas relating to these topics: (1) the characteristics of the PHY gene family in Arabidopsis thaliana, the higher plant species for which the most extensive information on these genes is available, and (2) the similarity relationships, phylogeny, and evolutionary implications of PHY gene sequences and partial sequences which have been described from various plants. Together, these two areas of study, one directed at understanding in detail the phytochromes present in a single species and the other directed at a much broader understanding of PHY gene relatedness and distribution, are producing an increasingly clear picture of the diversity and evolution of plant red-light photoreceptors. Moreover, they suggest that the complexity of the phytochrome family has increased as land plants have evolved novel morphologies

    The phytochrome gene family in grasses (Poaceae): A phylogeny and evidence that grasses have a subset of the loci found in dicot angiosperms

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    The phytochrome nuclear gene family encodes photoreceptor proteins that mediate developmental responses to red and far red light throughout the life of the plant. From studies of the dicot flowering plant Arabidopsis, the family has been modeled as comprising five loci, PHYA-PHYE. However, it has been shown recently that the Arabidopsis model may not completely represent some flowering plant groups because additional PHY loci related to PHYA and PHYB of Arabidopsis apparently have evolved independently several times in dicots, and monocot flowering plants may lack orthologs of PHYD and PHYE of Arabidopsis. Nonetheless, the phytochrome nucleotide data were informative in a study of organismal evolution because the loci occur as single copy sequences and appear to be evolving independently. We have continued our investigation of the phytochrome gene family in flowering plants by sampling extensively in the grass family. The phytochrome nuclear DNA data were cladistically analyzed to address the following questions: (1) Are the data consistent with a pattern of differential distribution of phytochrome genes among monocots and higher dicots, with homologs of PHYA, B, C, D, and E present in higher dicots, but of just PHYA, B, and C in monocots, and (2) what phylogenetic pattern within Poaceae do they reveal? Results of these analyses, and of Southern blot experiments, are consistent with the observation that the phytochrome gene family in grasses comprises the same subset of loci detected in other monocots. Furthermore, for studies of organismal phylogeny in the grass family, the data are shown to provide significant support for relationships that are just weakly resolved by other data sets

    On the poverty of a priorism: technology, surveillance in the workplace and employee responses

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    Many debates about surveillance at work are framed by a set of a priori assumptions about the nature of the employment relationship that inhibits efforts to understand the complexity of employee responses to the spread of new technology at work. In particular, the debate about the prevalence of resistance is hamstrung from the outset by the assumption that all apparently non-compliant acts, whether intentional or not, are to be counted as acts of resistance. Against this background this paper seeks to redress the balance by reviewing results from an ethnographic study of surveillance-capable technologies in a number of British workplaces. It argues for greater attention to be paid to the empirical character of the social relations at work in and through which technologies are deployed and in the context of which employee responses are played out

    Comparing and contrasting threat assessments of plant species at the global and sub-global level

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    Evidence-based assessments of extinction risk are established tools used to inform the conservation of plant species, and form the basis of key targets within the framework of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC). An overall picture of plants threat assessments is challenging due to the use of a variety of methodologies and range in scope from global to subnational. In this study, we quantify the state of progress in assessing the extinction risk of all land plants, determine the key geographic and taxonomic gaps with respect to our understanding of plant extinction risk, and evaluate the impact of different sources and methodologies on the utility of plant assessments. To this end, we have analyzed a cleaned dataset compiled from IUCN Red List of Threatened Species and Regional Red Lists. We reveal that there are assessments available for 89,810 distinct species or 25% of all accepted land plant species. However unlike with other major organismal lineages the bulk of the plant species assessments are derived from Regional Red Lists, and not the Global IUCN Red List. We demonstrate that this bias towards regional assessments results in distinct taxonomic and geographic strengths and weaknesses, and we identify substantial taxonomic and geographic gaps in the assessment coverage. With species that have been assessed in common at both global and regional levels, we explore the implications of combining threat assessments from different sources. We find that half of global and regional assessments do not agree on the exact category of extinction risk for a species. Regional assessments assign a higher risk of extinction; or underestimate extinction risk with almost equal frequency. We conclude with recommended interventions, but support the suggestion that all threat assessments should be pooled to provide more data and broaden the scope of threat assessments for monitoring progress towards GSPC targets

    Towards 5G Software-Defined Ecosystems: Technical Challenges, Business Sustainability and Policy Issues

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    Techno-economic drivers are creating the conditions for a radical change of paradigm in the design and operation of future telecommunications infrastructures. In fact, SDN, NFV, Cloud and Edge-Fog Computing are converging together into a single systemic transformation termed “Softwarization” that will find concrete exploitations in 5G systems. The IEEE SDN Initiative1 has elaborated a vision, an evolutionary path and some techno-economic scenarios of this transformation: specifically, the major technical challenges, business sustainability and policy issues have been investigated. This white paper presents: 1) an overview on the main techno-economic drivers steering the “Softwarization” of telecommunications; 2) an introduction to the Open Mobile Edge Cloud vision (covered in a companion white paper); 3) the main technical challenges in terms of operations, security and policy; 4) an analysis of the potential role of open source software; 5) some use case proposals for proof-of-concepts; and 6) a short description of the main socio-economic impacts being produced by “Softwarization”. Along these directions, IEEE SDN is also developing of an open catalogue of software platforms, toolkits, and functionalities aiming at a step-by-step development and aggregation of test-beds/field-trials on SDNNFV- 5G

    Thermally nucleated magnetic reversal in CoFeB/MgO nanodots

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    Power consumption is the main limitation in the development of new high performance random access memory for portable electronic devices. Magnetic RAM (MRAM) with CoFeB/MgO based magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs) is a promising candidate for reducing the power consumption given its non-volatile nature while achieving high performance. The dynamic properties and switching mechanisms of MTJs are critical to understanding device operation and to enable scaling of devices below 30 nm in diameter. Here we show that the magnetic reversal mechanism is incoherent and that the switching is thermally nucleated at device operating temperatures. Moreover, we find an intrinsic thermal switching field distribution arising on the sub-nanosecond time-scale even in the absence of size and anisotropy distributions or material defects. These features represent the characteristic signature of the dynamic properties in MTJs and give an intrinsic limit to reversal reliability in small magnetic nanodevices
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