337 research outputs found

    European Use of Space Shuttle

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    Europe\u27s association with the Space Shuttle started in 1973 when the European Space Agency (ESA) signed a Memorandum of Understanding with NASA for the development in Europe with European funds of Spacelab. In addition, it was agreed that ESA would provide approximately one half of the first Spacelab payload which will be carried on the SL-1 mission in September 1983. Further usage of Spacelab is foreseen either in missions dedicated to European countries or in missions shared with NASA. Also, it is anticipated that European space projects will make use of the launch and recovery capability of the Space Shuttle when these services are considered to be cost attractive. Finally, augmentation of the Shuttle\u27s capabilities is another likely area of participation through the provision of a European-built upper stage. This paper summarises these activities both from an ESA-NASA point of view and from the outlook of bilateral (i.e. NASA-ESA Member State) co-operation

    Exploring recent developments in restorative policing in England and Wales

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    The evolution of the policing role over the last decade has led to 33 police forces in England and Wales integrating restorative justice practices, in one form or another, into their responses to minor crime committed for the first time by both youths and adults. Most recently, this reform dynamic has been used in response to more serious offences committed by persistent offenders and expanded to include all stages of the criminal justice process. Despite the significant positive rhetoric that surrounds the adoption and use of restorative justice, there are a number of procedural and cultural challenges that pose a threat to the extent to which restorative justice may become embedded within the policing response. This article explores these developments and highlights where potential problems for implementation may arise as well as some strategies to overcome them

    Using Mendelian Randomisation to Prioritise Candidate Maternal Metabolic Traits Influencing Offspring Birthweight

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    Marked physiological changes in pregnancy are essential to support foetal growth; however, evidence on the role of specific maternal metabolic traits from human studies is limited. We integrated Mendelian randomisation (MR) and metabolomics data to probe the effect of 46 maternal metabolic traits on offspring birthweight (N = 210,267). We implemented univariable two-sample MR (UVMR) to identify candidate metabolic traits affecting offspring birthweight. We then applied two-sample multivariable MR (MVMR) to jointly estimate the potential direct causal effect for each candidate maternal metabolic trait. In the main analyses, UVMR indicated that higher maternal glucose was related to higher offspring birthweight (0.328 SD difference in mean birthweight per 1 SD difference in glucose (95% CI: 0.104, 0.414)), as were maternal glutamine (0.089 (95% CI: 0.033, 0.144)) and alanine (0.137 (95% CI: 0.036, 0.239)). In additional analyses, UVMR estimates were broadly consistent when selecting instruments from an independent data source, albeit imprecise for glutamine and alanine, and were attenuated for alanine when using other UVMR methods. MVMR results supported independent effects of these metabolites, with effect estimates consistent with those seen with the UVMR results. Among the remaining 43 metabolic traits, UVMR estimates indicated a null effect for most lipid-related traits and a high degree of uncertainty for other amino acids and ketone bodies. Our findings suggest that maternal gestational glucose and glutamine are causally related to offspring birthweight

    Democratic localism and the implementation of the Community Remedy in England and Wales

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    This article assesses the development and implementation of the Community Remedy anti-social behaviour policy by Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) in England and Wales. The Community Remedy, introduced by the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act (2014), allows victims of ‘low-level’ anti-social behaviour to select an informal action for their offender from a list designed by their local PCC via consultation with the public. This article reports the results of a benchmarking exercise that investigates how PCCs have translated this policy into practice by examining: public consultation procedures; the contents of the Community Remedy documents; and police usage. The findings indicate an uneven implementation across regions with variable levels of engagement from PCCs, police forces and members of the public. We assess the enactment and adoption of this new power alongside its potential to stimulate democratic localism

    Suicide & Supervision: Issues for Probation Practice

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    Suicides by offenders in the community have been relatively under-researched in comparison with prison suicides. This study examined in-depth the events and experiences of 28 service users under probation supervision, based on continuous records from the start of their sentence to their death by suicide. The study presents novel findings through mapping suicidal behaviour on to the probation supervision process, and demonstrates the complex pathways leading to suicide in this population.Key issues identified include missed appointments, the impact of legal proceedings,changes in supervision, and the importance of recording risk

    Structural models of genome-wide covariance identify multiple common dimensions in autism

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    Common genetic variation has been associated with multiple symptoms in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). However, our knowledge of shared genetic factor structures contributing to this highly heterogeneous neurodevelopmental condition is limited. Here, we developed a structural equation modelling framework to directly model genome-wide covariance across core and non-core ASD phenotypes, studying autistic individuals of European descent using a case-only design. We identified three independent genetic factors most strongly linked to language/cognition, behaviour and motor development, respectively, when studying a population-representative sample (N=5,331). These analyses revealed novel associations. For example, developmental delay in acquiring personal-social skills was inversely related to language, while developmental motor delay was linked to self-injurious behaviour. We largely confirmed the three-factorial structure in independent ASD-simplex families (N=1,946), but uncovered simplex-specific genetic overlap between behaviour and language phenotypes. Thus, the common genetic architecture in ASD is multi-dimensional and contributes, in combination with ascertainment-specific patterns, to phenotypic heterogeneity

    Desistance from crime and restorative justice

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    Over the last twenty years, research on desistance from crime and on restorative justice has grown rapidly and both have emerged as exciting, vibrant, and dynamic areas of contemporary criminological interest. While the implementation of restorative justice practices in Europe has been essentially victim-oriented, there has always also been an emphasis on including the moral and social rehabilitation of the offender. This more offender-centred approach to restorative justice and its practices is not limited to the evaluation of its ability to reduce crime, but is to be seen within the connection between reparation, resettlement (reintegration into the community after sentence), and desistance from crime. This article examines, from a broad perspective, but including some preliminary data from ongoing research on victim-offender mediation in prison, the capacity of restorative justice interventions to impact positively on offenders’ likelihood of stopping committing criminal offences

    Exploring the cultural dimensions of environmental victimization

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    It has become increasingly clear in recent years that our understanding of ‘victimisation’ is informed by a whole range of societal and political factors which extend well beyond whatever particular form of words appears in any given directive, code or legislative instrument concerning crime, crime victims or criminal justice systems. In this paper, I will seek for the first time to apply recent developments in our understanding of so-called 'cultural victimology' to the issue of environmental harm and its impact on human and non-human animals. McCGarry and Waklate (2015) characterise cultural victimology as broadly comprising of two key aspects. These are the wider sharing and reflection of individual and collective victimisation experiences on the one hand and, on the other, the mapping of those experiences through the criminal justice process. In this discussion I will examine how environmental victimisation is viewed by and presented to society at large and will argue that such representations often fail, as a form of testimony, to adequately convey the traumas involved. Nor is this achieved through the application of present models of criminal, civil or administrative justice regimes in many jurisdictions. This lack of cultural acknowledgement of the harms vested on environmental victims, it is argued, afford us a clearer understand of the continued reticence amongst lawmakers, politicians and legal practitioners to adequately address the impacts of such victimisation through effective justice or regulatory mechanisms. This is unfortunate given that the often collective nature of environmental victimisation makes this particularly suited to a more cultural analysis and understanding. It is argued that various forms of environmental mediation processes might hold the key to this cultural reticence to accept environmental harm as a 'real' and pressing problem as compared to other criminal and civil justice concerns
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