74 research outputs found

    Avian Tembusu virus infection effectively triggers host innate immune response through MDA5 and TLR3-dependent signaling pathways

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    Additional file 4 ATMUV infection causes significant up-regulation of TLR3 and MDA5. RT-PCR was performed to examine the mRNA expression of TLR3 and MDA5 in CEF (A), chickens (B) and 293T cells (C) at the indicated time after ATMUV infection, respectively

    CD23 expression in mantle cell lymphoma is associated with CD200 expression, leukemic non-nodal form, and a better prognosis

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    Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) is usually CD23 negative, a feature helpful in distinguishing MCL from chronic lymphocytic leukemia/small lymphocytic lymphoma. However, a subset of MCL cases can be CD23+. Limited data are available regarding the clinicopathological features and prognosis of patients with CD23+ MCL. In this study, we reviewed 798 cases of MCL and identified 103 (13%) that were CD23+ by flow cytometry, all of which were positive for cyclin D1 and/or associated with CCND1/IGH. In all cases of CD23+ MCL, CD23 expression was dim partial or dim, unlike moderate to bright CD23 expression observed in chronic lymphocytic leukemia/small lymphocytic lymphoma. The clinicopathological features and outcome of patients with CD23+ MCL were compared with 240 patients with typical MCL negative for CD23. Patients with CD23+ MCL more often had an elevated leukocyte count (33% versus 18%, P = .009), bone marrow involvement (89% versus 78%, P = .02), stage 4 disease (87% versus 77%, P = .03), and a leukemic presentation (42% versus 11%, P = .0001). CD23+ MCL was also more often positive for CD200 (17% versus. 4.6%, P = .0005) and less commonly positive for SOX11 (55% versus. 74%, P = .027). All other clinicopathological features were similar. With similar treatment regimens and observation times, patients with CD23+ MCL had a significant better overall survival (P = .02) and progression-free survival (P = .029). In conclusion, CD23 expression was observed in 13% of MCL cases and is associated with a better prognosis in patients with MCL. CD23 is associated with leukocytosis, a leukemic presentation, bone marrow involvement, CD200 expression, and a lower frequency of SOX11 positivity

    An Open Invitation to Join the International Brugada Electrocardiographic Indices Registry

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    Background: The Brugada Electrocardiographic Indices Registry is a comprehensive data registry composed of patients with Brugada patterns on the electrocardiogram (ECG). The aim is to test the hypotheses that (i) ECG indices combining both depolarization and repolarization abnormalities can better predict spontaneous ventricular arrhythmias than existing ECG markers in Brugada syndrome and (ii) that serial ECG measurements will provide additional information for risk stratification, especially in asymptomatic patients. Methods: Patients with both Brugada pattern ECGs and Brugada syndrome are eligible for inclusion in this registry. Baseline characteristics and ECG variables reflecting depolarization and repolarization will be determined. The primary outcome is spontaneous ventricular tachycardia/ventricular fibrillation or sudden cardiac death. Secondary outcomes are inducible ventricular tachycardia/ventricular fibrillation and syncope. Results: As of November 15, 2019, 39 investigators from 32 cities in 18 countries had joined this registry. As of December 15, 2019, 1383 cases had been enrolled. Conclusions: The Brugada Electrocardiographic Indices Registry will evaluate the disease life course, risk factors, and prognosis in a large series of Brugada patients. It will therefore provide insights for improving risk stratification

    Secular trends of health care resource utilization and costs between Brugada syndrome and congenital long QT syndrome: A territory‐wide study

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    Background Health care resource utilization (HCRU) and costs are important metrics of health care burden, but they have rarely been explored in the setting of cardiac ion channelopathies. Hypothesis This study tested the hypothesis that attendance-related HCRUs and costs differed between patients with Brugada syndrome (BrS) and congenital long QT syndrome (LQTS). Methods This was a retrospective cohort study of consecutive BrS and LQTS patients at public hospitals or clinics in Hong Kong, China. HCRUs and costs (in USD) for Accident and Emergency (A&E), inpatient, general outpatient and specialist outpatient attendances were analyzed between 2001 and 2019 at the cohort level. Comparisons were made using incidence rate ratios (IRRs [95% confidence intervals]). Results Over the 19-year period, 516 BrS (median age of initial presentation: 51 [interquartile range: 38−61] years, 92% male) and 134 LQTS (median age of initial presentation: 21 [9−44] years, 32% male) patients were included. Compared to LQTS patients, BrS patients had lower total costs (2 008 126 [2 007 622−2 008 629] vs. 2 343 864 [2 342 828−2 344 900]; IRR: 0.857 [0.855−0.858]), higher costs for A&E attendances (83 113 [83 048−83 177] vs. 70 604 [70 487−70 721]; IRR: 1.177 [1.165−1.189]) and general outpatient services (2,176 [2,166−2,187] vs. 921 [908−935]; IRR: 2.363 [2.187−2.552]), but lower costs for inpatient stay (1 391 624 [1 391 359−1 391 889] vs. 1 713 742 [1 713 166−1 714 319]; IRR: 0.812 [0.810−0.814]) and lower costs for specialist outpatient services (531 213 [531 049−531 376] vs. 558 597 [558268−558926]; IRR: 0.951 [0.947−0.9550]). Conclusions Overall, BrS patients consume 14% less health care resources compared to LQTS patients in terms of attendance costs. BrS patients require more A&E and general outpatient services, but less inpatient and specialist outpatient services than LQTS patients

    Opetusanimaatio skitsofreniasta

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    Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli tuottaa Laurea ammattikorkeakoulun sairaanhoidon opiskelijoille suomenkielinen opetusvideo skitsofreniasta. Tavoitteena oli lisätä sairaanhoidon opiskelijoiden tietämystä skitsofreniasta sairautena opetusvideon avulla. Opinnäytetyö tehtiin yhteistyössä Laurea ammattikorkeakoulun kanssa. Heidän opiskelijoilleen syntyi opettavainen animaatio, joka tarjoaa lisää näyttöön perustuvaa sisältöä opintoihin. Toiminnallisessa opinnäytetyössä toteutettiin video ja raportti tehdystä työstä. Teoreettinen osuus tässä opinnäytetyössä sisälsi tietoa skitsofrenian riskitekijöistä ja oireista sekä tietoa skitsofrenian hoidosta ja ennusteesta. Opinnäytetyössä kerrottiin myös stigmasta eli häpeäleimasta, joka usein liittyy skitsofreniaa sairastavien elämään jollain tavalla. Skitsofreniaa sairastaa noin prosentti maailman väestöstä. Se on vakava, psykoosiksi luokiteltu mielenterveyden häiriö. Skitsofrenian oireet jakautuvat positiivisiin, negatiivisiin ja kognitiivisiin oireisiin. Niitä ovat muun muassa harhaluulot, aistiharhat, hajanainen puhe tai outo käytös, kiin-nostuksen puute sekä häiriöt muistissa tai keskittymisessä. Skitsofreniaa sairastavilla esiintyy usein myös ahdistusta tai masennusta. Animaation teko vaatii paljon aikaa, kärsivällisyyttä, tarkkuutta ja huolellisuutta. Opetusvideossa käytettiin 2D-animointitekniikkaa, jossa kaikki kuvat piirrettiin itse. Tuloksena syntyi opetusanimaatio skitsofreniasta, joka kertoo olennaiset asiat skitsofreniasta, sekä syventää sairaanhoidon opiskelijoiden tietämystä skitsofreniasta sairautena. Video arvioitiin palautelomakkeen avulla. Itsearviointia käytettiin myös apuna. Lomakkeen avulla videon koettiin olevan mielenkiintoinen ja opettavainen. Ymmärryksen skitsofreniaa sairastavia kohtaan koettiin myös kasvavan videon katsomisen jälkeen. Arviointien perusteella opinnäytetyön tavoitteet saavutettiin. Jatkokehitysideana oli ajatus uudesta animaatiosta, joka keskittyisi esimerkiksi pelkästään skitsofrenian oireisiin. Myös video pelkästä skitsofreniaan tai mielenterveysongelmiin liittyvästä stigmasta oli jatkokehitysehdotuksena. Asiasanat: skitsofrenia, animaatio, opetusvideo, mielenterveys, sairaanhoitaj

    An Accurate Model for Fast Calculating the Resonant Frequency of an Irregular Solenoid

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    Health literacy and health outcomes in hypertension: An integrative review

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to summarize the evidence of health literacy and health outcomes in hypertensive patients. Methods: Articles published in English were searched from six databases: MEDLINE, CINAHL, Embase, ERIC, psycINFO, and SCOPUS. The articles published up to September 2017 were included. Results: Nineteen publications were included in the review. There was quality and consistent evidence that hypertensive patients with lower literacy had poorer knowledge. There was inconsistent evidence to show the relationship between health literacy and clinical outcomes, of systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and blood pressure control; behavioral outcomes, of self-care, self-efficacy, adherence; patient-physician interactions outcomes, of patient-physician communication, patient trust, involvement in decision making and other outcomes. Conclusion: The person with low health literacy is likely to have poor knowledge of hypertension. However, there is insufficient evidence to suggest that health literacy is associated with outcomes of hypertension independently. Keywords: Health literacy, Hypertension, Outcomes, Integrative revie

    Portraying Citizens’ Occupations and Assessing Urban Occupation Mixture with Mobile Phone Data: A Novel Spatiotemporal Analytical Framework

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    Mobile phone data is a typical type of big data with great potential to explore human mobility and individual portrait identification. Previous studies in population classifications with mobile phone data only focused on spatiotemporal mobility patterns and their clusters. In this study, a novel spatiotemporal analytical framework with an integration of spatial mobility patterns and non-spatial behavior, through smart phone APP (applications) usage preference, was proposed to portray citizens’ occupations in Guangzhou center through mobile phone data. An occupation mixture index (OMI) was proposed to assess the spatial patterns of occupation diversity. The results showed that (1) six types of typical urban occupations were identified: financial practitioners, wholesalers and sole traders, IT (information technology) practitioners, express staff, teachers, and medical staff. (2) Tianhe and Yuexiu district accounted for most employed population. Wholesalers and sole traders were found to be highly dependent on location with the most obvious industrial cluster. (3) Two centers of high OMI were identified: Zhujiang New Town CBD and Tianhe Smart City (High-Tech Development Zone). It was noted that CBD has a more profound effect on local as well as nearby OMI, while the scope of influence Tianhe Smart City has on OMI is limited and isolated. This study firstly integrated both spatial mobility and non-spatial behavior into individual portrait identification with mobile phone data, which provides new perspectives and methods for the management and development of smart city in the era of big data

    Cardiac rehabilitation knowledge in patients with coronary heart disease in Baoding city of China: A cross-sectional study

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    Objective: The purpose of this study is to assess the awareness on cardiac rehabilitation (CR) in patients with coronary heart disease (CHD). Methods: Inpatients diagnosed with coronary heart disease were recruited from 3 hospitals in this study. The study employed a cardiac structured questionnaire to assess respondents' level of awareness, and bivariate to analyze the sociodemographic factors that influence the awareness on CR. Results: Of all 500 participants, 66.40% were male and the mean age was 62.51 ± 9.96 years. The mean score of knowledge was 44.00 ± 17.00 (score range: 0–93), and the mean level of awareness was 47.31% (awareness range: 0–100%). The highest mean level of awareness was in the reexamination subscale (98%) and the lower were in the basic information about CR program, SP optimized medication and heart rate subscale. Bivariate analysis showed that higher age was associated with less knowledge. Patients with higher education level and better income status had better knowledge. And patients who lived in rural and had no jobs had less knowledge. Conclusions: This study showed low levels of awareness on CR program in CHD patients in Baoding. Therefore, the need for health education is indicated in this study to improve the awareness on CR among CHD patients. Keywords: Coronary heart disease, Cardiac rehabilitation, Awareness, Influencing factor