141 research outputs found


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    Pengaruh Bentuk Pola Asuh Orang Tua Dan Regulasi Diri Terhadap Disiplin Siswa

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pola asuh orang tua dan regulasi diri terhadap disiplin siswa SMP 17 Agustus 1945 Samarinda. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode kuesioner dan dianalisis menggunakan analisis anova untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh prediksi variabel independen terhadap variabel dependen dan perbedaan mean dari variabel tersebut. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 17 Agustus 1945 Samarinda. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 94 orang. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Random Sampling. Teknik analisis data menggunakan uji univariat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada hubungan antara pola asuh orang tua dengan disiplin siswa yaitu Mean Square = 180,025, F = 1,375 dan p = 0,240 (p> 0,050). Kemudian pola asuh dengan kedisiplinan siswa memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan Mean Square = 579,553, F = 2,957 dan p = 0,037 (p <0,050). Regulasi diri dengan kedisiplinan siswa memiliki hubungan yang sangat signifikan dengan Mean Square = 2235,218, F = 9,314 dan p = 0,000 (p <0,050)

    Trade Liberalization, Consumption, and Real Exchange Rate in Seven ASEAN+6 Countries

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    Trade liberalization has been mushrooming in the globalization era. The trade liberalization policy adoption by one country will be followed shortly by another. Although trade liberalization policy is strongly advocated by international organizations, a few prominent economists argue there is no ‘one fits for all’ policy. Thus, the policy effect altogether with other relevant aspects still needs to be explored in case by case basis, including ASEAN+6 regions. This paper is intended to analyze the relationship of trade liberalization and consumption on the real exchange rate in seven ASEAN+6 countries – the most dynamic region during period 2000 – 2011, a period covering subprime mortgage crisis. With data panel approach, the paper investigates the relationship of trade liberalization and consumption on real exchange rate while taking into account level of country’s income and crisis effect. The resulted model finds significant relationship in the overall and individual effect of tariff and terms of trade change as proxies of trade liberalization, consumption, level of country’s income, and subprime mortgage crisis on real exchange rate


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    This study is intended to analyse the current levels of financial depth and financial access in Indonesia and to analyse the factors affecting them. The analysis method used was a combination of descriptive quantitative, benchmarking, and literature reviews. The conclusion is that the financial depth in Indonesia has not shown a satisfactory level since it was the lowest, or the second lowest ranked country among the sampled countries. Meanwhile, the financial access in Indonesia is relatively better than its financial depth, especially for financial markets, in which Indonesia ranks in the lower average group. From literature reviews, it can be inferred that the main factor driving the poor financial depth in Indonesia is non-competitiveness of the institutions; whereas the driving force of poor financial access in Indonesia are geographical constraints, poverty, a high income gap, and a less than effective national financial development policy.Keywords: financial sector, banking, capital markets, economic planningJEL Codes : E60, F36, F63, G28, O1


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    The santri are people who are obedient to the teachings of Islam, making the teachings of Islam as guidance in the activities. Today, however, santri politics has declined since reform era. The Islamic parties were unable to maintain the consistency of their grassroots voters so that from the 2004-2014 elections the Islamic parties were unable to emerge as champions. The pragmatism of Islamic political parties is suspected to be the grinding of its own grass-roots voters which caused the aliran politics to disappear from the national political phenomenon. However, this does not occur in local politics where Kauman as a santri area in the midst of the frenetic city of Abangan Semarang still found aliran politics affiliated to PKB. In election 2004 PKB obtained the most votes by 29,23 % while in 2009 PKB outperformed the vote in Kauman by 26,45%, while in 2014 PKB came out as the winner with 37,13 %. This research uses natural qualitative method with case study in Kauman Semarang. The results of this study show the socio-religious pattern through the preservation of Javanese Islamic traditions in Kauman causing strong social cohesion. This social cohesion is due to the tradition in Kauman implemented in mutual assistance, and in 1961 there was a battle of identity of Kauman's santri with the PKI over the seizure of Kauman Great Mosque.Within the pattern participation could shape the pattern of political life Kauman’s people is done by the PKB’s penetration method that follows the tradition in Kauman and involves community leaders and kyai as Kauman’s people role models. PKB becomes the political choice of the Kauman’s people with the values of walisongo and the nine star symbol. Kauman’s people will still choose PKB even if they do not know the candidate and most importantly PKB is not who the candidate is. Based on these results indicate that PKB still has grassroots supporters indicating aliran politics still exists at the local level


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    Warga kelurahan pucang sawit berdasarkan data e-sik.surakarta.go.id yang memiliki pekerjaan utama sebagai pedagang atau wiraswasta terbanyak ada di RT01 dan RT 06. setelah dilakukan wawancara ternyata mereka melakukan perdagangan konvensional atau tidak dan belum memanfaatkan internet sebagai media pemasaran. Kegiatan pengabdian ini mencoba memberikan peningkatan kemampuan warga yang melakukan kegiatan perdagangan untuk memarkan produk dan jasa mereka lewat internet. Facebook sebagai media social yang paling banyak penggunannya di Indonesia digunakan sebagai salah satu alat promosi online. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan terhadap peserta peningkatan kemampuan promosi online dapat di nilai 100% dari mereka berhasil mengikuti langkah-langkah dalam pemasaran online. Merea berhasil memasarkan produk mereka dengan facebook advertising

    Data Science With Excel

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    The stages in data science consist of several stages, one of which is data preparation. At this stage, many things are done so that the dirty data becomes clean data that is ready for modeling. Many applications offer data science convenience in terms of processing data. One of them is excel, this application from Microsoft can perform data processing so that the data is ready for modeling. However, there are limitations in using excel. The maximum number of rows that excel has is only 1,048,576 and the number of columns is 16,384. However, if you process data of no more than 1 million rows, excel can still handle it by using features such as error detection, removing duplicate data, correcting error values, detecting outlier values, handling missing data and validating data. This study shows some of these features along with examples of their use


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    Gempa bumi 28 September 2018 yang mengguncang Kota Palu dan sekitarnya dengan kekuatan 7,4 MW memicu terjadinya likuifaksi di beberapa lokasi, salah satunya adalah di sebagian wilayah Petobo. Likuifaksi yang terjadi di daaerah ini mengakibatkan pergeseran tanah yang masif sehingga menimbulkan kerugian material dan korban jiwa.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik tanah terdampak dan tidak terdampak likuifaksi berdasarkan uji Swedish Weight Sounding pada Kelurahan Petobo. Pengujian lapangan yang dilakukan yaitu dengan alat uji Swedish Weight Sounding. Adapun pengujian laboratorium yang dilakukan meliputi pengujian Analisa saringan dan batas-batas Atterberg. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini meliputi hasil pengujian laboratorium dan pengujian di lapangan. Untuk hasil pengujian di laboratorium, jenis tanah yang didapat pada lokasi tersebut yaitu CL dan CL-ML. Sedangkan untuk hasil pengujian lapangan, nilai Nsw di daerah tidak terdampak berkisar antara 0-250 n/m, nilai Nsw untuk daerah terdampak berkisar antara 8-72 n/m, nilai qa di daerah tidak terdampak berkisar antara 0-230 kN/m2, nilai qa untuk daerah terdampak berkisar antara 0-167,6 kN/m2,  nilai qu untuk daerah tidak terdampak berkisar antara 30-180 kN/m2, dan nilai qu untuk daerah terdampak berkisar antara 30-133,2 kN/m2.Kata Kunci : Tidak terdampak likuifaksi, terdampak likuifaksi, Swedish Weight Sounding, Likuifaks

    Investor-State Dispute Settlement and Indonesian Reform Policy in Mining Downstream Sector

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    To date, Indonesia has been facing the seventh ISDS (Investor-State Dispute Settlement) lawsuit case in ICSID, the most number of ICSID cases a particular country has in ASEAN. In the meantime, Indonesia had to initiate reform in its minerals mining sector policy since the sector had provided little benefit in Indonesian sustainable economic development thus far–a policy reform which is potentially highly exposed to ISDS lawsuit case. Yet, the reform once issued has no turning back and thus it should move forward. Indonesian reform policy to support more its mining downstream by Minerba Act issuance is intended to benefit from its scarce, limited non-renewable minerals so as to support national development and maintain its long-term interest and economic sustainability. Undoubtfully, the policy reform will be beneficial for Indonesian economy sustainability and thus it should be protected from any potential ISDS claims in the future. This study seeks to address such real, critical current challenges arising from contingent ISDS claims towards Indonesia. This study adopts a descriptive analytical method, which combines literature review, authors’ shared expertise in this field, and results of interviews and discussions with several other experts in relevant fields. This study concludes that in addressing ISDS contingent problems threatening Indonesian current reform policy in mining downstream sector, Indonesia should focus the emphasis on the prevention endeavor, those are a review of BITs and IIAs containing ISDS provisions; improvement in investment dispute management; which are mainly supported by continuous bureaucracy reform, capacity building, and better coordination.&nbsp

    The Role of Managers in R&D Organizational Networks. Are They Knowledge Workers or Bureaucrats?

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    Abstract. In today’s competition-driven world, competitive advantage is the only way for an organization to survive. There are various ways to gain a competitive edge through the application of knowledge, technology, and science. Indonesian public research and development (R&amp;D) faces numerous challenges, one of which is researchers’ low productivity in terms of international journal publications. To boost research productivity and performance, efforts must be made to streamline knowledge flows within public R&amp;D institutions. Additionally, data from dynamic information flows in networks can be used to evaluate bureaucratic effectiveness and identify potential knowledge talents or actors within R&amp;D organizations. The purpose of this study is to determine the role of managers at all levels in a public R&amp;D organization in coordinating information flow through knowledge networks and bureaucratic relationships. The social network analysis (SNA) technique was used to map managers’ role in aligning knowledge flows in an Indonesian public R&amp;D organization. Individuals were classified according to their type and centrality in the network, and network metrics such as “degree of centrality,” “eigenvector centrality,” and “clustering coefficient” were determined. It was found that the organization has some issues with knowledge flows and power distribution. The two distinct knowledge flow patterns, one for knowledge-seeking and the other for administrative knowledge, do not appear to be synchronized. The director of the R&amp;D center is assumed to be less influential than the top manager in terms of knowledge and bureaucratic influence. At the managerial level, clique tendency is lower, while it is higher at the nonmanagerial level. Such centralization and cliques are dangerous because managing knowledge cannot be handled by a single person in a knowledge-intensive organization such as an R&amp;D institution. Additionally, it was discovered that middle managers are critical for knowledge-seeking purposes, whereas administrative managers dominate the bureaucratic role. The research implications are dependent on deciphering the complexities of knowledge flows among employees and the variables that influence the knowledge-transfer process within an organization. This issue will exacerbate the problem by decreasing productivity and increasing reliance on a small number of people. Additional research is required to generalize the findings to other Indonesian R&amp;D institutions.Keywords: Bureaucracy, knowledge management, social network analysi
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