25 research outputs found


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    Bambang Setiabudi, in paper floods and to discharge of ground water many created in much housing district. That case to appoint often to created every year at rainy season and dry season. Expedient to doing is by absorbtion well. Absorbtion well is water conservation technology resemble well with to be certain depth for to catch of water


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    Bambang Setiabudi, in paper Study on effect of the NPP development toward spatial planning at District of Jepara had been done to support government policy according to governmental rule No. 5, Year of 2006 concerning National Energy Policy which nuclear energy is chosen as one of alternative energy source. The study was done by estimating growth of resident naturally with geometric method, increase of constructing labor pursuant to requirement of standard, and growth of resident as impact of economics growth and then to predict the land use change due to facilities requirement. Research result indicates that change of space pattern of non-agriculture settlement is equal to l5%. It also shows that growth of resident density rises to level of 31-45 person per ha

    Geochemistry and geochronology of the igneous suite associated with the Kelian epithermal gold deposit, Indonesia

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    The Kelian gold deposit, located 250 km west of the provincial capital of Samarinda, East Kalimantan, is Indonesia's principal gold producer. The deposit is an intrusive-related low sulphidation system, situated within the Central Kalimantan Continental Arc, which consists of andesitic to rhyolitic volcanics and intrusives of Miocene age. Hydrothermal activity produced extensive brecciation, porphyry- to epithermal-style alteration and gold and base metals mineralisation. The nature of genetic relations is the main aspect of this study and is approached through the geochemical evolution of the calc-alkaline suites in relation to the metallic mineralisation. Geochemical evolution in the Miocence calc-alkaline suites from the Kalimantan volcanic arc exhibit two distinctive trends of magmatic differentiation The first trend is defined by a series of "productive" igneous suites such as Kelian, Muyup and Ritan, and is a "typical" calc-alkaline series characterised by low Mg, moderate K, relatively high Ti and Al and depletion in Cr and Sc. The second trend is defined by the chemical variations of the Magerang-Imang and Nakan suites which have remarkably high concentrations of MgO. Major and trace element geochemistry of the high Mg andesites from MagerangImang and Nakan is comparable with that of low-Ca type-2 boninites. The Kelian Igneous Complex is characterised by positive Zr and Hf anomalies in the trace element patterns which is uncommon for calc-alkaline subduction zone magmas. The chemical diversity in the Magerang-Imang and Nakan suite might have been generated by a combined wallrock assimilation and fractional crystallisation process involving a parental basaltic magma and a Zr-rich cumulate. It is suggested that the Magerang-lmang and Nakan high Mg andesites were fed by magma chambers that formed deep in the crust, and were emplaced into pre-existing intrusions of felsic composition that formed as part of the Kelian Igneous Complex cycle. The shallow level stocks at Magerang-1.mang and Nakan were generated by intrusions that melted the walls and roofs of related, but pre-existing intrusions, and extracted abundant xenocrystic zircons during the assimilation process. This study represents the first Platinum Group Element data for a fractionated suite of calc-alkaline andesite. The technique developed in this study represents a breakthrough in our ability to monitor important ore elements in felsic igneous system. The PGE distribution patterns in the Magerang-lmang hornblende andesite are subparallel to each other over a range of concentrations that vary by about a factor of 20. All the Magerang-lmang samples are depleted in Ru, Ir and Os concentrations relative to Re, Pd, Pt and Rh concentrations and have Pd/Ir values of 15 to 54 and Ru/Ir - 1. The PGE concentrations decrease with increasing Si02, showing that they are depleted by fractional crystallisation. Gold is depleted by an order of magnitude and relative to Re and Pd. The low concentration of gold in the igneous rocks associated with the Kelian gold deposit is unexpected. Most metal deposits are found in association with rocks that are already enriched in the metal of interest. It is therefore surprising to find a major gold deposit in host rocks that are depleted in Au. It is also interesting that Au and PGE ratios change little during fractionation. This is surprising because it implies either that the partition coefficients for the PGEs into the sulphides are similar, which seems unlikely, or that Au and the PGEs are not being depleted by simple equilibriwn fractional crystallisation of sulphide. Alternatively, the gold and PGE fractionation are due to the assimilation of crustal material. This appears to be the most plausible process for the gradual depletion of Au and all of the PGE at Kellan. It is suggested that simple dilution with crustal material that contains no Au or PGE is the most likely process that will decrease the abundance of all of the PGE equally. Zircon U-Th-Pb isotope dates were determined in situ using excimer laser ablation ICP-MS. The two different bodies of the Magerang hornblende andesite yielded a single age of 19.38 ± 0.12 Ma and 19.62 ± 0.21 Ma, while the Nakan andesite gave an age of 20.01± 0.15 Ma. The Central Andesite porphyry at Kelian gave 3 populations of U-Pb zircon dates: 21.2 ± 0.32 Ma, 20.5 ± 0.12 Ma and 19.7 ± 0.12 Ma. The youngest date (19.7 Ma) is interpreted as the emplacement age and the two older zircon populations represent the age of inherited zircons coming from the previous thermal event that affected the source region of the andesite. The U-Pb zircon dating for the Runcing Rhyolite porphyry also yielded 3 distinctive date populations: the youngest date of zircon population (19.3 ± 0.1 Ma) is interpreted as the emplacement age and the other two populations (20.0 ± 0.2 Ma and 20.8 ± 0.1 Ma) represent the ages of inherited zircons. The emplacement age of the Magerang-Imang andesite implies that the highsulphidation Cu-Au mineralisation at Magerang is younger than the low-sulphidation Au deposit at Kelian. The Kelian and Magerang andesites have a relatively short interval of emplacement ages suggesting that the duration of magmatism and related epitbermal mineralisation in the larger Kelian region was between 0.5 - 1 Ma. During this period, the magmatic-hydrothermal system has produced 2 distinctive types of epithermal mineralisation: firstly, low-sulphidation Au deposit at Kelian and secondly highsulphidation Cu-Au mineralisation at Magerang-Imang. Detrital zircons from the Mahakam and Kelian rivers were dated to obtain the overall duration of volcanism in the region. These zircons are dominated by Pliocene, Miocene, Cretaceous, Triassic, Permian and Carboniferous zircons. The youngest detrital zircon from the Kelian river gave an age of 1.7 ± 0.1 Ma and the oldest one gave an age of 373 Ma. Within the Tertiary zircon population, there are age spectra peaks at Pliocene (from 1.7 Ma to 2.8 Ma) and Miocene (from 15.8 Ma to 21.7 Ma). The Cretaceous zircon population ranges from 67 .6 to 126.3 Ma and peaks at l 05 Ma. The gold mineralisation at Kelian occurs toward the end of the Miocene volcanism and took place locally within the Kelian region as this Miocene volcanism is not recorded in the zircon component from the larger Mahakam river. The two large inheritance populations in both the Central Andesite and Runcing Rhyolite lie within the time range of the Kelian igneous complex as defined by the KeJian River detrital zircons. They must be derived from crustal intrusions that formed as part of the Kelian cycle. It is suggested that both the Kelian Andesite and Runcing Rhyolite were fed by 2 magma chambers that formed deep in the crust, each of which were long lived. The magma chambers that fed the Kelian Andesite and Runcing Rhyolite were emplaced into pre-existing intrusions of similar composition that formed as part of the Kelian igneous complex. The abundance of xenocrystic zircons in both units suggests that these earlier intrusions were still hot, or perhaps even partially molten, at the time of magma emplacement. That is the shallow level stocks and diatremes at Kelian were fed by nested, cannibalistic intrusions deep in the crust that melted the walls and roofs of related, but pre-existing intrusions, and inherited abundant xenocrystic zircons in the process. Both the Kelian Andesite and the Runcing Rhyolite have two populations of inherited zircons, which indicate that the pre-existing intrusions formed in two distinct episodes, 0.7 to 0.8 m.y. apart. The difference between the emplacement age and the age of the oldest of the inherited zircon populations shows that this cannibalistic activity took place over 1.5 m.y. The interval of magmatic activity in these chambers corresponds to the period of peak activity in the Kelian igneous complex as defined by the detrital zircons


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    At construction project there must be risks. Risk is a consequence of the uncertainty conditions. In construction projects, the risk can’t be predicted as well because there are a lot of uncertainty to predict problems (Nurdiana, 2015). The aims of this paper are to identify the risk from contractor persepction; to analyze the risk from contractor persepction; and to assign the risk respon from contractor persepction at project of Semarang-Solo Highway (segment Bawen-Solo).The primary data were the identification of risk and the assessment of risk (probability and impact of risk) that obtained by interview and questionnaire method. The secondary data were the project document and the previous research. Data analysis was done by Risk Breakdown Structure method.The identification of risks in the Bawen-Solo Highway project is divided into 4 categories, that are technical risk, procurement risk, contractual risk, and managerial risk. The risk identification is 11 risks which are in the risk category above. Based on the risk analysis that has been done, the biggest risk is contractual risk, which is the contract termination due to project delay. From the value of risk that has been analyzed, the majority of risk is at a low risk level (86%), then moderate risk (14%). Based on an analysis of the risk response, 86% of the risk response is accepted, and 14% of the risk response is mitigation

    Pendampingan Redesain Saluran Irigasi di Desa Kangkung, Kabupaten Demak

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    Widening irrigation canals is important as part of the Indonesian government's efforts to increase crop yields, reduce poverty, and achieve food independence. This community service program is very much needed by the people of Kangkung Village, Demak Regency, due to the uncertain climatic conditions and the lack of adequate irrigation networks used by the community to irrigate the farmers' fields. This actual condition is the background for selecting the object of community service research to study, analyze and formulate the right irrigation channel model to help irrigate of plantation and agricultural lands for the Kangkung village community and its surroundings in order to increase the production of agricultural and plantation products


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    Indonesia's increasing population is a crucial problem. According to the Central Bureau of Statistics (2021), Indonesia's population growth in 2020 will increase by 32.56 million people. In line with the need for housing in Indonesia, as a result the available land is decreasing, so many housing developments use partitions. However, partitions on the market still have many drawbacks. Utilization of pineapple leaf fiber as a substitute for fiber and blood clam shell waste as a substitute for cement is certainly a solution to this problem. Where pineapple leaf fiber has a carbon content such as 23.39% cellulose, 42.72% hemicellulose, and 4.03% lignin. Blood clam shells contain Sio2 of 8.252% and CaCO3 ranging from 66-98%. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the use of these two materials on the partition characteristics produced through physical tests and mechanical test. Samples were made in laboratory studies with variations of pineapple leaf fiber subs 0%;30%;70%;100% with the number of samples for each mold size being 3 samples. Through the results of tests that have been carried out, the best variation of pineapple leaf fiber substitution is the 70% variation. This test was also carried out by comparing several commercial partitions (gypsum, kalsiboard and GRC)


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    Indonesia merupakan negara yang sangat rawan terhadap gempa bumi karena posisinya yang terletak pada dua samudera, tiga lempeng dunia, serta ring of fire. Di Indonesia saat ini sistem peringatan dini yaitu seismograf hanya mampu dipasang di tempat tertentu seperti pegunungan dan pantai. Oleh karena itu, persyaratan tersebut membuat sistem pendeteksi gempa bumi tidak dapat digunakan di daerah kota besar sehingga perlu adanya inovasi berupa sistem detektor keretakan bangunan akibat gempa bumi dengan menggunakan vibration sensor. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui penerapan vibration sensor serta pengaruhnya dalam meminimalisir korban jiwa dan mengetahui kerusakan yang terjadi. Untuk membuat sistem detektor keretakan bangunan menggunakan vibration sensor melalui beberapa tahap yaitu (1) survey dan analisa kebutuhan (2) pembuatan alat (3) pengujian. Mekanisme sistem kerja alat ini adalah ketika data masuk akan diuji dua sistem dengan waktu yang telah ditetapkan pada software IDE Arduino dimulai dari prototipe berupa dinding yang dipukul hingga terjadi retakan. Pada sistem pertama getaran yang dihasilkan akan ditangkap dan diolah  oleh NodeMCU ESP8266 sehingga akan menghidupkan buzzer dan LED sebagai indikator kerusakan. Pada sistem kedua getaran akan ditangkap NodeMCU ESP8266 dan ditransmisikan menuju PC dengan platform ThingSpeak berupa nilai getaran secara visual. Dari hasil penelitian ini diharapkan sistem detektor keretakan bangunan akibat gempa bumi dengan menggunakan vibration sensor mampu berjalan dengan baik sesuai yang dirancang dan dapat diaplikasikan di kota-kota besar untuk meminimalisir korban akibat bencana dan mengetahui besaran nilai getaran yang terjadi.Kata kunci: vibration sensor, gempa bumi, NodeMCU ESP826


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    Irigasi mempunyai peran yang sangat penting dalam upaya peningkatan produktivitas pertanian suatu daerah. Tetapi, di lapangan banyak saluran irigasi yang memiliki tingkat kerusakan tinggi termasuk di Kabupaten Demak, di mana rata-rata saluran irigasi termasuk dalam kategori rusak sedang dengan nilai tingkat kerusakan 25, 47%. Cukup tingginya angka kerusakan ini menjadikan perlu dilakukan inventarisasi lebih detail tentang kondisi saluran irigasi sehingga dapat dilakukan usulan perbaikan konstruksi sehingga dalam pelaksanaan dapat menjadi lebih optimal. Pengabdian ini diselenggarakan di Desa Kangkung Demak Jawa Tengah. Kegiatan ini merupakan bagian dari kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat yang diselenggarakan oleh Sekolah Vokasi Universitas Diponegoro. Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian ini nantinya dapat dijadikan dasar perbaikan perencanaan saluran irigasi yang ada di Desa Kangkung-Demak


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    Kondisi gedung yang memiliki banyak ruangan juga terdapat banyak redaman yang mengakibatkan pelemahan sinyal sehingga diperlukan adanya perencanaan jaringan nirkabel. Tulisan ini membahas perencanaan jaringan 4G LTE pada Gedung A Fakultas Teknik Universitas Jember yang kemudian disimulasikan oleh perangkat lunak Radiowave Propagation Simulator (RPS) 5.4 dengan variasi pengambilan data berupa jenis antena dan letak ketinggian Femtocell Access Point (FAP). Perencanaan jaringan 4G LTE menggunakan metode propagasi indoor COST 231 Multi Wall diperoleh jumlah FAP yang dibutuhkan pada Lantai 1 sebesar 2 FAP, Lantai 2 sebesar 4 FAP, dan Lantai 3 sebesar 4 FAP. Analisa cakupan yang efektif pada perencanaan jaringan 4G LTE indoor diperoleh saat FAP menggunakan jenis isotropic antenna dan letak ketinggian FAP 2 meter dari permukaan lantai seperti pada Lantai 1 saat ketinggian FAP 2 meter dan menggunakan dipole antenna diperoleh mean level daya sebesar -88,04 dBm dan isotropic antenna diperoleh mean level daya sebesar -87,89 dBm, sedangkan saat FAP 3,5 meter menggunakan dipole antenna diperoleh mean level daya sebesar -88,89 dBm dan isotropic antenna diperoleh mean level daya sebesar -88,33 dBm. Perencanaan jaringan 4G LTE menggunakan RPS 5.4 dan metode COST 231 Multi Wall dapat diterapkan pada Gedung A Fakultas Teknik Universitas Jember


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    Kondisi gedung yang memiliki banyak ruangan juga terdapat banyak redaman yang mengakibatkan pelemahan sinyal sehingga diperlukan adanya perencanaan jaringan nirkabel. Tulisan ini membahas perencanaan jaringan 4G LTE pada Gedung A Fakultas Teknik Universitas Jember yang kemudian disimulasikan oleh perangkat lunak Radiowave Propagation Simulator (RPS) 5.4 dengan variasi pengambilan data berupa jenis antena dan letak ketinggian Femtocell Access Point (FAP). Perencanaan jaringan 4G LTE menggunakan metode propagasi indoor COST 231 Multi Wall diperoleh jumlah FAP yang dibutuhkan pada Lantai 1 sebesar 2 FAP, Lantai 2 sebesar 4 FAP, dan Lantai 3 sebesar 4 FAP. Analisa cakupan yang efektif pada perencanaan jaringan 4G LTE indoor diperoleh saat FAP menggunakan jenis isotropic antenna dan letak ketinggian FAP 2 meter dari permukaan lantai seperti pada Lantai 1 saat ketinggian FAP 2 meter dan menggunakan dipole antenna diperoleh mean level daya sebesar -88,04 dBm dan isotropic antenna diperoleh mean level daya sebesar -87,89 dBm, sedangkan saat FAP 3,5 meter menggunakan dipole antenna diperoleh mean level daya sebesar -88,89 dBm dan isotropic antenna diperoleh mean level daya sebesar -88,33 dBm. Perencanaan jaringan 4G LTE menggunakan RPS 5.4 dan metode COST 231 Multi Wall dapat diterapkan pada Gedung A Fakultas Teknik Universitas Jember