1,627 research outputs found

    Tilted Arc Destroyed*

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    The United States government destroyed Tilted Arc on March, 15, 1989

    Verb List

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    The article features a sculpture/installation by artist Richard Serra Lead Casting Series, 1967–1969

    Art and Censorship

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    The United States government destroyed Titled Arc on March 15, 1989. Exercising proprietary rights, authorities of the General Services Administration (GSA) ordered the destruction of the public sculpture that their own agency had commissioned ten years earlier

    Standards and infrastructure for managing experimental metadata

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    *See also the "related presentation":http://precedings.nature.com/documents/3145/version/1*

We present an infrastructure that leverages synergistic reporting standards and ontologies^1,2,3,4,5^ to create a common structured representation and storage mechanism for experimental metadata from biological and biomedical investigations ranging from simple single-assay studies to complex, methodologically diverse multi-assay studies. 

The infrastructure’s components include: a data capture and editing tool (_ISAcreator_); validator (_ISAvalidator_); database (_BioInvestigation Index_); and converter (_ISAconverter_); and a BioConductor analysis package (_R-ISApackage_). The components are designed for local installation, and can work independently, or as unified system.

View the "public instance":http://www.ebi.ac.uk/bioinvindex running at EBI and/or "download the components":http://isatab.sf.net for your local use.

1. Taylor CF, Field D, Sansone SA,… Rocca-Serra P et al. (2008) The MIBBI Project. _Nature Biotechnology_ Aug;26(8):889-896. "http://www.mibbi.org":http://www.mibbi.org

2. Smith B, Ashburner M, Rosse C,… Rocca-Serra P, …Sansone SA et al. (2007) The OBO Foundry. _Nature Biotechnology_ Nov;25(11):1251-5. "http://www.obofoundry.org":http://www.obofoundry.org

3. Ontology for Biomedical Investigations (OBI) "http://obi-ontology.org":http://obi-ontology.org 

4. Sansone SA, Rocca-Serra P, Brandizi M,… Taylor CF et al. (2008) The First MGED RSBI (ISA-TAB) Workshop. _OMICS_. Jun;12(2):143-9. "http://isatab.sf.net":http://isatab.sf.net

5. Jones AR, Miller M, Aebersold R,… Sansone SA et al. (2007) The Functional Genomics Experiment model (FuGE). _Nature Biotechnology_ Oct;25(10):1127-1133. "http://fuge.sf.net":http://fuge.sf.ne

    Writing History at University

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    Podeu consultar la versiĂł en catalĂ  al recurs relacionat http://hdl.handle.net/2445/173934User guide to written communication in academic disciplines (in this case history) for teachers and students

    Benefits management : lost or found in translation

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    It is now about 25 years since the emergence of Benefits Management (BM), but hitherto it has had limited impact on project management and even less on general management practices. This is despite evidence that a focus on benefits improves the success rate of projects and programmes. One of the areas for research to explain the limited uptake concerns the spread of knowledge on BM and its adoption by organisations. The theoretical lens of translation is used to examine this issue, which focuses on the processes through which management ideas spread and influence management practice. The global development of BM is traced to identify the changes in translation processes over time and the current geographical patterns of usage. This analysis is used in conjunction with the limited evidence available on translation processes at the level of the organisation to identify key factors for the impact of BM in the future

    A unified view of benefits management/benefits realization management to be integrated into PMI standards

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    Measures for benefits realization.

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    Overcoming the Ontology Enrichment Bottleneck with Quick Term Templates

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    The developers of the Ontology of Biomedical Investigations (OBI) primarily use Protégé for editing. However, adding many classes with similar patterns of logical definition is time consuming, error prone, and requires the editor to have some expertise in OWL. Therefore, the process is poorly suited for a large number of domain experts who have limited experience Protégé and ontology development. We have developed a procedure to ease this task and allow such domain experts to add terms to the ontology in a way that both effectively includes complex logical definitions yet requires minimal manual intervention by OBI developers. The procedure is based on editing a Quick Term Template in a spreadsheet format which is subsequently converted into an OWL file. This procedure promises to be a robust and scalable approach for ontology enrichment

    INSIdE NANO : a systems biology framework to contextualize the mechanism-of-action of engineered nanomaterials

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    Engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) are widely present in our daily lives. Despite the efforts to characterize their mechanism of action in multiple species, their possible implications in human pathologies are still not fully understood. Here we performed an integrated analysis of the effects of ENMs on human health by contextualizing their transcriptional mechanism-of-action with respect to drugs, chemicals and diseases. We built a network of interactions of over 3,000 biological entities and developed a novel computational tool, INSIdE NANO, to infer new knowledge about ENM behavior. We highlight striking association of metal and metal-oxide nanoparticles and major neurodegenerative disorders. Our novel strategy opens possibilities to achieve fast and accurate read-across evaluation of ENMs and other chemicals based on their biosignatures.Peer reviewe
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