27 research outputs found

    Prediction of apparent digestibility of hays from natural pastures of the Northeast region of Portugal

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    In the Northeast region of Portugal hays from natural pastures are traditionally used as the main feed during the period of drought and the evaluation of its nutritive value is essential. The aim of this study was to predict the apparent organic matter digestibility (OMD) of 21 hays from natural pastures based on chemical composition, pepsin-cellulase solubility of organic matter (OMS) and in vitro organic matter digestibility. Chemical composition of hays showed a wide range of values and acid detergent lignin (ADL) was the component that presented the highest variation (CV = 18.4%). The OMD varied between 516 and 658 g/kg OM. The best single OMD predictor was OMS (RSD = 2.8%, R2 = 0.52, P<0.001). Using multiple regression to predict OMD, the variables included in the model were OMS and ADL (OMD = 21.51 + 0.94 OMS – 0.83 ADL; RSD = 2.75%; R2 = 0.54; P<0.0001). According to principal component analysis (PCA) hays were divided in 3 groups and the multiple regression established for the larger group of hays (n=10) was: OMD = 4.13 + 0.85 OMS – 1.03 ADL; RSD = 2.13%, R2 = 0.77, P<0.0001. The OMS method was superior to chemical composition and to the in vitro rumen fluid method in predicting OMD of hays from natural pastures. Results from PCA suggested that it may be useful to group these hays according to its chemical composition to accurately predict OMD


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    Foram utilizados seis eqüinos adultos sem raça definida (SRD), com o objetivo de estudar os aspectos macroscópicos e histopatológicos da cicatrização de pele por segunda intenção, em feridas provocadas cirurgicamente e tratadas topicamente por fitoterápicos: barbatimão (Stryphnodendron barbatiman), calêndula (Calendula officinalis) e confrey (Symphytum officinale), tendo a solução salina como controle das demais. Foram feitas quatro lesões de cada lado da região lombar, do lado direito destinadas à macroscopia e do lado esquerdo à análise histopatológica. As lesões foram tratadas diariamente, observando-se a evolução de cada ferida quanto à retração centrípeta e aspecto macroscópico, até a cicatrização completa. Finalizado o experimento, a análise estatística não revelou variações significativas no estudo comparativo dos fitoterápicos. As observações macroscópicas, histopatológica e a retração centrípeta do halo da lesão nos 15 primeiros dias permitiram concluir que o barbatimão revelou efeito benéfico no processo de cicatrização, seguido pela calêndula, sendo os resultados do grupo controle superiores ao confrey. Comparison between phytotherapics on equine wound healing Abstract It has been carried out a study on the macroscopic and histopathologic aspects of equine skin healing by second intention in wounds cirurgically performed and topically treated with phytotherapics: barbatiman (Stryphnodendrom barbattiman), calendula (Calendula officinalis) and confrey (Symphytum officinale) and physiological solution as control. Four lesions were performed in each side of the lumbar area: the ones in the right side for macroscopic observations and the ones on the left side for histopathologic analysis. The lesions were daily treated with the above mentioned phytotherapics. Each wounds was observed in regard to its centripetal contraction and macroscopic aspects until the complete healing. In this model, the statistic analysis did not reveal significant variations in regard to the comparative effect of the phytoterapics. Macroscopic observations, histopathologic analysis and wound area centripetal retraction in the first fifteen days displayed a beneficial effect of barbatiman in the healing process, better than the other treatment groups, followed by calendula. The results displayed by the control group showed to be superior when compared with confrey


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    Com o objetivo de avaliar-se possíveis efeitos do vedaprofeno sobre a cicatrização de pele em eqüinos, realizaram-se lesões circulares de pele padronizadas com punch de 2 cm, nas regiões lombares direita e esquerda de 14 eqüinos. Estes dois últimos foram divididos em dois grupos, os quais receberam tratamento local diário com líquido de Dakin. Sete animais foram tratados com 2 mg/kg de vedaprofeno (grupo vedaprofeno) via oral, duas vezes ao dia, durante dez dias e, sete animais do grupo controle não receberam tratamento. Em todos os cavalos, as lesões do lado direito foram avaliadas macroscopicamente e por planimetria a cada seis dias e, as feridas do lado esquerdo foram analisadas por material para histopatologia no sexto e 15º dias de tratamento. Comparativamente, as lesões dos animais tratados com vedaprofeno mostraram-se secas e sem edema perilesional e as feridas controle apresentaram maior retração centrípeta. O tempo total de cicatrização não diferiu, variando entre 28 e 39 dias (média 32,86) nos animais do grupo vedaprofeno e entre 26 e 39 dias nos animais do grupo controle (média 31,71). Nos exames histopatológicos ocorreu diferença entre os grupos quanto à epitelização presente observada com maior freqüência no grupo controle. O vedaprofeno diminuiu a retração e epitelização da ferida com redução da fase exsudativa e do edema, entretanto, sem interferir no tempo total de cicatrização. Second intention skin wound healing in equines under vedaprofen treatment Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects vedaprofen of on equine skin wound healing. Circular skin lesions using a 2 cm punch were induced on right and left lumbar regions in 14 equines. The animals were divided into two groups and the wounds received daily topic treatment with Dakin solution. Seven horses (vedaprofen group) were treated with vedaprofen (2mg/kg PO BID) for 10 days, and seven (control group) were not treated. All animals had right side wounds evaluated by macroscopic examination and planimetry each 6 days and the left side wounds were submitted to histopathological studies at the 6th and 15th post-treatment days. The wounds of vedaprofene group showed drier lesions without edema when compared to the control groups wounds, which displayed more centripetal retraction.The total healing period was similar in both groups, with 28 and 39 days (average 32.86) in the vedaprofen group and 26 and 39 days (average 31.71) in the control group. The epithelial recovery was evaluated by histopathological examinations and was more often seen in the control group. The vedaprofen diminished the retraction and epithelial recovery of the wound, but did not interfere in the total period of healing with reduction of exsudative phase and edema

    Characteristics of surveillance systems for suicide and self-harm: A scoping review

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    Background Suicide is a complex public health issue. Surveillance systems play a vital role in identifying trends and epidemiologic needs, informing public health strategies, and tailoring effective context-based suicide prevention interventions. Aim To identify and summarise the characteristics of specific surveillance systems and general health behaviour that include data on suicide and self-harm. Method A scoping review following the JBI recommendations and PRISMA-ScR guidelines identified 29 relevant studies on suicide and self-harm surveillance systems. A systematic search was performed on Cinahl, Embase, Lilacs—Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature, PubMed—US National Library of Medicine, Scopus, and Google Scholar. The eligibility criteria include papers that use qualitative, quantitative or mixed methods with no restrictions on time or language. The following papers were excluded regarding euthanasia and assisted suicide, as well as papers that did not explicitly describe suicide, self-harm, and surveillance systems. Two researchers independently screened the materials for eligibility and extracted data from the included studies. Data analysis was conducted using content analysis. Results Twenty-nine references were included, and 30 surveillance systems were identified and classified into general health behaviour surveillance (n = 15) and specific systems for suicide and self-harm (n = 15). General health behaviour systems often operate at national data collection level, collecting non-fatal data in healthcare settings, mainly emergency departments. The specific systems exhibited greater variability in terms of context, involved actors, data collection level, data collection procedures, and case classification. Limitations found by the studies pointed mostly to case definitions and data quality. Co-production, intersectoral collaboration, clear case definition criteria and data standardisation are essential to improve surveillance systems for suicide and self-harm. Conclusions This review identified the characteristics of surveillance systems for suicide and self-harm. Monitoring and evaluation are crucial for ongoing relevance and impact on prevention efforts

    Effects of phenolic acid structures on meadow hay digestibility

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    The objectives were to evaluate effects of phenolic acid content and composition on the digestibility of six meadow hays from Northern Portugal. Digestibility was assessed by gas production, in vitro and in situ degradation methods. Four cows fed diets at energy maintenance were used for in situ incubations and to provide rumen fluid for in vitro incubations. There were no relationships between phenolic acid concentrations and other cell wall components. The dry matter (DM) potential degradation (a + b) was positively related to the etherified fractions of ferulic acid (FAeth, P=0.012) and p-coumaric acid (PCAeth,