1,227 research outputs found

    El control antidoping y los Juegos OlĂ­mpicos

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    Lectura psicològica lul·liana al llindar del s.XXI

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    Por una psicología positiva transpersonal. Respuesta a Mario Sabán

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    En este artículo se analiza la propuesta teórica de Mario Sabán, relacionándola con la psicología existencial de Frankl, la psicología interdividual de Girard y la psicología transpersonal de Wilber. La revisión que Sabán realiza de la psicología positiva de Seligman, desde la mística judía, conjuga con el concepto de sentido vital de raíz fenomenológico- existencial y con el modelo integral de Wilber, que también aborda los mundos cosmogónicos, abriendo una visión trascendente de la vida psíquica y social, estructuradas en varios niveles. Sabán aplica la estructura de la mística judía y pone en evidencia que, para tratar la felicidad, la psicología positiva no pasa solo por los mundos de la creación, la psique y la acción, marginando a Ein Sof, el mundo superior. La psicología existencial aborda el sentido, aunque lo sesga. No así la psicología interdividual, que se sustenta en el deseo mimético y en el triángulo de deseo Yo-Tú-Él, que es la base del comportamiento; uno de los vértices está en Ein Sof y es un Tú sujeto y objeto de deseo, como lo son el yo y los demás. Proponemos la necesidad de desarrollar una teoría del conocimiento psicológico integradora, fundamentada en una hermenéutica de los significados. PALABRAS CLAVE: psicología positiva, psicología interdividual, triángulo del deseo, psicología transpersonal. For a Transpersonal Positive Psychology.Response to Mario Sabán ABSTRACT: In this article, Mario Sabán’s theoretical proposal is analyzed by relating it to Frankl’s existential psychology, Girard’s interdividual psychology, and Wilber’s transpersonal psychology. Sabán’s review of Seligman’s positive psychology, from Jewish mysticism, is coherent with the concept of the phenomenological-existential sense of living and with Wilber’s integral model, which also deals with cosmogonist worlds, thus opening a transcendent vision of psychic and social life, structured at different levels. Sabán applies the structure of Jewish mysticism and shows that, to tackle happiness, positive psychology does not only go through the worlds of creation, psyche and action, disregarding Ein Sof, the superior world. Existential psychology deals with the sense, although it twists it. This is not the case of interdividual psychology, which is based on mimetic desire and the triangle of desire I-You-Him, which is the basis of behaviour; one of the vertices is in Ein Sof and it is a You subject and object of desire, such as I and the others. We propose the need to develop an integrating theory of psychological knowledge, based on the hermeneutics of meanings. KEYWORDS: Positive psychology, interdividual psychology, triangle of desire, transpersonal psychology

    El desig i la mimesi com a bases d'una psicologia interindividual

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    La creu de terme de Sant Andreu de Palomar

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    Optimizing Product pricing and sales forecasting through advanced data science: a case study at Schneider Electric Iberia

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    Treballs finals del Màster de Fonaments de Ciència de Dades, Facultat de matemàtiques, Universitat de Barcelona. Curs: 2022-2023. Tutor: Enrique Ayala Mora i Marina Herrera InsuelaIn the increasingly competitive global business milieu, product pricing optimization and accurate sales forecasting are paramount. This MSc thesis probes these critical areas in relation to Schneider Electric Iberia, a front-runner in the digital conversion of energy management and automation. Our emphasis is on the adoption of cutting-edge data science methodologies, including econometrics, Machine Learning, causality analysis, and Deep Learning, with a goal to both predict sales and optimize price-points considering the demand elasticity of diverse products across various markets. The thesis initiates with an in-depth analysis of Schneider Electric’s extant pricing and sales forecasting systems, proceeding to the selection of suitable data science techniques for enhancement. Utilizing these methods, we devise and deploy a pricing optimization model aimed at augmenting revenue or sales volume. This model’s potential is then harnessed for sales forecasting, measuring its influence on the company’s operations in aspects like efficiency, profitability, and strategic decision-making amplifications. Our methodology pivots on comprehensive data collection, meticulous preprocessing, and insightful exploratory data analysis. We leverage the benefits of Graph Causal Models for price optimization and the innovative Temporal Fusion Transformer (TFT) for sales forecasting, conjuring a formidable tool for strategic planning. The optimized prices and predictive sales model converge on an interactive Tableau dashboard, endowing Schneider Electric Iberia with a user-friendly, accessible platform for data-driven decision making. This study aims to empower Schneider Electric Iberia, while also making a noteworthy contribution to the wider field of industrial technology and the deployment of AI in product pricing and sales forecasting

    Las arquitecturas del pensar

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    In this paper, we suggest that architectures, especially sacred ones, play a significant role to shape cognition. Therefore, cognition is the result of the relationships between the subjects and their surroundings. By sharing the same environment and the relationships with it, the members of a community would weave “common-sense”, as a common attitude towards what they define as the “reality”. This shared set of values, methods, and attitudes shapes all kinds of cultural artifacts, like language and performative actions. The effect of natural languages on cognition has been intensively studied by philosophers, linguists, and other cognitive scientists; however, the role of thinking architectures seems underrepresented by them. Although the design of the living spaces greatly contributes to the nurtural formation of our cognition, it has been historically underestimated or neglected
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