293 research outputs found


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    Esta dissertação trata de um certo modo de formação de Apoiadores Institucionais experimentado num processo de territorialização da Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS) no Município de Cariacica ES. Fala de um processo longo, não apenas pelo tempo que durou, mas também pelos vários elementos que o compunham, descritos por linhas traçadas no incessante movimento dos encontros, memórias e relatos do cotidiano de trabalho. Apresenta, a partir da territorialização, entendida como processo e não como meta ou objetivo final e utilizado como importante instrumento de organização dos processos de trabalho e práticas de saúde, como se deu a formação de Apoiadores Institucionais. Sendo assim, a formação é entendida também como processo, de invenção de si e do mundo, produzindo realidade e outros modos de existência. Formação que acontece no encontro, nas experiências concretas do coletivo de trabalho. E o que essa dissertação traz são histórias, memórias, acontecimentos dos vários encontros que este trabalho proporcionou, compartilhando as experiências vividas nos diferentes territórios habitados. Palavras - Chave: Processo de Territorialização. Apoio Institucional. Formação

    A Laplace transform method for energy multigroup hybrid discrete ordinates slab lattice calculations

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    In typical lattice cells where a highly absorbing, small fuel element is embedded in the moderator, a large weakly absorbing medium, high-order transport methods become unnecessary. In this work we describe a hybrid discrete ordinates (SN) method for energy multigroup slab lattice calculations. This hybrid SN method combines the convenience of a low-order SN method in the moderator with a high-order SN method in the fuel. The idea is based on the fact that in weakly absorbing media whose physical size is several neutron mean free paths in extent, even the S2 method (P1 approximation), leads to an accurate result. We use special fuel-moderator interface conditions and the Laplace transform (LTSN) analytical numerical method to calculate the two-energy group neutron flux distributions and the thermal disadvantage factor. We present numerical results for a range of typical model problems

    A Laplace transform method for energy multigroup hybrid discrete ordinates slab lattice calculations

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    In typical lattice cells where a highly absorbing, small fuel element is embedded in the moderator, a large weakly absorbing medium, high-order transport methods become unnecessary. In this work we describe a hybrid discrete ordinates (SN) method for energy multigroup slab lattice calculations. This hybrid SN method combines the convenience of a low-order SN method in the moderator with a high-order SN method in the fuel. The idea is based on the fact that in weakly absorbing media whose physical size is several neutron mean free paths in extent, even the S2 method (P1 approximation), leads to an accurate result. We use special fuel-moderator interface conditions and the Laplace transform (LTSN) analytical numerical method to calculate the two-energy group neutron flux distributions and the thermal disadvantage factor. We present numerical results for a range of typical model problems

    Soma térmica de fases de desenvolvimento de cultivares de arroz irrigado em função da época de semeadura.

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    O desenvolvimento da planta de arroz é afetado pela temperatura do ar e assim, a influência da temperatura nos processos de desenvolvimento vegetal pode ser expressa pela soma térmica, com unidade graus dia (ºC dia). O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a soma térmica de fases de desenvolvimento de quatro cultivares de arroz em três épocas de cultivo. Foi conduzido um experimento na área de várzea do Departamento de Fitotecnia da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria com três datas de semeadura (17/10/2011, 18/11/2011 e 19/12/2011) e quatro cultivares de ciclos distintos: IRGA 421 (ciclo superprecoce), BRS Querência (ciclo precoce), IRGA 424 (ciclo médio) e SCSBRS Tio Taka (ciclo tardio). A duração (º C dia) da fase de emergência - diferenciação de panícula aumentou com o atraso da data de semeadura, enquanto a duração da fase antese ? início da maturação dos grãos foi similar entre as cultivares semeadas no período recomendado pelo zoneamento agrícola

    Partição de matéria seca da parte aérea em arroz para uso em um modelo de simulação baseado em processos.

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    A partição as matéria seca nos diversos compartimentos da planta é uma parte importante em modelos ecofisiológicos baseados em processos, com o InfoCrop. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a fração da matéria seca da parte aérea alocada nos diferentes compartimentos da planta de arroz e a senescência ao longo do ciclo de desenvolvimento da cultura. Foi conduzido um experimento de campo em Santa Maria, RS, com quatro cultivares (IRGA 421, BRS Querência, IRGA 424 e BRS Tio Taka) e semeadura em 18/11/2011. A fração da matéria seca da parte aérea alocada nos diferentes compartimentos da planta e a senescência variou em função do estágio de desenvolvimento, desde 80% para folhas nos primeiros quatro dias após a emergência até 100% para panículas após floração

    mTOR inhibition leads to SRC-mediated EGFR internalisation and degradation in glioma cells

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    Epidermal Growth Factor receptor (EGFR) is a tyrosine kinase receptor widely expressed on the surface of numerous cell types, which activates several downstream signalling pathways involved in cell proliferation, migration and survival. EGFR alterations, such as overexpression or mutations, have been frequently observed in several cancers, including glioblastoma (GBM), and are associated to uncontrolled cell proliferation. Here we show that the inhibition of mammalian target of Rapamycin (mTOR) mediates EGFR delivery to lysosomes for degradation in GBM cells, independently of autophagy activation. Coherently with EGFR internalisation and degradation, mTOR blockade negatively affects the mitogen activated protein/extracellular signal-regulated kinase (MAPK)/ERK pathway. Furthermore, we provide evidence that Src kinase activation is required for EGFR internaliation upon mTOR inhibition. Our results further support the hypothesis that mTOR targeting may represent an effective therapeutic strategy in GBM management, as its inhibition results in EGFR degradation and in proliferative signal alteration

    mTOR inhibition leads to SRC-mediated EGFR internalisation and degradation in glioma cells

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    Epidermal Growth Factor receptor (EGFR) is a tyrosine kinase receptor widely expressed on the surface of numerous cell types, which activates several downstream signalling pathways involved in cell proliferation, migration and survival. EGFR alterations, such as overexpression or mutations, have been frequently observed in several cancers, including glioblastoma (GBM), and are associated to uncontrolled cell proliferation. Here we show that the inhibition of mammalian target of Rapamycin (mTOR) mediates EGFR delivery to lysosomes for degradation in GBM cells, independently of autophagy activation. Coherently with EGFR internalisation and degradation, mTOR blockade negatively affects the mitogen activated protein/extracellular signal-regulated kinase (MAPK)/ERK pathway. Furthermore, we provide evidence that Src kinase activation is required for EGFR internaliation upon mTOR inhibition. Our results further support the hypothesis that mTOR targeting may represent an effective therapeutic strategy in GBM management, as its inhibition results in EGFR degradation and in proliferative signal alteration

    Inhibition of Bromodomain and Extraterminal Domain (BET) Proteins by JQ1 Unravels a Novel Epigenetic Modulation to Control Lipid Homeostasis

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    The homeostatic control of lipid metabolism is essential for many fundamental physiological processes. A deep understanding of its regulatory mechanisms is pivotal to unravel prospective physiopathological factors and to identify novel molecular targets that could be employed to design promising therapies in the management of lipid disorders. Here, we investigated the role of bromodomain and extraterminal domain (BET) proteins in the regulation of lipid metabolism. To reach this aim, we used a loss-of-function approach by treating HepG2 cells with JQ1, a powerful and selective BET inhibitor. The main results demonstrated that BET inhibition by JQ1 efficiently decreases intracellular lipid content, determining a significant modulation of proteins involved in lipid biosynthesis, uptake and intracellular trafficking. Importantly, the capability of BET inhibition to slow down cell proliferation is dependent on the modulation of cholesterol metabolism. Taken together, these data highlight a novel epigenetic mechanism involved in the regulation of lipid homeostasis

    Charge-Trapping-Induced Compensation of the Ferroelectric Polarization in FTJs: Optimal Conditions for a Synaptic Device Operation

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    In this work, we present a clear evidence, based on numerical simulations and experiments, that the polarization compensation due to trapped charge strongly influences the ON/ OFF ratio in Hf 0.5 Zr 0.5 O 2 (HZO)-based ferroelectric tunnel junctions (FTJs). Furthermore, we identify and explain compensation conditions that enable an optimal operation of FTJs. Our results provide both key physical insights and design guidelines for the operation of FTJs as multilevel synaptic devices