2,882 research outputs found

    "Über sieben Brücken mußt Du gehen...": lifeworlds as places of socialisation and biographical transformation work: a plea for the cooperation between quantitative and qualitative transformation research

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    Engaging directly with some of the most important issues in contemporary politics, this volume deals with the role of political culture in democratic transitions, focusing in particular on democratization in Eastern and Central Europe. The central question is the relationship between institutional development and societal norms, and between the development of a superstructure of democratic proceduralism and the attitudes and responses of post-Communist republics. Surveying over ten years of experience of post-Communist change, the book draws upon a rich range of sources using quantitative survey data in a sophisticated and enlightening way. The rigorous methodology employed provides important insights into real processes in specific countries and allows for a number of generalizations to be made about the role of political culture today

    Diverging patterns of informalization between endogenous and exogenous economic actors in the East-German transformation process: results from a case-study in the IT-branch in Berlin-Brandenburg

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    The first years of the transformation processes in the Central East European Countries (CEECs) instigated many social scientific analyses about the institutional change in the political and economic systems. Later, it became more and more obvious that these new institutions would need a longer and deeper embedding process, than first expected, into the everyday life attitudes, the expectations and mentalities of the people. In this context, a certain amount of scientific attention shifted to a consideration of the relationship between the formal and informal social ties and interactions in these countries. In October 1998, an international conference at Potsdam provoked an interdisciplinary debate about the 'transformation of the informal in the CEECs'. The following observation will contribute to this debate, which concentrates on the East German transformation case and on the sphere of economic interaction in an innovative and rapidly changing branch - informational technology. The presented results are based on a research project focused on the cooperation and networking attitudes of different types of new entrepreneurs in this branch in the region Berlin-Brandenburg.Die ersten Jahre des Transformationsprozesse in den zentral- und osteuropäischen Ländern (CEECs) brachten viele sozialwissenschaftliche Analysen über den institutionellen Wandel in den politischen und wirtschaftlichen Systemen hervor. Später wurde immer offensichtlicher, dass diese neuen Institutionen einen längeren und tiefer eingebetteten Prozess benötigen würden, als zunächst erwartet. In diesem Kontext verschob sich die wissenschaftliche Aufmerksamkeit auf eine Betrachtung des Verhältnisses zwischen den formellen und informellen sozialen Hindernissen und Abhängigkeiten in diesen Ländern. Im Oktober 1998 regte eine internationale Konferenz in Potsdam eine interdisziplinäre Debatte über die Transformation des Informellen in CEECs an. Die vorliegende Beobachtung trägt zu dieser Debatte bei und konzentriert sich auf den Transformationsprozess in Ostdeutschland und vor allem auf den Bereich der ökonomischen Abhängigkeit in einer innovativen und sich schnell ändernden Branche der Informationstechnologie. Die dargestellten Resultate basieren auf einem Forschungsprojekt über Kooperations- und Netzwerkverhalten verschiedener neuer Unternehmenstypen in dieser Branche in der Region Berlin-Brandenburg

    Pronominal system of Soikkola Ingrian: personal, demonstrative, reflexive and reciprocal pronouns and their variation

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    This research analyses the pronominal system of Soikkola Ingrian. The main goal of the article is descriptive, because existing publications on Soikkola Ingrian give only a superficial analysis of pronouns and there are no detailed descriptions based on data from the 21st century. The article focuses on both interspeaker and intraspeaker variation in four groups of Ingrian pronouns: personal, demonstrative, reflexive and reciprocal. The field data collected by the authors in the 21st century are compared with the data presented in grammars written in the 19th and 20th centuries. The research concludes that although the pronominal system has not changed significantly, there are a number of innovations in Ingrian pronominal forms and their variation. The most frequent type of variation is the variation between individual speakers, but not between sub-dialectal groups. Free variation is also common, while other types of variation are less relevant. Kokkuvõte. Anna Schwarz, Fedor Rozhanskiy: Isuri keele Soikkola murde pronoomenite süsteem: isikulised, demonstratiivsed, refleksiivsed ja retsiprooksed pronoomenid ning nende varieerumine.Uurimus analüüsib isuri keele Soikkola murde pronoomenite süsteemi. Artikkel on olemuselt kirjeldav. Olemasolevad Soikkola murret puudutavad uurimused esitavad üsna pealiskaudse pronoomenite analüüsi ning puuduvad 21. sajandi andmetel põhinevad üksikasjalikud kirjeldused. Artikkel keskendub nii kõnelejasisesele kui ka kõnelejatevahelisele varieerumisele neljas isuri pronoomenite rühmas: personaal-, demonstratiiv-,  refleksiiv- ja retsiprookpronoomenid. Autorite poolt 21. sajandil kogutud välitööde andmeid võrreldakse 19. ja 20. sajandil kirjutatud grammatikate andmetega. Uurimuses jõutakse järeldusele, et kuigi pronoomenite süsteem pole oluliselt muutunud, on isuri pronoomenite vormides ja nende varieerumises mitmeid uuendusi. Kõige sagedamini esineb varieerumist üksikute kõnelejate vahel, kuid mitte murde allrühmade vahel. Levinud on ka vaba varieerumine, samas kui muud tüüpi varieerumised on vähem olulised

    Midwives’ engagement in smoking- and alcohol-prevention in prenatal care before and after the introduction of practice guidelines in Switzerland : comparison of survey findings from 2008 and 2018

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    Background: Evidence suggests that cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption during pregnancy negatively impacts fetal health. Health agencies across countries have developed specific guidelines for health professionals in perinatal care to strengthen their role in smoking and alcohol use prevention. One such example is the “Guideline on Screening and Counselling for prevention of cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption before, during, and after pregnancy” introduced by the Swiss Midwives Association in 2011. The current study assesses the changes in midwives’ engagement in smoking and alcohol use prevention before (2008) and after the introduction of the Guideline (2018). Further, the current study examines differences across regions (German vs. French speaking regions), graduation years (before and after the introduction of the Guideline) and different work settings (hospital vs. self-employed). Methods: Survey data were collected in 2008 (n = 366) and in 2018 (n = 459). Differences in how midwives engaged in smoking and alcohol use prevention between 2008 and 2018 were assessed with chi-square tests, as were differences across German and French speaking regions, graduation years (before and after the introduction of the Guideline) and across different work settings (working in hospitals or as self-employed). Results: An increase in midwives’ awareness of the risks of consuming even small quantities of cigarettes and alcohol for the unborn child between 2008 and 2018 is evident. Explaining the risks to pregnant women who smoke or use alcohol remained the most frequently reported prevention strategy. However, engagement with more extensive smoking and alcohol use preventive strategies across the whole course of pregnancy, such as assisting women in the elaboration of a plan to stop smoking/alcohol use, remained limited. Conclusions: Seven years after its introduction, the effectiveness of the Guideline in increasing midwives’ engagement in smoking and alcohol use prevention appears limited despite midwives’ increased awareness

    Euclidean simplices generating discrete reflection groups

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    Let PP be a convex polytope in the Euclidean space \E^n. Consider the group GPG_P generated by reflections in the facets of PP. We say that PP {\it generates a reflection group GPG_P}. In the present paper, we list all Euclidean simplices generating discrete reflection groups.Comment: 20 pages; MPIM preprin

    Life cycle impacts of WEEE plastics recycling within the PLAST2bCLEANED project

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    The aim of the EU Horizon 2020 PLAST2bCLEANED project is to develop a recycling process for WEEE plastics in a technically feasible, environmentally sound, and economically viable manner. To fulfill this aim, PLAST2bCLEANED addresses the recycling of the most common WEEE plastics: Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) and High Impact Polystyrene (HIPS). These materials contain up to 20wt% brominated flame retardants (BFR) and up to 5wt% of the synergist antimony trioxide (ATO). Therefore, PLAST2bCLEANED aims to close three material loops: (1) polymer, (2) bromine, and (3) ATO. With PLAST2bCLEANED technology, the WEEE plastics is first pretreated using a combination of innovative sensor-based and traditional sorting techniques. In the next step, the polymers containing BFR and ATO fractions are dissolved with a new dissolution process. The ATO and BFR are separated from the polymers and the solvents are recovered. To assess the environmental impacts of the dissolution route developed within the PLAST2bCLEANED project, two perspectives have been used: The waste perspective (gate to grave) and the product perspective (cradle to gate). The waste perspective will give insight into the impacts of processing WEEE plastics by the PLAST2bCLEANED dissolution process route. The product perspective will quantify the environmental impacts of using recycled ABS in a door frame of a washing machine and recycled HIPS in the inner liner of a fridge versus the use of virgin polymers. In this presentation, a detailed goal and scope definition of the LCA will be presented. Currently, the data collection for the full scan LCA is in progress. At the conference, the first LCA results are presented. In the quick scan, only the polymer loops (ABS and HIPS) are ‘closed’. The quick scan LCA already shows the environmental benefits of using recycled polymers compared to a virgin. Additionally, detailed results are given for the multiple process steps, including sorting and dissolution, to identify hotspots for environmental impact. For the closing of the BFR and ATO loop, potential environmental benefits are presented. Furthermore, sensitivities will be discussed to go from Quick scan to Full LCA, in particular on data needs and effects of scale

    Untersuchung zur Bedeutung und zum Vorkommen von Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis bei Rothirschen in Bayern

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    Ziel dieser Arbeit war es einen umfassenden Einblick über die Bedeutung und das Vorkommen des Erregers Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP) bei Rothirschen im Nationalpark Bayerischer Wald, stellvertretend für die Rothirschpopulation in ganz Bayern, zu erhalten. Untersucht wurden 87 Serumproben aus den Jagdsaisons 2009/ 2010 und 2010/ 2011 sowie Faeces und Ileocaecallymphknoten von 68 Rothirschen aus der Jagdsaison 2010/ 2011. Die Rothirsche der Jagdsaison 2010/ 2011 wurden zudem adspektorisch untersucht. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden für den Nachweis von MAP ein ELISA, die konventionelle und die Real-Time PCR verwendet. Die Ergebnisse der adspektorischen, serologischen und molekularbiologischen Untersuchungen deuten darauf hin, dass es sich bei den untersuchten Tieren um paratuberkulosefreie Rothirsche handelte. Dies ist vermutlich auf die seltene gemeinsame Weidenutzung von Rindern und Hirschen, die geringe Bodenvorlage des Futters und die niedrige Bestandsdichte im Nationalpark zurückzuführen

    Textile based dye-sensitized solar cells with natural dyes

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    Natural dyes extracted from hibiscus petals, elderberries and mallow flowers were investigated in dye-sensitized solar cells. Two approaches were followed: 1. Hybrid glass/fabric cells with titanium dioxide on glass as working electrode and a textile counter electrode; 2. hybrid fabric/glass cells with zinc oxide as working electrode on textile and a glass counter electrode. The zinc oxide layer on cotton was prepared by electroless deposition whereas the titanium dioxide coated glass electrodes were obtained directly from the manufacturer. In both cases the redox couple consisted of iodine / triiodide and the counter electrode was based on an electrically conductive fabric