4,669 research outputs found

    Investigation of the Periodic Magnetic Field Modulation Inside Apertures of LHC Superconducting Dipole Models

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    The windings of high-field accelerator magnets are usually made of Rutherford-type superconducting cables. The magnetic field distribution along the axis of such magnets exhibits a pronounced periodic modulation with a wavelength equal to the twist pitch length of the cable used in the winding. Such an effect, resulting from quasi-persistent currents, was investigated with a Hall probe array inserted inside the aperture of 1-metre long LHC superconducting dipole models. The amplitude and the time dependence of this periodic field oscillation have been studied as a function of the transport current history. The impact on the magnet stability of the non-uniform current redistribution producing such a field modulation is discussed

    Investigation of the Periodic Magnetic Field Modulation in LHC Superconducting Dipoles

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    The windings of high-field accelerator magnets are usually made of Rutherford-type superconducting cables. The magnetic field distribution along the axis of such magnets exhibits a periodic modulation with a wavelength equal to the twist pitch length of the cable used in the winding. This effect, resulting from quasi-persistent currents, was investigated with a Hall probes array inserted inside the aperture of the LHC superconducting dipoles, both in short models and full-scale prototypes. The amplitude and the time dependence of this periodic field oscillation have been studied as a function of the magnet current history. The origin and the impact on the LHC dipoles stability of the non-uniform current redistribution producing such a field modulation are discussed

    Lepton Polarization in Neutrino-Nucleon Interactions

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    We derive generic formulas for the polarization density matrix of leptons produced in neutrino and antineutrino collisions and briefly consider some important particular cases. Next we employ the general formalism in order to include the final lepton mass and spin into the popular model by Rein and Sehgal for single pion neutrinoproduction.Comment: Talk given at 10th International Workshop on High-Energy Spin Physics (SPIN 03), Dubna, Russia, 16-20 Sep 2003. 12 pages; extended version, typos remove

    Codeless GPS Applications to Multi-Path: CGAMP

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    Cordless Global Positioning System (GPS) Applications to Multi-Path (CGAMP) is meeting the challenge of exploiting the L-band signals from the Global Positioning System (GPS) satellites for the measurement of the impulse response of radio transmission channels over space-Earth paths. This approach was originally suggested by E. K. Smith and has been pursued by J. Lemmon, without an affordable implementation being identifiable. In addition to the high cost of a suitable P code correlating GPS receiver, there is also the major impediment of the often announced Department of Defense policy of selective availability/anti-spoof (SA/AS) that clouds reliable access to the wideband (20 MHz) P channel of the GPS signals without cryptographic access. A technique proposed by MacDoran utilizes codeless methods for exploiting the P channel signals implemented by the use of a pair of antennas and cross correlation signal detection

    Transfer Payment Systems and Financial Distress: Insights from Health Insurance Premium Subsidies

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    How should payment systems of means-tested benefits be designed to improve the financial situation of needy recipients most effectively? We study this question in the context of mandatory health insurance in Switzerland, where recipients initially received either a cash transfer or subsidized insurance premiums (a form of in-kind transfer). A federal reform in 2014 forced cantons (i.e. states) to universally switch to in-kind provision. We exploit this setting based on a difference-in-differences design, analyzing rich individual-level accounting data and applying a machine learning approach to identify cash recipients prior to the reform. We find that switching from cash to in-kind transfers reduces the likelihood of late premiums payments by about 20% and of government debt collection for long-term missed payments by approximately 16%. There is no evidence for a negative spillover effect on the timely payment of the non-subsidized coinsurance bills for health services after the regime change

    Endogenous memory reactivation during sleep in humans is clocked by slow oscillation-spindle complexes

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    Sleep is thought to support memory consolidation via reactivation of prior experiences, with particular electrophysiological sleep signatures (slow oscillations (SOs) and sleep spindles) gating the information flow between relevant brain areas. However, empirical evidence for a role of endogenous memory reactivation (i.e., without experimentally delivered memory cues) for consolidation in humans is lacking. Here, we devised a paradigm in which participants acquired associative memories before taking a nap. Multivariate decoding was then used to capture endogenous memory reactivation during non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep in surface EEG recordings. Our results reveal reactivation of learning material during SO-spindle complexes, with the precision of SO-spindle coupling predicting reactivation strength. Critically, reactivation strength (i.e. classifier evidence in favor of the previously studied stimulus category) in turn predicts the level of consolidation across participants. These results elucidate the memory function of sleep in humans and emphasize the importance of SOs and spindles in clocking endogenous consolidation processes

    Optimaalinen uhkasakko kolluusioiden estämiseksi

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    Tiivistelmä. Kolluusiolla tarkoitetaan yritysten välistä salaista yhteistyösopimusta, jolla yritykset pyrkivät kilpailulain vastaisesti esimerkiksi sopimaan tuotettavista määristä, jakamaan markkina-alueita tai korottamaan hintoja saadakseen kilpailullisten markkinoiden tuoton ylittäviä tuottoja. Europan unionissa ja Yhdysvalloissa käytettävät uhkasakkojärjestelmät ja niihin liittyvä armollisuuspolitiikka pyrkivät luomaan yrityksille pelotevaikutuksen, jotta ne eivät muodostaisi kolluusioita. Alennetuilla sakkorangaistuksilla pyritään antamaan yrityksille kannuste siihen, että ne itse paljastaisivat kolluusiot kilpailuviranomaiselle ja täten välttyisivät sakoilta. Nykyiset järjestelmät eivät kuitenkaan saa aikaan optimaalista pelotevaikutusta, eivätkä ne aseta tarpeeksi tehokkaita kannusteita kolluusioiden paljastamiseen. Väärin suunnitellut armollisuusohjelmat voivat pahimmillaan luoda negatiivisia ulkoisvaikutuksia, jotka päinvastoin tukevat kolluusioiden muodostumista. Tämä pro gradu -tutkielma vastaa kysymykseen: Minkälainen on optimaalinen uhkasakkomalli kolluusioiden estämiseksi? Eli millainen malli loisi tehokkaimman pelotteen kolluusion muodostaville tai sitä harkitseville yrityksille, ja samalla kannustaisi yrityksiä ilmiantamaan jo olemassa olevat kolluusiot? Teemaa analysoidaan peliteoreettisen teoriakehikon näkökulmasta ja peliteoreettisia analyysimetodeja käyttäen. Tutkimus pyrkii löytämään myös vastauksen kysymykseen, millainen uhkasakkojärjestelmä mahdollistaisi kolluusioista aiheutuvien hyvinvointitappioiden minimoinnin. Tutkimus tarkastelee myös nykyisin käytössä olevia Euroopan unionin ja Yhdysvaltain uhkasakkojärjestelmiä ja armollisuuspolitiikkaa, analysoiden niiden tehokkuutta (tai tehottomuutta), sekä esittelee mahdollisia optimaalisia uhkasakkomalleja. Tehdyn tutkimuksen ja analyysin perusteella havaitaan, että uhkasakkomallien sakkoja tulisi nostaa huomattavasti, ja niissä tulisi huomioida kiinnijäämisen todennäköisyys paremman pelotevaikutuksen aikaansaamiseksi. Armollisuuspolitiikkaa tulisi käyttää osana uhkasakkomalleja, mutta sakon alennukset ja sakkoimmuniteetti tulisi sallia vain ensimmäiselle kolluusion paljastavalle yritykselle. Optimaalisen alennetun uhkasakon tulisi olla täysi immuniteetti sakoista eli nolla euroa. Tämä maksimoisi pelotevaikutusta ja olisi myös peliteoreettisesta näkökulmasta optimaalisinta. Armollisuuspolitiikan tulisi sisältää kolluusion paljastamisesta palkitseva yrityksen henkilökunnalle suunnattu palkkiomalli, joka synnyttäisi kilpailulakia rikkovien yritysten sisällä päämies-agenttiongelman ja täten vahvistaisi pelotevaikutusta. Kolluusiot olisi yleisesti optimaalista kriminalisoida, jotta myös yrityksen henkilökunta joutuisi suoraan vastuuseen kilpailulain rikkomuksista

    Joy, Sorrow, Wrath: Some Considerations over the Byzantine People’s Emotionality in Literary Sources

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    Submitted: 01.07.2020. Accepted: 15.10.2020.Поступила в редакцию 01.07.2020. Принята к печати 15.10.2020.The people’s emotions make up a phenomenon not measurable in objective way. This paper’s author has confirmed this conclusion by the cases of accounts on treasons and violent deaths of the emperors as described by several Byzantine historians. This paper addresses the accounts of Theophylaktes Symokattes on the death of Maurice, Michael Psellos and John Zonaras on the revolt against Michael V, and Niketas Choniates on the death of emperor Andronikos I Komnenos. Since the Byzantine literature expressed emotions by rhetoric, the description of events followed the norms of the genre. When the author described certain events, he supposed the reaction from particular individuals or groups and reproduced it by clichés describing the people’s behaviour in specific situations. This paper has analysed linguistic and literary ways the Byzantine historians used to reproduce the people’s emotional reactions on the events related to rebels and murders of the emperors. The analysis of the accounts on the events under study has uncovered that the emotions ascribed to the people were as varied as the author’s position towards the story he was telling. The conclusion has been made that the persons’ emotions always reflected the author’s own emotions.Эмоции людей – явление, не поддающееся объективному измерению. Автор статьи подтверждает это утверждение на примерах описания государственных переворотов и насильственной смерти императоров, которые приводятся в сочинениях некоторых византийских историков. В статье рассматриваются сообщения Феофилакта Симокатта о смерти Маврикия, Михаила Пселла и Зонары о восстании народа против императора Михаила V, Никиты Хониата о смерти императора Андроника I Комнина. Так как византийская литература выражает эмоции с помощью риторики, то описание событий подчинялось нормам жанра. Автор, изображая события, предполагал реакцию отдельных индивидуумов или групп и передавал ее с помощью шаблонных описаний поведения людей в определенных ситуациях. В статье анализируются языковые и литературные средства, которые использовались византийскими историками при передаче эмоциональных реакций народа на события, связанные с восстаниями и убийствами императоров. Анализ описаний этих событий показывает, что эмоции, приписываемые народу, были столь же различны, как и авторская позиция по отношению к рассказанной истории. Делается вывод, что описание эмоций людей всегда является отражением собственных эмоций автора