531 research outputs found

    Environmental regulation and its impact on welfare and international competitiveness in a Heckscher-Ohlin framework

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    This paper discusses the issue of competitiveness and environmental regulation from the viewpoint of Heckscher-Ohlin models. It demonstrates that the impact of unilateral environmental regulations does not necessarily lead to a decrease in international competitiveness. Important is the measure of international competitiveness and the industry under consideration. Furthermore, this paper shows that in contrast to other theoretical work on this subject, unilateral environmental regulation does not necessarily lead to capital flight. It is also possible that the economy under consideration attracts more internationally mobile capital.

    A note on the double dividend hypothesis

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    This paper tries to clear the confusion in the literature about the potential of environmental tax reforms to yield a double dividend. In opposition to a number of recent papers it is found that the possibility for a double dividend depends largely on the substitutabllity characteristics of taxed commodities and not on the uncompensated elasticities. It is found that a double dividend is possible, if the following conditions are met. First, the initial tax system has to be inefficient from a non-environmental point of view. Second, it is possible to raise the tax on the externality creating commodity and in exchange to reduce the tax on a commodity that is a gross substitute for the externality creating commodity. Third, under the existing distortionary tax system the commodity whose tax is reduced is relatively difficult to substitute through other taxed commodities and hence, easier to substitute through the untaxed numeraire.

    Environmental tax reform and the double dividend: An econometric demand analysis

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    This paper examines the empirical relevance of the double dividend of revenue neutral marginal environmental tax reforms. For this purpose we use an extended version of the Ahmad-Stern model of indirect taxation. This version includes environmental externalities. We estimate the key parameters of the model with different dynamic specifications of the Almost Ideal Demand System. We find no evidence that a revenue neutral environmental tax reform that increases the energy or gasoline tax yields a double dividend.

    Environmental tax reform with irreversible investment, technological progress and unemployment

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    This paper analyzes if unemployment can be reduced through labor tax cuts that are financed in a revenue neutral way through energy tax increases. In contrast to other papers on this topic we consider investment behavior of firms in energy saving technologies, irreversibilities, embodied technological progress and involuntary unemployment. Arguments are presented that reducing the sunk costs instead of the labor tax seems to be the better instrument to reduce energy input and unemployment since this puts more pressure on firms that are using old technologies to adopt a more efficient energy saving technology.

    Membrane penetration and trapping of an active particle

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    The interaction between nano- or micro-sized particles and cell membranes is of crucial importance in many biological and biomedical applications such as drug and gene delivery to cells and tissues. During their cellular uptake, the particles can pass through cell membranes via passive endocytosis or by active penetration to reach a target cellular compartment or organelle. In this manuscript, we develop a simple model to describe the interaction of a self-driven spherical particle (moving through an effective constant active force) with a minimal membrane system, allowing for both penetration and trapping. We numerically calculate the state diagram of this system, the membrane shape, and its dynamics. In this context, we show that the active particle may either get trapped near the membrane or penetrates through it, where the membrane can either be permanently destroyed or recover its initial shape by self-healing. Additionally, we systematically derive a continuum description allowing to accurately predict most of our results analytically. This analytical theory helps identifying the generic aspects of our model, suggesting that most of its ingredients should apply to a broad range of membranes, from simple model systems composed of magnetic microparticles to lipid bilayers. Our results might be useful to predict mechanical properties of synthetic minimal membranes.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures. Revised manuscript resubmitted to J. Chem. Phy

    Benthic iron and phosphorus fluxes across the Peruvian oxigen minimum zone

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    Benthic fluxes of dissolved ferrous iron (Fe2+) and phosphate (TPO4) were quantified by in situ benthic chamber incubations and pore-water profiles along a depth transect (11°S, 80–1000 m) across the Peruvian oxygen minimum zone (OMZ). Bottom-water O2 levels were < 2 µmol L-1 down to 500-m water depth, and increased to ~40 µmol L-1 at 1000 m. Fe2+ fluxes were highest on the shallow shelf (maximum 316 mmol m-2 yr-1), moderate (15.4 mmol m-2 yr-1) between 250 m and 600 m, and negligible at deeper stations. In the persistent OMZ core, continuous reduction of Fe oxyhydroxides results in depletion of sedimentary Fe :Al ratios. TPO4 fluxes were high (maximum 292 mmol m-2 yr-1) throughout the shelf and the OMZ core in association with high organic carbon degradation rates. Ratios between organic carbon degradation and TPO4 flux indicate excess release of P over C when compared to Redfield stoichiometry. Most likely, this is caused by preferential P release from organic matter, dissolution of fish debris, and/or P release from microbial mat communities, while Fe oxyhydroxides can only be inferred as a major P source on the shallow shelf. The benthic fluxes presented here are among the highest reported from similar, oxygen-depleted environments and highlight the importance of sediments underlying anoxic water bodies as nutrient sources to the ocean. The shelf is particularly important as the periodic passage of coastal trapped waves and associated bottom-water oxygenation events can be expected to induce a transient biogeochemical environment with highly variable release of Fe2+ and TPO4

    Wound healing in rabbit corneas after flapless refractive lenticule extraction with a 345 nm ultraviolet femtosecond laser

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    Purpose To characterize corneal wound healing in a rabbit model after flapless refractive lenticule extraction with a 345 nm ultraviolet femtosecond laser. Setting Departments of Ophthalmology and Anatomy II, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg and Wavelight GmbH, Erlangen, Germany. Design Methods Flapless refractive lenticule extraction was performed in 1 eye each of 20 New Zealand white rabbits (−5.0 diopters). Groups of 4 animals were euthanized after 48 hours, 1 week, 2 weeks, 4 weeks, and 3 months, respectively. Corneal samples were prepared for histology and fluorescence microscopy. To assess corneal cell death, proliferation, and myofibroblastic transdifferentiation, terminal uridine deoxynucleotidyl nick end-labeling (TUNEL) assay as well as immunostaining for Ki67 and α-smooth muscle actin (αSMA) were performed on sagittal cryosections. Results Histology revealed a zone of keratocyte depletion with a thickness of approximately 50 μm around the extraction site. At 48 hours, pronounced TUNEL staining of keratocytes was detected around the interface (159.9 cells/mm ± 18.4 [SD]), which steadily decreased to 74.9 ± 19.8 cells/mm at 1 week and 5.7 ± 4.8 cells/mm at 2 weeks. Ki67 staining of keratocytes was evident at 48 hours (10.0 ± 3.8 cells/mm), which then decreased at 1 week (5.2 ± 1.7 cells/mm) and 2 weeks (0.4 ± 0.5 cells/mm). From 4 weeks onward, no TUNEL or Ki67 staining was detected. The corneal stroma was αSMA-negative at all timepoints. Conclusion Application of the 345 nm laser showed no signs of problematic repair processes in the cornea, which supports the initiation of the clinical phase

    Adaptation of maize source leaf metabolism to stress related disturbances in carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus balance

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    Schlueter U, Colmsee C, Scholz U, et al. Adaptation of maize source leaf metabolism to stress related disturbances in carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus balance. BMC Genomics. 2013;14(1): 442.Background: Abiotic stress causes disturbances in the cellular homeostasis. Re-adjustment of balance in carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus metabolism therefore plays a central role in stress adaptation. However, it is currently unknown which parts of the primary cell metabolism follow common patterns under different stress conditions and which represent specific responses. Results: To address these questions, changes in transcriptome, metabolome and ionome were analyzed in maize source leaves from plants suffering low temperature, low nitrogen (N) and low phosphorus (P) stress. The selection of maize as study object provided data directly from an important crop species and the so far underexplored C-4 metabolism. Growth retardation was comparable under all tested stress conditions. The only primary metabolic pathway responding similar to all stresses was nitrate assimilation, which was down-regulated. The largest group of commonly regulated transcripts followed the expression pattern: down under low temperature and low N, but up under low P. Several members of this transcript cluster could be connected to P metabolism and correlated negatively to different phosphate concentration in the leaf tissue. Accumulation of starch under low temperature and low N stress, but decrease in starch levels under low P conditions indicated that only low P treated leaves suffered carbon starvation. Conclusions: Maize employs very different strategies to manage N and P metabolism under stress. While nitrate assimilation was regulated depending on demand by growth processes, phosphate concentrations changed depending on availability, thus building up reserves under excess conditions. Carbon and energy metabolism of the C-4 maize leaves were particularly sensitive to P starvation