77 research outputs found

    Provincija Središnja Valerija u Kozmografiji Anonima Ravenjanina

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    Anonymous of Ravenna wrote the Cosmography at the beginning of the eighth century, but his creation of the work cannot be determined more precisely. The Cosmography contains descriptions of the entire world in five books, the fourth of which includes a narration of Provincia Valeria Media. In describing the province, Anonymous of Ravenna referred to several authors’ works, including the Tabula Peutingeriana, Marcomir and Jordanes’ works, and other sources of unknown origin. Anonymous noted that Provincia Valeria Media was located between the Pannonia Superior and Pannonia Inferior, covering the area of the ancient provinces of Valeria and Savia. Anonymous listed the toponyms in Provincia Valeria Media’s territory, which he took from an early copy or transcript of the Tabula Peutingeriana. In Cosmography, Carniola was the western neighbour of Provincia Valeria Media, and it was bounded on the south by Liburnia Tarsaticensis. Regarding the name of Carniola, this researcher can assume that it was a later addition to the text of the Cosmography. Scholars disputed whether Provincia Valeria Media existed in the fifth century or whether Anonymous took its name from historical sources. Recent research has suggested that Anonymous borrowed the name Valeria from Jordan and the name Media Provincia from the Tabula Peutingeriana. He merged the two terms into Provincia Valeria Media. The actual historical value of the Cosmography is not the creation of the name Provincia Valeria Media but the early medieval data that Anonymous recorded in his book.Anonim Ravenjanin (Anonymus Ravennas) napisao je Kozmografiju (Cosmographia) oko 8. stoljeća, ali vrijeme nastanka ovoga djela ne može se točno ustvrditi. Kozmografija sadrži opis cijeloga svijeta u pet knjiga. U četvrtoj knjizi nalazi se opis područja Provincija Središnja Valerija (Valeria Media Provincia). Za opis ove provincije Anonim je Ravenjanin upotrjebljavao više izvora, među njima i Peutingerov zemljovid (Tabula Peutingeriana), potom radove Markomera i Jordana, a imao je i druga vrela nepoznatoga podrijetla. Anonim Ravenjanin zabilježio je da se Provincija Središnja Valerija nalazi između Gornje Panonije (Pannonia Superior) i Donje Panonije (Pannonia Inferior), a njezino je područje obuhvaćalo antičke provincije Valerija (Valeria) i Savija (Savia). Nabrojio je imena gradova, odnosno područja spomenute provincije koja je preuzeo iz starije transkripcije ili prijepisa Peutingerova zemljovida zabilježivši da je zapadni susjed Središnje Valerije bila Kranjska (Carniola), a na jugu je graničila s Tarsatičkom Liburnijom (Liburnia Tarsaticensis). Detalji poglavlja o Kranjskoj slični su tekstovima Godišnjaka Franačkoga Kraljevstva i Povijesti Langobarda. Sporno je pitanje je li doista postojala Provincija Središnja Valerija u 5. stoljeću ili je ovaj naziv autor sam stvorio pomažući se povijesnim izvorima. Na temelju rezultata novijih istraživanja utvrđeno je da je ime ‘Valerija’ (Valeria) Anonim Ravenjanin preuzeo od Jordana, a iz Peutingerova zemljovida preuzeo je ime izraz ‘središnja provincija’ (Media Provincia). Ova dva izraza spojio je stvorivši ime Provincija Središnja Valerija (Valeria Media Provincia). Stvarna povijesna vrijednost njegova djela nije u stvaranju ovoga imena, već u podatcima o ranome srednjem vijeku koje je Anonim Ravenjanin zabilježio u svojoj knjizi

    Spartan Daily, March 15, 1990

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    Volume 94, Issue 34https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/7964/thumbnail.jp

    Genetics of \u3cem\u3ePICALM\u3c/em\u3e Expression and Alzheimer\u27s Disease

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    Novel Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD) risk factors have been identified by genome-wide association studies. Elucidating the mechanism underlying these factors is critical to the validation process and, by identifying rate-limiting steps in AD risk, may yield novel therapeutic targets. Here, we evaluated the association between the AD-associated polymorphism rs3851179 near PICALM, which encodes a clathrin-coated pit accessory protein. Immunostaining established that PICALM is expressed predominately in microvessels in human brain. Consistent with this finding, PICALM mRNA expression correlated with expression of the endothelial genes vWF and CD31. Additionally, we found that PICALM expression was modestly increased with the rs3851179A AD-protective allele. Analysis of PICALM isoforms found several isoforms lacking exons encoding elements previously identified as critical to PICALM function. Increased expression of the common isoform lacking exon 13 was also associated with the rs3851179A protective allele; this association was not apparent when this isoform was compared with total PICALM expression, indicating that the SNP is associated with total PICALM expression and not this isoform per se. Interestingly, PICALM lacking exons 2–4 was not associated with rs3851179 but was associated with rs592297, which is located in exon 5. Thus, our primary findings are that multiple PICALM isoforms are expressed in the human brain, that PICALM is robustly expressed in microvessels, and that expression of total PICALM is modestly correlated with the AD-associated SNP rs3851179. We interpret these results as suggesting that increased PICALM expression in the microvasculature may reduce AD risk

    Constructing gene association networks for rheumatoid arthritis using the backward genotype-trait association (BGTA) algorithm

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    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA, MIM 180300) is a common and complex inflammatory disorder. The North American Rheumatoid Arthritis Consortium (NARAC) data, as part of the Genetic Analysis Workshop 15 data, consists of both genome scan and candidate gene studies on RA patients. We applied the backward genotype-trait association (BGTA) algorithm to capture marginal and gene × gene interaction effects of multiple susceptibility loci on RA disease status. A two-stage screening approach was used for the genome scan, whereas a comprehensive study of all possible subsets was conducted for the candidate genes. For the genome scan, we constructed an association network among 39 genetic loci that demonstrated strong signals, 19 of which have been reported in the RA literature. For the candidate genes, we found strong signals for PTPN22 and SUMO4. Based on significant association evidence, we built an association network among the loci of PTPN22, PADI4, DLG5, SLC22A4, SUMO4, and CARD15. To control for false positives, we used permutation tests to constrain the family-wise type I error rate to 1%. Using the BGTA algorithm, we identified genetic loci and candidate genes that were associated with RA susceptibility and association networks among them. For the first time, we report possible interactions between single-nucleotide polymorphisms/genes, which may be useful for biological interpretation

    Statistics of Feynman amplitudes in ϕ4\phi^4-theory

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    The amplitude of subdivergence-free logarithmically divergent Feynman graphs in ϕ4\phi^4-theory in 4 spacetime dimensions is given by a single number, the Feynman period. We numerically compute the periods of 1.3 million non-isomorphic completed graphs, this represents more than 31 million graphs contributing to the beta function. Our data set includes all primitive graphs up to 13 loops, and non-complete samples up to 18 loops, with an accuracy of ca. 4 significant digits. We implement all known symmetries of the period in a new computer program and count them up to 14 loops. We discover some combinations of symmetries that had been overlooked earlier, resulting in an overall slightly lower count of independent graphs than previously assumed. Using the numerical data, we examine the distribution of Feynman periods. We confirm the leading asymptotic growth of the average period with growing loop order. At high loop order, a limiting distribution is reached for the amplitudes near the mean. We construct two different models to approximate this distribution. A small class of graphs, most notably the zigzags, grows significantly faster than the mean and causes the limiting distribution to have divergent moments even when normalized to unit mean. We examine the relation between the period and various properties of the underlying graphs. We confirm the strong correlation with the Hepp bound, the Martin invariant, and the number of 6-edge cuts. We find that, on average, the amplitude of planar graphs is significantly larger than that of non-planar graphs, irrespective of O(N)O(N) symmetry. We estimate the primitive contribution to the 18-loop beta function of the O(N)O(N)-symmetric theory. We confirm that primitive graphs constitute a large part of the known asymptotics of the beta function in MS. However, we can not determine if they are, asymptotically, the only leading contribution.Comment: 59 pages, 70 figures, 17 table

    Bee Gee News October 1, 1947

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    The BGSU campus student newspaper October 1, 1947. Volume 32 - Issue 2https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/1827/thumbnail.jp

    Santa Clara Magazine, Volume 33 Number 1, Fall 1990

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    12 - PRIESTS & MARRIAGE The Pope has allowed the ordination of nearly 50 married Episcopal priests since 1980. Some see this as a sign of hope for a married priesthood . By Julie Sly \u2782 18 - THE POWER OF ONE Because of her own personal tragedy, Mary Beth Cahill Phillips \u2776 forced the state of California to form Trustline, a registry parents can use to check out a nanny. By Susan Frey 20 - THE ART OF BIOGRAPHY Our natural curiosity about each other tempts us into reading biographies the same way we turn to novels. Is peering into the private life of another person mere gossip? By Christiaan Lievestro 24 - KEEPING THE FAITH? An ecumenical hybrid of religion and politics, Dignity has become a controversial engine of dissent among Catholic homosexuals since its start two decades ago. By Elizabeth Fernandez \u2779 28 - Q & A WITH THE PRESIDENT In a recent interview, Santa Clara Magazine asked the questions and the president, Father Paul Locatelli, S.J., supplied the answers.https://scholarcommons.scu.edu/sc_mag/1041/thumbnail.jp