560 research outputs found

    Results from one-year use of an electronic Clinical Decision Support System in a post-conflict context: an implementation research

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    In 2017, the Adamawa State Primary Healthcare Development Agency introduced ALMANACH, an electronic clinical decision support system based on a modified version of IMCI. The target area was the Federal State of Adamawa (Nigeria), a region recovering after the Boko Haram insurgency. The aim of this implementation research was to assess the improvement in terms of quality care offered after one year of utilization of the tool.; We carried out two cross-sectional studies in six Primary Health Care Centres to assess the improvements in comparison with the baseline carried out before the implementation. One survey was carried out inside the consultation room and was based on the direct observation of 235 consultations of children aged from 2 to 59 months old. The second survey questioned 189 caregivers outside the health facility for their opinion about the consultation carried out through using the tablet, the prescriptions and medications given.; In comparison with the baseline, more children were checked for danger signs (60.0% vs. 37.1% at baseline) and in addition, children were actually weighed (61.1% vs. 27.7%) during consultation. Malnutrition screening was performed in 35.1% of children (vs. 12.1%). Through ALMANACH, also performance of preventive measures was significantly improved (p<0.01): vaccination status was checked in 39.8% of cases (vs. 10.6% at baseline), and deworming and vitamin A prescription was increased to 46.5% (vs. 0.7%) and 48.3% (vs. 2.8%) respectively. Furthermore, children received a complete physical examination (58.3% vs. 45.5%, p<0.01) and correct treatment (48.4% vs. 29.5%, p<0.01). Regarding antibiotic prescription, 69.3% patients received at least one antibiotic (baseline 77.7%, p<0.05).; Our findings highlight major improvements in terms of quality of care despite many questions still pending to be answered in relation to a full integration of the tool in the Adamawa health system

    Особенности обогащения углей с большим содержанием легкоразмокаемой породы

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    Наведені результати дослідження технологічних процесів при збагаченні вугілля з великим вмістом породи, яка легко розмокає, умовах ЦЗФ "Павлоградська". Визначенні особливості ведення технологічних процесів підготовки машинних класів важкосередовищної сепарації. відсадки, флотації. обробки шламових продуктів та сушіння дрібного концентрату, які відрізняються від загальноприйнятих.Приведены результаты исследований технологический процессов при обогащении углей с большим содержанием легкоразмокаемой породы в условиях ЦОФ "Павлоградская". Определены особенности ведения технологических процессов подготовки машинных классов, тяжелосредной сепарации, отсадки, флотации, обработки шламовых продуктов и сушки мелкого концентрата, которые отличаются от общепринятых

    Evaluation of the relationship between hyperinsulinaemia and myocardial ischaemia/reperfusion injury in a rat model of depression

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    Major depression is associated with medical comorbidity such as ischaemic heart disease and diabetes but the underlying pathophysiological mechanisms remain unclear. The Flinders Sensitive Line (FSL) rat is a genetic animal model of depression exhibiting features similar to those of depressed individuals. The aim of the present study was to compare the myocardial responsiveness to ischaemia-reperfusion injury and effects of ischaemic preconditioning (IPC) in hearts from FSL rats using Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats as controls and to characterize differences in glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity between the FSL and SD rats. Hearts were perfused in a Langendorff model and subjected or not to IPC before 40 minutes of global ischaemia followed by 120 minutes of reperfusion. Myocardial infarct size was found to be significantly larger in the FSL rats (I/R: 62.4±4.2 vs. 46.9±2.9%, P<0.05) than in the SD rats. IPC reduced the infarct size (P<0.01) and improved haemodynamic function (P<0.01) in both the FSL and the SD rats. No significant difference was found in blood glucose levels between the two groups measured after 12 hours of fasting but fasting plasma insulin (70.1±8.9 vs. 40.9±4.7 pmol/l, P<0.05) and HOMA (homeostatic model assessment) index (P<0.01) were significantly higher in the FSL rats compared to the SD rats. In conclusion, FSL rats had larger infarct sizes and were found to be hyperinsulinaemic compared to SD rats but seemed to have a maintained cardioprotective mechanism against ischaemia-reperfusion injury as IPC reduced infarct size in these rats. This animal model may be useful in future studies when examining the mechanisms that contribute to the cardiovascular complications associated with depression

    Digitalizing Clinical Guidelines: Experiences in the Development of Clinical Decision Support Algorithms for Management of Childhood Illness in Resource-Constrained Settings.

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    Clinical decision support systems (CDSSs) can strengthen the quality of integrated management of childhood illness (IMCI) in resource-constrained settings. Several IMCI-related CDSSs have been developed and implemented in recent years. Yet, despite having a shared starting point, the IMCI-related CDSSs are markedly varied due to the need for interpretation when translating narrative guidelines into decision logic combined with considerations of context and design choices. Between October 2019 and April 2021, we conducted a comparative analysis of 4 IMCI-related CDSSs. The extent of adaptations to IMCI varied, but common themes emerged. Scope was extended to cover a broader range of conditions. Content was added or modified to enhance precision, align with new evidence, and support rational resource use. Structure was modified to increase efficiency, improve usability, and prioritize care for severely ill children. The multistakeholder development processes involved syntheses of recommendations from existing guidelines and literature; creation and validation of clinical algorithms; and iterative development, implementation, and evaluation. The common themes surrounding adaptations of IMCI guidance highlight the complexities of digitalizing evidence-based recommendations and reinforce the rationale for leveraging standards for CDSS development, such as the World Health Organization's SMART Guidelines. Implementation through multistakeholder dialogue is critical to ensure CDSSs can effectively and equitably improve quality of care for children in resource-constrained settings

    Percutaneous transhepatic or endoscopic ultrasound-guided biliary drainage in malignant distal bile duct obstruction using a self-expanding metal stent: Study protocol for a prospective European multicenter trial (PUMa trial)

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    Background Endoscopic ultrasound-guided biliary drainage (EUS-BD) was associated with better clinical success and a lower rate of adverse events (AEs) than fluoroscopy-guided percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage (PTBD) in recent single center studies with mainly retrospective design and small case numbers (< 50). The aim of this prospective European multicenter study is to compare both drainage procedures using ultrasound-guidance and primary metal stent implantation in patients with malignant distal bile duct obstruction (PUMa Trial). Methods The study is designed as a non-randomized, controlled, parallel group, non-inferiority trial. Each of the 16 study centers performs the procedure with the best local expertise (PTBD or EUS-BD). In PTBD, bile duct access is performed by ultrasound guidance. EUS-BD is performed as an endoscopic ultrasound (EUS)-guided hepaticogastrostomy (EUS-HGS), EUS-guided choledochoduodenostomy (EUS-CDS) or EUS-guided antegrade stenting (EUS-AGS). Insertion of a metal stent is intended in both procedures in the first session. Primary end point is technical success. Secondary end points are clinical success, duration pf procedure, AEs graded by severity, length of hospital stay, re-intervention rate and survival within 6 months. The target case number is 212 patients (12 calculated dropouts included). Discussion This study might help to clarify whether PTBD is non-inferior to EUS-BD concerning technical success, and whether one of both interventions is superior in terms of efficacy and safety in one or more secondary endpoints. Randomization is not provided as both procedures are rarely used after failed endoscopic biliary drainage and study centers usually prefer one of both procedures that they can perform best

    Water column biogeochemistry of oxygen minimum zones in the eastern tropical North Atlantic and eastern tropical South Pacific Oceans

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    Recent modeling results suggest that oceanic oxygen levels will decrease significantly over the next decades to centuries in response to climate change and altered ocean circulation. Hence the future ocean may experience major shifts in nutrient cycling triggered by the expansion and intensification of tropical oxygen minimum zones (OMZs). There are numerous feedbacks between oxygen concentrations, nutrient cycling and biological productivity; however, existing knowledge is insufficient to understand physical, chemical and biological interactions in order to adequately assess past and potential future changes. We investigated the pelagic biogeochemistry of OMZs in the eastern tropical North Atlantic and eastern tropical South Pacific during a series of cruise expeditions and mesocosm studies. The following summarizes the current state of research on the influence of low environmental oxygen conditions on marine biota, viruses, organic matter formation and remineralization with a particular focus on the nitrogen cycle in OMZ regions. The impact of sulfidic events on water column biogeochemistry, originating from a specific microbial community capable of highly efficient carbon fixation, nitrogen turnover and N2O production is further discussed. Based on our findings, an important role of sinking particulate organic matter in controlling the nutrient stochiometry of the water column is suggested. These particles can enhance degradation processes in OMZ waters by acting as microniches, with sharp gradients enabling different processes to happen in close vicinity, thus altering the interpretation of oxic and anoxic environments