303 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK Kata kunci : Penerapan, STAD, quick on the draw, hasil belajar, IPS terpadu Model pembelajaran STAD merupakan salah satu model yang menekankanpada adanya aktivitas dan interaksi di antara siswa untuk saling memotivasi dansaling membantu dalam menguasai materi pelajaran. Quick on the draw merupakan aktivitas riset untuk kerja tim agar menyelesaikan satu set soal dengan tepat.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) Peningkatan hasil belajar siswa; (2)Aktivitas guru dan siswa; (3) Keterampilan guru dalam mengelola pembelajaran; dan(4) Respon siswa terhadap model pembelajaran STAD berbantuan media quik on thedraw. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 1 TanahJambo Aye yang berjumlah 25 orang. Pengumpulan data dilakukan denganmenggunakan (1) Lembar pre-test dan post-test; (2) Lembar pengamatan aktivitasguru dan siswa; (3) Lembar pengamatan keterampilan guru; dan (4) lembar responsiswa. Analisis data menggunakan statistik deskriptif persentase. Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan bahwa (1) Persentase ketuntasan secara individual meningkat dari 17siswa yang tuntas pada siklus I, dan 23 siswa tuntas pada siklus II, persentaseketuntasan klasikal pun meningkat dari 60% pada siklus I, dan 90% pada siklus II;(2) Aktivitas guru dan siswa meningkat menjadi sesuai dengan persentase waktuideal; (3) Keterampilan guru meningkat dari perolehan skor 3,00 pada siklus Idengan kategori baik, dan 3,33 pada siklus II dengan kategori baik; (4) Responsiswa, terhadap model pembelajaran STAD berbantuan media quick on the drawdapat dikatakan baik. 95 persen dari 25 siswa berpendapat bahwa dengan belajarmelalui model pembelajaran STAD berbantuan media quick on the draw dapatmeningkatkan pemahaman mereka terhadap materi yang telah dipelajari

    Child sexual abuse leads to Psychological disorders: Literature review

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    This scholarly paper explains the relationship between child sexual abuse and psychological disorders. Childhood sexual abuse (CSA) is a forceful sexual contact with a child who is incapable of consenting. The impact of sexual abuse can range from physical to very severe psychological effects. Psychological disorders caused by child sexual abuse include panic disorder, anxiety, depression, substance abuse, low self-esteem and post-traumatic stress disorder. The phenomenon of child sexual abuse is shaped by some important theories like behavioral, psychodynamic, attachment, cognitive and integrated theory. These theories may help to develop a sound empirical base through which cost effective strategies can be made to prevent child sexual abuse. Although child sexual abuse is considered as an offensive act in Pakistan, but it is usually hidden in our society. Approximately 3,861 and 1,204 child sexual abuse cases were reported in 2012 and 2013 respectively from Pakistan. A series of current cases of child sexual abuse has brought the issue to the limelight. Child sexual abuse affects not only the individual but also the families and societies on large scale. Therefore, an integrated approach focusing on the parents, teachers and medical professionals can be proposed to prevent this issue. Prevention programs such as parenting education, home-visiting programs, public education, and training sessions can be developed. Therefore, it is highly important for the families and communities to work together with the support of stakeholders, so that a voice can be raised against CSA and this will ultimately reduce psychological problems in the society

    Unmet need for Contraception and unintended Pregnancies among women of reproductive age group: A situation analysis

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    Each year approximately 210 million pregnancies occur worldwide and more than one-third (75 to 80 million) of these are unintended, more than half of these (46 million) unintended pregnancies undergo unsafe abortions. In Pakistan 16% of the births are reported to be unwanted and if the unwanted fertility is eliminated, total fertility in Pakistan would be 3.1 births per woman. Total demand for family planning in Pakistan is 55%, while the contraceptive prevalence rate is 35% and unmet need for family planning is 20%. Reasons for unmet need and unintended pregnancy include lack of permission, fear of side effects, poor quality and limited access to family planning services. Moreover, non-use of contraceptive methods and method failure are important reasons for unintended pregnancy. Women of reproductive age experience multiple adverse outcomes due to unintended pregnancy. These women neither care for themselves nor for their family and due to such careless behavior the likelihood of maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality increases. Research on intervention programs for unintended pregnancy needs to be done in future. It is important to focus on how intervention programs should be designed, delivered and examined. Intervention strategies should aim to reduce unintended pregnancy by focusing on all the identified factors so that infant and maternal mortality and morbidity as well as the need for abortion is decreased and the overall well-being of the family is maintained and enhanced. Thus, improved community efforts are required to educate women about family planning as well about the proper use of family planning methods. Improved counseling and proper follow up is required especially of those women who adopt any method. Since improper treatment, incomplete follow up and limited choice of method might lead the women to discontinue the methods, therefore role of quality of care of existing services in improving women’s ability to achieve their desired reproductive goals should be given an attention. In addition to improving the quality of existing family planning services, the focus should be on the follow up of women for assessing the adherence to method and addressing their problems related to any method

    Infection control in labor and delivery room, learning from the small hospital based project

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    Background: It has been estimated that around 36% of the neonatal deaths occur due to infection in the lower and middle income countries. Infection control is a more substantial area of concern, particularly in Labor and delivery room. Multiple factors can cause infection in the labor room, therefore it is important to assess various factors of maternal and neonatal infection. Hence we explored multiple factors through this project and developed the action plan to address those factors effectively.Methods: During our Leadership and Management course, we conducted a project in Labor room pertaining to a prevalent issue. The whole process from identification of the issue to the resolution was supposed to be in the light of leadership and management concepts. After a thorough analysis and discussion, an action plan was formulated considering the resources, audience, facilities and time required for implementation and evaluation. Every step was mentioned in the action plan for identification of issue till the evaluation of the project.Findings: Factors of infection were grouped under six broad headings including staff, environment, practices, equipment, factors related to patient and others. These were diagrammatically represented through “Fishbone” Diagram.Conclusion: Infection is a common issue in the hospital setting and we tried to assess the factors of infection in the labor room. We identified multiple factors of infection and tried to address those factors by developing a simple action plan. We found that infection can be controlled by taking very simple precautionary measures without incurring a lot of cost

    Pengaruh Perbedaan Metode Ekstraksi terhadap Aktivitas Antioksidan dan Kadar Fenolat Total dalam Ekstrak Daun Kelor (Moringa oleifera Lam.)

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    Prosedur ekstraksi sangat mempengaruhi kualitas dan kuantitas komponen kimia yang dapat disari dari tanaman agar menghasilkan ekstrak yang kaya akan senyawa-senyawa bioaktif. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh perbedaan metode ekstraksi terhadap aktivitas antioksidan dan kadar fenolat total dari ekstrak daun kelor (Moringa oleifera Lam.). Serbuk kering daun kelor diekstraksi dengan alkohol 70% dengan 4 metode, yaitu maserasi selama 2 jam dengan pengadukan 500 rpm (E1), maserasi selama 2 jam dengan pengadukan 500 rpm pada suhu 40 oC (E2), maserasi selama 1,5 jam dengan pengadukan 500 rpm dilanjutkan ultrasonifikasi selama 30 menit pada frekuensi 40 kHz (E3), dan maserasi selama 1,5 jam dengan pengadukan 500 rpm dilanjutkan ultrasonifikasi selama 30 menit pada frekuensi 40 kHz yang dilakukan pada suhu 40 oC (E4). Kadar fenolat total ditentukan dengan metode Folin-Ciocalteu, sedangkan aktivitas antioksidan dari masing-masing ekstrak diperiksa dengan metode perangkapan radikal DPPH. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kadar fenolik total tertinggi terdapat pada E4 dan diikuti oleh E2, E3, dan E1 dengan kadar masing-masing 82,87; 82,13; E3 75,51, dan E1 73,39 mg/g GAE. Aktivitas antioksidan dinyatakan dengan nilai IC50, dimana aktivitas tertinggi diperoleh pada E1 dan diikuti oleh E3, E2, dan E4, masing-masing dengan nilai IC50 sebesar 61,54; 67,37; 72,33, dan E4 82,87 µg/mL. Dengan demikian, perbedaan metode ekstraksi ini mempengaruhi aktivitas antioksidan dan kadar fenolat total daun kelor

    Analisis Pengaruh Faktor Fundamental Dan Ekonomi Makro Terhadap Return Saham Sektor Perbankan Di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    The purpose of this study was to determine fundamental factors and maro economic have an influence on the banking sector stock returns listed on the Stock Exchange the period 2008-2011. The population in this study are all banking companies listed on the Stock Exchange. The samples are all banking companies listed on the Stock Exchange in the period 2008-2011. Samples were taken by using purposive sampling. The number of samples used by 56 companies. This study uses multiple regression analysis. The test results indicate that the first hypothesis (H1) stated profitability affect stock returns, rejected. The second hypothesis (H2) stated DER effect on stock returns, rejected. The third hypothesis (H3) stated PBV effect on stock returns, accepted. The fourth hypothesis (H4) stating rate of interest affect stock returns, accepted. The fifth hypothesis (H5), which states that inflation affects stock returns, accepted. Hypothesis six (H6) stated profitability, DER, PBV, rates of interest, and inflation simultaneously affect stock returns, accepted

    Pengembangan Media Pop Up Book Stik pada Materi Operasi Hitung Perkalian dan Pembagian Kelas II SDN 004 Pulau Birandang Kabupaten Kampar

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    ABSTRAK Putri Savera (2022): Pengembangan Media Pop Up Book Stik pada Materi Operasi Hitung Perkalian dan Pembagian Kelas II SDN 004 Pulau Birandang Kabupaten Kampar Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: 1) Penggunaan media dalam pembelajaran di kelas II SD; 2) Kebutuhan media Pop Up Book Stik pada materi Operasi Hitung Perkalian dan Pembagian; 3) Spesifikasi media Pop Up Book Stik pada materi Operasi Hitung Perkalian dan Pembagian; 4) Desain media Pop Up Book Stik pada materi Operasi Hitung Perkalian dan Pembagian; 5) Validitas media Pop Up Book Stik pada materi Operasi Hitung Perkalian dan Pembagian; 6) Praktikalitas media Pop Up Book Stik pada materi Operasi Hitung Perkalian dan Pembagian. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Research and Development. Model pengembangan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan model ADDIE. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan empat tahap yakni: analysis, design, development and evaluation. Subjek dari penelitian ini adalah 1 guru dan 6 siswa dengan menggunakan angket. Hasil penelitian ini adalah: 1) Pembelajaran di kelas hanya menggunakan benda-benda disekitar seperti lidi, sempoa; 2) Pembelajaran Matematika memerlukan alat bantu berupa media Pop Up Book Stik agar siswa mudah memahami materi; 3) Spesifikasi media Pop Up Book Stik, media yang akan dikembangkan berupa buku dengan kriteria full colour, dan di dalamnya terdapat bangunan ruang 3 dimensi; 4) Desain menggunakan aplikasi Corel DRAW untuk membuat mockup media; 5) Pengembangan media Pop Up Book Stik divalidasi oleh tiga ahli materi, tiga ahli bahasa, dan tiga ahli media. Dari ahli materi diperoleh nilai validasi sebesar 95,4% dengan kategori sangat layak, dari ahli bahasa diperoleh nilai validasi sebesar 98,6% dengan kategori sangat layak dan dari ahli media diperoleh nilai validasi sebesar 88,9% dengan kategori sangat layak; 6) Uji praktikalitas media, dilakukan kepada satu guru dan enam siswa. Uji praktikalitas media pada guru diperolah hasil sebesar 100% dengan kategori sangat praktis dan uji praktikalitas media pada siswa diperoleh hasil sebesar 96,5% dengan kategori sangat praktis. Kata Kunci: Media Pembelajaran, Pop Up Book Stik, Penelitian Pengembangan

    Pengaruh Corporate Governance Terhadap Financial Distress (Studi Pada Perusahaan Transportasi Yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2013-2016)

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    Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk menguji apakah Corporate Governance berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap Financial Distress. Struktur tata kelola perusahaan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan indikator Dewan Direksi, Proporsi Komisaris Independen, Komite Audit, dan Kepemilikan Institusional. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksplanatif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder yang diperoleh melalui website Bursa Efek Indonesia dari tahun 2013 hingga tahun 2016. Berdasarkan metode purposive sampling, sampel yang diperoleh adalah 19 perusahaan pada periode 2013-2016 sehingga diperoleh 76 observasi. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan program SPSS 23. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan analisis regresi logistik. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Ukuran Dewan Direksi dan Kepemilikan Institusional memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap Financial Distress. Namun, Proporsi Komisaris Independen dan Komite Audit memiliki pengaruh yang tidak signifikan terhadap Financial Distress

    Ozone depletion, a big threat to climate change: What can be done?

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    Ozone in the stratosphere is very important as it acts as a safeguard for the earth and protects life from harmful ultraviolet radiations coming from the sun. Depletion of stratospheric ozone, resulting from atmospheric pollution has led to increased ultraviolet radiation at the earth’s surface as well as spectral shifts to the more biologically damaging shorter wavelengths. A decrease in the concentration of stratospheric ozone enhances the solar ultraviolet (UV) radiation, which is harmful to the growth of the plant and various other metabolic processes of the organisms and might cause changes in pigment concentrations, nucleic acids, and proteins. Multiple causes of ozone depletion have been identified in the literature review, but the findings are not synthesized at one place. Thus, the purpose of this paper was to review the causes of ozone depletion and to propose the interventions to address this problem in order to avoid the climate change and its associated outcomes