24 research outputs found


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    Pertumbuhan dan pembangunan Provinsi Jawa Timur diukur melalui perubahan struktur sosial, ekonomi dan pertanian. Penelitian ini menggunakan empat sektor utama dengan total sebanyak 61 variabel dengan menggunakan data pada tahun 2016 hingga 2018. Perubahan struktur melibatkan kondisi perubahan kabupaten/kota di Jawa Timur. Beberapa kabupaten/kota memiliki karakteristik sama dan berbeda-beda. Perubahan struktur dapat diketahui dengan melakukan pengelompokan (cluster) kabupaten/kota untuk melihat potensi dan perubahan berdasarkan variabel yang paling dominan yang diperoleh dari analisis faktor. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa telah terjadi penurunan distribusi produk domestik Bruto sektor pertanian dari 42,90% (Th.2014) turun menjadi 15,42% (Th. 2018). Penurunan dipicu oleh naiknya sektor industri dari 11,70% (Th.2012) naik menjadi 27,11% (Th. 2018) dan naiknya sektor perdagangan dari 20,70% (Th.2014) menjadi 30,40% (Th.2018). Sektor pendidikan merupakan sektor yang mendominasi pada tahun 2016 dengan variabilitas sebesar 37,465%. Sektor keuangan, industri dan perdagangan merupakan sektor yang mendominasi pada tahun 2017 dengan variabilitas sebesar 37,433% dan pada tahun 2018 dengan variabilitas sebesar 41,661%

    The Effectiveness of statistics software training to improve the understanding of quantitative research methodology concepts for students of Tadris Mathematics, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

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    The research was conducted using a quantitative approach. The population used in this study were students of Tadris Mathematics of UIN Malang as many as 40 people. The purpose of this research is to see the effectiveness of the holding of statistical software training for studenst of Tadris Mathematics of UIN Malang on understanding the concept of quantitative research methodology for. The effectiveness is seen by comparing the students scores before being given statistical software training with the students scores after being given statistical software training. The comparison was carried out using the paired t test. Based on the results of the normality test, it is concluded that the pre-test and post-test data have a normal distribution. Then the results of the correlation test or the relationship between the two pre-test and post-test variables can be said that there is no relationship between the pretest variable and the post-test variable. The results of data analysis show that the significance value is 0.000. Because the significance value of 0.000 < the alpha value used (0.05), Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. This shows that there is a difference between the average of pretest and posttest scores


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    Indeks Pembangunan Gender menjadi salah satu indikator dari keberhasilan pembangunan di sebuah negara. Indeks Pembangunan Gender dapat mengukur pencapaian pembangunan kapabilitas dasar menusia di berbagai bidang kesehatan, pendidikan dan bidang ekonomi dengan mempertimbangkan aspek kesetaraan gender antara laki-laki dan perempuan. Jawa Barat merupakan salah satu provinsi di Jawa dengan kepadatan penduduk yang sangat tinggi namun justru memiliki Indeks Ketimpangan Gender yang berada di bawah rata-rata Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan sebuah analisis untuk memodelkan Indeks Pembangunan Gender di Provinsi Jawa Barat dengan faktor-faktor yang diduga mempengaruhi. Pemodelan pada penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode nonparameterik Spline multivariabel dengan meggunakan GCV (Generalized Cross Validation) sebagai metode untuk memilih titikknot optimalnya. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa variabel yang berpengaruh terhadap Indeks Pembangunan Gender di Provinsi Jawa Barat adalah Angka Harapan Hidup (X1), Harapan Lama Sekolah (X2), Rata-Rata Lama Sekolah (X3), Pengeluaran Berdasarkan Gender (X4) dan Keterlibatan Perempuan di Parlemen (X5). Model regresi nonparametrik spline yang dihasilkan mempunyai koefisien determinasi sebesar 95,18persen.  Kata kunci : Regresi Nonparametrik Spline, GCV, Indeks Pembangunan Gende


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    This research focuses on examining the level of effectiveness of mathematics learning e-modules in improving students' abilities in the field of numeracy literacy, especially at the initial level in the secondary school years. Based on the quasi-experimental design used and then using the one group pretest-posttest formula, this research is included in the experimental category. The population group for this study were grade 7 students at SMP Negeri 13 Malang, and the sample consisted of 20 grade 7A students. The sampling technique used is purposive non probability type. Quantitative data in this research was collected through tests using pretest and posttest sheets. Data analysis was carried out using a paired t-test using the SPSS program and the gain value formula. Based on the research results, it is known that the t-test significance level is 0.002, which means that the significance value is less than 0.05. As for the calculation of the gain value, the result was 0.4 or equivalent to the medium level effective category. So it is concluded that the e-learning module is effective in improving students' abilities in the numeracy literacy aspect

    Pengaruh nilai ujian nasional terhadap keberhasilan mahasiswa baru dalam matakuliah Kalkulus I

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    Research conducted is quantitative. The population of students departement of mathematic education who took calculus 1 course. The sample of this study were 20 students. This study aims to look at the effect of national exam values with the success of students in calculus 1. Data collected in the form of national exam scores and learning outcomes of calculus 1. The results of data analysis indicate that there is a correlation between national exam values with learning outcomes of calculus 1. Correlation value of 0.642 which means the UN values and learning outcomes of calculus 1 there is a moderate or sufficient correlation. National exam scores contribute to learning outcomes of calculus 1by 41,28% and the rest is determined by other variables. The regression equation obtained Y = 1,101 + 0.787X. There is a positive influence between national exam values and learning outcomes in calculus 1. This shows that the greater the national exam values, the success of calculus learning will also be great

    Inklusivisme Pendidikan Islam: Studi Fenomenologi pembinaan nilai-nilai toleransi di Pesantren Luhur Baitul Hikmah Kabupaten Malang

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    Inklusivisme Pendidikan Islam (Studi Fenomenologi Pembinaan Nilai-Nilai Toleransi Di Pesantren Luhur Baitul Hikmah Kabupaten Malang

    Factors that influence students' readiness in face-to-face learning setting in post Covid-19 pandemic through ordinal logistic rough regression

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    Due to declining trends in Covid-19 in Indonesia, the government of Indonesia is now considering the option of face-to-face learning in educational sector. Based on the current situation, the purpose of this study is to identify the influencing factor of students’ readiness in face-to-face learning post Covid-19 pandemic. Proposed in this study through ordinal logistic rough regression method, the variables that affect the level of students’ readiness in preparing face-to-face learning are: (1) Education Unit Activity Plan and Budget (RKAS) related in funding from socialization activities to the provision of health and hygiene facilities and infrastructure (X1), (2) Supporting facilities to support face-to-face learning in Covid-19 period (X2), (3) Agreement between the school and the school committee (X3), (4) Vaccinations for the entire academic community (X4), (5) Organizing of the Covid-19 task force (X5), (6) Regulation to close cafeteria and to forbid any extracurricular activities (X6), and (7) Guidelines in dividing classroom into small groups, room layout with a minimum distance of 1.5 meters, and one-way traffic direction in hallways/corridors and stairs (X7). The results of the analysis obtained the strength value or association as well as the coefficient of determination in the regression, the Cox and Snell value of 0.843 (84.3%), Nagelkerke's value of 0.766 (76.6%) and Mc Fadden's value of 0.748 (74.8%


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan model pembelajaran Project Based Learning (PjBL) yang terintegrasi STEM dengan model pembelajaran konvensional. Hal ini untuk mengetahui penerapan model pembelajaran, hasil pembelajaran (aspek kognitif dan afektif) dan kompetensi siswa pada masalah teselasi. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuasi eksperimen dengan desain posttest only control design yang dilakukan dalam 2 kali pertemuan. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas VIII, dengan sampel kelas VIII C sebagai kelas eksperimen dan VIII B kelas kontrol. Hasil pada penelitian ini yaitu model pembelajaran Project Based Learning terintegrasi STEM efektif dalam meningkatkan kemampuan pemahaman konsep dengan rata-rata 70,22 untuk kelas eksperimen dan 45,43 pada kelas kontrol. Model pembelajaran Project Based Learning juga efektif dalam meningkatkan disposisi matematis dengan jumlah responden yang menjawab sangat setuju sebanyak 25,7% pada kelas eksperimen dan 10,1% pada kelas kontrol

    Efektivitas penerapan media GeoMath dalam pembelajaran geometri integratif untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar kognitif

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    Digital technology is a hot topic among students, we cannot be separated from digital technology in our lives. There are still many students who are not interested in mathematics subjects which are considered very challenging to understand, troublesome and boring. This means that researchers consider learning media that make it easier for students to understand the material. Therefore, researchers tried to examine how to increase the effectiveness of GeoMath media in integrative geometry learning. GeoMath is an Android-based ICT media that is useful for assisting students in handling learning, especially geometry material in mathematics lessons. From the data obtained, it was found that using Geomath media was proven to increase effectiveness in improving learning outcomes

    Efektivitas penerapan media GeoMath dalam pembelajaran geometri integratif untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar kognitif

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    Digital technology is a hot topic among students, we cannot be separated from digital technology in our lives. There are still many students who are not interested in mathematics subjects which are considered very challenging to understand, troublesome and boring. This means that researchers consider learning media that make it easier for students to understand the material. Therefore, researchers tried to examine how to increase the effectiveness of GeoMath media in integrative geometry learning. GeoMath is an Android-based ICT media that is useful for assisting students in handling learning, especially geometry material in mathematics lessons. From the data obtained, it was found that using Geomath media was proven to increase effectiveness in improving learning outcomes