7 research outputs found


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    This research was conducted to determine the factors that influence the decisions of farmers on replanting of the rubber in district Pemayung Batang Hari Regency. The Decision in this research is the choice by the farmer doing replantling or not doing replanting of the rubber. The sampling method used proportional random sampling method with the number of respondents as much as 75 people with the allocation of 38 people do replanting and 37 people don’t do replanting. Data analysis used the method of binary logistic regression analysis approach. Expected factor influence replanting decisions of the rubber are age, leve of education, number of family member, plantation area, capital and income. The results showed that there are two factors with the level of error (5%) that affect significantly the replanting decision of the rubber in district Pemayung Batang Hari Regency. The factors mentioned include the number of capital and income. Whereas with level of error (10%) that there are three factors that affect significantly, the factors mentioned include the number of family members, capital and income. It showed that the factors of age, level of education, number of family member and plantation area has no effect against the decision of farmers in the replanting of the rubber in district Pemayung Batang Hari Regency. The famers decision on choosing replanting in district Pemayung supported by the government province support that gives help as a stimulator for farmers responden, the helps by the government consist of seeds and fetilizer

    Analisis Nilai Moral Tokoh-Tokoh Dalam Serial Animasi "Riko The Series" Pada Episode 15 Season 2 “Adab Sebelum Ilmu”

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    Nowadays's increasingly sophisticated technological development can influence a person's character or personality. Implanting a moral fiber in children should be done along with the advent of technology. Youtube as a social media platform that provides videos to watch can become a device for children's moral imposition with the technology media, among other things the rico series's animation. The study was on analysis of the moral role in the animation series 2episode 15 adab before science. The purpose of this study is to learn the moral values of the animation of rico the series in episode 15 of season 2 with the title adab before science. The study USES qualitative research methods using library study data collection techniques, note and document. The analysis technique used was with Roland barthes' semiotics technique concerning petanda relationships and markers in a mark of meaning. This analysis was done by watching the animation of rico the series on episode 15 of the 2nd season, before science, before science, create a synopsis, and express the meaning of the words and conduct of the characters and the values it contains. The results of this study have been found in the animated series in the 15th episode of culture before the study of the moral value to god consists of saying hello, thanking, and admiring god's greatness, the moral value to the family of counseling in goodness, please help and forgive, and the moral value to oneself of apologizing and acknowledging it

    Perancangan Sistem Informasi Geografis Wisata Kabupaten Bekasi Berbasis Android

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    Bidang priwisata merupakan aspek cukup berpengaruh keberadaanya bagi pemerintahan. Dinas pariwisata Kabupaten Bekasi merupakan lembaga pemerintahan yang bergerak dalam bidang pengembangan dan pengelolaan pariwisata untuk wilayah Kabupaten Bekasi. Dengan melihat potensi wisata Kabupaten Bekasi yang diiringi dengan semakin maju, dan berkembangnya teknologi informasi, dan di dukung dengan penggunaan smartphone dan internet, maka hal ini dapat dimanfaatkan untuk menemukan informasi wisata yanga ada di Kabupaten Bekasi. Dengan menggunakan media aplikasi sistem informasi berbasis android ini, maka para wistawan dapat dengan mudah ,cepat,dan bisa mengakses kapan dan dimana saja, untuk menemukan informasi wisata yang ada di Kabupaten Bekasi. Aplikasi ini juga menyediakan informasi peta lokasi wisata. Sehingga wisata yang ada di Kabupaten Bekasi dapat diperkenalkan lebih luas lagi dan diharpakan menjadi tujuan wisata favorit bagi pengunjungnya. Kata Kunci : Sistem informasi geografis (SIG), Android, Pariwisata Bekasi

    Bahan Ajar Prakarya dan Kewirausahaan Berorientasi Potensi Lokal Kabupaten Trenggalek

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    Abstract: Based on the results of preliminary observations and interviews conducted by researchers, obtained information that the local potential in Trenggalek District still belom maximized by teachers when carrying out learning activities in the classroom. Though the learning of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship can be used as a means of learners to develop ideas or creative ideas. So the researchers chose to develop teaching materials and entrepreneurship oriented local potential Trenggalek District with the aim that can be used as one way to increase the love of learners to their environment. Based on the research that has been implemented, obtained data that teaching materials developed effectively used to improve insight and entrepreneurship attitude of learners. Abstrak: Berdasarkan observasi awal dan wawancara dengan peneliti, diperoleh informasi bahwa potensi lokal di Kabupaten Trenggalek masih belum dimaksimalkan oleh guru ketika melaksanakan kegiatan pembelajaran di kelas. Padahal pembelajaran prakarya dan kewirausahaan dapat dijadikan sarana peserta didik untuk mengembangkan gagasan atau ide kreatifnya. Peneliti memilih untuk mengembangkan bahan ajar prakarya dan kewirausahaan berorientasi potensi lokal Kabupaten Trenggalek dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan rasa cinta peserta didik terhadap lingkungannya. Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilaksanakan, diperoleh data bahwa bahan ajar ini efektif untuk meningkatkan wawasan dan sikap kewirausahaan

    Audit Delay: Complexity of Company Operations as Moderation Variable

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    Financial statements are the most critical information for the company. Therefore, the submission of financial statements must be timely so that the information provided remains reliable and appropriate. Data on the Indonesia Stock Exchange shows that many companies still submit their financial statements yearly late. This study aims to empirically determine the effect of financial distress, company size, and audit opinion on audit delay, as well as the complexity of company operations as moderating the effect of financial distress, company size, and audit opinion on audit delay. The research method used is the quantitative method. This research was conducted on manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) from 2018-2022. Samples were taken by 285 companies using purposive sampling techniques. Data collection techniques are using literature study and documentation. The data analysis technique used is a panel data regression model using STATA 14.2 as a data analysis tool. The results of the analysis stated that financial distress and auditor opinion did not affect audit delay, while company size had an impact on audit delay. The complexity of the company's operations can moderate the relationship between audit opinion and audit delay. In contrast, the complexity of the company's operations cannot moderate the relationship between financial distress and company size to money delay