556 research outputs found

    A Framework for the Design and Implementation of Learning Objects: a Competence-based Approach

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    This paper presents a framework for the design and implementation of learning objects using a competence-based approach. This framework is illustrated by the development of a standalone Windows application (Trilho GOA) whose primary purpose is to create standardized pedagogical contents trough the aggregation and standardization of instructional resources in several formats that can be used later on a Learning Management System (LMS) supporting SCORM 1.2. The paper contains a brief introduction to the developed software, its system architecture, main features and several pedagogical advantages for its users

    Data Mesh: concepts and principles of a paradigm shift in data architectures

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    Inherent to the growing use of the most varied forms of software (e.g., social applications), there is the creation and storage of data that, due to its characteristics (volume, variety, and velocity), make the concept of Big Data emerge. Big Data Warehouses and Data Lakes are concepts already well established and implemented by several organizations, to serve their decision-making needs. After analyzing the various problems demonstrated by those monolithic architectures, it is possible to conclude about the need for a paradigm shift that will make organizations truly data-oriented. In this new paradigm, data is seen as the main concern of the organization, and the pipelining tools and the Data Lake itself are seen as a secondary concern. Thus, the Data Mesh consists in the implementation of an architecture where data is intentionally distributed among several Mesh nodes, in such a way that there is no chaos or data silos, since there are centralized governance strategies and the guarantee that the core principles are shared throughout the Mesh nodes. This paper presents the motivation for the appearance of the Data Mesh paradigm, its features, and approaches for its implementation.- (undefined

    Consumer perspective on health effects associated with consumption of detox juices

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    Os sumos detox são uma nova tendência alimentar associada à perda de peso e a um estilo de vida saudável. São constituídos por frutas e hortícolas, alimentos naturalmente ricos em antioxidantes, compostos bioativos e vitaminas, cujo consumo está associado à redução de fatores de risco de doenças crónicas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a perceção dos consumidores relativamente aos efeitos na saúde associados ao consumo de sumos detox. Foi desenvolvido e aplicado um questionário online a 285 indivíduos com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e os 84 anos. Os resultados obtidos indicaram que a maioria da população inquirida já ouviu falar em sumos detox e considera que estes não constituem uma boa opção para substituir refeições, embora lhes associe diversos benefícios. Relativamente aos benefícios nutricionais dos sumos detox, os inquiridos destacaram a sua riqueza vitamínica (80,7%), o seu poder de hidratação (61,4%), a sua riqueza mineral (57,9%) e seu teor de fibra (52,6%).Detox juices are a new food trend associated with weight loss and a healthy lifestyle. They are recognised as a source of natural antioxidants, bioactive compounds and vitamins, and its consumption is associated with the reduction of risk factors for chronic diseases. The objective of this study was to evaluate consumers' perception regarding the health effects associated with the consumption of detox juices. An online questionnaire was developed and applied to 285 individuals aged between 18 and 84 years. The results indicate that the majority of the population surveyed has already heard about detox juices and consider that these juices are not a good option to replace meals, although they recognize the relationship between detox juices and several potential benefits. Regarding the nutritional benefits of detox juices, the subjects highlighted their vitamin richness (80.7%), their hydration maintenance (61.4%), their mineral richness (57.9%) and their fibre content (52.6%).Este trabalho foi financiado pelo Instituto Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorge (INSA) no âmbito do projeto BioCOMP (2012DAN730). Tânia Gonçalves Albuquerque agradece a bolsa de doutoramento (SFRH/BD/99718/2014) financiada pela Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Fundo Social Europeu e Ministério da Educação e Ciência.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    How phenotypic convergence arises in experimental evolution

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    Evolutionary convergence is a core issue in the study of adaptive evolution, as well as a highly debated topic at present. Few studies have analyzed this issue using a "real-time" or evolutionary trajectory approach. Do populations that are initially differentiated converge to a similar adaptive state when experiencing a common novel environment? Drosophila subobscura populations founded from different locations and years showed initial differences and variation in evolutionary rates in several traits during short-term (∼20 generations) laboratory adaptation. Here, we extend that analysis to 40 more generations to analyze (1) how differences in evolutionary dynamics among populations change between shorter and longer time spans, and (2) whether evolutionary convergence occurs after 60 generations of evolution in a common environment. We found substantial variation in longer term evolutionary trajectories and differences between short- and longer term evolutionary dynamics. Although we observed pervasive patterns of convergence toward the character values of long-established populations, populations still remain differentiated for several traits at the final generations analyzed. This pattern might involve transient divergence, as we report in some cases, indicating that more generations should lead to final convergence. These findings highlight the importance of longer term studies for understanding convergent evolution.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Characterization and stability of co-amorphous systems containing Olanzapine and sulfonic acids

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    Abstract of the communication presented at the 4th International Congress of CiiEM - "Health, Well-being and Ageing in the XXI Century." 2-5 June 2019, Campus Egas Moniz, Monte de Caparica, PortugalN/

    Co-formability, solubility enhancement and stability of Olanzapine co-amorphous systems produced with different co-formers

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    Abstract of the poster presented at the 4th International Congress of CiiEM - "Health, Well-being and Ageing in the XXI Century." 2-5 June 2019, Campus Egas Moniz, Monte de Caparica, PortugalN/

    Role of MOB4 in cell proliferation and neurogenesis

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    Signaling pathways that integrate a large set of inputs (both extra- and intracellular) to control cell proliferation are essential during both development and adult stages to guarantee organism homeostasis. Mobs are small adaptor proteins that participate in several of these signaling pathways. Here, we review recent advances unravelling Mob4 cellular functions, a highly conserved non-catalytic protein, that plays a diversity of roles in cell proliferation, sperm cell differentiation and is simultaneously involved in synapse formation and neural development. In addition, the gene is often overexpressed in a large diversity of tumors and is linked to poor clinical outcomes. Nevertheless, Mob4 molecular functions remain poorly defined, although it integrates the core structure of STRIPAK, a kinase/phosphatase protein complex, that can act upstream of the Hippo pathway. In this review we focus on the recent findings of Mob4 functions, that have begun to clarify its critical role on cell proliferation and the development of tissues and individuals.Grant number ALG-01-0145-FEDER-030014info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    3D-Printing of paracetamol tablets by fused deposition modelling

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    Abstract of poster presented at the 12th PBP World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Wien, Austria, 11-14 May 2021 (virtual Meeting)N/