52 research outputs found

    Analisis Ekuivalensi Terjemahan Pada Iklan Lowongan Kerja Berbahasa Mandarin

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    Suatu Bahasa yang digunakan untuk saling berkomunikasi kemudian mengalami proses penerjemahan untuk keperluan tertentu memiliki syarat yang harus di penuhi agar hasil terjemahannya dapat di pertanggung jawabkan dan memiliki kualitas terjemahan yang tinggi, syarat tersebut yaitu ekuivalensi terjemahan atau sama dengan kesetaraan terjemahan. Salah satu data yang dapat dianalisis ekuivalensi terjemahannya yaitu keseluruhan teks baik itu tingkat kata, frasa, serta kalimat yang tertera pada iklan lowongan kerja berbahasa Mandarin yang tersedia pula terjemahannya dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk menganalisis dan mendeskripsikan ekuivalensi terjemahan pada iklan lowongan kerja berbahasa Mandarin. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan objek penelitian berupa kata, frasa, klausa, dan kalimat yang ada pada tampilan iklan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pengumpulan data berupa metode analisis dokumentasi. Hasil dari  penelitian 15 data menunjukan bahwa terdapat 3 jenis ekuivalensi yang digunakan. Setelah melakukan penelitian hasil penelitian menunjukan jenis ekuivalensi yang paling sering digunakan adalah ekuivalensi gramatikal

    Penerapan Discovery Learning Dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berpikir Luwes Materi Elektrolit/ Non Elektrolit

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    This research was aimed to describe the practicality, effectiveness, and effect size of discovery learning model to improve the ability of the students' flexibility thinking of solution electrolyte and non electrolyte topics. This research used poor experimental method with one group pretest-posttest design. Students of SMAN 6 Metro for 2016/2017 academic years at X.8 class was used as sample which it was obtained by using cluster random sampling. The results shown that the practicality and effectivity of discovery learning model had high criteria, n-gain average in the ability of the students' flexibility thinking was 0.54 and effect size was 0.95. Based on them, discovery learning model was practical, effective, and big effect size to improve the ability of the students' flexibility thinking of solution electrolyte and non electrolyte topics.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kepraktisan, keefektivan dan ukuran pengaruh model discovery learning dalam meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir luwes siswa pada materi larutan elektrolit dan non elektrolit. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode poor experimental dengan one group pretest-posttest design. Siswa SMAN 6 Metro tahun pelajaran 2016/2017 di kelas X.8 digunakan sebagai sampel yang diperoleh dengan menggunakan cluster random sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kepraktisan dan keefektivan model discovery learning berkriteria tinggi, nilai rata-rata n-gainkemampuan berpikir luwes siswa sebesar 0,54 dan ukuran pengaruh sebesar 0,95. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, model discovery learning praktis, efektif dan memiliki ukuran pengaruh yang besar dalam meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir luwes siswa pada materi larutan elektrolit dan non elektrolit

    Design of DC Wirings for urban house in Indonesia including analysis on appliances, power losses, and costs: An alternative to Support Rooftop PV Uptake

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    Most of the application of solar PV in Indonesia uses inverter, which is a complex and expensive electronics system. Many of the PV plants are in fault condition due to the failure of the inverter. This paper proposed DC wirings powered by solar PV for houses in the urban area of Indonesia. First, the paper reviewed the availability of electrical appliances powered by DC voltage supply. Secondly, it presents AC and DC house wiring designs for a house with 1 300 VA electrical power limit. Losses of both wirings are analyzed and compared, including the cost of wirings materials. The survey showed appliances such as air conditioning, fridgefreezer, television, washing machine, and other appliances are now available in DC voltage supply. A 48 V DC bus is chosen to minimize losses. From a cost perspective, AC and DC wiring systems are comparable, but the DC house is slightly more expensive due to the cost of appliances. The cost of DC wirings is lower due to the lower cost of the DC-DC converters and uses fewer conductors. The results provide an alternative to using solar PV directly distributed as DC voltage for the houses in the urban area of the country

    Designing multifunctional landscapes for forest conservation

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    A multifunctional landscape approach to forest protection has been advocated for tropical countries. Designing such landscapes necessitates that the role of different land uses in protecting forest be evaluated, along with the spatial interactions between land uses. However, such evaluations have been hindered by a lack of suitable analysis methodologies and data with fine spatial resolution over long time periods. We demonstrate the utility of a matching method with multiple categories to evaluate the role of alternative land uses in protecting forest. We also assessed the impact of land use change trajectories on the rate of deforestation. We employed data from Kalimantan (Indonesian Borneo) at three different time periods during 2000–2012 to illustrate our approach. Four single land uses (protected areas (PA), natural forest logging concessions (LC), timber plantation concessions (TC) and oil-palm plantation concessions (OC)) and two mixed land uses (mixed concessions and the overlap between concessions and PA) were assessed. The rate of deforestation was found to be lowest for PA, followed by LC. Deforestation rates for all land uses tended to be highest for locations that share the characteristics of areas in which TC or OC are located (e.g. degraded areas), suggesting that these areas are inherently more susceptible to deforestation due to foregone opportunities. Our approach provides important insights into how multifunctional landscapes can be designed to enhance the protection of biodiversity

    First integrative trend analysis for a great ape species in Borneo

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    For many threatened species the rate and drivers of population decline are difficult to assess accurately: species’ surveys are typically restricted to small geographic areas, are conducted over short time periods, and employ a wide range of survey protocols. We addressed methodological challenges for assessing change in the abundance of an endangered species. We applied novel methods for integrating field and interview survey data for the critically endangered Bornean orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus), allowing a deeper understanding of the species’ persistence through time. Our analysis revealed that Bornean orangutan populations have declined at a rate of 25% over the last 10 years. Survival rates of the species are lowest in areas with intermediate rainfall, where complex interrelations between soil fertility, agricultural productivity, and human settlement patterns influence persistence. These areas also have highest threats from human-wildlife conflict. Survival rates are further positively associated with forest extent, but are lower in areas where surrounding forest has been recently converted to industrial agriculture. Our study highlights the urgency of determining specific management interventions needed in different locations to counter the trend of decline and its associated drivers

    Densities of Bornean orang‐utans ( Pongo pygmaeus morio ) in heavily degraded forest and oil palm plantations in Sabah, Borneo

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    The conversion of forest to agriculture continues to contribute to the loss and fragmentation of remaining orang‐utan habitat. There are still few published estimates of orang‐utan densities in these heavily modified agricultural areas to inform range‐wide population assessments and conservation strategies. In addition, little is known about what landscape features promote orang‐utan habitat use. Using indirect nest count methods, we implemented surveys and estimated population densities of the Northeast Bornean orang‐utan (Pongo pygmaeus morio) across the continuous logged forest and forest remnants in a recently salvage‐logged area and oil palm plantations in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo. We then assessed the influence of landscape features and forest structural metrics obtained from LiDAR data on estimates of orang‐utan density. Recent salvage logging appeared to have a little short‐term effect on orang‐utan density (2.35 ind/km 2), which remained similar to recovering logged forest nearby (2.32 ind/km 2). Orang‐utans were also present in remnant forest patches in oil palm plantations, but at significantly lower numbers (0.82 ind/km 2) than nearby logged forest and salvage‐logged areas. Densities were strongly influenced by variation in canopy height but were not associated with other potential covariates. Our findings suggest that orang‐utans currently exist, at least in the short‐term, within human‐modified landscapes, providing that remnant forest patches remain. We urge greater recognition of the role that these degraded habitats can have in supporting orang‐utan populations, and that future range‐wide analyses and conservation strategies better incorporate data from human‐modified landscapes

    Capacity for recovery in Bornean orangutan populations when limiting offtake and retaining forest

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    Aim: We assess the potential long-term viability of orangutan populations across Borneo, considering the effects of habitat loss, and various forms of population reduction, including hunting, retaliatory killings and capture and translocation. Location: The study focused on the island of Borneo, a region that has experienced substantial deforestation over the past four decades, resulting in the degradation and fragmentation of its lowland forests, thereby threatening the island's unique biodiversity, including orangutan populations. Methods: To evaluate the long-term viability of orangutan populations, we employed a spatially explicit individual-based model. This model allowed us to simulate various scenarios, including the impact of removing habitat fragments or individuals from the population. Results: Our findings revealed that small forest fragments facilitate orangutan movement, thereby increasing the number of individuals settling in non-natal patches. Crucially, orangutan populations proved highly vulnerable to even small levels of offtake. Annual removal rates exceeding 2% diminished the positive role of small forest patches in sustaining population connectivity, the long-term viability of populations and prospects for recovery. Main Conclusions: Our results suggest that orangutan populations in Borneo could potentially recover from recent declines if removal of orangutans by hunting, retaliatory killings, capture and translocation is reduced, and habitat connectivity is maintained within human-modified landscapes. These findings emphasize the urgent need for conservation strategies that mitigate negative human–wildlife interactions, and/or help preserve habitat and fragments as stepping stones. Measures could include promoting coexistence with local communities and translocating orangutans only in rare cases where no suitable alternative exists, to ensure the long-term survival of orangutan populations in Borneo

    Importance of Small Forest Fragments in Agricultural Landscapes for Maintaining Orangutan Metapopulations

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    Historically, orangutans (Pongo spp.) lived in large contiguous areas of intact rainforest. Today, they are also found in highly modified and fragmented landscapes dominated by oil palm or industrial timber plantations; a situation that calls for new conservation approaches. Here we report signs of orangutan presence in more than 120 small forest fragments of less than 500 ha in size and isolated in extensive oil palm plantations across Borneo. We confirmed the long-term presence of adult resident females with dependent young in 42% of the fragments assessed by ground survey (n=50), and the regular sightings of males traveling across the landscape. We argue that orangutans using and living in small isolated forest patches play an essential part in the metapopulation by maintaining gene flow among larger sub-populations distributed across multiple-use landscapes. In some cases, translocations may be necessary when the animals are in imminent danger of being killed and have no other refuge. However, the impacts of removing animals from spatially dispersed metapopulations could inadvertently decrease critical metapopulation functionality necessary for long-term viability. It is clear that orangutans need natural forest to survive. However, our findings show that forest fragments within agricultural landscapes can also complement conservation areas if they are well distributed, properly connected and managed, and if orangutan killing is prevented. Efforts to better understand the dynamics and the functionality of an orangutan metapopulation in forest-farmland landscape mosaics characteristic of the Anthropocene are urgently needed to design more efficient conservation strategies for the species across its range
