1,153 research outputs found

    New measurement methods for anechoic chamber characterization

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    As a continuation of the work presented in 122nd AES Convention, this paper tries to study in depth the anechoic chambers qualification. The purpose of this paper is to find parameters that allow the characterization of this type of enclosures. The proposal that becomes in this work is trying to obtain data of the anechoic chambers absorption by means of the transfer functions between pairs of microphones, or by means of the impulse response between pairs of microphones. Based on the results of the transfer functions between pairs of microphones can be checked easily agreement of the inverse squared law, allowing to determine the chamber cut-off frequency. Making a band-pass filtering it could be confirmed the anechoic chambers qualification

    Autoecología de los castañares catalanes

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    Optimum and marginal parameter ranges have been established for defining landform, climatic and soil habitat diagrams of chestnut (Castanea sativa Miller) woodstands in Catalonia. Such diagrams show that most of the Catalonian chestnut stands are located on soils developed from igneous rocks, with predominant sandyloamy textures. According to FAO criteria, soils are classified as Cambisols. Although soil water holding capacities are considerably low, it does not occur significant drought stress. Despite their relatively high acidity, soil humus form are forest mull. Moreover, several silvicultural parameters have been calculated. After their correlation with the ecological ones, it is concluded that the best chestnut forest sites are located around 750 m elevation, with 240 mm spring rainfall, 11.5 ºC mean annual temperature, and 20 ºC mean temperature at the hottest month.Se han establecido los valores paramétricos óptimos y marginales que definen los hábitats fisiográfico, climático y edáfico de las masas de Castanea sativa Miller en Cataluña. Así, se ha podido comprobar que la mayoría de los castañares catalanes se hallan sobre suelos formados a partir de rocas ígneas, y en ellos predominan las texturas franco-arenosas. Los suelos, según FAO, son mayoritariamente cambisoles. Aunque la capacidad de retención de agua de estos suelos es escasa, la sequía fisiológica está muy reducida. Los humus fundamentalmente pertenecen al tipo mull forestal, a pesar la elevada acidez. Además, se han elaborado una serie de parámetros selvícolas que al correlacionarlos con los ecológicos nos ha permitido comprobar que los mejores castañares se encuentran entorno a los 750 m de altitud, con precipitaciones de primavera cercanas a 240 mm, temperaturas medias anuales sobre 11,5º C y temperaturas medias del mes más cálido próximas a 20º C

    3D numerical simulation of slope-flexible system interaction using a mixed FEM-SPH model

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    Flexible membranes are light structures anchored to the ground that protect infrastructures or dwellings from rock or soil sliding. One alternative to design these structures is by using numerical simulations. However, very few models were found until date and most of them are in 2D and do not include all their components. This paper presents the development of a numerical model combining Finite Element Modelling (FEM) with Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) formulation. Both cylindrical and spherical failure of the slope were simulated. One reference geometry of the slope was designed and a total of 21 slip circles were calculated considering different soil parameters, phreatic level position and drainage solutions. Four case studies were extracted from these scenarios and simulated using different dimensions of the components of the system. As a validation model, an experimental test that imitates the soil detachment and its retention by the steel membrane was successfully reproduced.The FORESEE project has received funding from the EuropeanUnion’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program undergrant agreement No 769373

    3D numerical simulation of slope-flexible system interaction using a mixed FEM-SPH model

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    Flexible membranes are light structures anchored to the ground that protect infrastructures or dwellings from rock or soil sliding. One alternative to design these structures is by using numerical simulations. However, very few models were found until date and most of them are in 2D and do not include all their components. This paper presents the development of a numerical model combining Finite Element Modelling (FEM) with Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) formulation. Both cylindrical and spherical failure of the slope were simulated. One reference geometry of the slope was designed and a total of 21 slip circles were calculated considering different soil parameters, phreatic level position and drainage solutions. Four case studies were extracted from these scenarios and simulated using different dimensions of the components of the system. As a validation model, an experimental test that imitates the soil detachment and its retention by the steel membrane was successfully reproduced

    In silico and functional analyses of immunomodulatory peptides encrypted in the human gut metaproteome

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    This work supports the massive presence of potential immunomodulatory peptides in the human gut metaproteome. These peptides were identified through the MAHMI database as potentially anti-inflammatory, and sixteen of them synthesized for characterize their mechanism of action. From them, peptide HM14 was encrypted in an extracellular protein produced by Bifidobacterium longum, a common member of the human microbiota, and displayed the highest anti-inflammatory capability. Molecular mechanism of action of HM14 pointed to a specific interaction between this immunomodulatory peptide and antigen presenting cells, which resulted in a higher formation of iTreg cells. Moreover, HM14 was effective in decreasing pro-inflammatory parameters in PBMCs isolated from a cohort of Crohn's patients. Finally, non-targeted metabolomics confirmed the ability of HM14 to modulate the metabolic activity of PBMCs to fulfil its energy and biosynthetic requirements. Overall, our combined in silico/multiomics approach supports the human gut metaproteome as a source for immunomodulatory peptides.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad | Ref. AGL2013-44761-PAgencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. AGL2016-78311-

    Transcriptomic profile induced in bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells after interaction with multiple myeloma cells: implications in myeloma progression and myeloma bone disease

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    Despite evidence about the implication of the bone marrow (BM) stromal microenvironment in multiple myeloma (MM) cell growth and survival, little is known about the effects of myelomatous cells on BM stromal cells. Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) from healthy donors (dMSCs) or myeloma patients (pMSCs) were co-cultured with the myeloma cell line MM.1S, and the transcriptomic profile of MSCs induced by this interaction was analyzed. Deregulated genes after co-culture common to both d/pMSCs revealed functional involvement in tumor microenvironment cross-talk, myeloma growth induction and drug resistance, angiogenesis and signals for osteoclast activation and osteoblast inhibition. Additional genes induced by co-culture were exclusively deregulated in pMSCs and predominantly associated to RNA processing, the ubiquitine-proteasome pathway, cell cycle regulation, cellular stress and non-canonical Wnt signaling. The upregulated expression of five genes after co-culture (CXCL1, CXCL5 and CXCL6 in d/pMSCs, and Neuregulin 3 and Norrie disease protein exclusively in pMSCs) was confirmed, and functional in vitro assays revealed putative roles in MM pathophysiology. The transcriptomic profile of pMSCs co-cultured with myeloma cells may better reflect that of MSCs in the BM of myeloma patients, and provides new molecular insights to the contribution of these cells to MM pathophysiology and to myeloma bone disease.This work was supported by grants from the Spanish MINECO-ISCIII (PI12/02591, PI12/00624) and FEDER (European Funds for Regional Development); the Centro en Red for Regenerative Medicine and Cellular Therapy from Castilla y León; the Spanish Health Thematic Network of Cooperative Research in Cancer (RTICC RD12/0056/0058 and RD12/0036/0003), and Spanish FIS (PS09/01897 and PS09/00843). AG-G received support from the Centro en Red for Regenerative Medicine and Cellular Therapy from Castilla y León and from the Spanish Society of Hematology and Hemotherapy (SEHH), and EDR from the Spanish Association for Cancer Research (AECC

    La imagen y la narrativa como herramientas para el abordaje psicosocial en escenarios de violencia - departamento Norte de Santander.

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    La imagen y la narrativa como herramientas para el abordaje psicosocial en escenarios de violencia - departamento Norte de Santander.El diplomado de acompañamiento psicosocial en escenarios de violencia brinda herramientas las cuales están descritas en los contenidos de las diez unidades estudiadas durante este proceso, allí permite entender los efectos adversos, inadvertidos y negativos que padece una persona o comunidad cuando es sometida a actos de violencia que de cualquier manera genera impactos psicológicos y morales a la persona como a la sociedad, es así, como en el desarrollo del trabajo se abordaron temas de gran envergadura y pertinentes para entender y aplicar el enfoque narrativo, desde el pensamiento sistémico y como este se transforma en una herramienta que aporta elementos de las historias de dolor, rabia y culpa en historias de supervivencia generando estrategias que conlleven a fortalecer los diferentes equipos psicosociales para la atención a víctimas del conflicto armado y porque no, pensar en que podemos pertenecer a uno de estos grandes equipos que por la realidad acontecida en nuestro país cada día cobra mayor interés e importancia. De este modo, se profundizó en el relato No. 4 relatado por “Edisson Medina” quien de manera pragmática nos muestra dos caras de la moderna, una desde la institucionalidad del Estado Colombiano, y la otra desde la ilegalidad, y como ambas en algún momento de la historia se contradijeron con su ideología y como estas vivencias permitieron en algún momento de la vida encontrar su verdadero destino, dejando grandes enseñanzas de superación, perdón, olvido y potencializando sus vivencias negativas en historias positivas de transformación y liderazgo. De la misma manera, este caso y la bibliografía consultada en el entorno de conocimiento permitió conocer y estructurar los diferentes tipos de preguntas concernientes al enfoque narrativo, es así como se construyeron preguntas circulares, reflexivas y estratégicas. Por último, se analizó el caso Pandurí, sobre un echo extremo de violencia y sus consecuencias negativas a nivel individual, colectivo y de identidad, no obstante, se plantearon dos acciones de apoyo y en grupo se diseñaron tres estrategias psicosociales en procura siempre de mitigar emergentes psicosociales que en todo caso salen a flote frente a cualquier situación de violencia vivida.The degree of psychosocial support in scenarios of violence provides tools which are outlined in the contents of the ten units studied during this process, it allows to understand the inadvertent and negative adverse effects, that a person or community suffers when subjected to acts of violence that in any way generates psychological and moral impacts to the person as to the society, this is how, in the development of the work, important and relevant topics were addressed to understand and apply the narrative approach, from the systemic view and how it transforms into a tool that provides elements of stories of pain, anger and guilt, stories of survival generating strategies that lead to strengthen the different psychosocial support groups to victims of the armed conflict and why not, to think that we can belong to one of these great crews that by the reality in our country it receives more interest and importance every day. In this way, it deepens in the narrative No. 4 stated by "Edisson Medina" who in a pragmatic way show us two faces of the modern, one from the institutionality of the Colombian State, and the other from the illegality, and as both at some point of history contradicted with their ideology and how these experiences at some point in life allowed to find its true course of life, leaving great lessons of improvement, forgiveness and forgetfulness, empowering their negative experiences in positive stories of transformation and leadership. In the same way, this case and bibliography consulted in the context of knowledge allows identifying and structuring the different types of questions concerning the narrative approach, this is how, circular, reflexive and strategic questions were composed. Finally, the Pandurí case was analyzed, regarding an extreme event of violence and its negative consequences at an individual, collective and identity level, therefore, two support actions were proposed and in group three psychosocial strategies were designed in an attempt to always mitigate emerging psychosocial that in any case come to the surface in the face of any situation of violence experienced. Key words:, Narrative Approach, Psychocial Accompaniment Violence, Victims, , Transformation

    Predictors of vision impairment in Multiple Sclerosis.

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    Visual impairment significantly alters the quality of life of people with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). The objective of this study was to identify predictors (independent variables) of visual outcomes, and to define their relationship with neurological disability and retinal atrophy when assessed by optical coherence tomography (OCT). We performed a cross-sectional analysis of 119 consecutive patients with MS, assessing vision using high contrast visual acuity (LogMar), 2.5% and 1.25% low contrast visual acuity (Sloan charts), and color vision (Hardy-Rand-Rittler plates). Quality of vision is a patient reported outcome based on an individual's unique perception of his or her vision and was assessed with the Visual Functioning Questionnaire-25 (VFQ-25) with the 10 neuro-ophthalmologic items. MS disability was assessed using the expanded disability status scale (EDSS), the MS functional composite (MSFC) and the brief repetitive battery-neuropsychology (BRB-N). Retinal atrophy was assessed using spectral domain OCT, measuring the thickness of the peripapillar retinal nerve fiber layer (pRNFL) and the volume of the ganglion cell plus inner plexiform layer (GCIPL). The vision of patients with MS was impaired, particularly in eyes with prior optic neuritis. Retinal atrophy (pRNFL and GCIPL) was closely associated with impaired low contrast vision and color vision, whereas the volume of the GCIPL showed a trend (p = 0.092) to be associated with quality of vision. Multiple regression analysis revealed that EDSS was an explanatory variable for high contrast vision after stepwise analysis, GCIPL volume for low contrast vision, and GCIPL volume and EDSS for color vision. The explanatory variables for quality of vision were high contrast vision and color vision. In summary, quality of vision in MS depends on the impairment of high contrast visual acuity and color vision due to the disease