40 research outputs found

    Specific Absorption Rate Assessment of Multiple Microstrip Patch Antenna Array

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    Interaction between electromagnetic field (EMF) radiated from multiple antennas and human body is crucial to be explored as multiple antennas are the essential implemented devices to achieve the requirements of the future evolved fifth generation (5G) technology. Thus, this article presents a significant study of the radiated EMF effect from a single, and multiple antennas towards human through the assessment of specific absorption rate (SAR). The single antenna, 1 x 2, 1 x 3 and 1 x 4 arrays of microstrip patch antennas are designed to cover mobile operating frequencies of 0.8, 0.85, 0.9, 1.8, 2.1 and 2.6 GHz. Two types of human head phantoms are implemented in this study, which are specific anthropomorphic mannequin (SAM) and Voxel head model that placed close to single antenna or antenna array to investigate the penetration of EMF towards the human tissue. The single antenna or antenna array is placed with fixed distance of 10 mm from the phantom, which excited by maximum allowable power of 19 dBm in CST Microwave Studio 2016. The effect of the radiated EMF that quantified by SAR parameter, which depicts satisfying results against the established standard limits at averaged 1g and 10g mass of tissues for all designated frequencies that utilized for single and multiple antennas

    Keberkesanan penggunaan edubase dalam kalangan pelajar teknikal yang berbeza gaya kognitif, afektif dan psikomotor di Politeknik Malaysia

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    Bahan bantu pengajaran yang digunakan secara bersesuaian dengan pelajar menyumbang kepada perkembangan pembelajaran mereka. Dalam dunia pendidikan teknikal, aspek kognitif dan psikomotor turut memberi kesan kepada kualiti pembelajaran pelajar. Kajian ini membincangkan tentang kesan penggunaan EDUBASE terhadap pencapaian dan minat pelajar yang mempunyai gaya kognitif, afektif dan psikomotor yang berbeza dalam topik Electromagnetism. Seramai 70 orang pelajar politeknik yang terdiri daripada 33 pelajar kumpulan rawatan dan 37 pelajar kumpulan kawalan telah terlibat dalam kajian yang menggunakan kaedah kuasi-ekperimen ini. Ujian kognitif, psikomotor, ujian pra-pasca dan kaji selidik telah diagihkan untuk memantau kesan penggunaan EDUBASE terhadap pelajar. Dapatan kajian ini telah dianalisis dengan menggunakan statistik MANCOVA, korelasi Pearson dan skor min. Hasil dapatan dalam kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa terdapat perbezaan yang tidak signifikan secara statistik bagi skor pelajar kumpulan kawalan dan kumpulan rawatan. Namun, skor min menunjukkan kumpulan rawatan memberikan skor yang lebih cemerlang dan minat mereka juga turut meningkat dalam topik pembelajaran tersebut berbanding pelajar yang mengaplikasikan pembelajaran secara konvensional. Selain itu, hasil dapatan kajian juga menunjukkan terdapat hubungan yang signifikan terhadap minat dan pencapaian. Di samping itu, EDUBASE yang diaplikasikan telah memenuhi keperluan dan minat pelajar. Secara ringkasnya, hasil kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa penggunaan EDUBASE sebagai alat bahan bantu mengajar dilihat berkesan dalam memberikan kecemerlangan pencapaian dan meningkatkan minat pelajar politeknik terhadap topik Electromagnetism

    Symmetrically crumpled flexible dipole antenna in the vicinity of the human body

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    Nowadays, textile wearable antennas have received growing interest to be implemented in the Body Area Network communications (BANs) technology due to its flexibility and easiness to be integrated into the clothing [1-4]. In reality, human body movement will bend, crumple or even twist the antenna due to the flexible nature of the antenna. Therefore, the antenna performance under crumpling conditions and the presence of human body is investigated in this study. The safety aspects of the user also need to be taken into account to prevent any adverse health effect. Therefore, this study will also investigate the effect of antenna crumpling towards the power absorbed by the human body. Basically, Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) is a standard unit to indicate the amount of power absorbed per unit mass of human biological tissue when exposed to electromagnetic radiation

    Estimation of specific absorption rate in the human leg and testicle due to a metallic ring

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    This research evaluates the effect of human body and metallic ring in the vicinity of dipole antenna on antenna radiation pattern and Specific Absorption Rate (SAR). Homogeneous and realistic body models have been considered in the paper. Half wave dipole antenna is used as the excitation source operating at 0.9 GHz and 1.8 GHz. The metallic ring is modelled as conducting objects. The results have shown that the presence of human body near to the antenna significantly distorted the antenna radiation pattern. The antenna gain is decresed approximately 10 dB at 0.9 GH and 25 dB at 1.8 GHz in the direction of body. Nevertheless, the presence of metallic ring do not have any profound effect on antenna radiation pattern due to their size which is relatively small compared to the size of the human body. Additional metallic ring close to the human leg could alter the SAR and the effect varies depending on the size of the rings. The presence of metallic ring significantly increases the averaged 10g SAR inside the testicle by more than 20% at 1.8 GHz

    Vertical and horizontal transmission enhancement between antennas using textile artificial magnetic conductor waveguide sheet

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    A textile artificial magnetic conductor (AMC) waveguide sheet with a textile diamond dipole is proposed to improve wireless on-body transmission. The sheet-like waveguide provides an independent transmission path which can reduce the performance degradation caused by the human body. The proposed AMC sheet is made entirely of textiles for both the substrate and the conducting parts, thus making it suitable for wearable communications. Transmission characteristics between antennas are studied rigorously in free space and on-body environments. Significant transmission enhancement is observed for all the tested orientations and positions for both free space and onbody placements. With the presence of the AMC, the S21 has peaks of up to a maximum of-9.9 dB. This textile AMC sheet constitutes a new approach for efficient wearable wireless body-centric communications

    High capacity and miniaturized flexible chipless RFID tag using modified complementary split ring resonator

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    This paper aims to produce a high data capacity and miniaturized flexible chipless RFID tag based on the frequency signature using the Modified Complementary Split Ring Resonator (MCSRR). The proposed 19 bits chipless RFID tag using the frequency shifting technique consists of five slotted overlaying MCSRR with Different Width (MCSRR with DW) structures and the dimension of 48 mm x 48 mm. The structure is designed by using a flexible (Polyethylene Terephthalate ) PET substrate with permittivity of 0.2. The operating frequency is between 0.9 GHz and 2.7 GHz. The advancement of slotted overlaying MCSRR with DW structures has successfully miniaturized the chipless RFID tag structure to about 107 mm2/ bit, 0.02/2 mid =bit and 0.09 GHz/bit by maximizing the number of resonators in a limited space and minimizing the frequency separation between the resonators. The omnidirectional tag antenna is incorporated with the proposed MCSRR structure using the retransmission measurement method. The log-periodic antenna with a gain of 5-7 dBi is used for this measurement to improve the range distance between tag and reader system. Based on the retransmission measurement involving the antenna tag, the 19 bits chipless RFID tag which consists of five MCSRR with DW structures can be detected with a maximum range distance of 30 cm and a power transmitted level of 30 dBm

    A low-profile compact meander line telemetry antenna with low SAR for medical applications

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    A low-profile Compact Meander Line Telemetry Antenna (CMLTA) operating at 402.5 MHz for the Medical Implant Communication System (MICS) band medical applications is introduced. The proposed antenna focuses specifically on pacemaker telemetry applications. The meander line technique with an open loop configuration and simple transmission line feeding mechanism has been used for achieving the compact design. Based on the theory of surface current distribution, the proposed technique provides the opportunity to increase the electrical dimensions while decreasing the physical dimensions of the antenna. Further design optimization is carried out to optimize the overall antenna size to a maximum volume of 4080 mm3. By introducing CMLTA, the size of the antenna is reduced by 79% as compared to the previous work. The proposed antenna demonstrated satisfactory performance with 10 dB bandwidth of 6.17%, a maximum gain of -22 dBi and an EIRP of -25.28 dBi. The analysis of Specific Absorption Rate under premise use of 1 W input power provided the maximum 1 g and averaged 10 g SAR of 74.7 W/kg and 17.7 W/kg, respectively, demonstrating a satisfactory level according to the IEEE standard safety guidelines. Fabrication and measurements are carried out where measured results are found to be in good agreement with the simulated results. With the optimized dimensions, satisfactory gain, EIRP, and SAR performance, the proposed CMLTA is deemed suitable for pacemaker telemetry applications for effective communication

    Bending and crumpling deformation study of the resonant characteristic and SAR for a 2.4 GHZ textile antenna

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    Over recent years, there has been an explosive growth of interest in the development of flexible wearable antennas due to rapid growth in Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) applications. However, the antenna is subjected to deformation when being worn by users. Therefore, it is compulsory to analyze the absorption of electromagnetic (EM) radiation and the antenna performances as a function of the deformation conditions since the antenna is not in its normal flat conditions anymore. In this paper, two types of deformations; bending and crumpling are analyzed by means of CST Microwave Studio. The peak SAR10g demonstrates increment up to 65.7% and 48.7% under bending and crumpling deformation respectively. Moreover, the crumpling is more sensitive to the geometrical shape and composition of the exposed body area if compared to bending. Moreover, the detuning effects of the resonant frequency are more significant for crumpling cases

    Wideband antenna with reconfigurable band notched using EBG structure

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    A wideband antenna with band notch function using electromagnetic bandgap (EBG) structure is proposed. The antenna is capable of reconfiguring up to three band notch operation. Three EBGs are aligned underneath the feed line of the wideband antenna. The transmission lines over EBGs unit cells perform as a band stop filter. A switch is placed on each of the EBG structure, which enables the reconfigurable band stop operation. The simulated and measured reflection coefficients, together with the radiation patterns, are shown to demonstrate the performance of the antenna

    Textile diamond dipole and artificial magnetic conductor performance under bending, wetness and specific absorption rate measurements

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    Textile diamond dipole and Artificial Magnetic Conductor (AMC) have been proposed and tested under wearable and body centric measurements. The proposed antenna and AMC sheet are entirely made of textiles for both the substrate and conducting parts, thus making it suitable for wearable communications. Directive radiation patterns with high gain are obtained with the proposed AMC sheet, hence minimizing the radiation towards the human body. In this study, wearable and body centric measurements are investigated which include bending, wetness and Specific Absorption Rate (SAR). Bending is found not to give significant effect to the antenna and AMC performance, as opposed to wetness that yields severe performance distortion. However, the original performance is retrieved once the antenna and AMC dried. Moreover, notable SAR reduction is achieved with the introduction of the AMC sheet, which is appropriate to reduce the radiation that penetrates into human flesh