33 research outputs found

    Urgensi Guru Sejati Di Sekolah Dasar

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    True teacher, the substance is a true example of a teacher, tireless , hard work, struggleand sacrifice for the success of his students. Teachers have a minimum three main tasks,namely: (1) professional duties, (2) human duty, and (3) civic duties. Furthermore, withregard to who the true teacher? There are five important things attached as a trueteacher, namely: (1) the teachers are second parents, (2) the teacher is a motivator, (3)the teacher is the adventurous, (4) teacher, liberator and fighters, and (5) teacher, personalprophetic spirit. To be able to be a true teacher, five elements must be attached,namely: (1) responsibility , not a privilege, (2) the sacrifice, not the facility, (3) Workhard , not relaxed; (4) Authority, not authoritarian, and (5) Modeling. True teacher isfully teachers in goodness, not tempted by the glitter of the world. If teachers are temptedby the glitter of the world, they will ruin their students and even society. Hope all thechildren of this nation remains a good teacher or professional teachers who meet thecompetency of personality, pedagogic, social, and professional as well as the Holy Prophet(Siddeeq, trustworthy, sermons, and fathonah). They Eventually bring success for theglory of Indonesian education

    Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah Dalam Pengembangan Lembaga Pendidikan Islam Sekolah Kreatif SD Muhammadiyah Kota Madiun

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    This study aims to reveal the type of school leadership, creative efforts in developing creative educational institutions and Superior, with a sub-focus include : (1) What type of leadership that principals applied in the development of Islamic education institutions Creative Muhtadin elementary school (2) any efforts made in the development of the principal institutions of Islamic Education Creative Muhtadin elementary school and (3) the desired output targets Creative Muhtadin elementary school. This study uses qualitative research in the form of case studies. The data was collected by interview, observation, and documentation. While the techniques of data analysis, researchers use interactive model containing four interrelated components, namely: collection of data, simplification of data, exposure data, and drawing conclusions and filing. The results showed that : (1) the type of principal who applied leadership creative elementary school Muhtadin, the democratic leadership (aspirational accommodating, assertif and open), where the principal during the leadership is able to make changes and have a vision for the future of Islamic education institutions to develop Creative Muhtadin elementary school towards creative and superior schools; (2) any efforts made in the development of the principal institutions of Islamic Education Creative Muhtadin elementary school build a school system; (3) how the desired output targets elementary school creative Muhtadin, namely : initial output (Preliminary Results) and general output targets include

    Manajemen Kurikulum Dan Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Di Sdit Muhammadiyah Al Kautsar Kartasura Tahun 2013/2014

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    The objective of this research was to describe: Curriculum Development and learningIndonesian, Curriculum Implementation in learning Indonesian and Curriculum Evaluation inlearning Indonesian in SDIT Muhammadiyah Al Kautsar Kartasura. This study is a qualitativeresearch. The research approach used in this study is a case study of data collection techniquesused in this study are in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation. In developing thecurriculum SDIT Muhammadiyah Al Kautsar Kartasura have considered the principles orexisting curriculum development theory. These principles are general principles and specifi cprinciples. The general principles include fl exibility, continuity, effectiveness, and practical.Specifi c principles with regard to arranging goals, learning experiences, content and assessment.Learning Curriculum Implementation in Indonesian in SDIT Muhammadiyah Al Kautsar is thecharacter education learning using learning model that is interesting and fun, which can increasethe value of the character of students. Character development curriculum that is implementedinto the learning activities, extra-curricular activities of students, the fl agship program ofthe school, nursery Competition and activities of daily student. Curriculum evaluation todetermine the effectiveness of the curriculum implemented in SDIT Muhammadiyah Al Kautsarin an effort to improve and enhance the curriculum. Aspects of curriculum evaluation in SDITMuhammadiyah Al Kautsar is appropriate stages of curriculum development stage is thedetermination of objectives, planning, testing, fi eld testing, implementation and quality control

    Pengelolaan Sarana Dan Prasarana Di Sekolah Dasar Negeri 01 Tohudan, Karanganyar

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    The purpose of this study are (1) to describe the characteristics of the provision offacilities and infrastructures; (2) to describe the characteristics distribution of facilitiesand infrastructures; (3) too describe the characteristics of facilities and infrastructuresmaintenance. This research uses qualitative research and ethnographic research design. Datawas collected through observation, interview, and documentation. Model analysis of thedata in this study uses cross-site analytical methods for description. The results of thestudy are (1) Provision of facilities and infrastructure in 01 Tohudan Elementary School heldby planning needs of infrastructure were prepared at the start of the new academic year, alongwith the preparation of the budget revenue and expenditure plan prepared in discussion ofschool community which consists of principals, teachers, school committee, and the schooljanitor. (2) The direct distribution applied the goods done at once, the items that have beenreceived and in inventoried directly distributed to the principal, teacher, or school guard.While the indirect distribution is not completed at onces, so before the distribution completes,it cannot be handed over to the concerned, in addition to the indirect distribution occur if thereare remaining infrastructure. (3) Maintenance of infrastructure study conducted by teacherswith students by keeping the facilities and infrastructure and put in the available space.And if there is damage, the infrastructure which cannot be handled by the teacher, the teacherreports verbally to the school principal and followed up with a written report to the principal

    Dispatching Indonesian Workers to Malaysia: a Strategy to Overcome the Poverty and Education Cost (Case Study of Indonesian Workers of Central Java with Phenomenology Approach)

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    The objectives of the research are describing 1) a dispatching model of Indonesian workers to Malaysia and 2) the core problems of Indonesian workers in Malaysia. The research applied a phenomenology qualitative approach with focusing on micro social mobility. The subjects of the research were Indonesian workers and their family, government, head of neighborhood members, and the House of Representatives. It was located in Central Java. The techniques of the data collecting included observation, interviewing, and documentation. The data validation employed the first order understanding and second order understanding. The data were analyzed with an interactive model: data reduction, data display, and conclusion. It could be concluded that 1) the dispatching model was using an exposure approach and bottom-up approach. An employment process of the Indonesian workers was in three stages: pre-, core-, and post-provisions of work. A strategy of overcoming the poverty and education cost used a religious approach and efficient financial management. 2) The problems of the workers covered that a) the employers treated most of them violently; b) most of the workers' contracts expired; and c) most of them used illegal passports (visiting passports) or documents so that they did got any protectio

    Implementasi Kurikulum Dalam Pembentukan Karakter Siswa Kelas III SD Ta'mirul Islam Surakarta

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    The type of this research is a qualitative field research. The data collection used in thisresearch is observation method, interview, and documentation. In the qualitative descriptiveanalysis using inductive approach. The result of these research are; firstly; themanagement of curriculum in forming student's character in Ta'mirul Islam ElementarySchool of Surakarta, consist of several points, there are: the process of learningcurriculum planning which consist of staff coordination meeting and early meeting bymaking learning administration. Secondly, implementing curriculum that forming somecharacter, such as discipline and responsible, in line with some good habituation likereciting a holy Qur'an, patriotism, obligatory, and sunnah prayer, doing exercise, theimplementation of student's monitoring book, assignments, and charity and religiousactivities such as charity's camp and pesantren ramadhan. Thirdly, the evaluation ofimplementation activities in forming the character that packed in supervision and monitoringactivities. The management of curriculum implementation which build third classin Ta'mirul Islam Elementary School of Surakarta is really affective and efficient, sothat many educational success can be reached in academic as well as in non-academicsector's, especially in building discipline and responsible character. There are severaldifficulties that management of curriculum implementation face in building charactersuch as, the number of students, the students economic background, a little gap betweenschool and student's parents, less communication, the distance of students homewith school, and some other student's environment factors that unsupporte

    Organic Agroedu-Tourism Attractions Toward an Interesting Outdoor Environmental Education to Junior High School Students

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    The purpose of this study is to evaluate two organic agroedu-tourism attractions developed to 42 students of eight graders of three junior high schools in the village and one school in the city. Organic agroedu-tourism offers two tour programs namely Organic Garden Tour and Organic Farming Technology. Appreciations of the participants were determined by pre and post test after joining the organic agroedu-tourism. The data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics. This study shows that 78.6 % of the participants prefer the Organic Garden Tour and 21.4% find that the Organic Farming Technology is better. Organic agroedu-tourism can improve cognitive aspect of participants from score 1 turned into 3. Most participants had a high interest in joining the organic egroedu-tourism. Organic agroedu-tourism is also able to meet the expectations of participants that are indicated by an increase in the skills and experience of participants from score 2 to 5. Satisfaction of the participants can also be assessed from the high appreciation average before and after joining Organic agroedu-tourism, which are score 4. The appreciation of the participant is shown by their willingness to invite other people to join. Factors affecting participants satisfaction were family background, socio-economy background, personal perception and knowledge. Based on the result, organic agroedu-tourism shows strength to develop the participants understanding, knowledge and skills in integrated organic farming system, even though not all participants are interested to join all programs provided. Farmer groups need to improve the quality of organic agroedu-tourism, for example, completing the facilities and agreed on tourism attractions, enhancing farmers skills as tour guide, providing organic agroedu-tourism program relevant to the school curriculum, and promoting it to public

    Essentiality of fatty acid synthase in the 2D to anchorage-independent growth transition in transforming cells

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    Upregulation of fatty acid synthase (FASN) is a common event in cancer, although its mechanistic and potential therapeutic roles are not completely understood. In this study, we establish a key role of FASN during transformation. FASN is required for eliciting the anaplerotic shift of the Krebs cycle observed in cancer cells. However, its main role is to consume acetyl-CoA, which unlocks isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH)-dependent reductive carboxylation, producing the reductive power necessary to quench reactive oxygen species (ROS) originated during the switch from two-dimensional (2D) to three-dimensional (3D) growth (a necessary hallmark of cancer). Upregulation of FASN elicits the 2D-to-3D switch; however, FASN's synthetic product palmitate is dispensable for this process since cells satisfy their fatty acid requirements from the media. In vivo, genetic deletion or pharmacologic inhibition of FASN before oncogenic activation prevents tumor development and invasive growth. These results render FASN as a potential target for cancer prevention studies.M.Q.F. is a recipient of the following grants: FIS PI13/00430 and FIS PI16/00354 funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) and co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and AECC Scientific Foundation (Beca de Retorno 2010). R.C. is a recipient of the following grants: FIS PI11/00832 and FIS PI14/00726 funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) and co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), II14/00009 and PIE15/00068 from the Ministerio de Sanidad, Spain. N.S.C. is a recipient of an NIH grant (5R35CA197532). O.Y.T. is a recipient of the grants BFU2014-57466 from the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MINECO). J.P.B. is funded by MINECO (SAF2016-78114-R), Instituto de Salud Carlos III (RD12/0043/0021), Junta de Castilla y Leon (Escalera de Excelencia CLU-2017-03), Ayudas Equipos Investigacion Biomedicina 2017 Fundacion BBVA, and Fundacion Ramon Areces. This study was partially supported by the generous donations from Fundacion CRIS Contra el Cancer and AVON Spain. We thank Drs. Erwin Wagner and Nabil Djouder for their critical review of the paper.S

    Metabolomics Reveals Reduction of Metabolic Oxidation in Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome after Pioglitazone-Flutamide-Metformin Polytherapy

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    Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a variable disorder characterized by a broad spectrum of anomalies, including hyperandrogenemia, insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, body adiposity, low-grade inflammation and increased cardiovascular disease risks. Recently, a new polytherapy consisting of low-dose flutamide, metformin and pioglitazone in combination with an estro-progestagen resulted in the regulation of endocrine clinical markers in young and non-obese PCOS women. However, the metabolic processes involved in this phenotypic amelioration remain unidentified. In this work, we used NMR and MS-based untargeted metabolomics to study serum samples of young non-obese PCOS women prior to and at the end of a 30 months polytherapy receiving low-dose flutamide, metformin and pioglitazone in combination with an estro-progestagen. Our results reveal that the treatment decreased the levels of oxidized LDL particles in serum, as well as downstream metabolic oxidation products of LDL particles such as 9- and 13-HODE, azelaic acid and glutaric acid. In contrast, the radiuses of small dense LDL and large HDL particles were substantially increased after the treatment. Clinical and endocrine-metabolic markers were also monitored, showing that the level of HDL cholesterol was increased after the treatment, whereas the level of androgens and the carotid intima-media thickness were reduced. Significantly, the abundance of azelaic acid and the carotid intima-media thickness resulted in a high degree of correlation. Altogether, our results reveal that this new polytherapy markedly reverts the oxidant status of untreated PCOS women, and potentially improves the pro-atherosclerosis condition in these patients