582 research outputs found

    Corporation robots

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    Nowadays, various robots are built to perform multiple tasks. Multiple robots working together to perform a single task becomes important. One of the key elements for multiple robots to work together is the robot need to able to follow another robot. This project is mainly concerned on the design and construction of the robots that can follow line. In this project, focuses on building line following robots leader and slave. Both of these robots will follow the line and carry load. A Single robot has a limitation on handle load capacity such as cannot handle heavy load and cannot handle long size load. To overcome this limitation an easier way is to have a groups of mobile robots working together to accomplish an aim that no single robot can do alon

    Evaluating association between implementation of ISO 14031 guidelines and ISO 14001 certification by industrial sector in Saudi Arabia

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    Conflicting research results regarding the application of environmental management systems on the environmental performance of industrial organizations between positive, negative, and no effect made studying this relationship a complex research problem. This study aimed to assess the extent of the commitment of industrial organizations in Saudi Arabia in applying ISO 14031:2013 guidelines to evaluate environmental performance and to study the association between the guideline implementation by ISO 14001:2015 certified and uncertified organizations. Using the descriptive approach, the association was identified between 13 independent variables representing ISO 14031:2013 guidelines for environmental performance evaluation and ISO 14001:2015 certification based on a 596 organizations survey conducted from May to December 2020, in addition to comparing the results of the study with similar studies. The results showed a medium positive correlation of ISO 14031 measurement variables with ISO 14001 certification. The study answered the question concerning the association of implementing of ISO 14031 guidelines to evaluate the environmental performance of ISO 14001 certified or uncertified organizations. Limited resources organizations should focus on monitoring environmental indicators and concentrate of planning activities to ensure the organizations uses environmental condition indicators data efficiently. Future studies are necessary to determine causal relationships, to develop specific environmental performance measures, and to integrate ISO 14031 in ISO 14001

    The obstacles to using technologies in primary schools to help students with mathematics difficulties in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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    Despite the potential positive effects of using technology with students who have difficulties in mathematics in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the great efforts made by the Saudi Government to improve the education system of the nation, which has included a continuous rise in the educational budget, there still remain some obstacles for some teachers when using technology, and while some of these teachers overcome these barriers, others do not succeed in this the challenge. This study investigated the barriers that teachers face when using technology in their classroom in primary schools, and why some overcame obstacles while others did not. Semi-structured interviews and observations were used for the purpose of this research, which were undertaken with three mathematics teachers from school A which used technology, and the other three from school B, which did not use technology. The researcher observed each teacher 45 times separately, 45 minutes each time, over a period of three months. The three teachers in school A were observed during the first 45 days, and the other three were observed for another 45 days. The researcher found from the interviews’ responses of all six teachers and the consequent observations, that the head teacher’s support was the main reason behind their decision to overcome or not overcome the obstacles they face when using technology to help students with difficulties in mathematics. The principals of both schools played a crucial role in managing the challenges they faced with technology. This became evident when the head master of school A helped the teachers in overcoming the obstacles they faced when using technology by training teachers and through technical support, which reflected positively on teaching and learning mathematics, leading to a continued and enthusiastic use of technology. On the other hand, the head teacher in school B did not help or support his teachers in providing technology in school, nor help with overcoming the challenges they faced with technology, which reflected negatively on their enthusiasm to continue to overcome barriers such as the provision of technology in the school, and the lack of training and technical support, in spite of their beliefs that the technology has a positive impact on teaching and in the learning of students who have difficulties in mathematics. This study concludes with recommendations regarding future research in this area

    Empirical Testing of Resistance and Misuse Factors Contributing to Instructors’ Use of E-Learning Systems in Saudi Arabia

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    The purpose of this study was to conceptually replicate the model proposed by Bhatnagar, Madden, and Levy (2016) in a new context of e-learning systems usage and to examine the underlying resistance, misuse, and computer self-efficacy constructs that may contribute to instructors’ usage of e-learning systems in Saudi Arabia. For this study, the original instrument was adapted, the Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval was obtained, data from 187 instructors that use e-learning systems were collected, and the model was analyzed using the Partial Least Squares (PLS). This study demonstrates higher overall model predictability than the original model and has stronger relationships between the constructs. The results show that computer self-efficacy and resistance to use the system contribute significantly to system usage, which are contrary to the original study’s results that were in the context of secured medical teleconferencing. Additionally, computer self-efficacy appears to demonstrate a significant positive impact on ethical severity of misusing the systems, which is also a contrary to the original study’s results. The results of this study indicate that context matters in IS usage, especially when there is a difference between IS used for exchange of private and personal information like medical teleconferencing, compared with an IS used as a productivity tool. However, both studies indicate that the ethical severity of misusing the systems has no significant impact on system usage, which may suggest that such relationship may be mediated by another construct and may call for further research. Discussions and conclusions are provided

    Loop-mediated isothermal amplification as an emerging technology for detection of Yersinia ruckeri the causative agent of enteric red mouth disease in fish

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Enteric Redmouth (ERM) disease also known as Yersiniosis is a contagious disease affecting salmonids, mainly rainbow trout. The causative agent is the gram-negative bacterium <it>Yersinia ruckeri</it>. The disease can be diagnosed by isolation and identification of the causative agent, or detection of the <it>Pathogen </it>using fluorescent antibody tests, ELISA and PCR assays. These diagnostic methods are laborious, time consuming and need well trained personnel.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assay was developed and evaluated for detection of <it>Y. ruckeri </it>the etiological agent of enteric red mouth (ERM) disease in salmonids. The assay was optimised to amplify the <it>yruI/yruR </it>gene, which encodes <it>Y. ruckeri </it>quorum sensing system, in the presence of a specific primer set and <it>Bst </it>DNA polymerase at an isothermal temperature of 63°C for one hour. Amplification products were detected by visual inspection, agarose gel electrophoresis and by real-time monitoring of turbidity resulted by formation of LAMP amplicons. Digestion with <it>Hph</it>I restriction enzyme demonstrated that the amplified product was unique. The specificity of the assay was verified by the absence of amplification products when tested against related bacteria. The assay had 10-fold higher sensitivity compared with conventional PCR and successfully detected <it>Y. ruckeri </it>not only in pure bacterial culture but also in tissue homogenates of infected fish.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The ERM-LAMP assay represents a practical alternative to the microbiological approach for rapid, sensitive and specific detection of <it>Y. ruckeri </it>in fish farms. The assay is carried out in one hour and needs only a heating block or water bath as laboratory furniture. The advantages of the ERM-LAMP assay make it a promising tool for molecular detection of enteric red mouth disease in fish farms.</p

    On the Relationship between Stock Returns and Trading Volume: A Case Study

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    This article focuses on the experiment about the causality relationship between the stock returns and the trading volume of the member companies at Tehran Stock Market. Accordingly, the seasonal data from these companies within the years 1996 to 2009 are used to estimate the vector error correction model. The results obtained from the Philips–Perron Unit Root Test demonstrated that the above mentioned variables are integrated of the order one and thus there is a long run equilibrium relationship between them. The estimation from the error correction model proved that there is a positive and bidirectional relationship between these variables. However the stock returns has a stronger effect on the trading volume. Therefore, through a psychological analysis, the "Mass Behavior" hypothesis in the said stock market is not approved. Moreover, the estimation of the error correction coefficient indicated that balancing the said variables towards the long run equilibrium volumes, is slow

    On the Relationship between Stock Returns and Trading Volume: A Case Study

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    This article focuses on the experiment about the causality relationship between the stock returns and the trading volume of the member companies at Tehran Stock Market. Accordingly, the seasonal data from these companies within the years 1996 to 2009 are used to estimate the vector error correction model. The results obtained from the Philips–Perron Unit Root Test demonstrated that the above mentioned variables are integrated of the order one and thus there is a long run equilibrium relationship between them. The estimation from the error correction model proved that there is a positive and bidirectional relationship between these variables. However the stock returns has a stronger effect on the trading volume. Therefore, through a psychological analysis, the "Mass Behavior" hypothesis in the said stock market is not approved. Moreover, the estimation of the error correction coefficient indicated that balancing the said variables towards the long run equilibrium volumes, is slow

    Barriers To Using Technologies When Helping Saudi Primary Students' Difficulties With Mathematics

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    Despite the potential positive effects of usingtechnology with students who have difficulties in mathematics inthe Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the great efforts made by theSaudi Government to improve the education system of thenation, which has included a continuous rise in the educationalbudget, there still remain some obstacles for some teachers whenusing technology, and while some of these teachers overcomethese barriers, others do not succeed in this the challenge. Thispaper will investigate the barriers that teachers face when usingtechnology in their classroom in primary schools, and why someovercame obstacles while others did not. Semi-structuredinterviews and observations were used for the purpose of thisresearch, which were undertaken with three mathematicsteachers from school A which used technology, and the otherthree from school B, which did not use technology. I found thatthe major obstacle teachers face when using technology includedaspects of the teachers’ negative attitudes and beliefs aboutteaching mathematics using technology, the lack of training inusing technology, and the lack of technical support. The headteacher’s attitude was also an important influence on managingthe challenges teachers faced, which affected teachers’ decisionsto use or not use technology in school
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