365 research outputs found


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    The development of boat technology and traditional fishing gear, which is still predominantly used by fishing communities in Indonesia, appears to be running slowly. This study aims to determine the adaptations and technological innovations that have been applied in fishing communities for the development of capture fisheries technology in Tomini Gulf. Data and information about fishing boats and fishing gear in the form of types, functions, sizes, structures, pictures, raw materials, and changes in shape, changes in function, as well as adaptations and technological innovations that occur are obtained by field surveys conducted in fishing villages. Other data were obtained through in-depth interviews with fishermen and community leaders using interview grid instruments. Adaptations and innovations that occur in fishing boats include the use of bodi hull types on ketinting (long-tail outboard engine) boats and the use of fiberglass and PVC (Polyvinyl chloride) pipe as substitutes for wood and bamboo as raw materials for hull and outrigger buoys. The lampu suntik (waterproof lamp of LED sircuit in a used syringe plastic tube) is an innovation made on the totabito squid fishing gear. Adaptation and innovation in fisheries technology occurs part-by-part (partial) and requires proving success to gain wide acceptance.   Keywords: adaptation; innovation; techology; fishing boat; fishing gear; traditional

    Simulation model of 3-phase PWM rectifier by using MATLAB/Simulink

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    Many industrial applications require the use of power electronic devices, which in turn help in overcoming the problems of variable load and fluctuations that occur at the end of feeding. The current study emphasizes that the use of different electric power generation systems with industrial applications needs control devices to work on improving the power quality and performance of systems in which there is an imbalance in the voltage or current due to the change of loads or feeding from the source. The present study also presents a model of a transformer widely used in industrial applications and this work includes simulating a three-phase rectifier by MATLAB. There are four cases in this work HWR (uncontrolled and controlled) and FWR (uncontrolled and uncontrolled) with different loads (R, RL & RC) including full wave type AC/DC using six electronic transformer silicon control rectifier (SCRs) once as well as unified half wave using three electronic transformer silicon control rectifier (SCRs). Simulation results include input, output voltage, and current with the waveform


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    The purpose of the study was to determine the impact of mangrove ecosystem degradation to the diversity of the catch in the affected coastal area of Pagimana District. Surveys were done from July 2019 to February 2020 to collect data with questionnaires. Data is analyzed by quantitative descriptive analysis and NASA Arset analysis (GIS). Results of the study show that: (1) extensive damage to the mangrove tend to fluctuate from year to year; (2) the extent of damage is small to cause significant impact on fish catch; (3) diversity of the catch is still relatively high and the state of the waters is still relatively good.Keywords: Mangrove; ecosystem; degradation; catch; diversity

    Efektivitas Pancing Cumidengan Lampu LED di Kabupaten Gorontalo

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    This study aims to determine the effectiveness of squid fishing gear with LED lights (Light Emitting Diode) operated by fishermen. This research was conducted in Lamu Village, BatudaaPantai District, Gorontalo Regency. The method used is a survey method and the data collected consists of primary data and secondary data. The data analysis used in this research is descriptive analysis. The results showed that squid fishing gear with LED lights in Lamu Village has different relative effectiveness from one another. Fishing gear with green LED lights has an effectiveness rate of 29.90%, blue LEDs 41.89% and colorful LEDs (red, blue and green) 28.21%. Squid fishing with a blue LED light gets the highest catch

    Tingkat Kesejahteraan Nelayan di Desa Torosiaje Laut

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the level of welfare of fishermen in Torosiaje Laut Village, Popayato District, Pohuwato Regency, namely calculating fishermen's household income and fishermen's household expenses. The method used is descriptive method. The results showed that the average income per capita per year was Rp. 6,180,000 and the expenditure per capita per year was Rp. 1,870,200. The fishing community has housing conditions and complete facilities, health services, education and transportation that are easily accessible by the fishing community, thus it can be said that the fishing households in Torosiaje Laut Village have exceeded the poverty criteria or can be said to be prosperous


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     Preeklamsi berat adalah hipertensi onset baru (tekanan darah sistol ? 160 mmHg atau diastol ? 110 mmHg) setelah usia kehamilan ? 20 minggu. Berdasarkan onset perjalanan penyakit preeklamsi dibagi menjadi preeklamsi awitan dini dan preeklamsi awitan lambat. Ibu dengan preeklamsi biasanya dilahirkan lebih awal untuk mencegah terjadinya komplikasi ibu dan janin. Keputusan pemilihan metode persalinan tidaklah mudah, karena sebagian besar kehamilan yang masih jauh dari aterm dan dengan kondisi serviks yang belum baik, cara persalinan pada ibu dengan preeklamsi harus dilahirkan dengan pertimbangan obstetrik rutin. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat perbedaan luaran maternal pada pasien preeklamsi berat awitan dini dan lambat berdasarkan metode persalinan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif observasional desain cross sectional dengan menggunakan data sekunder dari rekam medis RS Muhammadiyah Palembang dengan besar 555 sampel yang telah memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Hasil penelitian didapatkan komplikasi ibu pada preeklamsi berat awitan dini dan preeklamsi berat awitan lambat lebih banyak ditemukan pada metode persalinan sectio caesarea

    Kynurenine 3-Monooxygenase gene associated with Nicotine initiation and addiction: Analysis of novel regulatory features at 5' and 3'-Regions

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    © 2018 Aziz, Abdel-Salam, Al-Obaide, Alobydi and Al-Humaish. Tobacco smoking is widespread behavior in Qatar and worldwide and is considered one of the major preventable causes of ill health and death. Nicotine is part of tobacco smoke that causes numerous health risks and is incredibly addictive; it binds to the α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (α7nAChR) in the brain. Recent studies showed α7nAChR involvement in the initiation and addiction of smoking. Kynurenic acid (KA), a significant tryptophan metabolite, is an antagonist of α7nAChR. Inhibition of kynurenine 3-monooxygenase enzyme encoded by KMO enhances the KA levels. Modulating KMO gene expression could be a useful tactic for the treatment of tobacco initiation and dependence. Since KMO regulation is still poorly understood, we aimed to investigate the 5' and 3'-regulatory factors of KMO gene to advance our knowledge to modulate KMO gene expression. In this study, bioinformatics methods were used to identify the regulatory sequences associated with expression of KMO. The displayed differential expression of KMO mRNA in the same tissue and different tissues suggested the specific usage of the KMO multiple alternative promoters. Eleven KMO alternative promoters identified at 5'-regulatory region contain TATA-Box, lack CpG Island (CGI) and showed dinucleotide base-stacking energy values specific to transcription factor binding sites (TFBSs). The structural features of regulatory sequences can influence the transcription process and cell type-specific expression. The uncharacterized LOC105373233 locus coding for non-coding RNA (ncRNA) located on the reverse strand in a convergent manner at the 3'-side of KMO locus. The two genes likely expressed by a promoter that lacks TATA-Box harbor CGI and two TFBSs linked to the bidirectional transcription, the NRF1, and ZNF14 motifs. We identified two types of microRNA (miR) in the uncharacterized LOC105373233 ncRNA, which are like hsa-miR-5096 and hsa-miR-1285-3p and can target the miR recognition element (MRE) in the KMO mRNA. Pairwise sequence alignment identified 52 nucleotides sequence hosting MRE in the KMO 3' UTR untranslated region complementary to the ncRNA LOC105373233 sequence. We speculate that the identified miRs can modulate the KMO expression and together with alternative promoters at the 5'-regulatory region of KMO might contribute to the development of novel diagnostic and therapeutic algorithm for tobacco smoking

    Welfare level of Troll Line Fishermen in Pasokan Village

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    This paper aims to describe the welfare level of troll fishermen in Supply Village, Walea Besar Subdistrict, Tojo Una-una District, Central Sulawesi Province. Respondents' income and expenditure are measured and then analyzed to determine the level of welfare using BPS Criteria. On average 84% of fishing families are prosperous and 16% of families with low welfare. Age, education, fishing experience and number of family members are factors that affect the level of welfare. Keywords: welfare; .fishermen; troll lin