249 research outputs found

    La situación de la educación de adultos en España y en Cataluña

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    La necesidad de aumentar el nivel de instrucción, el nivel cultural en todas sus dimensiones y de mejorar la preparación profesional de base, así como de ofrecer posibilidades de ampliación, reciclaje y reconversión profesional a la población ocupada, parada y potencialmente activa, así como a toda la población adulta que actualmente reside en España, es imperiosa, pero en cambio la demanda que realmente se expresa es baja, si bien sabemos que la "demanda potencial", es impresionantemente elevada: la población de nuestro país no es consciente de sus derechos educativos, y además vive en un universo donde el consumo está valorado positivamente, pero la cultura, la creación o el consumo cultural gozan del mayor olvido, como si la industrialización, el crecimiento económico y el afianzamiento de la democracia no tuvieran nada que ver con el nivel educativo de la población. En este artículo se contemplan buena parte de las iniciativas y experiencias que se desarrollan actualmente en el ámbito de la formación permanente de adultos; se incluyen experiencias escolares y extraescolares, formales y no formales, de modo que se inventaría tanto lo que cabe dentro del sistema educativo, como lo que administrativamente es competencia de otras instancias, y todo aquello que algunos autores han venido a designar con el controvertido nombre de "animación cultural". La exposición contenida en el texto del artículo es una primera descripción, puesto que del conocimiento de la realidad, y de su análisis en función de unos u otros presupuestos teóricos, se podrá avanzar en el ámbito de lo teórico, y también en el de las prácticas concretas. En el Último apartado se describen muy someramente las iniciativas de dos Órganos vinculados a la Generalitat de Catalunya y que están haciendo notables esfuerzos para contribuir a una renovación pedagógica o mejora cualitativa de la formación permanente de adultos en Catalunya, puesto que la Generalitat, desde el 31 de Diciembre de 1979, tiene competencia plena en educación de adultos -mientras que el Gobierno Central conserva la competencia exclusiva-; lo reciente de los traspasos de competencias de la Administración Central a la Administración Autonómica hace que sea aún demasiado pronto para evaluar los resultados de la tarea realizada.The need to raise the level of instruction, the cultural level in all its dimensions and to improve the training, as well as offer possibilities of amplified recyclage and professional reconversion of the employed population, the unemployed and the active potential, and also the whole adult population actually residing in Spain, is imperious, but on the contrary, the demand which is really expressed is low, although we know that the "potential deman", is impressingly high: the population of our country is not conscious of its educational rights and moreover, live in a universe where consumption is valued positively, but culture, creation or cultural consumption is much forgotten, as if industrialization, economic growth and democratic guarantee do not have relation to do with the educational level of the population. A good part of this article is dedicated to the initiatives and experiences which are presently being developped in the field of permanent adult education; it includes school and out-of-school experiences, formal and non formal, the manner that an inventary would be made of that which pertains to the educational system as well as that which administratively pertains to the competence of the Ministries and Cultural Departments, or in other words, all those which some authors designate with the controversial name of "cultural animation",. The exposition contained in the text of the article is a first description, since of the knowledge of the reality and of its analysis in function of one or the other theoretical presupposition, we could advance in the field of theoretics and also in that of concrete practices. The initiatives of two organizations related with the "Generalitat de Catalunya" (autonomous government of the Catalonian region) is superficially described in the last section and great efforts are being made to contribute to an educational renewal or qualitative improvement of permanent education of adults in Catalonia, since the Generalitat beginning December 31st 1979, has full competence in adult education -while the Central Government preserve the exclusive competence-; due to the recent transfer of competences by the Central Government to the Autonomous Administration, it is too soon yet to evaluate the results of the job accomplished

    PND30 Cost Analysis of Glatiramer Acetate Versus Fingolimod for the Treatment of Patients With Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis in Spain

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    BACKGROUND: Fingolimod is an innovative drug with a significant budget impact in the treatment of MS in Spain. The aim of this study was to calculate the direct cost comparison of glatiramer acetate and fingolimod for the treatment of patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) in Spain. METHODS: A cost analysis model was developed to compare glatiramer acetate and fingolimod, based on a 1-year time horizon. In addition to the pharmacological costs, resource use was estimated for glatiramer acetate (1 hour of training with nursing staff in self-injection techniques for subcutaneous administration) and fingolimod (vaccination for varicella-zoster virus in 5% of patients, 3 complete blood counts per year, 3 ophthalmology visits for prevention of macular edema, 3 transaminase tests to monitor liver function, and cardiovascular monitoring consisting of 1 ECG before the first fingolimod dose and at 6 hours; 1 day outpatients-hospital visit for cardiological monitoring during 6 hours on the day of the first fingolimod dose, with follow-up of blood pressure and heart rate every hour). The pharmacological costs were calculated based on the ex-factory price of the drugs evaluated, using the doses recommended in the respective Summary of Products Characteristics (SmPC). Total invoicing volume was discounted by 7.5%, as laid down in Spanish Royal Decree 8/2010. Unit costs were obtained from the e-Salud database and the drug catalog. Costs in the model are expressed in €2012. RESULTS: The cost of annual treatment was €9,439.42 for glatiramer acetate and €19,602.18 for fingolimod, yielding a cost difference of €10,162.76. Assuming a fixed budget of €100,000.00, approximately 10 patients could be treated with glatiramer acetate, compared to 5 with fingolimod. CONCLUSIONS: Fingolimod therapy requires twice the investment as glatiramer acetate

    Perfil sociodemográfico y psicopatológico de los menores acogidos en Valencia

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    Removing a child from the biological family is the best option in cases of abuse, neglect or mistreatment, but this resource can be a new stressor, because of its possibility to cause imbalances in different areas. The aim of this study is to value how this situation impacts the children. In order to achieve our aim, we have carefully analyzed children’s sociodemographic and psychopathological characteristics, especially anxiety, depression and social stress. The study involved 116 children from Valencia, aged between two weeks and 18 years old received by foster families. Results, structured into three age levels, show that the foster care, although emerges as a temporary and preventive measure with the aim to return to the biological family, becomes as permanent. In addition, the child does not stabilize in a family and many of them are moved to a care-residency. Tutors consider higher levels of pathology in children under 12 years old than parents. However, between 13 and 18, this trend is reversed and the parents are who report higher levels of pathology, for both depression and anxiety.La separación de un menor de su familia biológica es la mejor opción en casos de abuso, negligencia o maltrato pero este recurso puede suponer en sí mismo un nuevo estresor capaz de provocar desajustes en diferentes áreas. El objetivo de este estudio es ver cómo afecta esta situación a los menores para lo cual hemos analizado detalladamente sus características sociodemográficas y psicopatológicas especialmente la ansiedad, depresión y estrés social. En el estudio han participado 116 menores de Valencia de edades comprendidas entre dos semanas y 18 años acogidos por familias educadoras. Los resultados, estructurados en tres niveles de edad, muestran que el acogimiento, aunque surge como una medida preventiva y temporal cuyo fin es el retorno con la familia biológica, se acaba cronificando. Además, el menor no se estabiliza en una familia, sino que se producen ceses y muchos pasan por residencias. Los tutores consideran niveles más altos de patología en los menores de 12 años que los padres. Sin embargo, entre los de 13 a 18, esta tendencia se invierte y son los padres los que reportan niveles más altos de patología, tanto para la depresión como para la ansiedad

    Establecer vínculos afectivos para facilitar la resiliencia de los niños acogidos

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    La principal función de los padres de acogida consiste en facilitar el proceso de afrontamiento promoviendo la resiliencia de los niños para lo cual es fundamental poseer una buena capacidad para establecer vínculos afectivos. Otras variables como la experiencia en la crianza de hijos propios, el tipo de estructura familiar o las horas de dedicación pueden ser también decisivas en el favorecimiento del desarrollo de vínculos afectivos. El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en analizar las características de las familias que tienen una buena capacidad para establecer vínculos. Los participantes han sido las 95 familias educadoras que durante 2011 y hasta el momento tienen a su cargo los 116 menores de edades comprendidas entre los 0 y los 18 años acogidos en Valencia. Los resultados indican que solo el 25% de las familias puntúa alto en esta variable, su actuación es valorada muy positivamente por los técnicos que realizan el seguimiento (75%), tienen un elevado nivel educativo (más del 50% son universitarios) y su perfil educativo es mayoritariamente asertivo. Aparecen diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre hombres y mujeres acogedores. Se concluye la importancia de desarrollar en los educadores esta habilidad clave para facilitar la resiliencia de los menores acogidos.The main role of foster parents is to facilitate the coping process by promoting the resilience of children for which it is essential to have a good ability to establish emotional bonds. Other variables such as experience in raising their own children, the type of family structure or hours of dedication can also be decisive in favoring the development of emotional bonds. The aim of this paper is to analyze the characteristics of families who have a good ability to establish links. Participants were the 95 families and educators who from 2011 have been being in charge of the 116 children aged between 0 and 18 received in Valencia. The results indicate that only 25% of the families scored high on this variable, its performance is highly appreciated by the experts that track (75%), they have a high educational level (over 50% have university education) and their educational profile is for the most assertive. Statistically significant difference between men and women were found. Finally results releave the importance of developing this key skill in educators to facilitate the resilience of foster children.peerReviewe

    El estilo educativo de los adultos como indicador de buen pronóstico en el acogimiento familiar

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    La familia acogedora extensa (aquella que tiene una vinculación con el menor por una relación de parentesco) y la familia acogedora ajena (la que carece de vinculación con el menor) supone un recurso de protección para los menores que no pueden seguir confiados al cuidado de sus progenitores. Uno de los indicadores de buen pronóstico del acogimiento, es el perfil de estilos educativos, partiendo de esta premisa pretendemos comparar, los patrones educativos entre ambos tipos de familias, demostrando así la vulnerabilidad de unas familias frente a otras. La familia extensa es un recurso de elección frente a cualquier otro por varios motivos relativos entre otros al impedimento del desarraigo, sin embargo, los recursos puestos a disposición de unas y otras familias y los requisitos reales o fácticos, difieren sustancialmente, lo que refuerza aún más si cabe la vulnerabilidad de unas familias, que mayoritariamente abuelos, ya tuvieron dificultades en la crianza de sus propios hijos. Veremos como las familias acogedoras extensas, en su mayoría, utilizan como patrón de crianza estilos educativos inadecuados, frente a las familias acogedoras ajenas cuyo patrón educativo es generalmente asertivo o democrático.The extended family (that one with a kinship connection to the minor) and the foster family (that one with no kinship with the minor) are two structures that offer a resource of protection for minors who can’t stay under the care of their parents. One indicator that points out a positive forecast for a particular case of foster care is the educational style that is put into practice. Keeping this in mind, our goal is to compare the educational patterns of both types of families in order to proof the vulnerability of one of those types of families, against the other. The extended family usually comes as a resource for avoiding feelings such as rootlessness. The resources both types of family have are very different, and this strengthens even more the vulnerability of the aforementioned type of family (usually grandparents, who already faced many problems to raise their own children). It is therefore somehow obvious that most extended families use as a pattern for raising their children inappropriate educational styles, in opposition to foster families, that tend to use assertive and democratic educational patterns.peerReviewe

    Análisis descriptivo de las familias usuarias de los servicios especializados de atención a la familia e infancia

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    El Servicio Especializado de Atención a la Familia y a la Infancia (SEAFI), es un Servicio ubicado en la mayor parte de los municipios de la Comunidad Valenciana, que pretende dar una atención integral psicoeducativa o psicosocial a las familias con hijos menores de edad. Esta labor de atención personal se lleva a cabo de forma complementaria y coordinada con el equipo municipal de Servicios Sociales Generales. Los SEAFI’s cuentan con equipos interdisciplinares específicos, con formación en áreas pedagógicas, psicológicas y sociales, y que realizan intervención familiar mediante técnicas de orientación psicosocial, mediación familiar o terapia familiar. Las familias atendidas desde este servicio especializado se encuentran principalmente en dos tipos de situación, de vulnerabilidad o de conflicto. Presentamos un análisis descriptivo de las circunstancias familiares que pueden contribuir a la mayor dificultad de estas familias para abordar las diferentes situaciones de crisis (tipo de familia, edades de los hijos, a quien identifican como paciente identificado…) Los resultados indican principalmente que son las familias con menores preadolescentes o adolescentes las que solicitan en mayor proporción este servicio.The Specialized Family and Childhood Care Service (SEAFI, that stands for Servicio Especializado de Atención a la Familia y a la Infancia), is a service available in most of the municipalities in the Valencian Community, which aims to give comprehensive psycho educational and psychosocial support to families with under aged children in it. This task of providing personal attention is coordinated by the municipal department of General Social Services. The different SEAFIs have specific interdisciplinary teams, with training in the pedagogic, psychological and social fields and perform familiar intervention through a set of techniques of psychosocial orientation, family mediation and family therapy. Families that get such kind of attention and specialized care tend to face, straight away, situations of vulnerability and conflict. We hereby present a descriptive analysis of the family circumstances which can generate bigger difficulties for these families to be able to face critical situations (family structure, age of the children, who is identified as the patient...). Results usually point out that those families who ask for this kind of specialized service are those with preteens or teens in it.peerReviewe

    Determination of the cardiac drug amiodarone and its N-desethyl metabolite in sludge samples

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    This is the postprint (accepted manuscript) version of the article published in Journal of Chromatography A http://doi.org/10.1016/j.chroma.2015.03.024 This manuscript version is made available under de CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 licenseFor the first time, a procedure for the simultaneous determination of the iodinated drug amiodarone and its major metabolite, N-desethylamiodarone, in sludge from urban sewage treatment plants (STPs) is proposed. Matrix solid-phase dispersion (MSPD) followed by on-line cationic exchange clean-up, in mod- ular configuration, was used as sample preparation technique. Liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS), based on a hybrid quadrupole time-of-flight (QTOF) system, was employed for the selective determination of target compounds. The optimized procedure provided exhaustive recov- eries with little effect of the sample matrix in the efficiency of electrospray ionization (ESI). The overall recoveries of the method ranged between 95 and 111%, for samples spiked at different concentration levels. The achieved limits of quantification (LOQs) remained below 10 ng g−1 for both compounds, and the linear response range extended up to 2500 ng g−1. Amiodarone and N-desethylamiodarone were ubiquitous in sludge samples, from different STPs located in the Northwest of Spain, with maximum concentrations above 300 ng g−1 referred to the freeze-dried matrix. They were also present in stabilized sludge (mixed with lime and thermally dehydrated), which is mostly disposed in agriculture fields as fertilizer. Furthermore, mono-iodinated analogues of amiodarone and N-desethylamiodarone were also tentatively identified in some samples from their accurate MS and MS/MS spectraThis study has been supported by the Spanish Government and E.U. FEDER funds (project CTQ2012-33080) and the Xunta de Galicia (Excellence Research Groups Programme). R.M. acknowledges a post-doctoral “Juan de la Cierva” contract from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.S