382 research outputs found

    Factorial Analysis of the Skills Preferred by Basketball Players : a Study in Young Players

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    The aim of this work is to classify basketball skills according to the preference of the young players who play this sport. The most interesting results show the existence of 5 factors which could explain the variation percentage of 66, 99 %. The drew factors arranged from better to worse as a function of how well they explain the issue, have been named as " Shot and scores 1 or 2 points "; " Receive + Defence + Bounce "; " Recover + 3 points scores "; " Provoke personal fault " and " Rebound "

    Application of a Token Economy Program and Preferences for Basketball Players

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    The aim of this work is to analyze the differences between players of a group following a token economy program and another who does not follow it. The results indicate that young players perceive that their trainers have a preference for attacking actions during the match; this unanimity in preferences disappears during training. Significant differences were found significant differences in the preferences of coach during training; which means that belonging to one group of study implies different choices. There have been found significant differences between groups in specific skills related to defense and ball reception

    Efecto de la carrera contínua sobre el cartílago articular de ratas jóvenes

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    [Resumen] Nuestro propósito en este trabajo será averiguar la influencia del ejercicio físico sobre el cartílago articular del cóndilo femoral interno de la rodilla izquierda de las ratas, para ello, contamos con 12 ratas Sprague-Dawley, 6 en un grupo control y 6 en otro grupo entrenado (carrera continua sobre tapiz rodante) en las que hemos valorado los siguientes aspectos: Obtener el patrón normal de crecimiento de las ratas (peso, longitud corporal, longitud ósea y alimentación) y el efecto del ejercicio físico sobre el mismo, encontrando que los animales entrenados pesan menos, son de menor longitud, tienen los femures más pequeños que los animales control, su alimentación es proporcionalmente a su peso, similar. Establecer una disivión del cartílago articular en regiones morfofuncionales distintas. No existen diferencias grupales, todos los cóndilos tienen cuatro regiones distintas que soportan diferentes niveles de carga mecánica, numeradas de anterior y posterior como R1, R2, R3, y R4. Estudiar la longitud y la curvidad de la superficie articular completa y de cada una de las regiones morfofuncionales del cartílago articular, así como el efecto del ejercicio físico sobre las mismas. No existen diferencias grupales. La región de mayor tamaño (R3) coincide con la de mayor carga mecánica. La región central de carga (R2+R3) representa aproximadamente el 60% del desarrollo del cóndilo. Establecer las características histológicas normales para cada una de las regiones morfofuncionales del cartílago articular (el grosor del cartílago aumenta en R3 con el ejercicio, la celularidad en R2 disminuye, la definición zonal es mejor en el grupo entrenado, y la apetencia tintoriale por la Safranina 0 aumenta y se redistribuye con el ejercicio físico. Estudiar las características histológicas normales del tejido cartilaginoso epifisario que presenta mayor grosor en las regiones de menor carg

    Determination of the home advantage in handball Olympic Games and European Championships

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    Home advantage (HA) has typically been focused in competitions in which the same number of home games and away games are played, but it should be noted that there are other competitions that take place at the home of only one organizer. In this study, 2,758 games of handball were analyzed. The variables registered were the number of games won, the number of games drawn, the number of games lost, the number of goals scored, the number of goals against and the gender of the competitors. The significance of the level of advantage in playing at home was calculated for the variable of points obtained, assuming the null hypothesis that playing at home has no advantage. The Wilcoxon signed rank was used to contrast home advantage signification. The advantage of playing at home and the advantage of playing away in male and female competitions were compared using the Mann–Whitney test. The significance of the difference between the goals (both scored by and scored against) when a team played at home or played away from home was determined using t tests. Pearson and Spearman bivariate correlations were used to establish the level of association between the classification of a team and the number of points obtained as a result of the advantage of playing at home. No significant advantage to playing at home in the Olympic Games or European Championships was found for either gender. However, a direct association exists between playing at home and the points obtained in a competition. There is also a significant inverse association between playing at home and the final classification of a team

    Validation of the questionnaire "focus of attention for handball trainers in video analysis"

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    El uso del método Delphi es indicado para la elaboración de cuestionarios sobre un tema objeto de estudio en el que no hay mucho conocimiento anterior. Partiendo de una idea inicial, un grupo de 10 expertos en balonmano realizaron una serie de propuestas de modificación hasta llegar a un cuestionario final consensuado de 34 ítems, con preguntas relacionadas con las cuatro fases del juego existente en balonmano. Dicho estudio se pasó a una muestra de 134 entrenadores de cuatro países, verificando la validación del cuestionario. Los entrenadores de balonmano dan mayor importancia en los análisis con vídeo a las fases del juego de ataque y defensa organizada.The use of the Delphi method is indicated for the elaboration of questionnaires on a subject of study, which until now has little known information about it. Starting on an initial proposal, a group of 10 experts in handball made a series of modification proposals until a final questionnaire was agreed of 34 items, with questions related with the four phases of the game that exist in handball. The questionnaire was given to 134 trainers from four different countries, verifying the validation of the questionnaire. The handball trainers gave most importance to the analysis with videos of the phases of play in attack and organized defensepeerReviewe

    Concurrent Validity and Reliability of Two Portable Powermeters (Power2Max vs. PowerTap) to Measure Different Types of Efforts in Cycling

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    [EN] The purpose was to assess the concurrent validity and reliability of two portable powermeters (PowerTap vs. Power2Max) in different types of cycling efforts. Ten cyclists performed two submaximal, one incremental maximal and two supramaximal sprint tests on an ergometer, while pedaling power and cadence were registered by both powermeters and a cadence sensor (GarminGSC10). During the submaximal and incremental maximal tests, significant correlations were found for power and cadence data (r = 0.992–0.997 and 0.996–0.998, respectively, p < 0.001), with a slight power underestimation by PowerTap (0.7–1.8%, p < 0.01) and a high reliability of both powermeters (p < 0.001) for measurement of power (ICC = 0.926 and 0.936, respectively) and cadence (ICC = 0.969 and 0.970, respectively). However, during the supramaximal sprint test, their agreement to measure power and cadence was weak (r = 0.850 and 0.253, p < 0.05) due to the low reliability of the cadence measurements (ICC between 0.496 and 0.736, and 0.574 and 0.664, respectively; p < 0.05) in contrast to the high reliability of the cadence sensor (ICC = 0.987–0.994). In conclusion, both powermeters are valid and reliable for measuring power and cadence during continuous cycling efforts (~100–450 W), but questionable during sprint efforts (>500 W), where they are affected by the gear ratio used (PowerTap) and by their low accuracy in cadence recording (PowerTap and Power2Max).S

    Comparison of Game-Related Statistics in Men¿s International Championships between Winning and Losing Teams according to Margin of Victory

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    The aims of this study were (i) to compare water polo game-related statistics by game outcome (winning and losing teams) and margins of victory (close games, unbalanced games, and very unbalanced games), and (ii) to identify characteristics that mark the differences in performances for each group of margin of victory. The game-related statistics of the 308 men¿s matches played in seven International Championships (Olympic Games, World and European Championships) were analysed. A cluster analysis established three groups (close games, unbalanced games, and very unbalanced games) according to the margin of victory. Differences between game outcomes (winning or losing teams) and margins of victory (close, unbalanced, and very unbalanced games) were determined using the chi-squared statistic, also calculating the effect sizes of the differences. A discriminant analysis was then performed applying the sample-splitting method according to game outcome (winning and losing teams) by margin of victory. It was found that the game-related statistics differentiate the winning from the losing teams in each final score group, with 7 (offensive and defensive) variables differentiating winners from losers in close games, 16 in unbalanced games, and 11 in very unbalanced games. In all three types of game, the game-related statistics were shown to discriminate performance (85% or more), with two variables being discriminatory by game outcome (winning or losing teams) in all three cases: shots and goalkeeper-blocked shots

    Physical exercise, detraining and lipid profile in obese children: a systematic review

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    Introducción. El desentrenamiento es la pérdida de las mejoras obtenidas por el ejercicio físico/entrenamiento tras su cese, aspecto poco estudiado en población infantil obesa. Así, el propósito del presente estudio fue evaluar los efectos del desentrenamiento sobre el perfil lipídico (HDL, LDL, colesterol total y triglicéridos) en niños obesos. Población y métodos. Los estudios fueron recuperados mediante la búsqueda en siete bases de datos. Dicha búsqueda se limitó a programas de ejercicio físico de, al menos, ocho semanas de duración y su desentrenamiento, y se evaluó el perfil lipídico de niños obesos. Se calculó el tamaño del efecto (TE), sus intervalos de confianza del 95% y la heterogeneidad de los estudios a través de la Q de Cochrane (modelo de efectos aleatorios). Resultados. Cinco estudios cumplieron los criterios de inclusión y fueron seleccionados para su revisión (n= 330). En general, los resultados intragrupo (postest vs. desentrenamiento) mostraron que, tras el desentrenamiento, el nivel en sangre del colesterol HDL (TE= 0,12) y el colesterol total aumentaron (TE= 1,41). Del mismo modo, los resultados intergrupo (grupo experimental vs. grupo control) confirmaron el aumento del colesterol HDL tras el desentrenamiento (TE= 0,49). Conclusiones. Los resultados de esta revisión sistemática sugieren que el desentrenamiento tras un programa de ejercicio físico no genera una pérdida significativa de los beneficios obtenidos sobre el perfil lipídico de los niños obesos. No obstante, debido al número de estudios analizados y a la heterogeneidad observada en los análisis y en el tiempo considerado como desentrenamiento (de 12 a 48 semanas), se requiere un mayor número de estudios de calidad para obtener resultados más concluyentes.Introduction. Detraining is the loss of improvements obtained through the participation in physical exercise/training after training cessation, an aspect that has been poorly studied in obese child population. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to assess the effects of detraining on the lipid profile (HDL, LDL, total cholesterol and triglycerides) of obese children. Population and Methods. Studies were collected through a search across seven databases. The search was limited to physical exercise programs that lasted, at least, eight weeks and the corresponding detraining, with an assessment of obese children lipid profile. Effect size (ES), 95% confidence intervals and study heterogeneity were estimated using Cochran’s Q test (random effects model). Results. Five studies complied with the inclusion criteria and were selected for review (n= 330). In general, intra-group results (posttest versus detraining) indicated that, following detraining, blood levels of HDL cholesterol (ES= 0.12) and total cholesterol (ES= 1.41) were increased. Likewise, inter-group results (experimental group versus control group) confirmed the increase of HDL cholesterol following detraining (ES= 0.49). Conclusions. The results of this systematic review suggest that detraining after a physical exercise program does not lead to a significant loss of the benefits gained in relation to the lipid profile of obese children. However, given the number of analyzed studies and the heterogeneity observed in the analyses and the period defined as detraining (12 to 48 weeks), a higher number of well designed studies is required to obtain more conclusive results