479 research outputs found


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    Stainless Casting SCS 14 adalah baja yang mempunyai sifat dan karakter yang tidak dimiliki oleh baja paduan lain yaitu ketahanan terhadap korosi dan oksidasi. Sifat dan karakter menguntungkan ini di dapat dari unsur paduan utama yaitu Fe, Cr dan Ni maka dengan penelitian ini diharapkan dapat diketahui berbagai sifat dari material sebelum dan setelah dilakukan perlakuan panas . Untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis sifat dari Stainless Casting SCS 14 maka dalam penelitian ini dilakukan berbagai pengujian diantaranya : pengujian komposisi kimia, pengujian kekerasan Brinell dan pengujian struktur mikro. Pada uji komposisi kimia didapat kandungan unsur – unsur utama yaitu Fe 66,12 %, C 0,113 %, Cr 17,6 %, Ni 12,1 %, Mo 1,85 %, sehingga dengan melihat prosentase dari Cr dan Ni stainless casting scs 14 termasuk baja tahan karat Austenit,. Pada pengujian kekerasan didapatkan grafik Distribusi Kekerasan dimana pada jarak 100 μm atau 0,1 mm dari tepi terluar memiliki kekerasan tertinggi, sesuai tujuan Quenching yaitu mendapatkan material keras diluar atau tepi tetapi ulet dibagian tengah (dalam) dan seiring kenaikan suhu kekerasanya menurun dimana kekerasan maximum terjadi pada suhu 1050 oC = 237,7 BHN, dan kekerasan pada suhu1100 oC =226,1 BHN, suhu 1150 oC = 207,8 BHN. Pada struktur mikro terlihat fase yaitu:karbidha khrom,ferit dan austenit dimana semakin tinggi suhu pemanasan maka semakin banyak karbida khrom yang larut dalam Austenit sehingga struktur butir bertambah besar dan struktur mikro didominasi oleh austenit dan ferit, sesuai dengan sifat SCS 14 dalam JIS G 5121 yang tahan terhadap korosi dan oksidasi maka baja jenis ini banyak digunakan dalam bidang industri kimia dan makanan sepertit produk Blade ini yang digunakan sebagai alat pengaduk dalam sebuah pabrik kertas

    Diseño De Arquitectura Del Documento De Manifiesto Electrónico Y Sus Desafíos En Indonesia

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    Traditional shipping often experiences some accidents. Most of the ship operators did not complete the ship documents and did not create the documents for safety requirement, one of them is manifest. The absence of manifest makes the harbourmaster difficult to carry out the inspections. This research has objective to discuss on architecture design of the electronic system for manifest document. Also, to know the challenges of it in nature of traditional shipping in Indonesia. The research uses case study of traditional shipping in the Province of East Java by interviewing the respondents. The result showed that ITS development helps the safety improvement even though it still needs adjustment on the existing organization and conditions, but the resistance level of ITS implementation could be minimized. In conclusion, architecture design which developed as the basic ITS can help the harbourmaster to get easy access to manifest document. Thus it will increase the safety of the ships.O transporte tradicional costuma sofrer alguns acidentes. A maioria dos operadores de navios não preencheu os documentos do navio e não os criou para requisitos de segurança, um deles é manifesto. A ausência de manifesto dificulta o mestre do porto de realizar as inspeções. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo discutir sobre o projeto de arquitetura do sistema eletrônico para documentos manifestos. Além disso, conhecer os desafios na natureza do transporte tradicional na Indonésia. A pesquisa utiliza o estudo de caso do transporte tradicional na província de Java Oriental, entrevistando os entrevistados. O resultado mostrou que o desenvolvimento do ITS ajuda na melhoria da segurança, embora ainda precise de ajustes na organização e nas condições existentes, mas o nível de resistência da implementação do ITS pode ser minimizado. Em conclusão, o projeto de arquitetura desenvolvido como ITS básico pode ajudar o mestre do porto a obter acesso fácil ao documento manifesto. Assim, aumentará a segurança dos navios.El envío tradicional a menudo experimenta algunos accidentes. La mayoría de los operadores de barcos no completaron los documentos del barco y no crearon los documentos para requisitos de seguridad, uno de ellos es manifiesto. La ausencia de manifiesto hace que el capitán de puerto sea difícil de llevar a cabo las inspecciones. Esta investigación tiene el objetivo de discutir sobre el diseño de la arquitectura del sistema electrónico para el documento manifiesto. Además, para conocer sus desafíos en la naturaleza del transporte marítimo tradicional en Indonesia. La investigación utiliza el estudio de caso del transporte marítimo tradicional en la provincia de Java Oriental al entrevistar a los encuestados. El resultado mostró que el desarrollo de ITS ayuda a la mejora de la seguridad a pesar de que todavía necesita un ajuste en la organización y las condiciones existentes, pero el nivel de resistencia de la implementación de ITS podría minimizarse. En conclusión, el diseño de la arquitectura que se desarrolló como el ITS básico puede ayudar al capitán del puerto a obtener un acceso fácil al documento manifiesto. Por lo tanto, aumentará la seguridad de los barcos

    Dextran fouling of polyethersulfone ultrafiltration membranesâCauses, extent and consequences

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    In a recent paper [Susanto, Ulbricht, J. Membr. Sci. 266 (2005) 132], we showed that dextran does foul polyethersulfone (PES) ultrafiltration (UF) membranes by contact of the solution with the membrane surface without flux through the membrane. In this work, dextran fouling was visualized using atomic force microscopy (AFM) and quantified by ATR-IR spectroscopy and by the mass balance in simultaneous diffusionâadsorption measurements (SDAM). Good correlations have been found between the water flux reduction due to dextran adsorption and the quantitative data for bound dextran on the PES membranes. Further, a pronounced effect of dextran size on adsorptive membrane fouling was identified. Contact angle and zeta potential measurements with non-porous films, where solute entrapment in pores can be ruled out, gave additional clear evidence for dextran binding on the PES surface. Complementary data for adsorption and fouling of porous membranes and non-porous films by the protein myoglobin indicated that the larger fouling tendency for protein than for dextran is due to a higher surface coverage of PES by the adsorbed biomacromolecule layer. Data for batch UF confirm the conclusions from the static contact experiments because significant fouling is observed for PES membranes (more severe for myoglobin than for dextrans), while no fouling is seen for a cellulose-based UF membrane with the same nominal cut-off. Finally, two mechanisms for the attractive PESâdextran interaction â multiple hydrogen bonding involving the SO2 groups of PES and âsurface dehydrationâ of the relatively hydrophobic PES â are discusse

    Kematian yang Nir Batas

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    This project is a result of a variety of work done in the previous, the main themes for the variety of work were varied. They were about body illusion instution with its multi and complicated problem, and other problems, and other problems reated to gender aspect, political aspect, social aspect, tradition, religion, and many other. The purpose of the project was to recognize the true meaning of the borderless life after death. In order to recognized its true meaning, the traditional rituals and religion body management were used as the bases to analyze the idea of borderless life after death was perceived as a social-cultural phenomenon and as a tradition.In this project, death is defined as the borderline between theIn this project, a painting –as the artwork – was chossen to express the idea of borderless life after death visually. The basic idea of borderless life after death itself was analize using relevant methodology, theories, and empirical studies. In contrast, the concept of the artwork expressing the ideas such as borderless life after death, the life of soul in the erternal realm, the travel of soul to its original realm, an death as the borderline between the zone of worldly life and the borderless borderless life after death. The use of idioms in painting such as foggy white colour, smoky white colour, and some objects are for the aesthetic purpose where as the dances in the painting symbolize the aesthetical purpose where as the dances in the painting symbolize the aesthetical values, not sadness, Altogether, these elements construct the idea of borderless life after death.In conclusion, death should not be preceive as a frightening phenomenon but as a sacred, religious, and aesthetic celebration.worldly life zone and the zone of the borderless life after death. From this pont of view tradition, death is regarded as an event to celebrete the return of the soul to the eternal realm. It can be verivied by the fact that  there are many artistic symbols representing death , thus making it as new realty

    Preparation and Characterization NiMo/Zeolite Catalyst using Microwave Polyol Process Method for Synthesizing Renewable Diesel from Jathropa Oil

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    Biofuels have great potential to fulfill the energy needs of Indonesia. The process used is hydrodeoxygenation reaction (HDO) whose products are known as renewable diesel. This study focuses on preparation NiMo/Zeolite catalyst for synthesizing renewable diesel from jatropha oil. Preparation of NiMo/Zeolite catalyst is done by using microwave polyol process method. Microwave polyol method is a modification from incipient wetness method to overcome energy consumption and preparation time problem. Microwave polyol method is done by using a fast and uniform electric radiation from microwave as heating medium to dry catalyst. The catalyst result by using microwave polyol method gives the surface area of ​​5.45m2/g and has average crystal size of 62.98nm. NiMo/Zeolit catalyst used to synthesize renewable diesel at 375oC, pressure 12 bar, catalyst loading 1% mass of Jathropa Oil and stirer speed 800 rpm. Based on the characterization results of GC-MS, the catalyst NiMo/Zeolit has conversion of jatropha oil 88,61% with renewable diesel product selectivity and yield are 35.26 and 21.5% respectively. According to result of FTIR and product physical properties, renewable diesel products have similar functional group and have better specifications than commercial diesel with density values​​: 0.833 gr/cm3, viscosity: 3.02 cst, cetane index: 61.0

    Nilai-Nilai Literasi Perspektif Al-Qur’an Dan Hadis

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    Abstract The main focus of writing this research is to reveal various literacy values ​​originating from the Qur'an and the Hadith of the Prophet. Two verses are the focus of discussion in this paper; QS. Al-Alaq verses 1-5 and the pronunciation of "Al-Bayan" in QS. Al-Rahman verse 4. In addition, the author also examines the hadith related to writing orders. Based on the discussion that the author has done, it can be concluded that QS. Al-Alaq verses 1-5 contain instructions for humans to optimize their potential to be able to read in a wider context. While the meaning of "Al-Bayan" is the various potentials possessed by humans to always develop knowledge and insight. As for the perspective of hadith, the value of literacy cannot be separated from the history of writing hadith which is part of the Prophet's orders and the Prophet's orders to always establish ties with knowledge. This research is a type of literature research whose main source is the verses of the Koran and the hadith of the Prophet. associated with various literacy values.   Keywords: Literacy, Al-Qur'an, Hadit


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk  mengetahui Bagaimana implementasi manajemen sumberdaya manusia (SDM) di SMA Faforit NU Tegaldlimo Banyuwangi. Kedua, Bagaimana mutu guru di SMA Faforit NU Tegaldlimo Banyuwangi. Ketiga, Bagaimana implementasi manajemen sumberdaya manusia (SDM) dalam meningkatkan mutu guru di SMA Faforit NU Tegaldlimo Banyuwangi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif, permasalahan dalam penelitian ini dirumuskan sebagai berikut: (1) Bagaimana implementasi manajemen sumberdaya manusia (SDM) di SMA Faforit NU Tegaldlimo Banyuwangi; (2) Bagaimana mutu guru di SMA Faforit NU Tegaldlimo Banyuwangi; (3) Bagaimana implementasi manajemen sumberdaya manusia (SDM) dalam meningkatkan mutu guru di SMA Faforit NU Tegaldlimo Banyuwangi