533 research outputs found
Penerapan Media Pembelajaran Audio Visual Dalam Pembelajaran Alkitab: Menggugah Minat dan Keterlibatan Siswa
The use of instructional media in the learning process plays a crucial role in enhancing educational effectiveness. One commonly utilized type of instructional media is audiovisual media, which has proven effective in conveying complex concepts, including within the context of Bible education. This paper discusses the importance and benefits of implementing audiovisual instructional media in Bible education, as well as the challenges faced in its implementation. Through the use of audiovisual media, students can attain deeper understanding, enhance their interest and engagement in learning, and integrate modern technology into the learning process. However, challenges such as resource availability and technical expertise need to be addressed to optimize its benefits
Manajemen Pendidikan Dan Pelatihan Prajabatan Pada Badan Kepegawaian Pendidikan Dan Pelatihan Aceh
Figurative Language and Messages in Poems About COVID-19
This study aimed to identify the types of figurative language used in poems about COVID-19 and to explain the messages of these poems. This research was conducted by using descriptive qualitative methods. The data were taken from five poems about COVID-19 on the Internet. The data were analyzed by using Leech’s theory to identify the types of figurative language and Nurgiyantoro’s theory to explain the meanings of the figurative language. There were eight types of figurative language found in the poems: metaphor (14.5 %), personification (13.3 %), simile (16.9%), hyperbole (13.3%), irony (8.5%), litotes (1.2%), metonymy (28.9%), and oxymoron (3.7%). The dominant type of figurative language used was therefore metonymy. There were two kinds of messages found, namely social messages and moral messages.
Keywords: Figurative Language, Poems, COVID-1
This is a literary study about motivation in learning English which are divided into two types; intrinsic and extrinsic. This study is trying to figure out what kind of motivation gives more contribution in the success of learning a language, in this case is learning English language. In the study, the writer collects data from books, journals, articles about learning motivation from two libraries, Provinsi Aceh Library and Syiah Kuala University Library. The writer also browses and downloads journals, articles, online books and research reports from internet to support this literary study. After that the writer presents a discussion to analyze and concludes what kind of motivation among learners is best influential in English learning. Based on many literature and sources, the writer finally draws a conclusion that from the two types of motivation, both are equally influential in English learning. The thing is that Intrinsic motivation is mostly found among learners who have higher achievement in English skill, whereas the extrinsic one is mostly found among learners who have just begun to learn. It is expected that English teacher can have a fully understanding about types of motivation, especially the extrinsic one in order to help them cope with the less-motivated students which can be implemented into their teaching strategies and materials, so as the curriculum target can be fully achieved
Upaya Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Tematik Melalui Model Pembelajaran Numbered Heads Together
This study aims to determine whether there is an increase in the learning outcomes of third grade students at SD Negeri 47 Lubuklinggau on the theme of 3 objects around me using the Numbered Heads Together (NHT) learning model. This research uses Classroom Action Research (CAR) for two cycles. The results showed that the data obtained in the first cycle the average value of the evaluation of the 3 objects around me was 74.44 with a learning mastery percentage of 74% and in the second cycle the average student evaluation score was 82.96 with a learning completeness percentage of 85%. , it is seen that each learning cycle there is an increase. In the first cycle the results of student activity observations were 72.04 with a percentage of 72% in the active category, and in the second cycle it increased again to 81.85 with a percentage of 82% in the very active category. In conclusion, the Numbered Heads Together (NHT) learning model can improve the learning outcomes of third grade students at SD Negeri 47 Lubuklinggau on the theme of 3 objects around me.
Keywords: Learning Outcomes, Numbered Heads Together, Temati
The isolation and identification of flavonoid compounds from the leaves of the mundu plant (Garcinia dulcis (Roxb) kurz) as well as antibacterial and antioxidant activity tests have been carried out. The isolation process of flavonoid compounds was initiated by maceration process using methanol solvent, then continued with partitioning using ethyl acetate and n-hexane and the isolation process was continued using column chromatography. Determination of the structure using UV-Vis, IR, NMR and LC-MS/MS equipment. The flavonoid compound obtained has a weight of 12.0 mg and an Rf (Reterdation Factor) of 0.37. The result of interpretation of spectroscopic data shows that the flavonoid compound of the biflavonoid group is morreloflavone with the structural formula C30H23O11 and a molecular weight of 559
Pertanggungjawaban Korporasi Terhadap Penerapan Prinsip Strict Liability Dalam Kasus Kerusakan Lingkungan Hidup
Abstraks: Dalam konsep hukum pidana, pertanggungjawaban pidana dimaksudkan untuk menentukan apakah seseorang tersangka/terdakwa dipertanggungjawabkan atas suatu tindak pidana yang terjadi atau tidak. Jika ia dipidana, bahwa tindakan yang dilakukan itu bersifat melawan hukum dan terdakwa mampu bertanggungjawab. Namun dalam UU RI No. 32 Tahun 2009 mengatur tentang pertanggungjawaban korporasi terhadap prinsip strict liability. Prinsip strict liability merupakan pertanggungjawaban tanpa atas dasar kesalahan, cukup fakta yang berbicara. Dengan kata lain, korporasi harus mempertanggungjawabkan perbuatannya ketika kerugian itu ada, walaupun kasus tesebut belum diperkarakan di pengadilan. Sejalan dengan UU RI No 32Tahun 2009, hukum pidana Islam juga mengakui pertanggungjawaban korporasi yang diwakilkan oleh pengurusnya. Asas tersalah dalam Islam menjelaskan bahwa walaupun secara pidana pelaku pidana tidak dibebani pertanggungjawaban, namun beban ganti kerugian tetap ditanggung pelaku.Kata Kunci: Pertanggungjawaban, korporasi, strict liability, hukum pidana Isla
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