135 research outputs found

    Land use impact assessment in the construction sector: an analysis of LCIA models and case study application

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    Purpose: Land use is a potentially important impact category in LCA studies of buildings. Three research questions are addressed in this paper: (1) Is land use a decisive factor in the environmental impact of buildings?; (2) Is it important to include the primary land use of buildings in the assessment?; and (3) How does the environmental performance of solid structure and timber frame dwellings compare when assessed using different available models for quantifying land use impacts? Methods: This paper compares several operational land use impact assessment models, which are subsequently implemented in an LCA case study comparing a building constructed using timber frame versus a solid structure. Different models were used for the different research questions. Results: The results reveal that different decisions may be supported by LCA study results, depending on whether or not and how land use is included in the assessment. The analysis also highlights the need to include the footprint of the building in the assessment and to better distinguish building locations in current land use impact assessment models. Conclusions: Selecting land use assessment methods that are most appropriate to the goals of the study is recommended as different models assess different environmental issues related to land use. In general, the combination of two land use assessment methods for buildings is recommended, i.e. soil organic matter (SOM) of Milà i Canals and Eco-indicator 99.JRC.H.8-Sustainability Assessmen

    Proposta de um modelo de caracterização de impactos do uso da terra, segundo indicadores de biodiversidade, em AICV: cálculo de fatores de caracterização para ecorregiões brasileiras

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Ambiental, Florianópolis, 2010Dentre as iniciativas promovidas para o aprimoramento da etapa de Avaliação de Impacto do Ciclo de Vida (AICV), instituídas pela UNEP Life Cycle Initiative, destacam-se os esforços com relação à avaliação de impactos do uso da terra. A importância desta categoria de impacto se destaca principalmente no que diz respeito à caracterização dos efeitos do uso da terra sobre a diversidade biológica. Frente a estes aspectos e à necessidade de desenvolvimento de uma metodologia de AICV nacional, este trabalho tem, como objetivo geral, propor um modelo de caracterização de impactos do uso da terra, segundo indicadores de biodiversidade, em AICV. O modelo deverá ser composto por parâmetros que possam ser aplicados não somente em escala regional, mas também global. Para tanto, após a análise de modelos existentes, foi estabelecido um esquema de mecanismos ambientais, de causas e efeitos, para a definição de parâmetros para o modelo proposto. Foram observados dois grupos potenciais para a construção de indicadores: (i) espécies e (ii) ecossistemas. As espécies adotadas neste trabalho são quatro, das cinco classes do filo Chordata: anfíbios, aves, mamíferos e répteis. Desta forma, ao contrário dos outros modelos, este trabalho propôs o emprego de grupos taxonômicos diversos àqueles utilizados nos modelos existentes (plantas vasculares). Com relação aos ecossistemas, empregou-se como unidade de escala espacial as ecorregiões definidas pelo World Wildlife Fund (WWF). Apesar de existirem outras propostas de divisão das ecorregiões globais, os dados do WWF se encontram em congruência com um segundo parâmetro utilizado no modelo: o grau de ameaça às espécies, definido na Lista Vermelha de Espécies. As ecorregiões foram avaliadas com relação à sua vulnerabilidade e escassez e as espécies segundo o grau de endemismo e sua classificação na categoria da Lista Vermelha de Espécies da IUCN. Como referência para a comparação dos impactos resultantes do uso da terra, emprega-se a situação próxima do natural, definida por cenários de recuperação da terra: a vegetação natural potencial. Os tempos de recuperação estimados para cada um dos biomas do Brasil são estimados, baseado em Köllner (2003). Por fim, foram derivados e avaliados os fatores de caracterização resultantes e foram tecidas recomendações para um futuro aprimoramento do modelo, principalmente no que diz respeito à disponibilidade de dados.Within the initiatives established by the UNEP Life Cycle Initiative towards the improvement of LCIA, land use impact assessment has a growing concern. The importance of this impact category has a greater importance when one refers to land use impacts on biological diversity. Therefore, due to these aspects and the need to develop a national LCIA method, this work has, as its main objective, to propose a LCIA land use impact assessment model for Brazil, based in biodiversity indicators and build by parameters which can be applied not only in a regional, but also in a global scale. Therefore, after the analysis of existing models, a causeeffect chain was established in order to help on the definition of the model parameters. Two potential groups of indicators could be then defined: (i) species and (ii) ecosystems. The species used as proxy in this work belong to four of the Chordata: amphibia, aves, mammalia and reptilia. In contradiction to existing models, this work proposed the use of other species than vascular plants. Concerning the ecosystem, ecoregions were used as spatial resolution unit. Although other proposals for ecoregion classification exist, the scheme from World Wildlife Fund (WWF) was utilized, mainly due to its correlation with the IUCN Red Lists Data for species. Ecoregions were evaluated concerning their vulnerability and scarcity. Finally, characterization factors were derived and analized and recommendations for the improvement of the proposed model were suggested, mainly with regard to data availability

    Designing sustainable soils in Earth’s critical zone

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    The demographic drivers of increasing human population and wealth are creating tremendous environmental pressures from growing intensity of land use, resulting in soil and land degradation worldwide. Environmental services are provided through multiple soil functions that include biomass production, water storage and transmission, nutrient transformations, contaminant attenuation, carbon and nitrogen storage, providing habitat and maintaining the genetic diversity of the land environment. One of the greatest challenges of the 21st century is to identify key risks to soil, and to design mitigation strategies to manage these risks and to enhance soil functions that can last into the future. The scientific study of Earth’s Critical Zone (CZ), the thin surface layer that extends vertically from the top of the tree canopy to the bottom of aquifers, provides an essential integrating scientific framework to study, protect and enhance soil functions. The research hypothesis is that soil structure, the geometric architecture of solids, pores and biomass, is a critical indicator and essential factor of productive soil functions. The experimental design selects a network of Critical Zone Observatories (CZOs) as advanced field research sites along a gradient of land use intensity in order to quantify soil structure and soil processes that dictate the flows and transformations of material and energy as soil functions. The CZOs focus multidisciplinary expertise on soil processes, field observation and data interpretation, management science and ecological economics. Computational simulation of biophysical processes provides a quantitative method of integration for the range of theory and observations that are required to quantify the linkages between changes in soil structure and soil functions. Key results demonstrate that changes in soil structure can be quantified through the inputs of organic carbon and nitrogen from plant productivity and microbial activity, coupled with particle aggregation dynamics and organic matter mineralization. Simulation results show that soil structure is highly dynamic and is sensitive to organic matter production and mineralisation rates as influenced by vegetation, tillage and organic carbon amendments. These results point to a step-change in the capability to design soil management and land use through computational simulation. This approach of “sustainability by design” describes the mechanistic process linkages that exist between the above-ground inputs to the CZ and the internal processes that produce soil functions. This approach provides a rational, scientific approach to selecting points of intervention with the CZ in order to design methods to mitigate soil threats and to enhance and sustain vital soil functions. Furthermore, this approach provides a successful pilot study to the use of international networks of CZOs as a planetary-scale laboratory to test the response of CZ process rates along gradients of global environmental change – and to test adaptation strategies to manage the risks arising from the CZ impacts.JRC.H.8-Sustainability Assessmen

    Electromyographic activation levels of gluteus maximus, hamstrings and quadriceps in squat and hip thrust exercises: a systematic review

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    This systematic review aimed to compare the activation levels of hip and knee extensors between the squat exercises and their variations and the hip thrust exercise (HT). To this end, articles published with a time window starting in November 2022 were collected from the electronic databases PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science. The following selection criteria were adopted: cross-sectional or longitudinal study (experimental or cohort); studies that evaluated the neuromuscular activation during the squat and HT exercises or their variations; studies that included healthy, injury-free participants; studies that analyzed the amplitude of electromyographic signals. In total, 4 articles met the study criteria. The following results were found: a) The HT provided greater activation of the hip extensors; b) The squat and its variations increased muscle activation in the vastus lateralis; c) The results are inconclusive for activation of the biceps femoris. The study presented some limitations, such as the low number of articles found, small sample size, lack of studies with a more complete analysis by EMG between the muscle groups of the lower limbs, and lack of chronic records related to muscle hypertrophy and neuromuscular activity


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    O objetivo do presente artigo é avaliar diferentes parâmetros que evidenciem as condições da trilha do Poço Verde, no Parque Nacional da Serra dos Órgãos (PARNASO - RJ). Com isso se almeja fornecer informações para a gestão do uso público, balizadas pela pesquisa acadêmica e pelo monitorando dos impactos causados pelos visitantes. A coleta de dados vem sendo realizada desde 2009, com a análise de indicadores de impacto, em pontos aleatórios sorteados a cada trecho de 50m da trilha. Os resultados mostram que a trilha tem sofrido erosão e outros impactos negativos ao longo do tempo. Houve uma diminuição inicial na largura da trilha após tratamentos de manejo, mas depois foi observado um aumento gradual das medidas. Além disso, a presença de lixo e entalhes nas árvores foi recorrente em todos os pontos de coleta. Os pesquisadores ratificam que as ações de manejo periódicas são necessárias para mitigar os impactos negativos, incluindo a facilitação da drenagem ao longo da trilha para evitar a compactação do solo e o aumento da erosão, bem como medidas para trazer as larguras da trilha a padrões aceitáveis observados na literatura. O estudo destaca a importância de monitorar e gerenciar as trilhas em unidades de conservação, a fim de preservar o recurso e garantir experiências positivas para os visitantes. As ações de manejo, aliadas à compreensão pelos visitantes de sua importância, devem ser contínuas para minimizar os impactos, contribuindo para a conservação ambiental e recreacional da trilha.   Palavras-chave: Unidades de conservação; visitação; indicadores; manejo


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    O Programa de Integração Saúde Comunidade (PISCO) é uma unidade curricular da Universidade Salvador (UNIFACS) em que as atividades são desenvolvidas em Unidades de Saúde da Família (USF) e Unidades Básicas de Saúde (UBS), além da comunidade em torno delas. No curso de medicina, o PISCO é voltado à Saúde da Criança, Saúde do Adulto, Saúde do Idoso e Saúde da Mulher no 5º, 6º, 7º e 8º semestres, respectivamente. Este é um relato de experiência de estudantes do 6º semestre de medicina sobre a vivência no PISCO II (Saúde do Adulto) no segundo semestre de 2018, no bairro de Santa Mônica, em Salvador, Bahia. Foram realizadas práticas de saúde coletiva, como territorialização e educação em saúde, sob orientação de uma sanitarista, bem como atendimentos clínicos em consultório, sob supervisão de uma médica. A integração ensino-serviço entre a universidade e a Unidade de Saúde da Família colabora com a formação humanizada dos acadêmicos e mais próxima da realidade do Sistema Único de Saúde

    Towards harmonizing natural resources as an area of protection in life cycle impact assessment

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    Purpose. In this paper, we summarize the discussion and present the findings of an expert group effort under the umbrella of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)/Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Life Cycle Initiative proposing natural resources as an Area of Protection (AoP) in Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA). Methods: As a first step, natural resources have been defined for the LCA context with reference to the overall UNEP/SETAC Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) framework. Second, existing LCIA methods have been reviewed and discussed. The reviewed methods have been evaluated according to the considered type of natural resources and their underlying principles followed (use-to-availability ratios, backup technology approaches, or thermodynamic accounting methods). Results and discussion. There is currently no single LCIA method available that addresses impacts for all natural resource categories, nor do existing methods and models addressing different natural resource categories do so in a consistent way across categories. Exceptions are exergy and solar energy-related methods, which cover the widest range of resource categories. However, these methods do not link exergy consumption to changes in availability or provisioning capacity of a specific natural resource (e.g., mineral, water, land etc.). So far, there is no agreement in the scientific community on the most relevant type of future resource indicators (depletion, increased energy use or cost due to resource extraction, etc.). To address this challenge, a framework based on the concept of stock/fund/flow resources is proposed to identify, across natural resource categories, whether depletion/dissipation (of stocks and funds) or competition (for flows) is the main relevant aspect. Conclusions. An LCIA method—or a set of methods—that consistently address all natural resource categories is needed in order to avoid burden shifting from the impact associated with one resource to the impact associated with another resource. This paper is an important basis for a step forward in the direction of consistently integrating the various natural resources as an Area of Protection into LCA

    UNEP-SETAC guideline on global land use impact assessment on biodiversity and ecosystem services in LCA

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    Purpose As a consequence of the multi-functionality of land, the impact assessment of land use in Life Cycle Impact Assessment requires the modelling of several impact pathways covering biodiversity and ecosystem services. To provide consistency amongst these separate impact pathways, general principles for their modelling are provided in this paper. These are refinements to the principles that have already been proposed in publications by the UNEP-SETAC Life Cycle Initiative. In particular, this paper addresses the calculation of land use interventions and land use impacts, the issue of impact reversibility, the spatial and temporal distribution of such impacts and the assessment of absolute or relative ecosystem quality changes. Based on this, we propose a guideline to build methods for land use impact assessment in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). Results Recommendations are given for the development of new characterization models and for which a series of key elements should explicitly be stated, such as the modelled land use impact pathways, the land use/cover typology covered, the level of biogeographical differentiation used for the characterization factors, the reference land use situation used and if relative or absolute quality changes are used to calculate land use impacts. Moreover, for an application of the characterisation factors (CFs) in an LCA study, data collection should be transparent with respect to the data input required from the land use inventory and the regeneration times. Indications on how generic CFs can be used for the background system as well as how spatial-based CFs can be calculated for the foreground system in a specific LCA study and how land use change is to be allocated should be detailed. Finally, it becomes necessary to justify the modelling period for which land use impacts of land transformation and occupation are calculated and how uncertainty is accounted for. Discussion The presented guideline is based on a number of assumptions: Discrete land use types are sufficient for an assessment of land use impacts; ecosystem quality remains constant over time of occupation; time and area of occupation are substitutable; transformation time is Negligible; regeneration is linear and independent from land use history and landscape configuration; biodiversity and multiple ecosystem services are independent; the ecological impact is linearly increasing with the intervention; and there is no interaction between land use and other drivers such as climate change. These assumptions might influence the results of land use Life Cycle Impact Assessment and need to be critically reflected. Conclusions and recommendations In this and the other papers of the special issue, we presented the principles and recommendations for the calculation of land use impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem services on a global scale. In the framework of LCA, they are mainly used for the Assessment of land use impacts in the background system. The main areas for further development are the link to regional ecological models running in the foreground system, relative weighting of the ecosystem services midpoints and indirect land use.Fil: Koellner, Thomas . University of Bayreuth. Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Geosciences; AlemaniaFil: De Baan, Laura. Institute for Environmental Decisions. Natural and Social Science Interface; SuizaFil: Beck, Tabea. University of Stuttgar. Department Life Cycle Engineering; AlemaniaFil: Brandão, Miguel. Joint Research Centre. Institute for Environment and Sustainability, Sustainability. Assessment Unit, European Commission; ItaliaFil: Civit, Bárbara María. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Mendoza. Instituto de Ciencias Humanas, Sociales y Ambientales; Argentina. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Facultad Regional Mendoza; ArgentinaFil: Margni, Manuele . École Polytechnique de Montréal. Département de génie chimique; CanadáFil: Milà i Canals, Llorenç. Unilever R&D. Safety and Environmental Assurance Centre; Reino UnidoFil: Saad, Rosie. École Polytechnique de Montréal. Département de génie chimique; CanadáFil: De Souza, Danielle Maia. Joint Research Centre. Institute for Environment and Sustainability, Sustainability. Assessment Unit, European Commission; ItaliaFil: Müller Wenk, Ruedi . University of St. Gallen. Institute for Economy and the Environment; Alemani

    What does Life-Cycle Assessment of agricultural products need for more meaningful inclusion of biodiversity?

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    peer-reviewedDecision‐makers increasingly use life‐cycle assessment (LCA) as a tool to measure the environmental sustainability of products. LCA is of particular importance in globalized agricultural supply chains, which have environmental effects in multiple and spatially dispersed locations. Incorporation of impacts on biodiversity that arise from agricultural production systems into environmental assessment methods is an emerging area of work in LCA, and current approaches have limitations, including the need for (i) improved assessment of impacts to biodiversity associated with agricultural production, (ii) inclusion of new biodiversity indicators (e.g. conservation value, functional diversity, ecosystem services) and (iii) inclusion of previously unaccounted modelling variables that go beyond land‐use impacts (e.g. climate change, water and soil quality). Synthesis and applications. Ecological models and understanding can contribute to address the limitations of current life‐cycle assessment (LCA) methods in agricultural production systems and to make them more ecologically relevant. This will be necessary to ensure that biodiversity is not neglected in decision‐making that relies on LCA

    Comparação da atividade eletromiográfica de exercícios de elevação pélvica com diferentes apoios dos pés no solo: um estudo piloto

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    A elevação pélvica (EP) é um de exercício que vem ganhando crescente interesse dos praticantes de Treino resistido e da comunidade científica por conta dos seus possíveis efeitos no desenvolvimento dos músculos dos membros inferiores, especialmente do glúteo máximo (Gmax), isquiotibiais e quadríceps. Todavia, desconhece-se algum estudo que tenha comparado os níveis ele atividade elétrica durante a elevação pélvica com os pés apoiados totalmente no solo (EP) e apenas o calcanhar apoiado no solo (EC). O objetivo do presente estudo foi o de comparar os níveis de ativação dos músculos extensores do quadril, medidos através de eletromiografia de superfície, entre os exercícios de EP tradicional, com os pés totalmente em contato com o solo, e a variação em que somente o calcanhar fica em contato com o solo ao longo do exercício. 10 indivíduos fisicamente ativos (idade=28,3 ± 2,48; altura= 1,72 ± 0,08; Massa corporal = 73,7 ± 14,19) realizaram três repetições com o peso corporal em uma ordem randomizada. Quando comparado os níveis de ativação entre os diferentes grupamentos, os resultados mostraram que o semitendinoso apresentou níveis de atividade semelhantes aos apresentados aos dos outros grupos musculares, contudo, a porção superior do Gmax, apresentou maior pico e média de ativação eletromiográfica comparado ao adutor magno. Contuto, parece não ocorrer qualquer aumento ou diminuição da atividade eletromiográfica nos músculos avaliados quando se realiza a elevação pélvica somente com o apoio dos calcanhares no solo.&nbsp