143 research outputs found

    Witnessing the fragmentation of a filament into prestellar cores in Orion B/NGC 2024

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    Recent Herschel observations of nearby clouds have shown that filamentary structures are ubiquitous and that most prestellar cores form in filaments. Probing the density (nn) and velocity (VV) structure of filaments is crucial for the understanding of the star formation process. To characterize both the nn and the VV field of a fragmenting filament, we mapped NGC2024. 13CO, C18O, and H13CO+ trace the filament seen in the NH2N_{H_2} data. The radial profile from the NH2N_{H_2} data shows DHPD_{HP}~0.081 pc, which is similar to the Herschel findings. The DHPD_{HP} from 13CO and C18O are broader, while the DHPD_{HP} from H13CO+ is narrower, than DHPD_{HP} from Herschel. These results suggest that 13CO and C18O trace only the outer part of the filament and H13CO+ only the inner part. The H13CO+ VcentroidV_{centroid} map reveals VV gradients along both filament axis, as well as VV oscillations with a period λ\lambda~0.2 pc along the major axis. Comparison between the VV and the nn distribution shows a tentative λ\lambda/4 shift in H13CO+ or C18O. This λ\lambda/4 shift is not simultaneously observed for all cores in any single tracer but is tentatively seen in either H13CO+ or C18O. We produced a toy model taking into account a transverse VV gradient, a longitudinal VV gradient, and a longitudinal oscillation mode caused by fragmentation. Examination of synthetic data shows that the oscillation component produces an oscillation pattern in the velocity structure function (VSF) of the model. The H13CO+ VSF shows an oscillation pattern, suggesting that our observations are partly tracing core-forming motions and fragmentation. We also found that the mean McoreM_{core} corresponds to the effective MBEM_{BE} in the filament. This is consistent with a scenario in which higher-mass cores form in higher line-mass filaments.Comment: accepted in A&

    Multiwavelength observation from radio through very-high-energy Gamma-ray of OJ 287 during the 12-year cycle flare in 2007

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    We performed simultaneous multiwavelength observations of OJ 287 with the Nobeyama Millimeter Array for radio, the KANATA telescope and the KVA telescope for optical, the Suzaku satellite for X-ray and the MAGIC telescope for very high energy (VHE) gamma-ray in 2007. The observations were conducted for a quiescent state in April and in a flaring state in November-December. We clearly observed increase of fluxes from radio to X-ray bands during the flaring state while MAGIC could not detect significant VHE gamma-ray emission from the source. We could derive an upper limit (95% confidence level) of 1.7% of the Crab Nebula flux above 150 GeV from about 41.2 hours of the MAGIC observation. A simple SSC model suggests that the observed flaring activity could be caused by evolutions in the distribution of the electron population rather than changes of the magnetic field strength or Doppler beaming factor in the jet.Comment: Contribution to the 31st ICRC, Lodz, Poland, July 200

    New Panoramic View of 12^{12}CO and 1.1 mm Continuum Emission in the Orion A Molecular Cloud. I. Survey Overview and Possible External Triggers of Star Formation

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    We present new, wide and deep images in the 1.1 mm continuum and the 12^{12}CO (JJ=1-0) emission toward the northern part of the Orion A Giant Molecular Cloud (Orion-A GMC). The 1.1 mm data were taken with the AzTEC camera mounted on the Atacama Submillimeter Telescope Experiment (ASTE) 10 m telescope in Chile, and the 12^{12}CO (JJ=1-0) data were with the 25 beam receiver (BEARS) on the NRO 45 m telescope in the On-The-Fly (OTF) mode. The present AzTEC observations are the widest (\timeform{1.D7} ×\times \timeform{2.D3}, corresponding to 12 pc ×\times 17 pc) and the highest-sensitivity (∌\sim9 mJy beam−1^{-1}) 1.1 mm dust-continuum imaging of the Orion-A GMC with an effective spatial resolution of ∌\sim 40\arcsec. The 12^{12}CO (JJ=1-0) image was taken over the northern \timeform{1D.2} \times\timeform{1D.2} (corresponding 9 pc ×\times 9 pc) area with a sensitivity of 0.93 K in TMBT_{\rm MB}, a velocity resolution of 1.0 km s−1^{-1}, and an effective spatial resolution of 21\arcsec. With these data, together with the MSX 8 ÎŒ\mum, Spitzer 24 ÎŒ\mum and the 2MASS data, we have investigated the detailed structure and kinematics of molecular gas associated with the Orion-A GMC and have found evidence for interactions between molecular clouds and the external forces that may trigger star formation. Two types of possible triggers were revealed; 1) Collision of the diffuse gas on the cloud surface, particularly at the eastern side of the OMC-2/3 region, and 2) Irradiation of UV on the pre-existing filaments and dense molecular cloud cores. Our wide-field and high-sensitivity imaging have provided the first comprehensive view of the potential sites of triggered star formation in the Orion-A GMC.Comment: 32 pages, 20 figures, accepted for publication in PAS

    Multiwavelength study of the high-latitude cloud L1642: chain of star formation

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    L1642 is one of the two high galactic latitude (|b| > 30deg) clouds confirmed to have active star formation. We examine the properties of this cloud, especially the large-scale structure, dust properties, and compact sources in different stages of star formation. We present high-resolution far-infrared and submm observations with the Herschel and AKARI satellites and mm observations with the AzTEC/ASTE telescope, which we combined with archive data from near- and mid-infrared (2MASS, WISE) to mm observations (Planck). The Herschel observations, combined with other data, show a sequence of objects from a cold clump to young stellar objects at different evolutionary stages. Source B-3 (2MASS J04351455-1414468) appears to be a YSO forming inside the L1642 cloud, instead of a foreground brown dwarf, as previously classified. Herschel data reveal striation in the diffuse dust emission around L1642. The western region shows striation towards NE and has a steeper column density gradient on its southern side. The densest central region has a bow-shock like structure showing compression from the west and a filamentary tail extending towards east. The differences suggest that these may be spatially distinct structures, aligned only in projection. We derive values of the dust emission cross-section per H nucleon for different regions of the cloud. Modified black-body fits to the spectral energy distribution of Herschel and Planck data give emissivity spectral index beta values 1.8-2.0 for the different regions. The compact sources have lower beta values and show an anticorrelation between T and beta. Markov chain Monte Carlo calculations demonstrate the strong anticorrelation between beta and T errors and the importance of mm Planck data in constraining the estimates. L1642 reveals a more complex structure and sequence of star formation than previously known.Comment: 22 pages, 18 figures, accepted to Astronomy & Astrophysics; abstract shortened and figures reduced for astrop

    A low-mass hub-filament with double centre revealed in NGC2071-North

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    We present the first analysis in NGC2071-North as a resolved hub-filament featuring a double centre. This ∌1.5 × 1.5 parsec-scale filament hub contains ∌500 M⊙. Seen from Planck, magnetic field lines may have facilitated the gathering of material at this isolated location. The energy balance analysis, supported by infalling gas signatures, reveal that these filaments are currently forming stars. Herschel 100 ÎŒm emission concentrates in the hub, at IRAS 05451+0037 and LkHα 316, and presents diffuse lobes and loops around them. We suggest that such a double centre could be formed, because the converging locations of filament pairs are offset, by 2.3â€Č (0.27 pc). This distance also matches the diameter of a hub-ring, seen in column density and molecular tracers, such as HCO+ (1–0) and HCN (1–0), that may indicate a transition and the connection between the hub and the radiating filaments. We argue that all of the three components of the emission star LkHα 316 are in physical association. We find that a ∌0.06 pc-sized gas loop, attached to IRAS 05451+0037, can be seen at wavelengths all the way from Pan-STARRS-i to Herschel-100 ÎŒm. These observations suggest that both protostars at the double hub centre are interacting with the cloud material. In our 13CO data, we do not seem to find the outflow of this region that was identified in the 80s with much lower resolution
