2,632 research outputs found

    Una Sabiduría en Desesperación. Hay que Gritar a los Oídos de Aparente Sordera: Nosotras somos todas Carolina!

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    O objetivo neste artigo é retomar a poesia transformadora como inspiração e negação frente à realidade enfrentada por mulheres negras e periféricas. Para tal intento, esquadrinharemos o trabalho de Carolina de Jesus, escritora negra que trabalhou como catadora de lixo no Brasil. Nosso2 propósito é evocar esta voz silenciada que gritava. A metodologia é a sintaxe sociológica de algumas obras de Carolina, objetivando resgatar, para aqueles que desconhecem, as violências que permeiam o existir desta voz que segue marginalizada. Afirmamos que Carolina não foi uma coletora, foi, sim, uma revolucionária que merece ser descoberta!The aim in this paper is to present the transforming poetry as a form of inspiration and denial for black and peripheral women. For this purpose, we will research Carolina Maria de Jesus works, a black poet who worked as a garbage collector in Brazil. Our aim is to evoke her silenced voice as it was silenced in unawareness. Using the sociological syntax of some of Carolina’s works as a methodological resource, we aim to revive the violence that permeated her existence as her voice remains marginalized. We affirm that besides being a garbage collector, Carolina was a revolutionary whose works deserve to be revealed!El objetivo en este ensayo es reanudar la poesía transformadora como fuente de inspiración y de negación frente a la realidad que enfrentan las mujeres negras en las regiones periféricas. Con este fin enunciaremos Carolina María de Jesús, escritora negra que trabajaba como recolectora de basura en Brasil. Nuestro objetivo es evocar esta voz silenciada pero que gritaba. La metodología es la sintaxis sociológica de algunas obras de Carolina, con el fin de rescatar, para aquellos que de eso no son conscientes, la violencia que impregna la existencia de esta voz que sigue marginada. Afirmamos que Carolina no era una recolectora de basura, ella fue una revolucionaria que merece ser descubierta

    Emergency remote teaching at EWB-UFx during coronavirus pandemic: Coping with (di)stres

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    As coronavirus pandemic has spread all over the world, schools and universities needed to reinvent themselves so that their students could be remotely assisted. In this context, this paper aims to present the experiences of English without Borders Program at the Federal University of XXX with Remote Teaching, highlighting the actions related to the planning sessions, as well as the difficulties teachers and coordinators faced and the adjustments that were necessary. The analysis was carried out using the case study methodology, with teachers’ feedback collected from pedagogical meetings and questionnaires sent by e-mail. The remote teaching modality was contrasted with e-learning, and among the conclusions presented, it was evidenced that the initial difficulties with the promotion of interactions among students were reduced when the feeling of community identity built during the classes was perceived. The teacher training process developed to assist scholarship holders in this new educational scenario was also endorsed as a differential of the program, with the indication that sharing experiences with remote education is necessary so that educators can be prepared for a future surrounded for uncertainties

    Functional compartmentalization of Rad9 and Hus1 reveals diverse assembly of the 9-1-1 complex components during the DNA damage response in Leishmania

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    The Rad9-Rad1-Hus1 (9-1-1) complex is a key component in the coordination of DNA damage sensing, cell cycle progression and DNA repair pathways in eukaryotic cells. This PCNA-related trimer is loaded onto RPA-coated single stranded DNA and interacts with ATR kinase to mediate effective checkpoint signaling to halt the cell cycle and to promote DNA repair. Beyond these core activities, mounting evidence suggests that a broader range of functions can be provided by 9-1-1 structural diversification. The protozoan parasite Leishmania is an early-branching eukaryote with a remarkably plastic genome, which hints at peculiar genome maintenance mechanisms. Here, we investigated the existence of homologs of the 9-1-1 complex subunits in L. major and found that LmRad9 and LmRad1 associate with chromatin in response to replication stress and form a complex in vivo with LmHus1. Similar to LmHus1, LmRad9 participates in telomere homeostasis and in the response to both replication stress and double strand breaks. However, LmRad9 and LmHus1-deficient cells present markedly opposite phenotypes, which suggest their functional compartmentalization. We show that some of the cellular pool of LmRad9 forms an alternative complex and that some of LmHus1 exists as a monomer. We propose that the diverse assembly of the Leishmania 9-1-1 subunits mediates functional compartmentalization, which has a direct impact on the response to genotoxic stress

    Taboos and Penitence: Christian Conversion and Popular Religion in Early Medieval Ireland

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    This is a study of the so-called Irish Penitentials. The documents which compose this documental corpus were either produced in Ireland, or influenced the production of Irish documents, between the sixth and the eighth centuries. The penitential literature most likely originated in Britain, was further developed in Ireland, and spread from those areas to the European continent. The Irish penitentials have been accessed by scholars in support of various research investigations, but quite often..


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    Languages without Borders (LwB) was created in 2014, replacing English without Borders (BRASIL, 2012), and amplified in 2016. From 2019, the program became Andifes LwB Network. The documents which alter IsF present changes with regard to internationalization orientations. In this context, it is worth reflecting on how practices take place in IsF nuclei within Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). In this sense, this paper aims to analyze the preparation of an English course for internationalization purposes within IsF in a HEI from the northeast of Brazil. This is a qualitative study characterized as action research (BURNS, 2015; LAVILLE; DIONNE, 1999; PAIVA, 2019), which involves the study of field notes, document collection, and teaching logs (FREEMAN, 1998). The results indicate the preparation of a course that works on language social practices in the academic environment. It also seeks for a transdisciplinary approach and a critical concept of internationalization, with emphasis on the reflection of global issues, the role of universities, students, and the language.O programa Idiomas sem Fronteiras (IsF) foi criado em 2014, substituindo o Inglês sem Fronteiras (BRASIL, 2012), e ampliado em 2016. A partir de 2019, o programa tornou-se a Rede Andifes IsF. Os documentos que alteram o IsF apresentam mudanças com relação a suas orientações para internacionalização. Cabe, nesse contexto, refletir sobre como a prática ocorre nos núcleos da rede em Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES). Nesse sentido, este artigo busca analisar a preparação de um curso de inglês para fins de internacionalização no âmbito do IsF em uma IES do Nordeste. Esta é uma pesquisa qualitativa, caracterizada como pesquisa-ação (BURNS, 2015; LAVILLE; DIONNE, 1999; PAIVA, 2019), que envolve o estudo de notas de campo, compilação de documentos e registro de ensino (FREEMAN, 1998). Os resultados indicam a preparação de um curso que parte de práticas sociais de uso da língua no ambiente acadêmico, além de buscar uma abordagem transdisciplinar e uma concepção crítica de internacionalização, com ênfase na reflexão sobre problemas globais, o papel das universidades e dos próprios alunos, assim como o da língua

    Internationalization in English language courses within Languages without Borders

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    Internationalization has been discussed and considered an important topic to higher education. In Brazil, the lack of English proficiency perceived with the academic mobility program Science without Borders led to the creation of English without Borders, which was later amplified to Languages without Borders. In this paper, we analyze how internationalization is dealt with in LwB decrees and how the principles of the program are put to practice in its English language courses, specifically those offered at the Federal University of Sergipe. We also discuss the contributions of the program to internationalization in Brazilian universities.

    Cash transfer programs in Brazil : a multidimensional study of Bolsa Escola, Bolsa Alimentação and Cartão Alimentação Program implementation

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    Foi analisada a implementação dos programas de transferência de renda (PTR) Bolsa Escola (PNBE), Bolsa Alimentação (PBA) e Cartão Alimentação (PCA), coletando-se informações sobre "estrutura" normativa, infraestrutura, "processos" de implementação e "resultados" relativos a benefícios concedidos e impactos. A argumentação central do trabalho considerou que a adoção de PTR no Brasil representou um diferencial com relação às formas de intervenção antes adotadas especialmente no campo da promoção do direito humano à alimentação adequada. Verificou-se que lacunas na "estrutura" normativa podem dificultar a implantação; assim ocorreu com a opção centralizadora no PNBE, a indefinição de atribuições estaduais no PBA e a ausência de normatização clara no PCA. Ocorreram restrições no processo de implementação, resultando numa sinergia de fatores impeditivos ao acesso de parcelas dos mais excluídos. Exigências de documentos civis, comprovante de residência e cobrança de notas fiscais de compra de alimentos foram mecanismos de reforço a desigualdades existentes. Assim, este estudo evidencia que o desafio está posto na direção de articular os PTR com os demais programas que promovem acesso aos direitos sociais, avançando na intersetorialidade como forma de garantir aos mais excluídos o ingresso ao mundo dos direitos.The implementation of cash transfer (CT) programs Bolsa Escola (PNBE), Bolsa Alimentação (PBA) and Cartão Alimentação (PCA) was analyzed, collecting data about the legislative "structure" and infrastructure, the implementation "process" and the "results", as far as benefits granted and impacts. This study considers that the adoption of CT policies in Brazil implies in an improvement when compared to previous interventions, especially as regard the promotion of human right to adequate food. It was observed that inadequate legislation can hinder program implementation; so it happened with the centralized model of PNBE, with the ill defined states' attributions in PBA and the absence of clear norms of PCA. There were obstacles during implementation process acting in synergy to block the access to portions of the poorest population. The requirement of civil documents and proof of residence, as well as the demand to present food purchase invoices, reinforced preexisting inequities. This study points out the challenge in the direction of articulating CT programs with other interventions aimed at promoting social rights, demanding interdisciplinary approaches as a way to grant to the excluded an entry into the world of rights

    Estimação de harmônicos e inter-harmônicos baseada na técnica de invariância rotacional aplicada a sub-bandas do espectro

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    The Estimation of Signal Parameters via Rotational Invariance Technique (ESPRIT), which is a high resolution parametric estimation method, has gained attention of the researchers due to its high performance for harmonic and inter-harmonic parameters’ estimation of power system signals. Nevertheless, this method presents high computational complexity and is very sensitive to colored noise. With the aim of reducing computational complexity and improving the performance for colored noise scenarios, this work presents a new harmonic and inter-harmonic parameter estimation method based on rotational invariance technique and multirate signal processing through the use of filter banks, called ESPRIT-FB. Adopting the classical multirate signal processing approach, the proposed method decimate the signal in each sub-band, which reduces the number of samples of the signal to be processed in each sub-band and, as a result, reduces the size of the data matrix built by the rotational invariance technique. Moreover, the proposed method can be used in its dynamic form, Dynamic ESPRIT-BF (D-ESPRIT-BF), where the filter bank is designed according to the signal characteristics, or the method can be used with a fixed pre-designed filter bank. It was show that the computational complexity of the proposed method, for the fixed filter bank case, can be up to L2 times smaller than the conventional ESPRIT, where L is the decimator factor used in the sub-bands. The proposed method was evaluated with synthetic and real power system signals and compared with with the conventional ESPRIT. The results showed that the proposed method improves the accuracy and the precision and reduces the computational complexity with reference to the conventional one. The proposed method was also compared to Wavelet Sliding Window ESPRIT Hybrid method, called here W-SWESPRIT, showing better performance for the studied cases. It is also worth to mention, that colored noise scenarios were simulated, and the results showed that the ESPRIT-BF highly improves the estimation performance in comparison with the conventional one. Therefore, this work is an important contribution to the area, improving the performance, reducing the computational complexity and enlarging the range of applications of the ESPRIT method.O método de estimação de parâmetros baseado na técnica de invariância rotacional ESPRIT ganhou atenção dos pesquisadores pelo seu bom desempenho para estimar harmônicos e inter-harmônicos em sinais do sistemas de potência, devido ao fato de ser um método paramétrico de alta resolução. No entanto, este método tem a desvantagem de apresentar alta complexidade computacional e alta sensibilidade em cenários com ruído colorido. Desta forma, o presente trabalho propõe um novo método de estimação de harmônicos e inter-harmônicos baseado na técnica de invariância rotacional ESPRIT e processamento de sinais multitaxa através do uso de banco de filtros, denominado neste trabalho como Método ESPRIT com Banco de Filtros (ESPRIT-BF), com o objetivo de reduzir a complexidade computacional e melhorar o desempenho das estimativas em cenários com ruído colorido. Seguindo a abordagem clássica de processamento multitaxa, o método realiza a decimação do sinal nas sub-bandas do espectro, o que reduz o número de pontos do sinal em cada sub-banda e, consequentemente, o tamanho da matriz de dados construída pela técnica de invariância rotacional. Além disso, o ESPRIT-BF pode ser utilizado de forma a se ajustar ao sinal em análise, uma vez que o banco de filtros tem projeto orientado pelo sinal ou através de sua forma fixa, onde o banco de filtros é previamente projetado. Para o caso em que o ESPRIT-BF é utilizado com um número fixo de filtros, foi demonstrado que o método apresenta uma complexidade computacional L2 vezes menor que o ESPRIT convencional, onde L é o fator de decimação utilizado nas sub-bandas. O método proposto foi utilizado para estimação de harmônicos e inter-harmônicos em sinais sintéticos e reais, e comparado com o ESPRIT convencional. Os resultados mostraram que o método proposto é mais exato, mais preciso e possui menor complexidade computacional que o ESPRIT convencional. O método também foi comparado com Wavelet Sliding Window ESPRIT Hybrid, denominado neste trabalho de W-SW-ESPRIT, tendo apresentado desempenho superior. Foram também analisados casos de sinais corrompidos por ruídos coloridos e, na totalidade deles, o método proposto apresentou desempenho bastante superior ao ESPRIT convencional, fato importante de ser destacado. Assim, o presente trabalho traz importante contribuição ao melhorar o desempenho da estimação, reduzir a complexidade computacional e ampliar os cenários (incluindo ruído colorido) de utilização do método ESPRIT

    Geographic information systems and logistic regression for high-resolution malaria risk mapping in a rural settlement of the southern Brazilian Amazon

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    BACKGROUND: In Brazil, 99% of the cases of malaria are concentrated in the Amazon region, with high level of transmission. The objectives of the study were to use geographic information systems (GIS) analysis and logistic regression as a tool to identify and analyse the relative likelihood and its socio-environmental determinants of malaria infection in the Vale do Amanhecer rural settlement, Brazil. METHODS: A GIS database of georeferenced malaria cases, recorded in 2005, and multiple explanatory data layers was built, based on a multispectral Landsat 5 TM image, digital map of the settlement blocks and a SRTM digital elevation model. Satellite imagery was used to map the spatial patterns of land use and cover (LUC) and to derive spectral indices of vegetation density (NDVI) and soil/vegetation humidity (VSHI). An Euclidian distance operator was applied to measure proximity of domiciles to potential mosquito breeding habitats and gold mining areas. The malaria risk model was generated by multiple logistic regression, in which environmental factors were considered as independent variables and the number of cases, binarized by a threshold value was the dependent variable. RESULTS: Out of a total of 336 cases of malaria, 133 positive slides were from inhabitants at Road 08, which corresponds to 37.60% of the notifications. The southern region of the settlement presented 276 cases and a greater number of domiciles in which more than ten cases/home were notified. From these, 102 (30.36%) cases were caused by Plasmodium falciparum and 174 (51.79%) cases by Plasmodium vivax. Malaria risk is the highest in the south of the settlement, associated with proximity to gold mining sites, intense land use, high levels of soil/vegetation humidity and low vegetation density. CONCLUSIONS: Mid-resolution, remote sensing data and GIS-derived distance measures can be successfully combined with digital maps of the housing location of (non-) infected inhabitants to predict relative likelihood of disease infection through the analysis by logistic regression. Obtained findings on the relation between malaria cases and environmental factors should be applied in the future for land use planning in rural settlements in the Southern Amazon to minimize risks of disease transmission