99 research outputs found

    Paradigma Kh. Ali Yafie Terhadap Sumber- Sumber Hukum Islam

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    This article reviews the paradigm Yafie KH.Ali thinking about the sources of Islamic law in particular sources of law that has been agreed upon. The method used is a literature review with a direct look at various sources or manuscript is an original work of KH Ali Yafie. Ali Yafie figure was one of the active transform thinking through scholarly writings. Primarily covering the social, political, economic, and health dimensions of Islamic studies (Islamic studies)


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    الملخص إن مهارة الكتابة لها دور مهم في الحياة الإنسانية. وفي حجرة الدراسة تعتبر الكتابة من أهم مهارة اللغة كهدف رئيسي من أهداف تعليم اللغة الأجنبية. إضافة إلى ذلك لهذه المهارة خصائص تتميز بها عن المهارات الأخرى، وهذه طبعا تؤدى إلى الاختلاف في اختيار طريقة تدريسها. لذلك، على المدرسين أن يختار طريقة تدريس الكتابة الفعالة المناسبة لتنمية كفاءة الدارسين في هذه المهارة  منها طريقة الاستجابة العضوية الكاملة . إن هذه الطريقة حقيقة التطوير والتوسيع  من نظرية التعليم على اساس النشاط . أول من عرّف ونشر هذه الطريقة هو جامس آشر  عالم  أمركي في علم النفس. وهي طريقة التى تبنى على مجموعة من الأوامر والنشاط الحركي. استند هذه الطريقة إلى نظرية التعلم للمدخل الطبيعي الذى أعطى اهتماما كبيرا بالناحية العملية والناحية الموقيفي. إن أهم مبادئ طريقة الاستجابة العضوية توظيف النشاط الحركي لتنمية قدرة الطلاب على الفهم. وعلى هذا، قدم آشر مبادئ أساسية تجعل الدارسين لديهم تقدم الفهم للغة أو ما يسمى بالمدخل الفهمي، وأولها أن في تعليم اللغة القدرة على الفهم تسبق القدرة الإنتاجية. و ثانيها تأخير تعليم الكلام بعد أن وصل الطلاب إلى تقدم الفهم، وثالثها المهارة تكتسب من الاستماع الذى يوصلها إلى المهارة الأخرى، ورابعها يفضل التعليم الجانب المعنوي عن الجانب الشكلي، وخامسها يقصر التعليم جو التوتر عند الطلاب

    Model Pelaksanaan Mediasi Melalui Pranata Tutur Pada Masyarakat Batak Muslim Tapanuli Selatan

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    This article examines the contribution of local culture or costum (adat) in family conflict management among Batak Muslims in Southern Tapanuli. It is very common that marital conflicts ended up in the court. To avoid engaging court to judge a marital conflict within a family, Batak Muslim in Southern Tapanuli utilized Dalihan Na Tolu custom to resolve the problem. Batak Muslims in Southern Tapanuli often mediated the conflicting couples through a process, which is referred to as Tutur. By utilizing anthropological and socio-legal approach, the authors analyze the effectiveness in utilizing Tutur tradition among Batak Muslim family and argue that local costum such as Tutur has still played an effec- tive role in preventing divorce as well as in reconciling conflicting family mem- bers

    Pencegahan Tindak Prostitusi Berbasis Masyarakat Adat Dalihan Na Tolu

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    It\u27s way before the decree of prostitution and pornography enforced in Indonesia, the Dalihan na Tolu customs had their own regulation in preventing prostitution phenomenon. Dalihan na Tolu consist of 3 elements as it is understood as three poles in traditional burning-stove which cooperating to each other, this is also applied to prostitution prevention. In every prevention of these prostitution practices, they lean on the philosophy of :”Somba mar Mora, Elek mar Anak Boru, Manat-manat mar Kahanggi”. Dalihan na Tolu custom has a principles that one cannot speak careless words or act in imprudent behaviour in front of the public.INTISARIJauh sebelum lahirnya undang-undang tentang prostitusi dan pornografi di Indonesia, ternyata masyarakat adat Dalihan na Tolu telah memiliki aturan tersendiri dalam melakukan pencegahan tindak prostitusi. Masyarakat adat Dalihan na Tolu terdiri dari 3 unsur layaknya seperti tiga tungku yang saling bekerjasama dalam berbagai hal, termasuk dalam pencegahan tindak prostitusi. Dalam setiap pencegahan praktek prostitusi, mereka berpatokan pada filosofi:”Somba mar Mora, Elek mar Anak Boru, Manat-manat mar Kahanggi”. Masyarakat adat Dalihan na Tolu menganut prinsip bahwa seseorang tidak akan sembarangan bicara, apalagi bertindak sembrono di hadapan orang lain, karena masing-masing mengerti tentang hubungan kekerabatan satu dengan lainnya

    Determination of Auspicious Days in Wedding Traditions in Mandar, West Sulawesi: Perspective of Islamic Law

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    Determination of auspicious days is a discourse that still causes polemics and is often considered to be contrary to Islamic law. This study aims to discuss the determination of auspicious days in the Mandar wedding traditions in the context of Islamic law. This empirical legal study used a multiapproach framework that included the theory of social change and the theory of Islamic law, especially al-'urf (social tradition) and al-maslahah (public interest). Data were collected by means of in-depth interviews and literature reviews of scientific articles, textbooks, and books on Islamic law. The data were then analyzed through data display using the aforementioned theories. The results of the study revealed that determining auspicious days, practiced by the majority of the Mandar people prior to organizing a marriage, has been considered a custom and in accordance with Islamic law. Further, the Qur’an and hadith, as the sources of Islamic law, have also indicated that there are auspicious times and days e.g., Friday, known as sayyid al-ayyām (leader of the days). The determination of auspicious days in marriage has been adjusted to follow social changes, government policies, and Islamic laws, especially ‘urf and maslahah. Such a custom can be categorized as ‘urf shahih (good) and not 'urf fasid(deviating), with the values of public interest being for safety and blessing. The argument of this study is that in the context of Islamic law if the determination of the auspicious day does not deviate from the provisions of Islamic law, it can be accommodated as a legal consideration; yet, if it deviates from Islamic law, guidance is necessary. This is in accordance with the rules of fiqh: “preserving old things that bring benefits, and accommodating new things that are more beneficial.

    Dalihan Na Tolu as a Model for Resolving Religious Conflicts in North Sumatera: An Anthropological and Sociological Perspective

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    It is undeniable that there are various social conflicts in Indonesia which involve various groups of people such as the religious conflict in Poso (2001), in Sampit (2001), in Ambon (2002) and others. Most of them were caused by uncertain, unfair, and misused regulations on keeping people’s religious tolerance. It was also caused by the lack of people’s empowerment in keeping religious tolerance. This study aims to examine dalihan na tulo as a mechanism for resolving religious conflicts in the Mandailing community, North Sumatra. This research uses juridical empirical methods, consisting of anthropological and sociological law approaches. Data were collected by means of interviews and literature studies. The result of the research showed that Dalihan na Tolu tradition based-model of maintaining religious tolerance and resolving conflicts in religious believers was done by using the philosophy of Dalihan na Tolu, Pastak-pastakni Paradaton, Uhum dohot Patik and Tutur dohot Poda. There are three types of negotiation system in resolving the conflicts: Tahi Dalihan na Tolu, Tahi Godang Parsahutaon, and Tahi Godang Haruaya Mardomu Bulung (big negotiation among the neighboring villages). Anthropologically and sociologically that the Mandailing community has proven successful in using adat as a resolution of religious conflicts, so as to create peace and order as a function of law in society


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    Sebelum Aisyiyah berdiri, dikalangan perempuan muslim Muhammadiyah telah banyak kegiatan yang dilakukan. Yang dipelopori oleh Siti Walidah, istri pendiri Muhammadiyah, telah lama mencita-citakan agar perempuan muslim selain tahu tugasnya sebagai ibu rumah tangga, juga tahu dan paham akan tugas mereka dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat jadi ia juga meminta kepada suaminya. Agar  Muhammadiyah menaruh perhatian kepada kaum perempuan dengan memberikan pendidikan dan bimbingan supaya mereka juga mengerti tentang organisasi.  Menurut Siti Walidah kaum perempuan juga harus mendapat perhatian sebaik-baiknya karena ia yakin bahwa tanpa ada perempuan perjuangan tidak akan berhasil. Penelitian ini dapat memberikan nilai guna untuk berbagai pihak yaitu: 1. Mendeskripsikan kiprah Siti Walidah tentang pendidikan perempuan. 2. Mendeskripsikan kiprah Siti Walidah dalam memperjuangkan pendidikan di Aisyiyah. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kepustakaan (Liberary Research), yaitu penelitian yang dalam pengumpulan datanya menggunakan kitab-kitab, buku-buku, jurnal, dokumen, kamus, majalah, ensiklopedia dan lain sebagainya yang mendukung penelitian ini. Studi naskah yang dilakukan oleh peneliti yaitu naskah pemikiran took dalam hal ini adalah pendidikan perempuan, sifat dari penelitian ini adalah deskripsi analitis, yang coba menyajikan data secara objektif tentang keadaan yang sesungguhnya dan sebenarnya dari objek penelitian untuk kemudian  di interpretasikan. Hasil penelitian ini menunujukan bahwa pergerakan yang dilakukan oleh Siti Walidah dalam memperjuangkan pendidikan perempuan1. Mendirikan sebuah gerakan kelompok pengajian atau yang lebih dengan Sopo Tresno. 2. Mengajar kaum perempuan Kauman untuk membaca Al-Qur’an dalam Wadah Wal ‘Ashri. 3. Maghribi School adalah sebuah perkumpulan pengajian khusus untuk perempuan yang dilakukan  pada waktu Magrib. Dan kiprah Siti Walidah dalam memperjuangkan pendidikan di Aisyiyah, 1. Menyelenggarakan asrama untuk putri-putri di berbagai daerah 2.Ikut aktif mempelopori pemberantasan buta huruf bagi orang-orang yang telah lanjut usia.3. Menyelenggarakan rumah rumah anak orang miskin dan anak yatim. 4. Menjadi pelopor berdirinya TK ABA di Indonesia

    High-sensitivity troponin in the evaluation of patients with suspected acute coronary syndrome: a stepped-wedge, cluster-randomised controlled trial.

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    BACKGROUND: High-sensitivity cardiac troponin assays permit use of lower thresholds for the diagnosis of myocardial infarction, but whether this improves clinical outcomes is unknown. We aimed to determine whether the introduction of a high-sensitivity cardiac troponin I (hs-cTnI) assay with a sex-specific 99th centile diagnostic threshold would reduce subsequent myocardial infarction or cardiovascular death in patients with suspected acute coronary syndrome. METHODS: In this stepped-wedge, cluster-randomised controlled trial across ten secondary or tertiary care hospitals in Scotland, we evaluated the implementation of an hs-cTnI assay in consecutive patients who had been admitted to the hospitals' emergency departments with suspected acute coronary syndrome. Patients were eligible for inclusion if they presented with suspected acute coronary syndrome and had paired cardiac troponin measurements from the standard care and trial assays. During a validation phase of 6-12 months, results from the hs-cTnI assay were concealed from the attending clinician, and a contemporary cardiac troponin I (cTnI) assay was used to guide care. Hospitals were randomly allocated to early (n=5 hospitals) or late (n=5 hospitals) implementation, in which the high-sensitivity assay and sex-specific 99th centile diagnostic threshold was introduced immediately after the 6-month validation phase or was deferred for a further 6 months. Patients reclassified by the high-sensitivity assay were defined as those with an increased hs-cTnI concentration in whom cTnI concentrations were below the diagnostic threshold on the contemporary assay. The primary outcome was subsequent myocardial infarction or death from cardiovascular causes at 1 year after initial presentation. Outcomes were compared in patients reclassified by the high-sensitivity assay before and after its implementation by use of an adjusted generalised linear mixed model. This trial is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT01852123. FINDINGS: Between June 10, 2013, and March 3, 2016, we enrolled 48 282 consecutive patients (61 [SD 17] years, 47% women) of whom 10 360 (21%) patients had cTnI concentrations greater than those of the 99th centile of the normal range of values, who were identified by the contemporary assay or the high-sensitivity assay. The high-sensitivity assay reclassified 1771 (17%) of 10 360 patients with myocardial injury or infarction who were not identified by the contemporary assay. In those reclassified, subsequent myocardial infarction or cardiovascular death within 1 year occurred in 105 (15%) of 720 patients in the validation phase and 131 (12%) of 1051 patients in the implementation phase (adjusted odds ratio for implementation vs validation phase 1·10, 95% CI 0·75 to 1·61; p=0·620). INTERPRETATION: Use of a high-sensitivity assay prompted reclassification of 1771 (17%) of 10 360 patients with myocardial injury or infarction, but was not associated with a lower subsequent incidence of myocardial infarction or cardiovascular death at 1 year. Our findings question whether the diagnostic threshold for myocardial infarction should be based on the 99th centile derived from a normal reference population. FUNDING: The British Heart Foundation

    Future and potential spending on health 2015-40: Development assistance for health, and government, prepaid private, and out-of-pocket health spending in 184 countries

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    Background: The amount of resources, particularly prepaid resources, available for health can affect access to health care and health outcomes. Although health spending tends to increase with economic development, tremendous variation exists among health financing systems. Estimates of future spending can be beneficial for policy makers and planners, and can identify financing gaps. In this study, we estimate future gross domestic product (GDP), all-sector government spending, and health spending disaggregated by source, and we compare expected future spending to potential future spending. Methods: We extracted GDP, government spending in 184 countries from 1980-2015, and health spend data from 1995-2014. We used a series of ensemble models to estimate future GDP, all-sector government spending, development assistance for health, and government, out-of-pocket, and prepaid private health spending through 2040. We used frontier analyses to identify patterns exhibited by the countries that dedicate the most funding to health, and used these frontiers to estimate potential health spending for each low-income or middle-income country. All estimates are inflation and purchasing power adjusted. Findings: We estimated that global spending on health will increase from US9.21trillionin2014to9.21 trillion in 2014 to 24.24 trillion (uncertainty interval [UI] 20.47-29.72) in 2040. We expect per capita health spending to increase fastest in upper-middle-income countries, at 5.3% (UI 4.1-6.8) per year. This growth is driven by continued growth in GDP, government spending, and government health spending. Lower-middle income countries are expected to grow at 4.2% (3.8-4.9). High-income countries are expected to grow at 2.1% (UI 1.8-2.4) and low-income countries are expected to grow at 1.8% (1.0-2.8). Despite this growth, health spending per capita in low-income countries is expected to remain low, at 154(UI133181)percapitain2030and154 (UI 133-181) per capita in 2030 and 195 (157-258) per capita in 2040. Increases in national health spending to reach the level of the countries who spend the most on health, relative to their level of economic development, would mean $321 (157-258) per capita was available for health in 2040 in low-income countries. Interpretation: Health spending is associated with economic development but past trends and relationships suggest that spending will remain variable, and low in some low-resource settings. Policy change could lead to increased health spending, although for the poorest countries external support might remain essential