4,856 research outputs found

    The social and community value of football - Are there any regulatory requirements for football clubs to report against social and environment impacts?

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    It is often claimed that because professional football clubs are at the centre of, integral to and essential for the communities in which they are based, the pattern of regulation affecting them should be different from that which is imposed on other businesses of a similar size. Such claims are used to justify the need for the differential treatment of football clubs in many different contexts from planning and licensing applications, to calls for the more effective regulation of football clubs from supporter groups, to the rule providing for the primacy of football creditors. Despite this claim of difference, however, neither the football authorities, domestic UK law nor EU law require football clubs to submit to any social accounting procedures. The result of this lack of a framework for measuring the social and community impact of a football club is that there is very little evidence that can be relied on by either the governing bodies of football, their constituent member clubs or their fans to justify the differential treatment that is often sought. Further, this lack of evidence makes it almost impossible to justify to clubs why it could be beneficial for them to engage with their communities more proactively than might otherwise be the case

    {HyGen}: {G}enerating Random Graphs with Hyperbolic Communities

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    Radio continuum imaging of the R CrA star-forming region with the ATCA

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    The aim of this study is to investigate the nature of radio sources associated with young stellar objects (YSOs) belonging to the R CrA cluster. By combining the centimetre radio data with the wealth of shorter wavelength data accumulated recently we wish to refine estimates of the evolutionary stages of the YSOs. Fluxes and spectral indices for the brightest radio sources were derived from the observations at 3, 6, and 20 cm using the ATCA. Seven of detected sources can be assigned to YSOs, which have counterparts in the X-rays, infrared or submm. One of the YSOs, Radio Source 9, is a Class 0 candidate, and another, IRS 7B, is suggested to be in the Class 0/I transition stage. IRS 7B is associated with extended radio lobes at 6 and 20 cm. The lobes may have a gyrosynchrotron emission component, which could be understood in terms of Fermi accleration in shocks. The Class I objects detected here seem to be a mixed lot. One of these, the wide binary IRS 5, shows a negative spectral index, rapid variability, and a high degree of circular polarisation with V/I≈33V/I\approx33 % on one of the days of observation. These signs of magnetic activity suggest that at least one of the binary components has advanced beyond the Class I stage. The radio source without YSO assigment, Radio Source 5, has been suggested to be a brown dwarf. The radio properties, in particular its persistent strong emission, do not support this classification. The radio characteristics of the detected YSOs roughly agree with the scheme where the dominant emission mechanism changes with age. The heterogeneity of the Class I group can possibly be explained by a drastic decline in the jet activity during this stage, which also changes the efficiency of free-free absorption around the protostar.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A (8 pages, 4 figures, 4 tables

    Diffractive production at high energies in the Miettinen-Pumplin model

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    The model of soft diffractive dissociation proposed some time ago by Miettinen and Pumplin is shown to describe correctly the data at FERMILAB energies. The comparison with Goulianos model of renor malized pomeron flux is also presented.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, LHC predictions removed, submitted to Phys.Lett.

    Communication and Guilt in a Prisoner's Dilemma

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    Clustering {Boolean} Tensors

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    Tensor factorizations are computationally hard problems, and in particular, are often significantly harder than their matrix counterparts. In case of Boolean tensor factorizations -- where the input tensor and all the factors are required to be binary and we use Boolean algebra -- much of that hardness comes from the possibility of overlapping components. Yet, in many applications we are perfectly happy to partition at least one of the modes. In this paper we investigate what consequences does this partitioning have on the computational complexity of the Boolean tensor factorizations and present a new algorithm for the resulting clustering problem. This algorithm can alternatively be seen as a particularly regularized clustering algorithm that can handle extremely high-dimensional observations. We analyse our algorithms with the goal of maximizing the similarity and argue that this is more meaningful than minimizing the dissimilarity. As a by-product we obtain a PTAS and an efficient 0.828-approximation algorithm for rank-1 binary factorizations. Our algorithm for Boolean tensor clustering achieves high scalability, high similarity, and good generalization to unseen data with both synthetic and real-world data sets

    Hyperbolae Are No Hyperbole: Modelling Communities That Are Not Cliques

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    Cliques (or quasi-cliques) are frequently used to model communities: a set of nodes where each pair is (equally) likely to be connected. However, when observing real-world communities, we see that most communities have more structure than that. In particular, the nodes can be ordered in such a way that (almost) all edges in the community lie below a hyperbola. In this paper we present three new models for communities that capture this phenomenon. Our models explain the structure of the communities differently, but we also prove that they are identical in their expressive power. Our models fit to real-world data much better than traditional block models, and allow for more in-depth understanding of the structure of the data

    Estimates of the duration of untreated acute malnutrition in children from Niger.

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    Expected incidence of acute malnutrition is the most appropriate measure for projecting the needs of a nutritional treatment program over time in terms of staffing, food, and other treatments, but direct estimation of incidence is rarely feasible at the onset of an intervention. While incidence may be approximated as prevalence/average duration, ethical constraints preclude measurement of the duration of acute malnutrition in the absence of treatment. The authors used a compartmental model to estimate the duration of untreated moderate acute malnutrition (MAM) and severe acute malnutrition (SAM) in children aged 6-60 months. The model was informed by data from a community-based cohort of children in Niger followed from August 2006 to March 2007. Maximum likelihood estimates for the duration of untreated MAM, defined by weight-for-height z score and middle upper arm circumference, were 75-81 days and 101-116 days, respectively. The duration of untreated SAM, defined by weight-for-height z score, was 45 days. The duration of untreated MAM appears to have been shorter among children aged 6-35 months compared with those aged 36-60 months. Such estimates of the duration, and thus incidence, of untreated malnutrition can be used to improve projections of program needs and estimates of the global burden of acute malnutrition

    Monitoring of lubricant film failure in a ball bearing using ultrasound

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    A lubricant-film monitoring system for a conventional deep groove ball bearing (type 6016, shaft diameter 80 mm, ball diameter 12.7 mm) is described. A high-firequency (50 MHz) ultrasonic transducer is mounted on the static outer raceway of the bearing. The transducer is focused on the ball-raceway interface and used to measure the reflection coefficient of the lubricant in the "contact" ellipse between bearing components. The reflection coefficient characterizes the lubricant film and can be used to calculate its thickness. An accurate triggering system enables multiple reflection measurements to be made as each lubricated contact moves past the measurement location. Experiments are described in which bearings were deliberately caused to fail by the addition of acetone, water and sand to the lubricant. The ultrasonic reflection coefficient was monitored as a function of time as the failure occurred. Also monitored were the more standard parameters, temperature and vibration. The results indicate that the ultrasonic measurements are able to detect the failures before seizure. It is also observed that, when us,ed in parallel, these monitoring techniques offer the potential to diagnose the failure mechanism and hence improve predictions of remaining life

    Toward an estimation of nadir objective vector using a hybrid of evolutionary and local search approaches

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    A nadir objective vector is constructed from the worst Pareto-optimal objective values in a multiobjective optimization problem and is an important entity to compute because of its significance in estimating the range of objective values in the Pareto-optimal front and also in executing a number of interactive multiobjective optimization techniques. Along with the ideal objective vector, it is also needed for the purpose of normalizing different objectives, so as to facilitate a comparison and agglomeration of the objectives. However, the task of estimating the nadir objective vector necessitates information about the complete Pareto-optimal front and has been reported to be a difficult task, and importantly an unsolved and open research issue. In this paper, we propose certain modifications to an existing evolutionary multiobjective optimization procedure to focus its search toward the extreme objective values and combine it with a reference-point based local search approach to constitute a couple of hybrid procedures for a reliable estimation of the nadir objective vector. With up to 20-objective optimization test problems and on a three-objective engineering design optimization problem, one of the proposed procedures is found to be capable of finding the nadir objective vector reliably. The study clearly shows the significance of an evolutionary computing based search procedure in assisting to solve an age-old important task in the field of multiobjective optimization
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