430 research outputs found

    A transient network of telechelic polymers and microspheres : structure and rheology

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    We study the structure and dynamics of a transient network composed of droplets of microemulsion connected by telechelic polymers. The polymer induces a bridging attraction between droplets without changing their shape. A viscoelastic behaviour is induced in the initially liquid solution, characterised in the linear regime by a stretched exponential stress relaxation. We analyse this relaxation in the light of classical theories of transient networks. The role of the elastic reorganisations in the deformed network is emphasized. In the non linear regime, a fast relaxation dynamics is followed by a second one having the same rate as in the linear regime. This behaviour, under step strain experiments, should induce a non monotonic behaviour in the elastic component of the stress under constant shear rate. However, we obtain in this case a singularity in the flow curve very different from the one observed in other systems, that we interpret in terms of fracture behaviour.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Theory for polymer coils with necklaces of micelles

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    If many micelles adsorb onto the same polymer molecule then they are said to form a necklace. A minimal model of such a necklace is proposed and shown to be almost equivalent to a 1-dimensional fluid with nearest-neighbour interactions. The thermodynamic functions of this fluid are obtained and then used to predict the change in the critical micellar concentration of the surfactant in the presence of the polymer. If the amount of polymer is not too large there are two critical micellar concentrations, one for micelles in necklaces and one for free micelles.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Bringing a Chemical Laboratory Named Sam to Mars on the 2011 Curiosity Rover

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    An important goal of upcoming missions to Mars is to understand if life could have developed there. The task of the Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) suite of instruments [1] and the other Curiosity investigations [2] is to move us steadily toward that goal with an assessment of the habitability of our neighboring planet through a series of chemical and geological measurements. SAM is designed to search for organic compounds and inorganic volatiles and measure isotope ratios. Other instruments on Curiosity will provide elemental analysis and identify minerals. SAM will analyze both atmospheric samples and gases evolved from powdered rocks that may have formed billions of years ago with Curiosity providing access to interesting sites scouted by orbiting cameras and spectrometers

    Colloidal stability of tannins: astringency, wine tasting and beyond

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    Tannin-tannin and tannin-protein interactions in water-ethanol solvent mixtures are studied in the context of red wine tasting. While tannin self-aggregation is relevant for visual aspect of wine tasting (limpidity and related colloidal phenomena), tannin affinities for salivary proline-rich proteins is fundamental for a wide spectrum of organoleptic properties related to astringency. Tannin-tannin interactions are analyzed in water-ethanol wine-like solvents and the precipitation map is constructed for a typical grape tannin. The interaction between tannins and human salivary proline-rich proteins (PRP) are investigated in the framework of the shell model for micellization, known for describing tannin-induced aggregation of beta-casein. Tannin-assisted micellization and compaction of proteins observed by SAXS are described quantitatively and discussed in the case of astringency

    Binding of molecules to DNA and other semiflexible polymers

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    A theory is presented for the binding of small molecules such as surfactants to semiflexible polymers. The persistence length is assumed to be large compared to the monomer size but much smaller than the total chain length. Such polymers (e.g. DNA) represent an intermediate case between flexible polymers and stiff, rod-like ones, whose association with small molecules was previously studied. The chains are not flexible enough to actively participate in the self-assembly, yet their fluctuations induce long-range attractive interactions between bound molecules. In cases where the binding significantly affects the local chain stiffness, those interactions lead to a very sharp, cooperative association. This scenario is of relevance to the association of DNA with surfactants and compact proteins such as RecA. External tension exerted on the chain is found to significantly modify the binding by suppressing the fluctuation-induced interaction.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, RevTex, the published versio

    Compressive consolidation of strongly aggregated particle gels

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    The compressive yield stress of particle gels shows a highly nonlinear dependence on the packing fraction. We have studied continuous compression processes and discussed the packing-fraction dependence with the particle-scale rearrangements. The two-dimensional simulation of uniaxial compression was applied to fractal networks, and the required compressive stresses were evaluated for a wide range of packing fractions that approached close packing. The compression acts to reduce the size of the characteristic structural entities (i.e., the correlation length of the structure). We observed three stages of compression: (I) Elastic-dominant regime; (II) single-mode plastic regime, where the network strengths are determined by the typical length scale and the rolling mode; and (III) multimode plastic regime, where sliding mode and connection breaks are important. We also investigated the way of losing the fractal correlation under compression. It turns out that both fractal dimension Df and correlation length ξ start to change from the early stage of compression, which is different from the usual assumption in theoretical models

    Bending elasticity of a curved amphiphilic film decorated anchored copolymers: a small angle neutron scattering study

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    Microemulsion droplets (oil in water stabilized by a surfactant film) are progressively decorated with increasing amounts of poly ethylene- oxide (PEO) chains anchored in the film by the short aliphatic chain grafted at one end of the PEO chain . The evolution of the bending elasticity of the surfactant film with increasing decoration is deduced from the evolution in size and polydispersity of the droplets as reflected by small angle neutron scattering. The optimum curvature radius decreases while the bending rigidity modulus remains practically constant. The experimental results compare well with the predictions of a model developed for the bending properties of a curved film decorated by non-adsorbing polymer chains, which takes into account, the finite curvature of the film and the free diffusion of the chains on the film.Comment: 30 June 200

    Investigating the Origin of Chlorohydrocarbons Detected by the Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) Instrument at Rocknest

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    The search for organic compounds on Mars, including molecules of either abiotic or biological origin is one of the key goals of the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) mission. Previously the Viking and Phoenix Lander missions searched for organic compounds, but did not find any definitive evidence of martian organic material in the soils. The Viking pyrolysis gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GCMS) instruments did not detect any organic compounds of martian or exogenous origin above a level of a few parts-per-billion (ppb) in the near surface regolith at either landing site [1]. Viking did detect chloromethane and dichloromethane at pmol levels (up to 40 ppb) after heating the soil samples up to 500 C (Table 1), although it was originally argued that the chlorohydrocarbons were derived from cleaning solvents used on the instrument hardware, and not from the soil samples themselves [1]. More recently, it was suggested that the chlorohydrocarbons detected by Viking may have been formed by oxidation of indigenous organic matter during pyrolysis of the soil in the presence of perchlorates [2]. Although it is unknown if the Viking soils contained perchlorates, Phoenix did reveal relatively high concentrations (~0.6 wt%) of perchlorate salt in the icy regolith [3], therefore, it is possible that the chlorohydrocarbons detected by Viking were produced, at least partially, during the experiments [2,4]. The Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) instrument suite on MSL analyzed the organic composition of the soil at Rocknest in Gale Crater using a combination of pyrolysis evolved gas analysis (EGA) and GCMS. One empty cup procedural blank followed by multiple EGA-GCMS analyses of the Rocknest soil were carried out. Here we will discuss the results from these SAM measurements at Rocknest and the steps taken to determine the source of the chlorohydrocarbons

    Curiosity's Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) Investigation: Overview of Results from the First 120 Sols on Mars

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    During the first 120 sols of Curiosity s landed mission on Mars (8/6/2012 to 12/7/2012) SAM sampled the atmosphere 9 times and an eolian bedform named Rocknest 4 times. The atmospheric experiments utilized SAM s quadrupole mass spectrometer (QMS) and tunable laser spectrometer (TLS) while the solid sample experiments also utilized the gas chromatograph (GC). Although a number of core experiments were pre-programmed and stored in EEProm, a high level SAM scripting language enabled the team to optimize experiments based on prior runs
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