36 research outputs found

    Intimate immensity

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    The small house that comprises my visual thesis, made of simple materials reclaimed from junk piles and old houses, was made as worship to the God who spoke the world into existence. This writing is a playful counterpart to my artwork. Water has an amazing ability to transpose itself fluidly across borders, from the atmosphere to the ground to the cells in your body. Its movement is defiant of divisions as it carries nutrients through layers of compost, from rotting biomass to new sprouts. My process of absorbing and using materials is inspired by this cycling. I am interested in treating humble materials as if they are extravagant, rendering the border between fine and common transparently. With a similar tone, this work seeks to craft a fluid movement between the reverence of sacred spaces and the imperfection that presents itself in the everyday. Glory is not too lofty a thing to be found in both. My hope is that walls will become transparent, borders will be softened by fog, and centrifugal motion will overpower rigid definitions of sacred and common, immense and intimate, complex and simple

    Preceptorship of clinical learning in nursing homes – A qualitative study of influences of an interprofessional team intervention

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    Abstract - This study aimed to explore the influences of an interprofessional preceptor-team intervention (IPPT) on interprofessional collaboration, preceptors' role, confidence, and motivation to precept health care students (nursing, physiotherapy) and apprentices in a Norwegian nursing home. Methods - Qualitative data were collected by two focus group discussions: possible gains and pitfalls of the IPPT-intervention were focused. The group-discussions were tape-recorded, transcribed verbatim and analysed by means of qualitative content analysis. Findings - The IPPT-intervention influenced positively on preceptors' confidence and motivation to work as a preceptor and facilitated interprofessional collaboration between the health professionals. The preceptors' role in the ward became clearer and more visible to the peers. Perceived lack of time, a heavy workload, the ward hierarchy, and lack of managerial support were key barriers for preceptorship. Conclusions -To enhance preceptors' work and thus student's learning, the ward hierarchy should be limited and interprofessional collaboration further developed. Enhanced visibility and acknowledgement of the preceptors' role and increased managerial support can reduce barriers for preceptorship

    Beauvericin (BEA) and enniatin B (ENNB)-induced impairment of mitochondria and lysosomes - potential sources of intracellular reactive iron triggering ferroptosis in Atlantic salmon primary hepatocytes

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    Beauvericin (BEA) and enniatin B (ENNB) are emerging mycotoxins frequently detected in plant-based fish feed. With ionophoric properties, they have shown cytotoxic potential in mammalian models. Sensitivity in fish is still largely unknown. Primary hepatocytes isolated from Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) were used as a model and exposed to BEA and ENNB (0.05–10 μM) for 48 h. Microscopy, evaluation of cell viability, total ATP, total H2O2, total iron content, total Gpx enzyme activity, and RNA sequencing were used to characterize the toxicodynamics of BEA and ENNB. Both mycotoxins became cytotoxic at ≥ 5 μM, causing condensation of the hepatocytes followed by formation of blister-like protrusions on the cell's membrane. RNA sequencing analysis at sub-cytotoxic levels indicated BEA and ENNB exposed hepatocytes to experience increased energy expenditure, elevated oxidative stress, and iron homeostasis disturbances sensitizing the hepatocytes to ferroptosis. The present study provides valuable knowledge disclosing the toxic action of these mycotoxins in Atlantic salmon primary hepatocytes.acceptedVersio

    Dietary beauvericin and enniatin B exposure cause different adverse health effects in farmed Atlantic salmon

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    The extensive use of plant ingredients in novel aquafeeds have introduced mycotoxins to the farming of seafood. The emerging enniatin B (ENNB) and beauvericin (BEA) mycotoxins have been found in the novel aquafeeds and farmed fish. Little is known about the potential toxicity of ENNs and BEA in farmed fish and their feed-to-organ transfer. Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) presmolt (75.3 +/- 8.10 g) were fed four graded levels of spiked chemical pure ENNB or BEA feeds for three months, in triplicate tanks. Organismal adverse health end-point assessment included intestinal function (protein digestibility), disturbed hematology (red blood cell formation), bone formation (spinal deformity), overall energy use (feed utilization), and lipid oxidative status (vitamin E). Both dietary BEA and ENNB had a low ( liver > brain > muscle), with a higher transfer for ENNB compared to BEA. BEA caused a growth reduction combined with a decreased protein digestion and feed conversion rate-ENNB caused a stunted growth, unrelated to feed utilization capacity. In addition, ENNB caused anemia while BEA gave an oxidative stress response. Lower bench-mark dose regression assessment showed that high background levels of ENNB in commercial salmon feed could pose a risk for animal health, but not in the case of BEA.Grant 281032 HAVBRUK2;info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effects of the emerging marine aquafeed mycotoxins beauvericin (BEA) and enniatin B (ENNB) in Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) – Implications on cellular pathways and functions, and tissue responses

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    Postponed access: the file will be accessible after 2023-12-14Plantebaserte fôringredienser er en kilde til mykotoksinene enniatin B (ENNB) og beauvericin (BEA) for oppdrettslaks (Salmo salar). Dette har skapt bekymring for fiskehelse og fôrsikkerhet, siden disse mykotoksinene foreløpig ikke er lovregulert i dyrefôr på grunn av utilstrekkelig kunnskap om deres toksisitet. I den første artikkelen (Paper I) ble primære hepatocytter isolert fra laks og brukt som en in vitro-modell for å teste mykotoksinenes cytotoksisitet og virkemåte med transkriptomikk og eksperimentelle analyser. Både BEA og ENNB var svært cytotoksiske for lakse- hepatocyttene og forårsaket oksidativt stress, økt energiforbruk, forstyrret jernbalanse og påvirket prosesser som utløste ferroptotisk celle død. I den andre artikkelen (Paper II) ble primære hodenyreceller isolert fra atlantisk laks brukt som en in vitro-modell for å undersøke om BEA og ENNB kunne påvirke immunresponsen og inflammatorisk signalering. BEA og ENNB forstyrret ikke inflammatorisk signalering i eksponerte hodenyreceller etter bakteriell og viral stimuli. Imidlertid initierte den høyeste konsentrasjonen av BEA og ENNB alene en akutt inflammatorisk respons ved å stimulere transkripsjon av proinflammatoriske cytokiner. Den tredje artikkelen (Paper III) omfatter et akutt kort-tids sondefôringsforsøk med laksesmolt, som beskriver de tidlige transkripsjonelle effektene i tarmen og leveren etter BEA og ENNB eksponering via fôret. De globale transkriptomikk analysene viste at BEA forstyrret hemebiosyntesen i levervevet til laks, som videre kan forårsake redusert hematokrit og anemiske tilstander i leveren. ENNB utløste en akutt inflammatorisk respons i tarmen hos laks som kan mulig, ved forlenget eksponering, føre til redusert tarmintegritet. I forhold til fôrtrygghet, så kan eksponering for BEA føre til skadelige effekter, men risikoen er lav fordi nivåene er relativt lave i laksefôr. Eksponering for ENNB kan også gi toksiske effekter, og fordi den er relativt utbredt kan det være en risiko for at oppdrettslaksen blir utsatt for skadelige konsentrasjoner av ENNB.Plant-based feed ingredients are a source of the mycotoxins enniatin B (ENNB) and beauvericin (BEA) to farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). This has raised concerns regarding fish health and feed safety, since these mycotoxins are currently not legislatively regulated in animal feed due to insufficient knowledge about their toxicity. In the first paper (Paper I), primary hepatocyte cells isolated from Atlantic salmon were used as an in vitro model to test the mycotoxins’ cytotoxicity and to identify mechanism of toxicity with non-targeted transcriptomics and experimental assays. Both BEA and ENNB were highly cytotoxic to salmon hepatocytes and caused oxidative stress, increased energy consumption, disturbed iron homeostasis, and affected processes that triggered ferroptosis. In the second paper (Paper II), primary head kidney cells isolated from Atlantic salmon were used as an in vitro model to investigate whether BEA and ENNB could influence the innate immune response by modulating inflammatory signaling. In exposed head kidney cells, BEA and ENNB did not disrupt inflammatory signaling following bacterial and viral stimuli. However, exposure to high concentrations of BEA and ENNB in non-challenged cells induced the transcription of pro-inflammatory cytokines similar to the bacterial stimuli. The third paper (Paper III) comprises a short-term acute gavage feeding trial with Atlantic salmon smolt, describing the early transcriptional effects in the intestine and liver after dietary exposure to BEA and ENNB. Global transcriptomic analysis indicates that BEA interfered with heme biosynthesis in salmon liver tissue, which could further cause reduced hematocrit levels and anemic conditions in the liver. ENNB triggered an acute inflammatory response in the intestine of salmon that could potentially lead to compromised intestinal integrity if exposure continued. Concerning feed safety, although BEA can cause toxic effects, the risk of exposure through the feed is relatively low as it is not very prevalent. Similarly, ENNB can also cause adverse effects, and since it is prevalent and can occur at relatively high levels in marine aquafeeds, there is a possibility that Atlantic salmon may be exposed to harmful levels of ENNB.Doktorgradsavhandlin

    Socio-material practices in classrooms that lead to the social participation or social isolation of disabled pupils

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    Classrooms are comprised of people, relationships, tools, and technologies, which together constitute the socio-material practices of the classroom. This paper investigates how such socio-material practices influence disabled pupils' opportunities for participation in classroom activities. The paper draws on a qualitative observation study with 14 disabled pupils aged 11–15 years. An actor-network theory perspective was employed in this paper, and the analytical process was inspired by an interpretive content analysis approach. The paper's findings highlight the significance of how education is organized for disabled pupils and how disability and assistive technologies (AT) are perceived. Thoughts and beliefs underlying these phenomena were found to be displayed through (1) location in the classroom, (2) teaching strategies, and (3) implementation of AT. The paper concludes that classroom socio-material practices place disabled pupils in a constant flow into and out of social participation and social isolation

    Marvels fiksjonsunivers : en utforskning av superheltfilmen sett gjennom Marvel Studios

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    Denne oppgaven utforsker superheltfilmens historie og ser nærmere på hvordan Marvel Studios har utviklet superheltfilmen som sjanger. Ved å analysere filmene Iron Man og The Avengers ser man hvordan Marvel Studios bruker flere narrative metoder for å fortelle en flettverkshistorie i en skala man ikke har sett før

    The Normative force of logic. Logikkens normative kraft

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    Logic and reasoning appear to be closely connected. What the exact relationship is might be contentious, but that such a relationship exists seems uncontroversial. Gilbert Harman, however, has argued in a number of texts that there is in fact no such special connection between logic and reasoning. This in turn has resulted in attempts to recover logic's central role in our reasoning. The key behind such a recovery consists in designing a so called bridge principle. That is a principle connecting facts about logical consequence with normative claims about belief states. The two central characters behind this project are John MacFarlane and Hartry Field. I will argue, in agreement with Field, that we are in fact close to producing such a bridge principle, but I want to claim that this in itself is not sufficient to give an adequate answer to Harman's critique. The existence of a bridge principle does not establish a special connection. This rests on the claim that even though one can answer Harman's particular objections, it is not enough to answer what I take to be the underlying motivation behind the objections. The result is the following claim: That logic is relevant for reasoning does not guarantee it a special status. I will give an interpretation of what Harman demands for logic to have a special connection to reasoning. My thesis will culminate in what I take to be a better candidate for what could establish such a special connection. Logic has to give us epistemic norms whose normative force isn't simply inherited from norms about truth. It has to provide norms that we wish to follow irrespective of their ability to increase our accuracy. I will argue that there are no good reasons for expecting logic to give us this. Logic is normative simply because truth is

    Litteraturens makt og makten over litteraturen : om linjer bak lesing og litteraturundervisning på ungdomstrinnet

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    Denne oppgaven handler om lesing og kjennskap til litteratur. Den diskuterer hvordan skolen som dannelsesmedium konstruerer kunnskaper og holdninger. Den forteller om viktige strukturelle føringer som blir avgjørende for kunnskapens innhold, og den formidler læreres forståelser av målet for litterær kjennskap og lesingens rolle. Oppgaven tar utgangspunkt i utdanningsosiologiske undersøkelser om ungdoms leseferdighet og lesevaner, og sier litt om sammenhenger mellom elevbakgrunn og skoleprestasjoner. Videre omtales skolens mulighet for å utjevne den betydning hjemmebakgrunn har for elevenes leseferdighet og forhold til bøker. Det empiriske materialet som brukes er både strukturerende føringer som læreplaner, regelverk og prinsipper for ressursfordeling, og læreres fortellinger og refleksjoner om undervisning, elever, lesing og litteratur. Fokus er satt på ungdomsskolenivå, siden mye av forskningen om lesing og leseferdighet omhandler dette alderstrinnet. Lærernes fortellinger har kommet frem fra åpne intervjusamtaler om temaer som synes betydningsfulle i forskningsrapporter om elever, skoler og lesing, og fra temaer samtalene med lærerne brakte oss innom. For å klargjøre betydningen strukturelle føringer og handlingsvalg i undervisningen får for lesing og litteraturkjennskap, er det brukt litteratursosiologiske begreper og teori fra Robert Escarpit og Christa og Peter Burger, sammen med makt-, samfunns-, og aktørteori utviklet av Pierre Bourdieu. Det har vært et mål å klargjøre hvordan strukturene og aktørene i denne skolehverdagen påvirker hverandre, og å klargjøre hvor de ulike føringene og valgene virker hemmende på, og utviklende for, lesingens og litteraturkjennskapens muligheter. I analysen synligjøres blant annet hvilken betydning ulikt ressursnivå på skolene får for undervisningen, og for elevenes muligheter til å utvikle leselyst og å finne litteratur de ønsker å lese. Ressursnivået vises både i tilgjengelige lærerressurser, tilgjengelighet til utvalg av litteratur og i mulighetene for god informasjon om bøker. Manglende tilgjengelighet på kunnskapsformidlere om litteratur, synes å være en viktig årsak til opprettholdelsen av den betydning hjemmebakgrunn får for lesing og litteraturkjennskap. Analysen viser også at lesing av læreplanen erstattes av lesing av læreverket. I læreverkene har eldre, kanonisert litteratur en dominerende plass, og samtidslitteraturen kun ett kapittel i siste del av boken i tiende klasse. Dette står ikke i forhold til den omtalen ny litteratur har i L97. Det synes som om litteratur som i lang tid har vært kanonisert, vanskelig kan “avkanoniseres” for å få plass til ny litteratur. En annen viktig føring som tydeliggjøres, er skolens rolle som bygger av en felles nasjonal kultur. Det undervises i norsk litteraturhistorie istedenfor i generell kunnskap om litteratur. Dette kommer byggingen av en felles norsk nasjonalfølelse og forståelse for den tradisjonelle, norske kulturen tilgode, men går på bekostning av elevenes mulighet til å lære om litteraturen i seg selv, og om vår samtidige litteratur. I et multikulturelt samfunn slik vi har i dag, kan det være viktig å diskutere om dannelsen av en slik norsk nasjonal identitet er ønskelig, eller om man skulle trekke inn et større mangfold i litteraturen for å øke forståelsen av vårt heterogene samfunn. Oppgaven søker å synliggjøre skolefeltets betydning for det litterære feltets distinksjoner, og dette feltets muligheter for å opprettholde sin symbolske verdi som et vanskelig tilgjengelig felt. Samtidig synes det i materialet at heterodoxe aktører har satt nye temaer på debattlisten, og at både det litterære feltet og skolefeltet er inne i en tid med kamper som kan få betydning for den fremtidige gjeldende litterære doxa i dette skolefeltet