71 research outputs found

    Shelf life prediction of expired vacuum-packed chilled smoked salmon based on a KNN tissue segmentation method using hyperspectral images

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    Ready-to-eat foods that does not receive a heat treatment before being consumed can be at risk of foodborne hazards and spoilage, so it would be of great interest to have a method for monitoring their safety. This work expands on and enhances previous successfully studies with hyperspectral imaging in the SW-NIR range. Specifically, a k-nearest-neighbours model was developed to classify the salmon tissue into white myocommata stripes (fat) and muscle (lean) tissue. Partial Least Squares models developed confirm that a spatial segmentation should be performed before a shelf life model can be calculated. Employing the fat spectra and only the 7 most correlated wavelengths, a support vector machine model was calculated to classify into days 0, 10, 20, 40 and 60 with 87.2% prediction accuracy. These results make the method developed very promising as a non-destructive method to analyse the shelf life of vacuum-packed chilled smoked salmon fillets.This work has been partially funded by the Instituto Nacional de Investigacion y Tecnologia Agraria y Alimentaria de Espana (INIA - Spanish National Institute for Agriculture and Food Research and Technology) through research project RTA2012-00062-C04-02, support of European FEDER funds and DPI2013-44227-R project.Ivorra Martínez, E.; Sánchez Salmerón, AJ.; Verdú Amat, S.; Barat Baviera, JM.; Grau Meló, R. (2016). Shelf life prediction of expired vacuum-packed chilled smoked salmon based on a KNN tissue segmentation method using hyperspectral images. Journal of Food Engineering. 178:110-116. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2016.01.008S11011617

    Contribución a la Eficiencia Energética en la Empresa SEATEC

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    This study was carried out at SEATEC, located at the following coordinates 2°13' 39.5 "S and 80°54' 38.1" W in the canton of La Libertad, province of Santa Elena, Ecuador. The entity is dedicated to the execution of projects for the aquaculture sector and the commercialization of hardware products for both the naval and industrial sectors. This paper focuses on elaborating the improvement plan that would contribute to elevate the energetic efficiency, using instruments of measurement of electrical parameters, to determine the situation of the energy in the organization. It highlights how ISO 50001 standard is used to evaluate the behavior of the company's energy policy. The use of these tools have helped us to ascertain that the electric motors installed were the cause of about 60% of the company's total electricity consumption and that the calculated real efficiency with which these teams were working as an average was 85.9%. This is very below the manufacturer's plate data (90.2%). In addition, a series of surveys and trainings based on the ISO 50001 standard were applied, which allowed us to determine opportunities for improvement in the production processes. Hence, this had a significant impact on the improvement of the energy efficiency indexes. La investigación, se desarrolló en la empresa SEATEC, ubicada en las siguientes coordenadas 2°13'39.5"S y 80°54'38.1"W en el cantón La Libertad, provincia Santa Elena, Ecuador. La entidad se encuentra dedicada a la ejecución de proyectos para el sector acuícola y a la comercialización de productos de ferretería tanto para el sector naval como industrial. El objetivo perseguido fue la elaboración de un plan de mejoras que contribuyera a elevar la eficiencia energética, utilizando instrumentos de medición de parámetros eléctricos para determinar la situación de la energía en la organización; y la norma ISO 50001 para evaluar el comportamiento de la política energética empresarial. El uso de estas herramientas permitió conocer que los motores eléctricos instalados eran los causantes de cerca del 60% del consumo eléctrico total de la empresa y que la eficiencia real calculada con la que se encontraban trabajando estos equipos como promedio era del 85.9%, valor muy debajo del dato de placa del fabricante (90.2%). Además, se aplicaron una serie de encuestas y capacitaciones basadas en la norma ISO 50001 que permitieron determinar oportunidades de mejora en los procesos de producción, esto repercutió de manera significativa en la mejora de los índices de eficiencia energética

    Hyperspectral image control of the heat-treatment process of oat flour to model composite bread properties

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    [EN] A hyperspectral image analysis was used to characterize heat treatment in oat flour, performed by treating oat flour at 80, 100 and 130 °C for 30 min. Images from both original oat and treated flours were captured, and hyperspectral information was collected. Oat flours were used to obtain composite flours based on two different substitution levels (10 and 20%) of wheat flour. Composite breads were produced from the obtained flours. A battery of analyses was run to characterize them in terms of physical properties. The hyperspectral information of oat flours was analyzed by multivariate statistics and a pattern evolution-depending temperature was observed. Similarly, a set of the physical properties of breads was analyzed based on multivariate statistics, and a pattern of temperature-dependent evolution, in addition to the substitution level, was also recognized. Multivariate non linear regressions were done between both data sets to study their relationship and high values in the calibration and cross-validation results obtained. The changes undergone by oat flour during treatment were characterized with hyperspectral information, which could represent a non destructive monitoring tool to then regulate it until oat flours are obtained that confer composite bread adequate properties.Verdú Amat, S.; Vasquez-Lara, F.; Ivorra Martínez, E.; Sánchez Salmerón, AJ.; Barat Baviera, JM.; Grau Meló, R. (2017). Hyperspectral image control of the heat-treatment process of oat flour to model composite bread properties. Journal of Food Engineering. 192:45-52. doi:10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2016.07.017S455219

    Detection of expired vacuum-packed smoked salmon based on PLS-DA method using hyperspectral images

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    Consumers want fresh food with a long shelf-life, which in 2010, resulted in an important increase in packaged and processed food. This is especially important for fishery products due to their highly perishable nature. One problem is that it is not possible to measure freshness in packaged food only using the visible spectrum. Moreover, the detection of freshness is a complex problem as fish has different tissues with different biodegradation processes. Therefore, it would be especially interesting to have a non-destructive method to evaluate the shelf-life of packed processed fish. This paper proposes a method for detecting expired packaged salmon. Firstly, this method uses hyperspectral imaging spectroscopy (HIS) using visible and SW-NIR wavelengths. Secondly, a classification of different salmon tissues is carried out by image segmentation. Finally, classifications of expired or non expired salmon are performed with the PLS-DA statistical multivariate method due to the large amount of captured data. In a similar way, spectral data and the physicochemical, biochemical and microbiological properties of salmon are correlated using partial least squares (PLSs). The result obtained has a classification success rate of 82.7% in cross-validation from real commercial samples of salmon. Therefore, this is a promising technique for the non-destructive detection of expired packaged smoked salmon.We would like to thank the Valencian Government (GVA) and the Polytechnic University of Valencia for the financial support.Ivorra Martínez, E.; Girón Hernández, LJ.; Sánchez Salmerón, AJ.; Verdú Amat, S.; Barat Baviera, JM.; Grau Meló, R. (2013). Detection of expired vacuum-packed smoked salmon based on PLS-DA method using hyperspectral images. Journal of Food Engineering. 117(3):342-349. doi:10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2013.02.022S342349117

    Study of high strength wheat flours considering their physicochemical and rheological characterisation as well as fermentation capacity using SW-NIR imaging

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    Characterisation of wheat flour destined for the bread-making process was studied by using hyperspectral image analyses based on Short-wave NIR imaging (SW-NIR). The first step was to characterise wheat flour batches by considering physicochemical, rheological and fermentation kinetic parameters. The second step was to capture the hyperspectral images of each batch. The results showed some significant differences in fermentation capacity in relation to gluten and its protein sub fractions. However, no significant rheological differences were observed. The acquired images were firstly analysed by principal component analysis, where a clustering tendency was observed. Then linear correlation maps were done to study the relationship between the SW-NIR spectra response and the physicochemical, rheological and fermentation kinetic parameters. The results showed an important correlation between the SW-NIR spectra (760e900 nm) and the fermentation capacity parameters of the batches, as well as gluten and its sub fraction proteins. The SW-NIR imaging analysis enabled to obtain useful information about wheat flour behaviour related to the fermentation process. Thus the studied technique may represent a useful, rapid non-destructive method to help characterise wheat flours with non-different rheological parameters by considering their behaviour during the fermentation process. © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Verdú Amat, S.; Ivorra Martínez, E.; Sánchez Salmerón, AJ.; Barat Baviera, JM.; Grau Meló, R. (2015). Study of high strength wheat flours considering their physicochemical and rheological characterisation as well as fermentation capacity using SW-NIR imaging. Journal of Cereal Science. 62:31-37. doi:10.1016/j.jcs.2014.11.002S31376

    RT-PCR multiplex para la detección simultánea de las mutaciones FLT3-ITD/NPM-1/AML1-ETO asociadas a Leucemia Mieloide Aguda

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    La Leucemia Mieloide Aguda (LMA) representa un grupo de neoplasias muy heterogéneo. Las aberraciones citogenéticas detectadas en el momento del diagnóstico son el marcador pronóstico más comúnmente utilizado. Sin embargo, el 20% de los casos de LMA presentan un cariotipo normal. Dentro de este grupo de pacientes la presencia de mutaciones del tipo FLT3-ITD se considera de mal pronóstico. Sin embargo, la presencia de la mutación NMP1 o AML1-ETO se asocia a un mejor pronóstico. En este contexto, el objetivo de este trabajo es el desarrollo de una técnica de diagnóstico molecular hematológico, que permita la detección simultánea de mutaciones para estos tres genes. Hemos desarrollado un método basado en la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR) que permite amplificar y visualizar simultáneamente estos 3 marcadores tanto desde ARN (un paso) como desde ADNc (dos pasos). De las 28 muestras analizadas, 6 (21,42 %) muestras fueron positivas para FLT3-ITD, 7 para NPM-1 (25%) y otras 4 (14,28) para AML1-ETO. Al comparar ambos métodos (ADNc vs ARN) con métodos convencionales los resultados de las 28 muestras estudiadas fue equivalente en el 100% de los casos, demostrando la robustez de los mismos.Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) is a heterogeneous group of neoplasms. The cytogenetic aberrations detected at the time of diagnosis are most commonly used as prognostic marker. However, 20% of AML patients exhibit a normal karyotype. Within this group of patients the presence of FLT3 -ITD mutations type is considered of poor prognosis. However, the presence of AML1 –ETO or NMP-1 or mutation is associated with a better prognosis. In this context, the aim of this work is to develop a technique of molecular diagnostic in hematology, allowing the simultaneous detection of mutations for these three genes. We have developed a method based on PCR that simultaneously amplifies and visualizes these three molecular markers both from RNA (one- step) and from cDNA (step two). Of the 28 samples tested, 6 (21.42%) samples were positive for FLT3 -ITD, 7 for NPM- 1 (25% ) and 4 ( 14,28 ) for AML1 -ETO . When comparing the two methods (cDNA vs RNA) by conventional techniques the obtained results from the 28 samples tested was equivalent in 100% of cases, demonstrating the robustness of this development

    Relationship between fermentation behavior, measured with a 3D vision Structured Light technique, and the internal structure of bread

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    The bread-making process is a set of operations where could be relevant to use monitoring methods. Specifically, the fermentation phase is a crucial step in which the quality of the product can be affected. Several methods have been developed to monitor this stage based on different technologies. The aim of this study was to analyze and obtain information about the internal structure of bread dough during the fermentation process using a 3D vision system based on Structured Light (SL). The differences about fermentation behavior of two wheat flours classified as ‘‘high strength flour’’ by company providing were studied. The parameters of the internal structure of the baked product (final bubble size and their population density) were analyzed with 2D image segmentation. An important correlation (r = 0.865) was observed between the 3D and 2D information, specifically between the transversal area and height (3D), and final bubble size and number of bubbles (2D). Although at the end of the dough fermentation process (Tf) the area (A) and maximum height (H) were different, the relationship between both parameters were similar, reaching a similar bubble size as a consequence of coalescence phenomena, independent of the bubble growth rate. This could be a base for the development of prediction models and devices to monitor the fermentation phase of the bread-making process. 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.We wish to thank the Polytechnic University of Valencia and Generalitat Valenciana for the financial support they provided through the PAID-05-011-2870 and GVPRE/2008/170 Projects, respectively.Verdú Amat, S.; Ivorra Martínez, E.; Sánchez Salmerón, AJ.; Barat Baviera, JM.; Grau Meló, R. (2015). Relationship between fermentation behavior, measured with a 3D vision Structured Light technique, and the internal structure of bread. Journal of Food Engineering. 146:227-233. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2014.08.014S22723314