18 research outputs found

    The use of collaborative publishing tools in Didactics of Experimental Sciences in multicampus universities: The case of the University of Castilla-La Mancha

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    El uso de herramientas de publicación colaborativas, denominadas comúnmente como wikis, presenta numerosas ventajas en su aplicación a la docencia en Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales, sobre todo en Universidades multicampus. Éste es el caso de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha y, en concreto, de la titulación de grado de Maestro en Educación Primaria, que se imparte en cuatro campus diferentes: Albacete, Ciudad Real, Cuenca y Toledo. El uso de las mismas permitiría, por ejemplo, el trabajo de grupos formados por alumnos de diferentes campus, superando las barreras espacio-temporales. La realización de trabajos en grupos de estas características supondría dar un paso más en la unificación de los criterios formativos en aspectos como la preparación del material o el planteamiento de trabajos prácticos existentes dentro de la asignatura. Utilizar una herramienta colaborativa como es una wiki supone la posibilidad de impartir de un modo más coordinado las asignaturas del área de Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales, así como trabajar numerosas competencias transversales. Asimismo, las wikis permiten registrar cambios históricos en los documentos, con lo que no sólo se puede realizar una evaluación formativa del trabajo conjunto, sino también del trabajo individual. Hay que remarcar que, debido a su estructura, permite crear enlaces a espacios de trabajo de otras disciplinas, haciendo sencilla la realización de proyectos interdisciplinares. Este hecho favorece el que los alumnos no estudien de manera aislada las diferentes didácticas específicas, sino que trabajen directamente con la interrelación entre ellas. Por ello, no sólo podemos hablar de trabajar interdisciplinarmente dentro de la Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales, sino también en la relación con otras áreas afines o relacionadas.The use of collaborative publishing tools, commonly called wikis, provide a wide number of advantages on its application to teaching in Didactics of Experimental Sciences, above all in multicampus Universities. This is the case of the University of Castilla-La Mancha and, in particular, of the Primary Education degree, that is imparted in four different campus: Ciudad Real, Toledo, Albacete and Cuenca. The use of wikis would allow to work, for example, in groups composed by students of different campus, getting through spatial and temporal barriers. Making collaborative works with these characteristics would improve the unification of the existing criteria in aspects like elaborating documentation or designing practical works for the different subjects. Using a collaborative tool like a wiki, implies the possibility of giving lessons of the subjects of the area of Didactics of Experimental Sciences in a more coordinated way, and also to work numerous transversal competences. Wikis also allow to register historical changes in the documents, so it is possible to make a formative assessment as well as an individual one. It is remarkable that the structure of a wiki allows to link these workspaces to others that belong to another disciplines, so it is easy to create multidisciplinary projects. As a result, students don’t study the specific didactics separately, but they work with its interrelationships. And it means not only to work interdisciplinarly in Didactics of Experimental Sciences, but also in other areas

    Hydrodynamic limit of a coupled Cucker-Smale system with strong and weak internal variable relaxation

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    This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 639638), the MECD (Spain) research grant FPU14/06304, the MINECO-Feder (Spain) research grant number RTI2018- 098850-B-I00, the Junta de Andalucia (Spain) Projects PY18-RT-2422 & A-FQM-311-UGR18 (D.P, J.S).In this paper, we present the hydrodynamic limit of a multiscale system describing the dynamics of two populations of agents with alignment interactions and the effect of an internal variable. It consists of a kinetic equation coupled with an Euler-type equation inspired by the thermomechanical Cucker–Smale (TCS) model. We propose a novel drag force for the fluid-particle interaction reminiscent of Stokes’ law. Whilst the macroscopic species is regarded as a self-organized background fluid that affects the kinetic species, the latter is assumed sparse and does not affect the macroscopic dynamics. We propose two hyperbolic scalings, in terms of a strong and weak relaxation regime of the internal variable towards the background population. Under each regime, we prove the rigorous hydrodynamic limit towards a coupled system composed of two Euler-type equations. Inertial effects of momentum and internal variable in the kinetic species disappear for strong relaxation, whereas a nontrivial dynamics for the internal variable appears for weak relaxation. Our analysis covers both the case of Lipschitz and weakly singular influence functions.European Research Council (ERC) 639638MECD (Spain) FPU14/06304MINECO-Feder (Spain) RTI2018-098850-B-I00Junta de Andalucia European Commission PY18-RT-2422 A-FQM-311-UGR18Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) - Ministry of Science and ICT NRF-2020R1A4A307906

    Filippov trajectories and clustering in the Kuramoto model with singular couplings

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    The work of J. Park was supported by the Basic Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the MSIT(NRF-2020R1A4A3079066). The work of D. Poyato (D.P.) and J. Soler (J.S.) has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No. 639638), the MECD (Spain) research grant FPU14/06304 (D.P), the MINECO-Feder (Spain) research grant number RTI2018-098850-B-I00, the Junta de Andalucia (Spain) Projects PY18-RT-2422 & A-FQM-311-UGR18 (D.P., J.S.).We study the synchronization of a generalized Kuramoto system in which the coupling weights are determined by the phase differences between oscillators. We employ the fast-learning regime in a Hebbian-like plasticity rule so that the interaction between oscillators is enhanced by the approach of phases. First, we study the well-posedness problem for the singular weighted Kuramoto systems in which the Lipschitz continuity fails to hold. We present the dynamics of the system equipped with singular weights in all the subcritical, critical and supercritical regimes of the singularity. A key fact is that solutions in the most singular cases must be considered in Filippov’s sense. We characterize sticking of phases in the subcritical and critical case and we exhibit a continuation criterion for classical solutions after any collision state in the supercritical regime. Second, we prove that strong solutions to these systems of differential inclusions can be recovered as singular limits of regular weights.We also study the emergence of synchronous dynamics for the singular and regular weighted Kuramoto models.Basic Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) - MSIT NRF-2020R1A4A3079066European Research Council (ERC) 639638MECD (Spain) FPU14/06304MINECO-Feder (Spain) RTI2018-098850-B-I00Junta de Andalucia European Commission PY18-RT-2422 A-FQM-311-UGR1

    A proposal of collaborative work in groups made up by students of the Faculty of the University of Castilla - La Mancha and the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile : A proposal using collaborative publishing tools.

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    De la experiencia del trabajo con herramientas de publicación colaborativas - wikis - de uno de los autores en la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, nace el planteamiento de actividades en las que los alumnos de la Facultad de Educación de esta Universidad trabajen de manera colaborativa con alumnos de las Facultades de Educación de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha en el ámbito de la Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales. El hecho de trabajar en la misma área de conocimiento, desde una perspectiva diferente, amplía la capacidad de los futuros maestros para trabajar en contextos internacionales. Utilizar wikis en la Educación Superior como instrumento de trabajo colaborativo permite además trabajar competencias transversales como la multiculturalidad, el uso de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación, las habilidades interpersonales, el trabajo en equipo y la eliminación de barreras espacio-temporales. El trabajo colaborativo en contextos internacionales permite a los alumnos trabajar sobre la adaptación de los contenidos de la Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales al aula, contextualizándola en otro sistema educativo diferente y no limitándose a la legislación vigente en España y en Castilla-La Mancha. Por otro lado, en la Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales, los ecosistemas constituyen un interesante recurso de trabajo, vertebrador que relaciona las diferentes disciplinas. Los trabajos colaborativos centrados en ecosistemas de ambos países suponen trasladar aquellos conocimientos relacionados con procesos observados en ecosistemas cercanos a otros estudiantes que no los conocen desde su experiencia directa. La importancia de estos aspectos en la formación de un futuro maestro es especialmente interesante actualmente cuando la capacidad de ejercer la profesión docente en el extranjero puede suponer una interesante salida laboral.Based on the work of one of the authors in the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile with collaborative publishing tools – wikis – there is a proposal for activities in which students of both universities, Castilla-La Mancha and Pontifical Catholic of Chile, can work collaboratively in the area of Didactics of Experimental Sciences. The fact of working in the same knowledge area, but from a different perspective, enhances the ability of the future teachers to work in international contexts. Using wikis in Universities as a tool for collaborative publishing, allows to develop transversal competences like multiculturality, the use of information and communication technologies (ICT), interpersonal abilities, the group work and the removal of time and space barriers. Collaborative work in an international context allow students to work on the adaptation of the Didactics of Experimental Sciences contents to schools, making them sensitive to another educative system and not only applying these contents to the current legislation in Spain and in Castilla-La Mancha. Besides, ecosystems are a powerful tool that vertebrate the relationship between the Didactics of Experimental Sciences and other disciplines. Collaborative works focused on Spanish and Chilean ecosystems implies the transfer of knowledge related to processes observed in these nearby ecosystems to other students that don't know them from their direct experience. The importance of all these aspects in the education of future teachers is especially interesting nowadays, when the ability to work as a teacher in a foreign country may constitute a significant opportunit

    Predictive model for cytoneme guidance in Hedgehog signaling based on Ihog- Glypicans interaction

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    Additional information Supplementary information The online version contains supplementary material available at https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-33262-4.Acknowledgements We are grateful to and Pedro Ripoll and Ana-Citlali Gradilla for comments on the manuscript. We also thank to Laura González-Méndez, Carlos Jiménez-Jiménez, David Sánchez-Hernández and Eléanor Simon in I.G laboratory for their help with some experiments, the Confocal Facilities of the CBMSO and Bloomington and Vienna stock centers for fly stocks. This work was supported by grants BFU2017-83789-P, PID2020-114533GB-C21 and TENTACLES consortium RED2018-102411-T to I.G from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and by institutional grants from the Fundación Areces and Banco de Santander to the CBMSO. FPI fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities supported A.A-T (BFU2017-83789- P). This work was also supported by grants RTI2018-098850-B-I00 to J.S from the MINECO-Feder (Spain), PY18-RT-2422 & A-FQM-311-UGR18 to M.C, D.P and J.S from the Junta de Andalucia (Spain), MECD (Spain) research grant FPI2015/074837 to M.C, and partially supported by the MECD (Spain) research grant FPU14/06304 and the European Research Council (Europe) Project ERC-COG-2019 WACONDY (grant agreement No 865711) to D.P.MINECO-Feder A-FQM-311-UGR18, PY18-RT-2422Banco Santander RTI2018-098850-B-I00Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades MCIUEuropean Research Council 865711, ERC-COG-2019 ERCMinisterio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte FPI2015/074837, FPU14/06304Junta de Andalucí

    EVIDENT smartphone app, a new method for the dietary record: comparison with a food frequency questionnaire

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    Background: More alternatives are needed for recording people’s normal diet in different populations, especially adults or the elderly, as part of the investigation into the effects of nutrition on health. Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the estimated values of energy intake, macro- and micronutrient, and alcohol consumption gathered using the EVIDENT II smartphone app against the data estimated with a food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) in an adult population aged 18 to 70 years. Methods: We included 362 individuals (mean age 52 years, SD 12; 214/362, 59.1% women) who were part of the EVIDENT II study. The participants registered their food intake using the EVIDENT app during a period of 3 months and through an FFQ. Both methods estimate the average nutritional composition, including energy intake, macro- and micronutrients, and alcohol. Through the app, the values of the first week of food recording, the first month, and the entire 3-month period were estimated. The FFQ gathers data regarding the food intake of the year before the moment of interview. Results: The intraclass correlation for the estimation of energy intake with the FFQ and the app shows significant results, with the highest values returned when analyzing the app’s data for the full 3-month period (.304, 95% CI 0.144-0.434; P<.001). For this period, the correlation coefficient for energy intake is .233 (P<.001). The highest value corresponds to alcohol consumption and the lowest to the intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids (r=.676 and r=.155; P<.001), respectively. The estimation of daily intake of energy, macronutrients, and alcohol presents higher values in the FFQ compared with the EVIDENT app data. Considering the values recorded during the 3-month period, the FFQ for energy intake estimation (Kcal) was higher than that of the app (a difference of 408.7, 95% CI 322.7-494.8; P<.001). The same is true for the other macronutrients, with the exception g/day of saturated fatty acids (.4, 95% CI −1.2 to 2.0; P=.62). Conclusions: The EVIDENT app is significantly correlated to FFQ in the estimation of energy intake, macro- and micronutrients, and alcohol consumption. This correlation increases with longer app recording periods. The EVIDENT app can be a good alternative for recording food intake in the context of longitudinal or intervention studies. Trial Registration: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT02016014; http://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT02016014 (Archived by WebCite at http://www.webcitation.org/760i8EL8Q).Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and Carlos III Health Institute/European Regional Development Fund (FIS: PI13/00618, PI13/01526, PI13/00058, PI13/01635, PI13/02528, PI12/01474; RETICS: RD12/0005, RD16/0007), Regional Health Management of Castilla and León (GRS 1191/B/15, GRS 909/B/14, GRS 770/B/13), and the Infosalud Foundatio

    Propuesta de mejora del Sistema Interno de Garantía de Calidad de la Facultad de Medicina

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    La garantía de calidad en el ámbito universitario puede considerarse como la atención sistemática, estructurada y continua a las titulaciones ofertadas. La garantía de calidad se compromete a poner en marcha los medios que aseguren y demuestren la calidad de los programas formativos que se desarrollan en cada una de las titulaciones ofrecidas por la Universidad y así cumplir con la obligación que tiene con la sociedad. El presente proyecto nace como fruto de la responsabilidad adquirida para el cumplimiento de las funciones encomendadas y, con el objetivo de seguir adoptando una estrategia de mejora continua de la calidad de la docencia y satisfacción de los colectivos implicados en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje (Profesorado, Estudiantes y PAS)

    Algunos núcleos de resistencia en la enseñanza-aprendizaje de la geología

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    El proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la geología no debe limitarse a la exposición de una serie de procesos y agentes, de acción puntual y a describir un catálogo de productos, desconectados entre sí. Es necesario indexar procesos, agentes y productos dentro de un marco global de actuación continuos en el espacio y en el tiempo, con repercusiones mutuas. Para ello se hace necesario que los alumnos asuman la realidad de "tiempo geológico" y amplíen el espacio afectado por algunos de los sucesos geológicos incluso a nivel cortical o planetario

    Algunos problemas relacionados con las enseñanzas de las Ciencias Geológicas

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    En el artículo se analizan algunos aspectos particulares de la geología y algunos de los defectos pedagógicos más habituales que pueden contribuir a dificultar su enseñanz