47 research outputs found

    Lenio y el autor del Quijote apócrifo : de concurrencias con el ficticio Avellaneda

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    Hasta ahora -y no es fácil que sea incorporado otro-, los candidatos que optan a ser Avellaneda suman más de cuarenta. Las alegaciones de quienes los proponen son múltiples y variadas y han llegado después de recorrer diversos y contradictorios caminos. Pero muchos de estos investigadores coinciden en algunas circunstancias, características y peculiaridades que atribuyen al autor que se esconde tras el seudónimo. Pues bien, estos rasgos, los ha recopilado y reunido Gómez Canseco en su "Introducción" al Quijote de Avellaneda y, con ellos, se puede elaborar un traje virtual que se amolda, que encaja casi a la perfección en un personaje que podría ser el autor tan buscado, y que el lector conocerá al final de este artículo.So far - and it would not be easy for another to be incorporated – the candidates that opt to be Avellaneda add up more than 40. The allegations of those who offer it are multiple and varied and have arrived after going through various and contradictory paths. But many of these researchers agree in some circumstances, characteristics and peculiarities attributed to the author who hides behind a pseudonym. Well, these traits, have been compiled by Gómez Canseco in its ‘’Introduction’’ to Quixote of Avellaneda and, with them, a virtual suit can be made that molds, and fits almost perfectly into a character that could be the so sought author, and that the reader will know at the end of this article

    Salamanca en El Quijote y la identidad de Avellaneda

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    Teniendo en cuenta unas premisas incuestionables y algunas hipótesis compartidas por destacados cervantistas –que las apoyo y refrendo con mis investigaciones–, he llegado a la conclusión de que Cervantes, impelido por las circunstancias a no desvelar expresamente el nombre que se oculta tras de Avellaneda, no se resignó a que el ataque de éste quedase anónimo, y se las ingenió para dejar pistas en sus novelas al objeto de que pudiese ser descubierto el autor que le amargó el último periodo de su vida.Considering the unquestionable premises and some shared hypothesis by distinguished experts on Cervantes – that I support and repress with my researches – I have come to the conclusion that Cervantes, drove by the circumstances not to reveal the name that hides behind Avellaneda, did not resigned to his attack remaining in anonymity, and managed to leave clues in its novel so the author that embittered the last period of his live could be uncovered

    Sansón Carrasco: un personaje clave en el Quijote de 1615. ¿Representa en él Cervantes a Avellaneda?

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    Sansón Carrasco, who appears in the Quixote of 1615, is in my opinion, a key character, as a result of the publication of Avellaneda’s apocryphal Quixote. This article argues for the hypothesis that in Sansón Carrasco, Cervantes personifies Pedro Liñán de Riaza, who is in fact the so much searched Avellaneda, the author of the other Quixote, novel which «obliged» Cervantes to write the Second Part of what has become his most important work.En el Quijote de 1615 aparece Sansón Carrasco, un personaje clave, a mi modo de ver, como consecuencia de la publicación del Quijote apócrifo de Avellaneda. En este artículo defiendo la hipótesis de que Cervantes personifica en Sansón Carrasco a Pedro Liñán de Riaza, y que este es el tan buscado Avellaneda, el autor del otro Quijote, novela que «obligó » a Cervantes a componer la Segunda Parte de la que ha llegado a ser su obra cumbre

    Lope de Vega, Liñán de Riaza y el Quijote de Avellaneda

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    Por múltiples y variados caminos, sendas, trochas y vericuetos, se ha intentado descubrir la identidad de Avellaneda. En este caminar, que dura más de tres siglos, se han trazado unas pautas y establecido unos seudo axiomas que, sin conducir a ningún fin, dejan todavía la polémica en el aire. Por ejemplo, para algunos investigadores, los "sinónimos voluntarios" ofensivos del Prólogo del Quijote de Avellaneda, no existen; y otros, que sí creen en ellos, no los detectan, o no en la profusión que en realidad se encuentran. Importante es examinar las relaciones de Cervantes con Lope de Vega y con Liñán que devinieron en franca enemistad. También la íntima amistad y camaradería de Lope y Liñán, combalachados en aventuras líricas y lances amorosos. Unos afirman, aportando datos, que Cervantes no conoció el Quijote Apócrifo hasta que se publicó en 1614; otros, con quienes me alineo, opinamos que cuando Cervantes comenzó a redactar su Segunda Parte, conocía el manuscrito del apócrifo. Un servidor aporta en este artículo numerosas pruebas extraídas de "El coloquio de los perros", que lo corroboran. Para concluir, tras un exhaustivo análisis e investigación, con amplias referencias bibliográficas, apunto el nombre de quien creo es "el fingido tordesillesco, autor del falso, ficticio y apócrifo" Quijote, Pedro Liñán de Riaza, un aragonés, para más señas, como afirma reiteradamente don Miguel.For many and varied ways, paths and byways, as in-tempted to discover the identity of Avellaneda. In this jurney, which last more than three centuries, have drawn some guidelines and established a pseudo-axioms, without leading to any purpose, still leave the controversy in the air. For example, some researchers, "synonyms volunteers" offensive of the Prologue of Don Quixote of Avellaneda, no, and others who do believe in them, not detected, or not in the profusion that actually meet. Important is to examine the relationships of Cervantes and Lope de Vega Linan who ended up in open enmity. Also the close friendship and camaraderie of Lope and Linan, combalachados in lyrical and amorous adventures. Some say, providing data that Cervantes did not know until the Apocryphal Quixote was published in 1614, others with quines I align myself, believe that when Cervantes vegan to write his Second Part, knew the apocryphal manuscript. A sever provides ample evidence in this article taken from "The Dialogue of the Dogs" to prove it. Finally, after a thorough analysis and research. Whit extensive bibligraphical references, he noted name of who I think is "the mock-llesco tordesi, author of de false, fictitious and apocryphal" Don Qixote, Pedro Liñán de Riaza, an Aragonese, to be exact, as stated Miguel repeatedly

    RELEVANCIA DEL DIAGNÓSTICO DIFERENCIAL ENTRE EL SÍNDROME AÓRTICO AGUDO Y EL SÍNDROME CORONARIO AGUDO EN PACIENTES CON DOLOR TORÁCICO Y CRISIS HIPERTENSIVA: REVISIÓN A PROPÓSITO DE 2 CASOS / Relevance of the differential diagnosis between acute aortic syndrome and acute coronary syndrome in patients with thoracic pain and hypertensive crisis: review on 2 case reports

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    Acute aortic syndrome is a pathological process with low incidence compared with acute coronary syndrome, although with a worse prognosis in the short term, which is why its early diagnosis and urgent treatment are essential to the favorable evolution of thepatient. Electrocardiographic changes suggestive of myocardial ischemia, with acute evolution, are rare in acute aortic syndrome. Even in the presence of a suggestive thoracic pain and high levels of blood pressure, an adequate differential diagnosis is of utmost importance, since the administration of anticoagulation and antiplatelet therapy in high doses can have a dramatic impact on patient outcome. Two cases are presented in which electrocardiographic changes determined the action to take in patients with acute aortic syndrome

    Prevalence and Risk Factors Associated with Tumors and Other Structural Anomalies in Brain MRI Performed to Rule out Secondary Headache: A Multicenter Observational Study

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    This research was funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, grant number PID2020118224RB-I00.Headache disorders (HDs) are among the most common conditions of the central nervous system, with an estimated prevalence of 50% in adult population. The aim of this work is to analyze the prevalence of structural anomalies that may explain HDs in MRI exams performed to rule out secondary headache in real-world practice, as well as risk factors associated with these lesions. We conducted a retrospective observational study based on a consecutive case series of all patients that underwent brain MRI due to headache from 1 January 2019 to 31 May 2019. We included patients from six MRI diagnostic centers accounting for four provinces of Andalusia (southern Spain). Bivariate and multivariate logistical regression models were performed to identify risk factors associated with the outcomes (1) presence of a structural finding potentially explaining headache, (2) presence of intracranial space-occupying lesions (SOLs), and (3) presence of intracranial tumors (ITs). Of the analyzed sample (1041 patients), a structural finding that could explain headache was found in 224 (21.5%) patients. SOLs were found in 50 (6.8%) patients and ITs in 12 (1.5%) patients. The main factors associated with structural abnormalities were female sex (OR, 1.35; 95% CI, 1.02–1.85), accompanying symptoms (OR, 1.34; 95% CI, 1.05–1.89), use of gadolinium-based contrast agents (OR, 1.89; 95% CI, 1.31–2.72) and previously known conditions potentially explaining headache (OR, 2.44; 95% CI, 1.55–3.84). Female sex (p = 0.048) and accompanying symptoms (p = 0.033) were also associated with ITs in bivariate analyses. Our results may be relevant for different medical specialists involved in the diagnosis, management and prevention of headache. Moreover, the risk factors identified in our study might help the development of public health strategies aimed at early diagnosis of brain tumors. Future studies are warranted to corroborate our findings.MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 PID2020118224RB-I0

    Avaluació d'assignatures d'experimentació amb metodologies diverses

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    [CA] L’avaluació d’assignatures desenvolupades exclusivament al laboratori és una tasca complexa que requereix l’ús de diverses metodologies per aconseguir una valoració completa dels coneixements, les aptituds, les capacitats i les habilitats que ha desenvolupat l’alumnat durant el curs acadèmic. En aquest treball, discutim i mostrem els resultats obtinguts amb l’aplicació de diverses metodologies d’avaluació: mitjançant l’avaluació d’informes de pràctiques, mitjançant proves escrites i mitjançant exercicis pràctics que cal realitzar al laboratori. Els resultats mostren que l’avaluació del treball de l’alumnat no es pot fer tan sols avaluant els informes de les pràctiques realitzades, sinó que és necessari afegir-hi un examen individual, el qual pot ser escrit, o pràctic al laboratori. Pareix que els resultats obtinguts no difereixen molt entre realitzar un examen escrit o un examen pràctic, però considerem que mentre siga possible (grups poc nombrosos) és millor tenir en compte els resultats de totes tres proves. Totes aquestes proves proporcionen dades sobre les aptituds, les capacitats, els coneixements i les habilitats de l’alumnat, però unes incideixen més que altres en cadascun d’aquests aspectes; així, els informes proporcionen una informació àmplia sobre les aptituds i les capacitats de l’alumnat; l’examen escrit, sobre els coneixements que té, i el pràctic, sobre les habilitats que posseeix.Montañés Sanjuan, MT.; Palomares Gimeno, AE.; Muñoz Portero, MJ.; Sánchez Tovar, R. (2011). Avaluació d'assignatures d'experimentació amb metodologies diverses. Revista d'Innovació Docent Universitària. (3):35-43. doi:10.1344/105.000001657S3543

    A Clinical Decision Support System (KNOWBED) to Integrate Scientific Knowledge at the Bedside: Development and Evaluation Study

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    [Background] The evidence-based medicine (EBM) paradigm requires the development of health care professionals’ skills in the efficient search of evidence in the literature, and in the application of formal rules to evaluate this evidence. Incorporating this methodology into the decision-making routine of clinical practice will improve the patients’ health care, increase patient safety, and optimize resources use.[Objective] The aim of this study is to develop and evaluate a new tool (KNOWBED system) as a clinical decision support system to support scientific knowledge, enabling health care professionals to quickly carry out decision-making processes based on EBM during their routine clinical practice.[Methods] Two components integrate the KNOWBED system: a web-based knowledge station and a mobile app. A use case (bronchiolitis pathology) was selected to validate the KNOWBED system in the context of the Paediatrics Unit of the Virgen Macarena University Hospital (Seville, Spain). The validation was covered in a 3-month pilot using 2 indicators: usability and efficacy.[Results] The KNOWBED system has been designed, developed, and validated to support clinical decision making in mobility based on standards that have been incorporated into the routine clinical practice of health care professionals. Using this tool, health care professionals can consult existing scientific knowledge at the bedside, and access recommendations of clinical protocols established based on EBM. During the pilot project, 15 health care professionals participated and accessed the system for a total of 59 times.[Conclusions] The KNOWBED system is a useful and innovative tool for health care professionals. The usability surveys filled in by the system users highlight that it is easy to access the knowledge base. This paper also sets out some improvements to be made in the future.This project has received funding from the Andalusian Ministry of Health from Spain (reference PIN-0213-2016), and FEDER funds.Peer reviewe

    La embajada española en Colombia: acción y proyectos para una política en Iberoamérica (1959-1962)

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    This article analyses the diplomatic mission of the Spanish Embassy in Colombia during the Sixties, coinciding with the triumph of the Cuban Revolution and the consolidation of the National Front’s bipartisan system agreed in the Andean country. These events will mark my research based, especially, on Spanish documentary sources. The aim is to contextualize Franco’s policy towards Latin America in order to delve into the Spanish ambassador’s schemes in Bogotá both from the perspective of bilateral relations and with the aim of developing a broader inter-American strategy.El presente artículo analiza la misión diplomática de la embajada española en Colombia durante los primeros años sesenta, coincidiendo con el triunfo de la Revolución Cubana y la consolidación del sistema bipartidista del Frente Nacional pactado en el país andino. Dos hechos que marcarán nuestra línea de estudio, sobre todo a partir de las fuentes documentales españolas. Se trata de contextualizar las políticas del franquismo hacia Iberoamérica para adentrarnos en los proyectos del representante español en Bogotá. Tanto desde la óptica de las relaciones bilaterales, como en el diseño de sus propuestas para la definición de una estrategia global interamericana