674 research outputs found

    Las nuevas tecnologías y su impacto en los derechos al honor, intimidad, imagen y protección de datos del menor. Mecanismos jurídicos de protección: Carencias, interrogantes y retos del legislador

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    El cambio de paradigma que han supuesto las nuevas tecnologías, ha puesto de manifiesto la necesaria protección de los derechos fundamentales afectados (honor, intimidad, imagen y protección de datos personales, especialmente, de menores). La dualidad normativa sobre la que se construyó la protección de aquéllos (LOPHII y LOPD), ha evidenciado sus carencias. El objetivo de estas líneas es plantear algunos interrogantes y retos del legislador, tomando como referencia los avances en el Derecho Comunitario (Reglamento General de Protección de Datos), así como los existentes en el ámbito jurisprudencialThe change of paradigm that the new technologies have supposed, has revealed the necessary protection of the fundamental affected rights (honor, intimacy, image and protection of personal information, specially, of minors). The normative duality on the one that constructed the protection herself of those (LOPHII and LOPD), has demonstrated his lacks. The aim of these lines is to raise some questions and challenges of the legislator, taking the advances as a reference in the Community law (General Regulation of Protection of Information), as well as the existing ones in the jurisprudential are

    Vanishing Abelian integrals on zero-dimensional cycles

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    In this paper we study conditions for the vanishing of Abelian integrals on families of zero-dimensional cycles. That is, for any rational function f(z)f(z), characterize all rational functions g(z)g(z) and zero-sum integers {ni}\{n_i\} such that the function tnig(zi(t))t\mapsto\sum n_ig(z_i(t)) vanishes identically. Here zi(t)z_i(t) are continuously depending roots of f(z)tf(z)-t. We introduce a notion of (un)balanced cycles. Our main result is an inductive solution of the problem of vanishing of Abelian integrals when f,gf,g are polynomials on a family of zero-dimensional cycles under the assumption that the family of cycles we consider is unbalanced as well as all the cycles encountered in the inductive process. We also solve the problem on some balanced cycles. The main motivation for our study is the problem of vanishing of Abelian integrals on single families of one-dimensional cycles. We show that our problem and our main result are sufficiently rich to include some related problems, as hyper-elliptic integrals on one-cycles, some applications to slow-fast planar systems, and the polynomial (and trigonometric) moment problem for Abel equation. This last problem was recently solved by Pakovich and Muzychuk (\cite{PM} and \cite{P}). Our approach is largely inspired by their work, thought we provide examples of vanishing Abelian integrals on zero-cycles which are not given as a sum of composition terms contrary to the situation in the solution of the polynomial moment problem.Comment: 35 pages, 1 figure; one reference added; abstract, introduction and structure change

    Tripod-shaped penta (p-phenylene)s for the functionalization of silicon surfaces

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    In order to obtain nanostructured thin films to be used in biosensor devices, several chemical functionalization methods have been developed, such as Click chemistry or Suzuki carbon-carbon coupling reactions on surfaces.1 With the aim to control the orientation and spacing between grafted functional groups on a surface, tripodal oligo (p-phenylene)s have become the ideal anisotropic adsorbates due to their shape-persistent and self-standing characteristics.2 Here we report the synthesis and characterization of several tripod-shaped oligo(p-phenylene)s molecules with legs composed of five phenylene units, compounds 1, 2 and 3. In these structures, each leg is end-capped with an NH-Boc, NH2 and N3 group, respectively. The functional arm contains an acetylene group. The presented synthesis has as key step the Pd-catalyzed Suzuki cross-coupling reaction. In particular, a iodine derivative from the silicon core molecule reacts with the appropriate tetra(p-phenylene) boron derivative, thus generating the final tripod-shaped structure. The azide end-capped leg in 3 is specifically designed for its covalent incorporation on alkynyl terminated silicon surfaces by an easy and reproducible way. As a preliminary study, we present the alkynyl-functionalized silicon wafers nanostructuration with tripod 3 through the cooper catalyzed alkyne-azide cycloaddition (CuAAC) click reaction.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Economic Development Strategies in the Dominican Republic

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    The paper documents the economic development strategies pursued by the Dominican Republic. The study argues that the country’s success results from the implementation of a three-pronged economic development strategy. The first prong relates to diversifying production and the second to developing special economic zones. These zones operate in parallel fashion to the rest of the economy but with protections from domestic impediments to growth and progress. The third item in the recipe involves maintaining ample economic and social engagement with the rest of the world. The paper also highlights challenges that the country faces going forward.economic development strategies, primary commodities, special economic zones, economic openness, Dominican Republic

    Electroplastic cutting influence on power consumption during drilling process

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    The aim of this study is to report the use of non-conventional material removal process technique. It was found that electropulses (EPs) assisted drilling process improves the material machinability based on the eletroplastic influence. The influence of EPs in drilling process is studied by combining different feed rates, drills diameters, and current densities in 7075 aluminium and 1045 carbon steel. The results show that the electrically assisted drilling process improves material machinability, decreases the specific cutting energy up to 27 % in aluminium and 17 % in steel.Peer ReviewedPreprin

    El trastorn de dèficit d'atenció amb hiperactivitat (TDAH) en població infantil i juvenil

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    Fruit de la dedicació professional de les autores i enfront d'un problema no sols no resolt, sinó que es considera que està insuficientment abordat, el trastorn de dèficit d'atenció amb hiperactivitat (TDAH) en població infantil i juvenil, es planteja primerament una revisió de la bibliografia, seguida d'un recull de dades sobre la situació actual (amb abundància d'informació procedent dels Estats Units) i d'algunes consideracions i propostes per a posar en marxa les intervencions al nostre àmbit de referència, com ara l'educació que han de rebre, les concepcions morals, els hàbits, etc. Perquè avui dia els infants estan exposats a nombroses influències que han desencadenat que es disparen els casos diagnosticats de TDAH. Des d'edats molt primerenques, els nostres fills estan enfront de la televisió i altres fonts audiovisuals que no presenten els valors desitjables de desenvolupament educatiu, carregades d'estimulació i agressives en la forma i el contingut. Tot això ens ha portat a plantejar-nos algunes preguntes. La més significativa és com volem que cresquen de sans els nostres xiquets?Fruit of the professional dedication of the authors and before a problem not only unresolved but detected as insufficiently addressed, the attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity 'ADHD, in children and youth', there is first a review of the literature followed by a collection of data from the present situation, with plenty of information from the U.S., and some considerations and proposals for implementing the interventions in our field of reference and should receive education, moral concepts, habits, etc. Because children today are exposed to numerous influences that have led to skyrocketing cases diagnosed with ADHD. From an early age our children are watching television and other audiovisual sources do not exhibit the desirable values of educational, full of stimulation and aggressive in their form and content. This has led us to ask some questions, and the most significant of these is how we grow in healthy, our children

    Influencia del Subsistema de Aprovisionamiento de Recursos Humanos en el desempeño laboral de los trabajadores de la Empresa Aalfs Uno S.A Sebaco - Matagalpa, año 2015

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    El presente trabajo investigativo está enfocado al sistema de administración de recursos humanos y el subsistema de aprovisionamiento aplicado a las empresas de los departamentos de Matagalpa y Jinotega año 2015. Dichos procesos contribuyen a dotar de los recursos más idóneos a la institución para el logro de los objetivos organizacionales. Del tema general se aborda el subsistema de aprovisionamiento de recursos humanos y su influencia en el desempeño laboral de los trabajadores de la empresa Aalfs uno S.A Sebaco Matagalpa, año 2015. El estudio da a conocer aspectos que podrán ser de gran utilidad para la empresa Aalfs uno, ya que podrá mejorar cada día más los procesos de trabajo como en la Administración de Recursos Humanos y demás áreas de la empresa. Se conoció información que ayudó a determinar los factores, que están influyendo en el desempeño laboral de los empleados de Aalfs uno entre los cuales están: Población y fuerza laboral, descripción y análisis de puestos, aplicación de la técnica del incidente crítico y requisitos de personal así, como la función que ejerce la Administración de Recursos humanos en esta empresa. El subsistema de aprovisionamiento de recursos humanos en el desempeño laboral aplicado a la empresa Aalfs uno cuenta con proceso de planeación, reclutamiento y selección para tener un buen personal laborando en la empresa, ya que se conocieron los procedimientos que se realizan, identificando la formalidad y el profesionalismo con que se lleva a cabo todo el proceso, además de eso se describieron los factores que influyen en el desempeño laboral de los empleados, siendo una preocupación para la empresa; por lo que implementa políticas de especialización, capacitación, planes de carrera, de la misma manera busca retener a los empleados en la empresa implementando planes de incentivos y trato especial a cada individuo; existe relación entre el aprovisionamiento ya que de la buena aplicación de todo el proceso resulta la buena eficiencia del individuo en el desempeño de su labor