147 research outputs found

    Protein kelompok BCl-2 sebagai target senyawa antikanker

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    Recently, the mortality rate due to cancer has been increasing. This fact and the problem of cancer treatment in particular encourages the exploration of new alternative anticancer drugs from natural resources. The discovery of the new drugs requires explanation on their targets and mechanism of action. So far, in addition to alteration in the expression of proteins regulating apoptosis, some cancers demonstrate the presence of mutations in the tumor suppressor genes such as p53. These abnormalities would result in the destruction of apoptosis. Among targets of anticancer drugs through the modulation of apoptosis are BCl-2 family proteins which are able to release cytochrome c necessary for caspase activation. Anticancer drugs can stimulate the modulation of apoptosis on BCl-2 family targets by the modulation of oncogenes that can enhance the expession of tumor supressor genes which in turn influence the expression of pro-apoptosis or anti-apoptosis proteins

    The effect of germination and food processing on the concentration and activity of bioactive compounds in Australian Sweet Lupin

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    Lupin is a grain legume which is high in protein and fibre, but low in fat and starch. Lupin also contains bioactive compounds such as phenolic compounds. Many studies have shown that a diet containing lupin has health benefits including reducing a number of risk factors associated with metabolic syndrome. However, studies examining the effect of germination of Australian Sweet Lupin (ASL) on its macronutrient, bioactive compounds and bioactivity are limited. Consequently the aim of the present study was to investigate the changes in the macronutrient composition and concentration of bioactive compounds in ASL during germination and how these changes were associated with in vitro bioactivity. The stability of bioactive compounds and their in vitro bioactivity was also investigated in muffins incorporated with germinated ASL flour (before and after baking).In the present study, the macronutrient composition (protein, crude fibre and fat) and bioactive compound concentration (phenolic compounds and phytosterols) of ASL following germination at 25°C and 90-95% relative humidity for 9 days were determined. Total phenolic compounds (TPC) were extracted from germinated ASL flour using methanol and aqueous solvents and the concentration was determined using Folin-Ciocalteu reagent. Phytosterols in oil extracts were analyzed using gas-liquid chromatography. The radical scavenging activities toward 2, 2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) of the methanolic and oil extracts were also determined. Bioactivity related to bile acid binding in vitro of germinated ASL flour was also assessed. The changes in the pattern of ASL protein during germination were analysed using sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyachrilamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). The changes in the protein pattern were then compared with the result of Angiotensine I Converting Enzyme (ACE) inhibitory activity assay of the protein. Total protein extracts of germinated ASL flour were then fractionated into the protein isolate fraction and the soluble fraction. Both fractions were characterized for their activities including antioxidant activity, bile acid binding ability and ACE-inhibitory activity. ASL flour after germination for 7 days was chosen to be incorporated into muffin formulation at substitution levels of 2 - 8% of dried muffin weight. Physical characteristics of muffins including height, diameter, colour and texture (hardness, cohesiveness, springiness and chewiness) were measured instrumentally. Stability of the bioactive compounds and the antiradical activity of the incorporated muffins before and after baking were also investigated.Germination at day 9 resulted in significant increase in protein and crude fibre contents of ASL by 38% and 456% (db), respectively, and resulted in a substantial reduction in the lipid content of ASL by 71%. Germination also increased the concentration of total phenolic compounds in methanolic extracts of germinated ASL flours by about 700% compared to ASL flour of ungerminated seeds. The increased concentration of phenolic compounds was found to be associated with significant increased radical scavenging activity of the extracts. Concentration of the total phytosterols which was extracted from germinated ASL flour were also increased by 3 fold. The significant increase in phytosterol content in the oil may be associated with increasing in the antiradical activity of the oil. The main phytosterols in the oil extracted from germinated ASL flour are β-sitosterol (62%), campesterol (30%) and stigmasterol (8%). In the protein fraction, the high molecular weight proteins of ASL were not present following germination for 9 days. The change in the protein profile may be associated with the higher ACE inhibitory activity (antihypertensive in vitro) of germinated ASL flour. The protein isolated from germinated ASL flour had better antioxidant activity, while its soluble fraction was better in ACE inhibitory activity and bile acid binding property. The bile acid binding ability of germinated ASL flour had higher bile acid binding ability in vitro than ungerminated ASL flour.Furthermore, incorporation of germinated ASL flour up to 8% (db of muffins) into the muffin formulation influenced moisture, height, diameter, colour, hardness and cohesiveness of the muffins. This incorporation increased the total phenolic compounds, phytosterols content and antiradical activity of the muffins. The baking process at 190°C for 25 min did not substantially reduce the concentration of total phenolic compounds, phytosterols and the antiradical activity of the muffins.The present study found that germination led to an increase in protein and fibre contents and concentration of bioactive compounds of ASL. Germination also increased in vitro antioxidant activity, ACE inhibitory activity and bile acid binding ability of ASL

    Makna Isteri yang Cakap Menurut Kitab Amsal 31:10-31

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    God only created two types of people, men, and women. There is no third type. And the existence of both of them is to complement each other. So to unite the two God formed an institution called family. That's where they will unite as husband and wife. They have their respective roles. The existence of a wife is a helper for her husband. And this is where a wife of noble character is needed to be a helper. What is a wife of noble character? Through the exposition of the book of Proverbs 31: 10-31 it will answer. A wife of noble character is a wife who has all the parts of a respectable character, and an extraordinary power to carry out all her duties and obligations, especially in her household, she is able to make a decision that can be useful for herself and her entire family


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    Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah, untuk mengetahui karakteristik proses mendapatkan Blockgrant RSMABI pada tahun pelajaran 2009/2010, untuk mengetahui juga karakteristik pengelolaan Blockgrant, serta untuk mengetahui karakteristik penggunaan Blockgrant dalam menyongsong Sekolah Menengah Atas Bertaraf Internasional (SMABI). Jenis dan Desain Penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Kualitatif Diskriptif dengan desain etnografi, lokasi penelitian di SMA 1 Blora, Jalan Tentara Pelajar No.21 Kabupaten Blora Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Sumber datanya dicatat melalui catatan tertulis atau perekaman tape, pengambilan foto dan dokumen . Subyek penelitian terdiri: Kepala Sekolah, Wakil Kepala Sekolah, Fasilitator, Penanggung jawab Program, Pelaksana Program, Bendahara, perwakilan guru, Koordinator BK, perwakilan siswa. Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode observasi, wawancara mendalam, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data yang dilakukan yaitu: reduksi data (data reduction), sajian data (data display), kemudian baru diambil kesimpulan dan verifikasi (conclusion drawing/verication). Keabsahan datanya menggunakan teknik: 1) Trianggulasi, 2) Meningkatkan ketekunan, 3) Menggunakan bahan referensi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses mendapatkan Blockgrant RSMABI yaitu: Sekolah/Ketua Yayasan mengajukan proposal yang isinya tentang permohonan bantuan Rintisan Sekolah Menengah Atas Bertaraf Internasional (RSMABI). Proposal ditujukan ke Mendiknas melalui Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten dan Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi untuk mendapatkan persetujuan, setelah diverifikasi dan di Evaluasi oleh Team, jika ya (disetujui) baru mendapat penetapan sebagai RSBI. Untuk menyamakan persepsi, maka pada tanggal 27-29 Maret 2009 di Hotel Sahid Raya Yogyakarta, disusunlah Rencana Strategi RSMABI dan penandatanganan kesepakatan antara pusat dan provinsi (MUO). Pencairan dana ditransfer melalui Rekening BRI. Blockgrant yang didapat sejumlah Rp 500.000.000 (Lima Ratus Juta Rupiah) dari APBN. Untuk pengelolaan Blockgrant tersebut, Kepala sekolah secara musyawarah membentuk Team Pelaksana Program yang terdiri darai: 1) Kepala Sekolah Sebagai Penanggung Jawab Program; 2) Wakil Kepala Sekolah atau Guru yang relevan sebagai ketua tim pelaksana; 3) Guru -guru sebagai penanggungjawab setiap kegiatan; 4) Bendahara yang ditunjuk oleh Kepala Sekolah sebagai pengelola keuangan; 5) Perwakilan Guru dan orang tua sebagai anggota. Komponen kegiatan yang dibiayai Blockgrant RSMABI Direktorat PSMA tahun 2009 dikelompokkan dalam 4 komponen: (1) Sarana Prasarana 30% (Rp 150.000.000), (2) Proses Belajar Mengajar 25% (Rp 125.000.000), (3) Manajemen 20% (Rp 100.000.000) dan (4) Beasiswa dan Kegiatan Kesiswaan 25% (Rp 125.000.000)

    The Influence of Service Quality, Marketing Mix, on Bank Customer Satisfaction in the Era Covid-19

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    Building loyalty is no longer an option in the banking world. In recent years a trend has emerged, namely the tendency for customers to have more than one savings account at different banks. One of the ways to do this is by marketing service quality and marketing mix to customer satisfaction. The Bank's compliance with government policies to prevent the spread of COVID-19 is the Work From Home policy. Banking measures to optimize employee efforts to maintain the health of their closest people at home while providing maximum protection from the potential for contracting COVID-19 while interacting with the community while working or traveling to and from the office, namely adjustments to work systems. The role of marketing in banking is to build strong relationships sustainably by providing excellent service for the development of service quality such as Servqual, with Tangible, Responsiveness, Reliability, Assurance, and Empathy characteristics. New service quality that can be applied in the banking world in particular. The most important thing is Banking Service Quality (BSQ.) Like conventional bank service products, the bank's low rating. Testing using the PLS (Partial Least Square) analysis method. The results showed that customer satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty. Customer satisfaction affects the reliability, effectiveness, and assurance of the service portfolio, price, and access. Tangible must receive extra attention so that customer satisfaction can increase

    Makna Isteri Yang Cakap

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    God only created two types of people, men, and women. There is no third type. And the existence of both of them is to complement each other. So to unite the two God formed an institution called family. That's where they will unite as husband and wife. They have their respective roles. The existence of a wife is a helper for her husband. And this is where a wife of noble character is needed to be a helper. What is a wife of noble character? Through the exposition of the book of Proverbs 31: 10-31 it will answer. A wife of noble character is a wife who has all the parts of a respectable character, and an extraordinary power to carry out all her duties and obligations, especially in her household, she is able to make a decision that can be useful for herself and her entire family

    Developing Kopaja.id as a fun online learning in general tax conditions topic

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    Kopaja.id as online learning had developed in 2019, and KOPAJA is an acronym for “Kompas Pajak Ajaib” which means magically direct taxes. It is also expected to provide a fun learning for students. This research is to provide an online fun learning to students who want to learn tax anytime and anywhere. This research is follow-up research using the research and development (RD) method to reach the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) for applied research. The development of an application system has been carried out based on a website with the address https://kopaja.id which can be accessed and used for learning from taxation courses. User testing with the Perceived Usability Website instrument was developed by Wang and Senecal. The research sample is from 55 students of DIV Public Sector Accounting, Department of Economics and Business, Vocational College, Universitas Gadjah Mada. The test results show that the website system is functioning correctly, and user ratings show that the website has easy navigation, speed of access, and is comfortable to explore. However, interaction with users is still not optimal. The result of self-measurement on the achievement of Technology Readiness Level reaches TRL 6 in 1- 9 scale

    Penerapan Akad Wadi’ah Yad Dhamanah pada Produk Tabungan iB Hijrah di PT. BPRS Artha Amanah Ummat Ungaran

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    Di PT. BPRS Artha Amanah Ummat Ungaran terdapat beberapa produk funding salah satunya adalah produk tabungan iB Hijrah. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh adanya kepentingan masyarakat dalam keamanan assetnya. Namun produk tabungan iB Hijrah memiliki nasabah yang sedikit karena pemberian bonus setengah dari Ekuivalen Rate (ER) tabungan Amanah (mudharabah). Masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah karakteristik tabungan iB Hijrah dan penerapan akad wadi’ah yad dhamanah pada produk tabungan iB Hijrah. penelitian ini adalah penelitian lapangan yang bersifat kualitatif menggunakan sumber data primer yang diperoleh dari wawancara, observasi dan data sekunder yang diperoleh dari dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik tabungan iB Hijrah diantaranya adalah menggunakan akad wadi’ah yad dhamanah yang dapat disetor dan diambil kapan saja, memperoleh keuntungan berupa bonus setiap bulannya, tidak dikenakan biaya adminitrasi, Frekuensi penarikan dana tabungan iB Hijrah tidak dibatasi hanya disyaratkan setelah penarikan tersebut harus ada saldo yang mengendap sebesar Rp 20.000,-. Tabungan iB Hijrah merupakan tabungan yang dijalankan berdasarkan akad wadi’ah yad dhamanah. Dengan konsep wadi’ah yad dhamanah nasabah akan menitipkan barang atau dananya kepada BPRS Artha Amanah Ummat. Selanjutnya BPRS Artha Amanah Ummat mempunyai kewajiban untuk bertanggung jawab terhadap kehilangan dana titipan tersebut. Nasabah memberikan izin kepada BPRS Artha Amanah Ummat untuk mempergunakan barang titipan tersebut. Tentu, pihak BPRS Artha Amanah Ummat mendapatkan hasil dari penggunaan dana titipan. BPRS Artha Amanah Ummat dapat memberikan insentif kepada nasabah dalam bentuk bonus (Athaya) yang tidak disyaratkan sebelumnya


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) kualitas layanan tenaga administrasi sekolah di SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Patuk; (2) tingkat kepuasan peserta didik, pendidik, dan pimpinan sekolah terhadap layanan tenaga administrasi sekolah di SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Patuk. Desain penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif. Populasi penelitian ini adalah peserta didik, pendidik, dan pimpinan sekolah di SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Patuk, Gunungkidul. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan simple random sampling. Hasil uji validitas 15 butir pernyataan dalam kuesioner menunjukkan r hitung > r tabel sehingga 15 butir pernyataan tersebut valid. Uji reliabilitas menggunakan Alpha Cronbach menghasilkan koefisien reliabilitas sebesar 0,604 (reliabel). Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kuantitatif dengan persentase. Hasil penelitian ini sebagai berikut: (1) kualitas layanan tenaga administrasi sekolah di SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Patuk secara umum adalah baik; (2) tingkat kepuasan peserta didik terhadap layanan tenaga administrasi sekolah di SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Patuk secara umum adalah cukup puas, tingkat kepuasan pendidik terhadap layanan tenaga administrasi sekolah di SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Patuk secara umum adalah puas, dan kepuasan pimpinan sekolah terhadap layanan tenaga administrasi sekolah di SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Patuk secara umum adalah puas. Kata kunci : kepuasan, peserta didik, pendidik, pimpinan sekolah, layanan tenaga administrasi sekolah

    Pengaruh Pemberian Susu Kuda Fermentasi Terhadap Antibodi Imunoglobulin a (Iga) Mencit Setelah Vaksinasi Hepatitis A

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    IgA-deficient in individuals have developed mucosal infections, atopy, autoimmune diseasesand rheumatic. Under the circumstance, the development of an immunomodulator that stimulatesimmune system, especially IgA, is truly desired. The research is objected on finding out the effect offermented horse milk treatment on IgA antibody in Hepatitis A immunized mice. IgA concentrationin serum and lymphocytes was evaluated using indirect ELISA method. Fermented horse milkgroup was compared with water group to calculate the percentage of IgA concentration increase.Univariate analysis was used to analyze Optical Density (OD) product from ELISA. The resultshowed that fermented horse milk increased 46.20 % IgA concentration in serum and 95.47 % inspleen lymphocytes. Univariate analysis showed that fermented horse milk increased significantlyIgA spleen lymphocytes but not IgA serum
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