27 research outputs found


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    Currently, there is a great acceptance among consumers for olive oil because this product has properties beneficial to health. However, the production in México is almost zero; most are imported mainly from Spain. Nevertheless, in Ensenada, Baja California (México), they are made one of the best olive oils of the region and the world. Therefore, this research is characterized as descriptive non-experimental design, which aims to describe the preferences in the consumption of olive oil by local market (Ensenada). For this purpose, a structured survey comprised seven questions was applied to a non-random sample of 20 people randomly designed. The results found that a large proportion of subjects buy this product (85%) directly from the supermarket (100%), with a frequency of every three months (45%) and almost all of the oils offered on the market are from Spain, lacking a local or regional brand. In conclusion, further study on this subject in which more accurate measurement parameters are established and to measure the correlation between the level of education, age and sex with the consumption of olive oil is suggested

    Wine tourism in Baja California, Mexico: An analysis of its supply and a comparison with the wine region of La Rioja, Spain

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    Este trabajo presenta los resultados de un estudio posdoctoral durante el primer año, cuyo objetivo fue analizar el modelo de enoturismo y desarrollo territorial de La Rioja, en España, para su comparación con el Estado de Baja California, México, de tal forma que se permita conocer el potencial real de crecimiento mediante el comportamiento de oferta del enoturismo. La metodología estuvo compuesta en una primera etapa en donde se desarrolló e identificó el modelo de enoturismo de las zonas vitivinícolas de Baja California, se caracterizó una muestra representativa de 64 bodegas del Valle de Guadalupe, y se registró una base datos completa de empresas que ofertan enoturismo en los valles del vino de Baja California. Los primeros resultados indican que el modelo de enoturismo se conjuga en la oferta de productos y servicios de promotores, restauradores, hoteleros o alojamientos turísticos, y bodegas de cuatro rutas del vino, conformada por 20 promotores, 50 restaurantes, 27 hoteles y 95 bodegas. Siendo la muestra conformada por el 59.4% de tamaño micro, 18.8% pequeñas y 10.9% medianas. Cumpliéndose satisfactoriamente con el objetivo de la primera etapa de la investigación.This paper presents the first-year results of a postdoctoral study, which analyses the model of wine tourism and territorial development of La Rioja, Spain, so that it may be compared with Baja California, Mexico. By observing the behavior of the different wine tourism options, the real growth potential of the region can be determined. The methodology comprises a first stage in which the model of wine tourism of the wine regions of Baja California is developed and identified. A representative sample of 64 wineries in Valle de Guadalupe was constructed and a database of all of the companies offering wine tourism in the wine valleys of Baja California was created. The preliminary results reveal that the wine tourism model is built into the products and services offered by developers, restauranteurs, hotel or tourist accommodation, and wineries of four wine routes, consisting in 20 promoters, 50 restaurants, 27 hotels and 95 wineries. Micro-sized companies represent 59.4% of the sample, small companies constitute 18.8% and medium-sized companies make up10.9%. The findings satisfactorily fulfil the objective of the first stage of the research project.Los autores de este estudio agradecen al Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT) por los fondos para la subvención del primer período de la Estancia Posdoctoral al Extranjero bajo la propuesta 239020

    Wine tourism in Baja California, Mexico: An analysis of its supply and a comparison with the wine region of La Rioja, Spain

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    Este trabajo presenta los resultados de un estudio posdoctoral durante el primer año, cuyo objetivo fue analizar el modelo de enoturismo y desarrollo territorial de La Rioja, en España, para su comparación con el Estado de Baja California, México, de tal forma que se permita conocer el potencial real de crecimiento mediante el comportamiento de oferta del enoturismo. La metodología estuvo compuesta en una primera etapa en donde se desarrolló e identificó el modelo de enoturismo de las zonas vitivinícolas de Baja California, se caracterizó una muestra representativa de 64 bodegas del Valle de Guadalupe, y se registró una base datos completa de empresas que ofertan enoturismo en los valles del vino de Baja California. Los primeros resultados indican que el modelo de enoturismo se conjuga en la oferta de productos y servicios de promotores, restauradores, hoteleros o alojamientos turísticos, y bodegas de cuatro rutas del vino, conformada por 20 promotores, 50 restaurantes, 27 hoteles y 95 bodegas. Siendo la muestra conformada por el 59.4% de tamaño micro, 18.8% pequeñas y 10.9% medianas. Cumpliéndose satisfactoriamente con el objetivo de la primera etapa de la investigación.This paper presents the first-year results of a postdoctoral study, which analyses the model of wine tourism and territorial development of La Rioja, Spain, so that it may be compared with Baja California, Mexico. By observing the behavior of the different wine tourism options, the real growth potential of the region can be determined. The methodology comprises a first stage in which the model of wine tourism of the wine regions of Baja California is developed and identified. A representative sample of 64 wineries in Valle de Guadalupe was constructed and a database of all of the companies offering wine tourism in the wine valleys of Baja California was created. The preliminary results reveal that the wine tourism model is built into the products and services offered by developers, restauranteurs, hotel or tourist accommodation, and wineries of four wine routes, consisting in 20 promoters, 50 restaurants, 27 hotels and 95 wineries. Micro-sized companies represent 59.4% of the sample, small companies constitute 18.8% and medium-sized companies make up10.9%. The findings satisfactorily fulfil the objective of the first stage of the research project.Los autores de este estudio agradecen al Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT) por los fondos para la subvención del primer período de la Estancia Posdoctoral al Extranjero bajo la propuesta 239020


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    Currently, there is a great acceptance among consumers for olive oil because this product has properties beneficial to health. However, the production in México is almost zero; most are imported mainly from Spain. Nevertheless, in Ensenada, Baja California (México), they are made one of the best olive oils of the region and the world. Therefore, this research is characterized as descriptive non-experimental design, which aims to describe the preferences in the consumption of olive oil by local market (Ensenada). For this purpose, a structured survey comprised seven questions was applied to a non-random sample of 20 people randomly designed. The results found that a large proportion of subjects buy this product (85%) directly from the supermarket (100%), with a frequency of every three months (45%) and almost all of the oils offered on the market are from Spain, lacking a local or regional brand. In conclusion, further study on this subject in which more accurate measurement parameters are established and to measure the correlation between the level of education, age and sex with the consumption of olive oil is suggested

    Marketing strategy located in a small wine ensenada, baja california, Mexico: A case study

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    [Resumo] Esta pesquisa é o projeto não-experimental descritivo-exploratório, que visa criar uma estratégia de marketing para uma pequena vinícola localizada em Ensenada, Baja California. A estratégia metodológica foi baseada em quatro etapas: primeiro a abordagem teórica da construção foi feita; no segundo procedeu-se ao desenvolvimento e aplicação de dois instrumentos de medição, questionário e pesquisa; na terceira fase foi feita a captura e análise de informações; e, finalmente, fez o desenho da estratégia considerando o método SWOT. Os resultados finais mostraram que nove elementos subjacentes estratégia de marketing: (1) um site Internet, (2) uma filosofia de negócios, (3) um plano estratégico de publicidade, (4) participar de eventos, (5) pesquisa de mercado, (6) a penetração em novos mercados, (7) compra de terrenos, (8) a construção de parcerias, e (9) a promoção do consumo de vinho nacional

    Influencia de las emociones en la compra de vino por enoturistas en el nuevo mundo del vino: el caso de México

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    Wineries aim to sell, but the role of emotions on wine purchase intention is unclear. The objective of this study is to analyze the importance of positive, negative, and vigilant emotions on wine purchase intention. By analyzing survey results with 300 wine tourists, the influence of three stimuliare examined. These three stimuli are: one wine product, a visit to one winery, and a news report about the effects of wine. Results suggests that positive emotions have a greater influence on purchase intention than negative or vigilant emotions. Conclusions and implications are discussed.Un objetivo de las vinícolas es vender, pero se desconoce el rol de las emociones en la decisión de compra de vino. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar la importancia de emociones positivas, negativas y de vigilancia en la intención de compra de vino. Mediante una encuesta aplicada a 300 enoturistas en Valle de Guadalupe, se examina la influencia de tres estímulos: el vino, la vista a la vinícola, y una noticia sobre el vino. Los resultados sugieren que las emociones positivas tienen una mayor influencia en la intención de compra que las emociones o vigilantes. Conclusiones e implicaciones se discuten al final

    Emociones en la intención de compra del turista: el vino, la visita a la bodega y una noticia

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    El enoturismo ha servido a las bodegas para vender vino y desarrollar sus marcas, pero tienen un desconocimiento acerca del grado en el que las emociones producidas por el propio vino y la visita a la bodega, así como de las noticias sobre el vino influyen en la compra de dicho vino por el turista. Mediante la aplicación de ecuaciones estructurales a una muestra de 600 turistas se compara la capacidad explicativa de las emociones producidas por el vino, la visita a la bodega y una noticia sobre vino en la intención de compra de vino. Los resultados demuestran la mayor importancia de las emociones producidas por el vino, seguida de las producidas por la visita y la noticia genera escasa influencia en la intención de compra. Finalmente, se muestran relevantes implicaciones para la gestión y futuras investigaciones.Wine tourism has served the wineries to sell wine and develop their brands, but they have a lack of knowledge about the degree to which the emotions produced by the wine itself and the visit to the winery, as well as the news about wine influence the purchase of such wine by the tourist. Through the application of structural equations to a sample of 600 tourists is compared the explanatory capacity of the emotions produced by the wine, the visit to the winery and a news about wine in the intention to buy wine. The results show the greater importance of the emotions produced by the wine, followed by those by the visit and the news generates lower influence on the intention to buy. Finally, relevant implications for management and future research are shown

    Rosa dos ventos turismo e hospitalidades

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    Given the importance of the wine sector in Baja California, Mexico, the purpose of this research is to explore the tourism and marketing characteristics of family-owned micro wineries with a production of no more than 5,000 annual/boxes of wine from the Guadalupe Valley, and to identify the socio-demographic consumption parameters. Based on the results, recommendations were made with the cautionary note that more research is needed to address the gap of information that exists in this topic. The research design was a mixed one, qualitative and quantitative, in which a convenience sample of 200 visitors to the Guadalupe Valley were surveyed, and 17 experts in the domain area were interviewed, which allowed to gather data about wine shopping behavior, wine marketing, wine tourism and country background. The results indicated the existence of a significant relationship between dependent and independent variables using Chi Square analysis in SPSS (type of wine + frequency of consumption, type of retailer and willingness to pay). Additionally, a large number of smaller, family-owned wineries, that have limited production runs, and diversify their services via restaurant and boutique type lodging, was uncovered. Conclusions are drawn and implications discussed.Rosa dos Ventos Turismo e Hospitalidadeshttp://www.ucs.br/etc/revistas/index.php/rosadosventos/article/view/577

    Influence of managerial perceptions and attitudes on the wine tourism offer in wine smes

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    Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar las percepciones y actitudes de los gerentes de las pequeñas y medianas empresas vinícolas y vitivinícolas del Valle de Guadalupe (México) respecto a la oferta de actividades enoturísticas, considerando que el enoturismo ha venido desarrollándose fuertemente en la zona noroeste del país a través de las rutas del vino en Baja California. Para ello, se llevó a cabo una metodología cuantitativa mediante la construcción y validación de un instrumento de medición para conocer sus niveles de confiabilidad basado en tres constructos: percepciones, actitudes y actividades de enoturismo; teniendo una muestra representativa de 64 empresas, utilizando ecuaciones estructurales con ajuste de mínimos cuadrados parciales (PLS). Como resultado se aprecia que las percepciones gerenciales están basadas competitivamente por la amenaza de nuevos competidores y nuevos productos; las actitudes con la cartera de clientes y la productividad de los empleados; y las actividades de enoturismo en catas, degustación y recorridos. Consecuentemente, esta investigación contribuye al debate científico de la organización y gestión empresarial del sector enoturístico, exponiendo una métrica específica del indicador de competitividad empresarial en PyME’s.This article sets out to analyse the perceptions and attitudes of the managers of the wine and viticul‐ tural companies of the Guadalupe Valley (Mexico) regarding wine tourism activities, that has experienced steady growth in the northwest of the country wth the wine routes in Baja California. To this end, we used quantitative methods to construct and validate a measurement instrument to gauge levels of reliability based on three prem‐ ises: perceptions, attitudes and wine tourism activities. This was applied to a representative sample of 64 com‐ panies, using structural equations with partial least squares (PLS). As a result, it can be seen how managerial perceptions are competitively focused on perceived threats posed by new competitors and products, with attitudes centring on their client portfolio and employee productivity, and wine tourism activities of tastings and tours. Consequently, this research contributes to the scientific debate on the organisation and business management of the wine tourism sector, by highlighting the specific metrics of business competitiveness in SMEs