608 research outputs found

    Relaxation Digital-to-Analog Converter with Radix-based Digital Correction

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    A Relaxation Digital-to-Analog Converter (ReDACs) with a novel, all-digital, radix-based digital correction technique for clock-indifferent linear operation is presented in this paper. The ReDAC architecture proposed in this paper does not require dedicated circuit for frequency tuning, and achieves linearity by digitally pre-processing the DAC input code by a Radix-based Digital Correction (RBDC) algorithm. The effectiveness of the proposed RBDC approach is demonstrated by transistor level simulations on a 10-bit, 1.7MS/s ReDAC in 180nm CMOS. Thanks to the proposed RBDC, under a 16% deviation from the ideal clock period, the maximum INL of the ReDAC is improved from 79.4 to 1.01LSB, its maximum DNL is improved from 158.3 to 0.45LSB and its SNDR is increased from 22.2 (3.4 ENOB) to 58.5dB (9.4 ENOB), at the cost of an increased power consumption from 1.85ÎĽW to 9.15ÎĽW

    marxismo ecologia e costituzione

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    Questo saggio analizza le origini del consolidamento progressivo della sensibilità ecologica negli ultimi cento anni, le rapporti tra l'ecologia e la costituzione e l'ampiezza teorica dei concetti di diritti fondamentali, diritti umani, democrazia, socialismo per evitare la catastrofe, non dimenticando che il discorso ecologico è nato nelle tradizione socialisti sovietici. Analizza anche dalla guerra come fonte di diritto e la legittima difesa ambientale nel diritto internazionale al 'ambiguo' ma necessario corollario del principio internazionale di solidarietà come uscita possibile alla crisi. La costruzione di altre nozioni come "beni pubblici globali" sembra, da molti, un'altra conseguenza di questa opposizione tra la protezione ambientale e gli interventi umanitari, entrambi su scala globale e planetaria. Salvare l'ambiente e salvare l'economia è il secondo grande problema: che cos'è la produzione ambientale e come funziona al di là delle tante assunzioni di responsabilità e dei tanti committments che non hanno séguito? Esiste un "capitale naturale del mondo"? è l'ultima questione del saggio, come da una decina d'anni si è legittimato un modo di vedere che punta alla valorizzazione del "capitale naturale del mondo". Dinanzi una somma di argomenti critici e historici a tutti questi concetti, l'articolo tende a concludere che l'atteggiamento politico è proprio invece quello di un "evasionismo" dal Pianeta, di un abbandono cioè nei confronti di un pianeta ormai in crisi irreversibile

    “L’espoir qu’il existe un sein” (ordre du corps, pornographie, bioéthique)

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    The investigations into the complexity of the bios confirm the insufficiency of the paradigms of contemporary bioethics. The author, starting from a presentation of the philosophical terms of nature/culture dualism (Moi and bios, that he supposes to be feminine), gives room to some hypothesis concerning bioethics on the dayafter- tomorrow. References are made to ethics of pornography, tenderness in legal anthropology, state and sexual power, incertitude and subjection, unconsciousness as a paradigm of the body parts energy, ending with a brief reconstruction of the female paradigm and the constituting role of milk in terms of animal subjectivity of the human.Key words: contemporary bioethics, paradigm, legal anthropology.Les paradigmes de la bioéthique contemporaine se sont révélés insuffisants pour comprendre et décrire la complexité du “vivant”. L’auteur, après une brève présentation des termes philosophiques du dualisme culture/nature (le Moi et le bios, qu’il suppose féminin), s’engage dans une série d’hypothèses sûr la bioéthique du “lendemain”, à savoir: l’éthique de la pornographie, la tendresse en anthropologie du droit, la puissance sexuelle de l’Etat, l’incertitude et l’assujettissement des corps, le paradigme de l’inconscient et l’énergie des corps morcelés, pour terminer avec une brève reconstruction du paradigme féminin où le lait joue un rôle “animal” constitutif de la subjectivité.Mot clés: bioéthique contemporaine, paradigmes, anthropologie du droit.

    La governance locale inglese e la governance europea: un confronto possibile?

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    Voglio in questo lavoro trattare l'argomento della governance inglesa locale e della Europa, constatando in che misura si può stabilire confronti ed utilizzazione di ogni esperienza. Parole-chiavi: Governanza. Democrazia. Pottere Locale

    costituzionalismo e governamentalismo

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    Questo saggio analizza le origini della definizione di governance e tenta di stabilire le linee di sviluppo e applicazione del stesso concetto. La dialettica tra costituzionalismo (visione, interpretazione, prospettive delle regole del gioco politico-legale) e governamentalismo (tentativo di semplificare la complessità delle democrazie contemporanee) è alla base della teoria del governo come forma specifica e imperfetta di governance (sopra) dell'economia

    Recognizing deverbal events in context

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    Abstract. Event detection is a key task in order to access informa- tion through content. This paper focuses on events realized by deverbal nouns in Italian. Deverbal nouns obtained through transpositional suf- fixes (such as -zione; -mento, -tura and -aggio) are commonly known as nouns of action, i.e. nouns which denote the process/action described by the corresponding verbs. However, this class of nouns is also known for a specific polysemous alternation: they may denote the result of the process/action of the corresponding verb. This paper describes a sta- tistically based analysis that helps to develop a classifier for automatic identification of deverbal nouns denoting events in context by exploit- ing rules obtained from syntagmatic and collocational cues identified by linguists

    A MWE Acquisition and Lexicon Builder Web Service

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    This paper describes the development of a web-service tool for the automatic extraction of Multi-word expressions lexicons, which has been integrated in a distributed platform for the automatic creation of linguistic resources. The main purpose of the work described is thus to provide a (computationally "light") tool that produces a full lexical resource: multi-word terms/items with relevant and useful attached information that can be used for more complex processing tasks and applications (e.g. parsing, MT, IE, query expansion, etc.). The output of our tool is a MW lexicon formatted and encoded in XML according to the Lexical Mark-up Framework. The tool is already functional and available as a service. Evaluation experiments show that the tool precision is of about 80%

    Experimental Entanglement of Temporal Orders

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    The study of causal relations has recently been applied to the quantum realm, leading to the discovery that not all quantum processes have a definite causal structure. While such processes have previously been experimentally demonstrated, these demonstrations relied on the assumption that quantum theory can be applied to causal structures and laboratory operations. Here, we present the first demonstration of entangled temporal orders beyond the quantum formalism. We do so by proving the incompatibility of our experimental outcomes with a class of generalized probabilistic theories which satisfy the assumptions of locality and definite temporal orders. To this end, we derive physical constraints (in the form of a Bell-like inequality) on experimental outcomes within such a class of theories. We then experimentally invalidate these theories by violating the inequality, thus providing an experimental proof, outside the quantum formalism, that nature is incompatible with the assumption that the temporal order between events is definite locally.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures. Thoroughly revised manuscript. Updated theory-independent proofs including new experimental dat

    FPGA-Based Relaxation D/A Converters With Parasitics-Induced Error Suppression and Digital Self-Calibration

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    In this paper, the implementation on a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) of Relaxation Digital to Analog Converters (ReDACs), which take advantage of the impulse response of a first-order RC network to generate and combine binary weighted voltages, is addressed. For this purpose, the dominant ReDAC nonlinearity limitation related to the parasitics of the RC network is analyzed and a simple and robust technique for its effective suppression is proposed. Moreover, a ReDAC foreground digital calibration strategy suitable to FPGA implementation is introduced to tune the clock frequency of the converter, as requested for ReDAC operation. The novel error suppression technique and calibration strategy are finally implemented on a 13-bit, 514,S/s prototype (ReDAC1) and on a 11-bit, 10.5,kS/s prototype (ReDAC2), which are experimentally characterized under static and dynamic conditions. Measured results on ReDAC1 (ReDAC2) reveal 1.68,LSB (1.53,LSB) maximum INL, 1.54,LSB (1.0,LSB) maximum DNL, 76.4,dB (67.9,dB) THD, 79.7,dB (71.4,dB) SFDR and 71.3,dB (63.3,dB) SNDR, corresponding to 11.6 (10.2) effective bits (ENOB)

    Emerging Relaxation and DDPM D/A Converters: Overview and Perspectives

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    In this paper, two emerging, digital-intensive, matching-indifferent, bitstream digital-to-analog (D/A) conversion techniques proposed in the last years, namely: the Relaxation D/A Conversion (ReDAC) and the Dyadic Digital Pulse Modulation (DDPM)-based D/A conversion, are reviewed and compared. After the basic concepts are introduced, the main challenges and research achievements over the last years are summarized and the performance of different integrated circuit (IC), field-programmable gate array (FPGA) and microcontroller-based ReDACs and DDPM-DACs are discussed and compared, highlighting advantages and open research questions. Present applications of the two techniques in voltage and current mode A/D conversion, RF modulation, digitally controlled switching-mode power converters, and machine learning accelerators will be discussed, and future application perspectives will be outlined
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