2,051 research outputs found

    H2 Equilibrium Pressure with a Neg-Coated Vacuum Chamber as a Function of Temperature and H2 Concentration

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    Non Evaporable Getter (NEG) coating is used in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) room-temperature sections to ensure a low residual gas pressure for its properties of distributed pumping, low outgassing and desorption under particle bombardment; and to limit or cure electron cloud build-up due to its low secondary electron emission. In certain regions of the LHC, and in particular close to the beam collimators, the temperature of the vacuum chamber is expected to rise due to energy deposition from particle losses. Hydrogen molecules are pumped by the NEG via dissociation on the surface, sorption at the superficial sites and diffusion into the NEG bulk. In the case of hydrogen, the sorption is thermally reversible, causing the dissociation pressure to increase with NEG temperature and amount of H2 pumped. Measurements were carried out on a stainless steel chamber coated with TiZrV NEG as a function of the H2 concentration and the chamber temperature, to estimate the residual gas pressure in the collimator regions for various LHC operation scenarios, corresponding to different particle loss rates and times between NEG regenerations. The results are presented in this paper and discussed

    The Origin of Technical Drawing in the Narmer Palette

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    Over 5000 years ago, together with the proto-hieroglyphics that helped to understand the events recorded in bas-relief, there also appeared, as we will demonstrate, a technical “description” of the plan for a fortified city wall that, though schematic, provided sufficient elements to perform a mathematical calculation of form and structure. Properly illuminated and enlarged, the image, according to the manner and technology used, allows for measurement, justifying the representative and configurative choices of the methodologically deduced three-dimensional model. Comparison with the remnants of structures of the same age and the geographic location of the relic supports and confirms such decision

    Experimentation of an Information Model

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    [EN] Wanting to answer the questions unsolved by a previous study supported by a survey with total station, this article illustrates the results obtained with 3D laser scanning acquisitions and photo shot datasets. The precision provided by the phase shift ranging scanner technology has allowed to measure to the millimeter the deviation between the surveyed model (objective of reality, although discontinuous) and the geometric model on these data interpreted. In addition, the mathematical hypotheses useful for parametric modelling (geometry processing) are discussed. Virtualizations have been created by adopting knowledge filters and scientific tools that address to the digital (re)construction (HBIM) that allows to share and manage information and to integrate interoperable models in accordance with current public procurement regulations.University Luigi Vanvitelli under the Valere Plus programme, an-nouncement D.R. 102 of 01/02/2019Rossi, A.; Palmieri, U. (2020). Experimentation of an Information Model. VITRUVIO - International Journal of Architectural Technology and Sustainability. 5(1):37-46. https://doi.org/10.4995/vitruvio-ijats.2020.13639OJS374651Abbate, C.; Spina, M.; Zevi, A. (2010) Una guida all'architettura frugale. Iacobelli editore: Guidonia, Italy.Arayici, Y. (2009) Towards building information modelling for existing structures. Structural Survey 2009, 26(3), 210-222. https://doi.org/10.1108/02630800810887108Benedetti, B.; Gaiani, M.; Remondino, F. (2011) Modelli digitali 3D in archeologia: il caso di Pompei. Scuola Normale Superiore: Pisa, Italy.Eastman, C. (2008) BIM Handbook: A Guide to Building Information Modeling for Owners, Managers, Designers, Engineers and Contractors. John Wiley & Sons: New York, USAGuidi, G.; Russo, M.; Beraldin, J. (2010) Acquisizione 3D e modellazione poligonale. McGraw-Hill: Milano, ItalyHistoric England. (2017) BIM for Heritage: Developing a Historic Building Information Model. Historic England: Swindon, UKKarmazyn, H. (2017) Dal modello sperimentale al modello matematico. Graduate thesis in "Civil, Building and Environmental Engineering", Departement of Engineering Civil, Design (DI cDEA) Università degli Studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli Aversa (CE), Italy. Tutor: Prof. Adriana RossiLima, A.I.; Arnaboldi, M.A. (2004) Ri-pensare Soleri. Jaca Book: Milano, ItalyMcCullough, L. (2010) Conversations with Paolo Soleri. Princeton Architectural Press: New York, USAMigliari, R. (2004) Disegno come Modello. Edizioni Kappa: Roma, ItalyRiley, T.; Reed, P. (2007) Frank Lloyd Wright: 1867-1959. Mondadori Electa: Milano, ItalyRossi, A.; Palmieri, U. (2018) (In)tangibili caratteristiche: ripresentazioni integrate di un tompagno in terracotta. In Proceedings of the 40° Convegno Internazionale dei Docenti delle Discipline della Rappresentazione / XV Congresso della Unione Italiana per il Disegno, Milano, Italy, 13-15 September 2018. Gangemi Editore: Roma, Italy, pp. 1553-1560.Ryan, K. (2002) Paolo Soleri. Itinerario di architettura. Antologia degli scritti. Jaca Book: Milano, Italy.Tang, P.; Huberb, D.; Akincic, B.; Lipmand, R.; Lytlee, A. (2010) Automatic reconstruction of as-built building information models from laser-scanned point clouds: A review of related techniques. Automation in Construction 2010, 19, 829-843. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.autcon.2010.06.007Zevi, B. (2010) Storia dell'architettura moderna. Vol. 2; Einaudi: Torino, Ital

    Resilient connections

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    [EN] The paper presents Axis Strutture, patented by the authors, awarded with V:alere funds (VAnvitelli pER la ricErca 2020) for the establishment of an innovative start-up, now academic spin-off. It is based on the assemble of iron and wood with 'pins' (in Latin 'axis') threaded to ensure an economic profit in line with the Sustainable Development Goals, reviewing ancient technologies in the light of advanced research. The focus is on the structural connections of a construction system that clamps the steel frame elements with the wooden infill, allowing to assemble modular, prefabricated and flexible components customized on the design phase’s request. It provides effective emergency shelters assembled or dismantled as quickly as tents but more stable, healthier and comfortable. With a single star key, the steel uprights can be attested with wooden and similar tampons avoiding nails and screws which allows the total reuse of the components. The patented connections implement a new construction method promoting the self-construction of garden houses, leisure environments, bungalows, garages and quality housing modules, since they are resilient, resistant and with a controllable impact on the environment. The case study provides an opportunity to verify actions aimed at the implementation of Design for Adaptability strategies promoting virtuous life cycles that involves the entire community in sustainable models from an economic, environmental and social point of view.The case study develops the application potential of an idea patented by the authors awarded with the V: alere funds (VAnvitelli pER la ricErca 2020) for the establishment of an innovative start-up, now an academic spin-ofRossi, A.; Gonizzi Barsanti, S. (2021). Resilient connections. VITRUVIO - International Journal of Architectural Technology and Sustainability. 6(1):24-37. https://doi.org/10.4995/vitruvio-ijats.2021.15375OJS243761Adjodha, Joshua. (2018). Structural Design for Adaptability and Growth.Bullen, P. 2011. Factors influencing the adaptive re-use of buildings. Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology, 9, pp. 32-46. https://doi.org/10.1108/17260531111121459Israelsson, N. 2009. 'Factors influencing flexibility in buildings'. Structural Survey, 27, pp. 138-147. https://doi.org/10.1108/02630800910956461Lemer, A.C. 1996. 'Infrastructure Obsolescence and Design Service Life'. Journal of Infrastructure Systems, 2(4). https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)1076-0342(1996)2:4(153)Mallach, E. 2006. 'A Database Project in a Small Company (or How the Real World Doesn't Always Follow the Book)'. Journal of Cases on Information Technology (JCIT), 8(3), pp. 24-40. https://doi.org/10.4018/jcit.2006070103Manewa, A., Siriwardena, M., Ross, A., & Madanayake, U. 2016. 'Adaptable buildings for sustainable built environment'. Built Environment Project and Asset Management, 6(2). https://doi.org/10.1108/BEPAM-10-2014-0053Miller, Donald. 1996. City of the Century. New York: PaperbachsPinder, J.A., Schmidt, R., Austin, S.A., Gibb, A., & Saker, J. 2017. 'What is meant by adaptability in buildings?' Facilities, 35(1/2), pp. 2-20. https://doi.org/10.1108/F-07-2015-0053Remøy, H., de Jong, P., & Schenk, W. 2011. 'Adaptable office buildings'. Property Management, 29(5), pp. 443-453. https://doi.org/10.1108/02637471111178128Rockow, Zoraya Roldan, "Qualitative & Quantitative Analyses of Existing Buildings' Adaptability" (2020). All Dissertations. 2670. https://tigerprints.clemson.edu/all_dissertations/2670Turan, M. 2009. 'Reconstructing The Balloon Frame: A Study In The History Of Architectonics'. Metu Journal of The Faculty of Architecture, 26, pp. 175-209. https://doi.org/10.4305/METU.JFA.2009.2.1

    Antocianinas e gelo seco para visualizar equilíbrios ácido/base numa abordagem contextualizada

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    Proposem un experiment versàtil i accessible que utilitza gel sec i extractes d'antocianines de fruites per demostrar i discutir conceptes com acidesa, basicitat, indicadors de pH i equilibri químic. Les antocianines són colorants naturals fàcilment obtinguts a partir d'espècies vegetals i tenen propietats indicadores de pH. L'experiment és simple, lúdic i no necessita cap infraestructura complicada, ja que el material de laboratori utilitzat pot ser substituït per material d'ús domèstic. L'experiment permet estudiar aquests conceptes en un enfocament contextualitzat i interdisciplinari, la qual cosa afavoreix el desenvolupament d'habilitats i competències, amb un enfocament CTS.We propose a versatile and accessible experiment that uses dry ice and fruit anthocyanin extracts to demonstrate and discuss concepts such as acidity, basicity, pH indicators and chemical equilibrium. It is possible because anthocyanins are natural colorants that have the pH indicator properties and are present in several vegetal species. The experiment introduces these concepts in a contextualized and interdisciplinary approach, which favors the development of skills and competencies, with STS focus


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    La presente propuesta constituye el fruto del trabajo iniciado en la docencia, articulado en un proyecto de investigación, el cuál se ha tomado como insumo para la materialización de un Programa de Capacitación y Transferencia, dirigido a las Organizaciones Públicas insertas en el vasto campo de la acción social, en el Municipio de Tandil. Las pasantías institucionales como prácticas académicas curriculares de la carrera de Trabajo Social, que se vienen llevando a cabo desde 1991, han constituido el insumo de investigaciones en curso a partir de la cual es posible establecer consideraciones generales acerca de estilos de gestión social, que estarían definiendo un modo diferencial de producir servicios entre las organizaciones públicas estatales y no estatales y que, a grandes rasgos se las podrían agrupar en dos segmentos: organizaciones modernas y postmodernas. A partir de estas consideraciones, categorías como desarrollo local, organizaciones públicas estatales y organizaciones públicas no estatales, iniciativa y estilos de gestión social cobran vital importancia al momento de definir una línea estratégica de extensión y transferencia, que involucra los agentes sociales institucionales en cuyo escenario la Universidad, a través del microespacio de la carrera de Trabajo Social, objetiva el resultado de logros académicos, transfiriéndolos al sector de organizaciones de acción social locales. ...”La universidad tiene responsabilidad social con la comunidad a la que pertenece, articulando con los distintos sectores de la sociedad civil potenciando los recursos que ésta ya tiene vinculándose tecnológica y científicamente con el sector privado, con los organismos estatales y no gubernamentales de la sociedad compartiendo el esfuerzo por elevar la calidad de vida y por lograr una sociedad más justa”... (Ana Jaramillo. Universidad y construcción social. Pág. 215). El diseño del Programa de Capacitación y Transferencia se asienta en dos pilares: por un lado las nuevas políticas definidas desde el Rectorado de la Universidad Nacional del Centro de la provincia de Buenos Aire, a partir de la cual la Universidad recupera una de sus funciones vitales: la extensión y transferencia en el medio en que se inserta, políticas en las que encuentra su marco la gestión definida desde la Facultad de Ciencias Humanas, donde se recupera el planteo de planificación estratégica como “proceso creativo que sienta las bases de una actuación integrada a largo plazo, establece un sistema continuo de toma de decisión que comporta riesgo, identifica cursos de acción específicos, formula indicadores de seguimiento de los resultados e involucra a los agentes sociales y económicos locales a lo largo de todo el proceso”. Los resultados que se mostrarán en el presente trabajo y que han sido tomados como diagnóstico a partir del cual generar el Programa de Transferencia, se obtienen mediante relevamiento en el que se han considerado indicadores del tipo dato e indicadores de opinión y efectuado la definición del universo de acuerdo a agrupamientos previstos por INDEC/91, división/85, para Servicios Sociales con alojamiento y sin alojamiento. Los indicadores de opinión se construyen desde las categorías planeación, evaluación, ejecución, gerencia y vínculos. A partir de este marco general, en el presente trabajo se discute en torno de los planteos relativos a las categorías señaladas, precedentemente, se muestran las tendencias generales respecto de estilos de gestión de las organizaciones de acción social presentes en el Municipio de Tandil y se define un Programa de Extensión y Transferencia en curso

    Mudanças ordinárias na administração escolar: A implantação da gestão democrática nas escolas municipais de ensino fundamental do município de Astorga- PR (2004 - 2015)

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    This article analyzes how the goal of democratic management, established as a law by the Municipal Education Plan of Astorga (PME-Ast, in Portuguese), was appropriated and implemented by school principals in the municipality of Astorga, Parana, Brazil. The research is of qualitative and descriptive nature. The methodology used was content analysis, as proposed by Laurence Bardin (1977), comprising pre-analysis, material exploration, treatment of results, inference, and interpretation. The sources used were Law number 9.394/96, or the Law of Directives and Bases of National Education (LDBEN, in Portuguese), the National Education Plan (PNE, in Portuguese), the Municipal Education Plan of Astorga-PR (PME-Astorga, in Portuguese), the regulations of municipal schools of Elementary Education and the records from the Municipal Council of Education from 2004 to 2015, in addition to semi-structured interviews with the school principals of municipal schools and the then director of the Municipal Department of Education. In the interpretation stage, the concept of appropriation of Chartier (1990) allowed for analyzing the discontinuity between the ideals and the uses made of the PME-Astorga by the school principals. As a result, it was identified that, although the school principals had the knowledge and access to the mentioned plan, not all of them understood in the same way regarding the use of its definitions in everyday school situations. Difficulties and insecurities for its implementation were mentioned, although changes in power relationships in the school are explained, from more authoritarian postures to decisions of more collective nature. Elections for school principals would have reduced the interference of local power structure within the schools. The collegiate instances of discussions and the involvement of different individuals were the elements of change most remembered by the managers. However, although they recognize the openness to participation, they reveal that the engagement of the individuals would be scarce, which requires the constant mobilization of strategies so that some involvement takes place.En este artículo, el objetivo es analizar cómo el objetivo de la gestión democrática, establecido como ley por el Plan Municipal de Educación de Astorga (PME-Ast), fue apropiado e implementado por los directores de las escuelas del municipio de Astorga. La investigación realizada es cualitativa y descriptiva. La metodología utilizada fue el análisis de contenido propuesto por Laurence Bardin (1977), que comprende preanálisis, exploración de materiales, tratamiento de resultados, inferencia e interpretación. Las fuentes utilizadas fueron: la Ley de Directrices y Bases de la Educación Nacional (LDBEN) 9.394/96, el Plan Nacional de Educación (PNE), el Plan Municipal de Educación de Astorga-Pr (PME-Astorga), los reglamentos de las escuelas municipales de Primaria Educación y las actas del Consejo Municipal de Educación de 2004 a 2015, además de entrevistas semiestructuradas a los directivos de las escuelas municipales y al entonces director de la Secretaría Municipal de Educación. En la interpretación, el concepto de apropiación de Chartier (1990) permitió analizar la discontinuidad entre los ideales y los usos que los gestores hacen del PME-Astorga. Como resultado, se identificó que, aunque los directivos tuvieron conocimiento y acceso al mencionado Plan, ni todos comprendían de la misma manera el uso de sus definiciones en situaciones cotidianas escolares. Se mencionan dificultades e inseguridades para implementación, aunque se expliquen cambios en las relaciones de poder en la escuela, desde posturas más autoritarias a decisiones más colectivas. Las elecciones para directores habrían reducido la interferencia del poder local dentro de las escuelas. Las instancias colegiadas de discusión y el involucramiento de diferentes sujetos fueron los elementos de cambio más recordados por los directivos. Sin embargo, aunque reconozcan la apertura a la participación, revelaron que el compromiso de los sujetos sería escaso, lo que exige la constante movilización de estrategias para que se produzca alguna participación.No presente artigo, o objetivo é analisar como a meta de gestão democrática, instituída como lei pelo Plano Municipal de Educação de Astorga (PME-Ast), foi apropriada e implantada pelas diretoras das escolas do município de Astorga. A pesquisa realizada é de cunho qualitativo e de caráter descritivo. A metodologia utilizada foi a análise de conteúdo proposta por Laurence Bardin (1977), compondo-se da pré-análise, exploração do material, tratamento dos resultados, inferência e interpretação. As fontes utilizadas foram: a Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional (LDBEN) 9.394/96, o Plano Nacional de Educação (PNE), o Plano Municipal de Educação de Astorga-Pr (PME-Astorga), os regimentos das escolas municipais de Ensino Fundamental e as atas do Conselho Municipal de Educação no período de 2004 a 2015, além de entrevistas semiestruturadas com as gestoras das escolas municipais e a então diretora do Departamento Municipal de Educação. Na interpretação, o conceito de apropriação de Chartier (1990) permitiu analisar a descontinuidade entre os ideais e os usos realizados do PME-Astorga pelas gestoras. Como resultado, identificou-se que, embora as gestoras tivessem conhecimento e acesso ao referido Plano, nem todas compreenderam da mesma maneira o uso de suas definições em situações do cotidiano escolar. Dificuldades e inseguranças para sua implantação foram mencionadas, embora sejam explicitadas alterações na relação de poder na escola, de posturas mais autoritárias para decisões mais coletivas. As eleições para direção teriam reduzido a interferência do poder local no âmbito das escolas. As instâncias colegiadas de discussões e o envolvimento de diferentes sujeitos foram os elementos de mudança mais lembrados pelas gestoras. No entanto, embora reconheçam a abertura para a participação, revelam que o engajamento dos sujeitos seria escasso, exigindo a mobilização constante de estratégias para alguma participação acorrer

    Conceptual design of hollow electron lenses for beam halo control in the Large Hadron Collider

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    Collimation with hollow electron beams is a technique for halo control in high-power hadron beams. It is based on an electron beam (possibly pulsed or modulated in intensity) guided by strong axial magnetic fields which overlaps with the circulating beam in a short section of the ring. The concept was tested experimentally at the Fermilab Tevatron collider using a hollow electron gun installed in one of the Tevatron electron lenses. Within the US LHC Accelerator Research Program (LARP) and the European FP7 HiLumi LHC Design Study, we are proposing a conceptual design for applying this technique to the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. A prototype hollow electron gun for the LHC was built and tested. The expected performance of the hollow electron beam collimator was based on Tevatron experiments and on numerical tracking simulations. Halo removal rates and enhancements of halo diffusivity were estimated as a function of beam and lattice parameters. Proton beam core lifetimes and emittance growth rates were checked to ensure that undesired effects were suppressed. Hardware specifications were based on the Tevatron devices and on preliminary engineering integration studies in the LHC machine. Required resources and a possible timeline were also outlined, together with a brief discussion of alternative halo-removal schemes and of other possible uses of electron lenses to improve the performance of the LHC.Comment: 24 pages, 1 table, 10 figure

    Inhibition of inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase expression by an acetonic extract from Feijoa sellowiana Berg. fruits.

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    Feijoa sellowiana Berg. fruits and especially the acetonic extract have been shown to possess biological activities, although the responsible compounds have never been identified. The present study was designed to evaluate the anti-inflammatory activity of an acetonic extract from F. sellowiana Berg. fruits on the nitric oxide (NO) pathway, which plays an important role in inflammation. To this aim the J774 cell line, which expresses inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) following stimulation with lipopolysaccharide (LPS), has been utilized, and the effects of this extract and its fractions on NO production, iNOS protein expression, and signal pathways involved in its regulation have been evaluated. This study demonstrates that at least some part of the anti-inflammatory activity of the acetonic extract is due to the suppression of NO production by flavone and stearic acid. The mechanism of this inhibition seems to be related to an action on the expression of the enzyme iNOS through the attenuation of nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) and/or mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) activation

    Chapter Ripresentare il reperto di Hatra

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    The 43rd UID conference, held in Genova, takes up the theme of ‘Dialogues’ as practice and debate on many fundamental topics in our social life, especially in these complex and not yet resolved times. The city of Genova offers the opportunity to ponder on the value of comparison and on the possibilities for the community, naturally focused on the aspects that concern us, as professors, researchers, disseminators of knowledge, or on all the possibile meanings of the discipline of representation and its dialogue with ‘others’, which we have broadly catalogued in three macro areas: History, Semiotics, Science / Technology. Therefore, “dialogue” as a profitable exchange based on a common language, without which it is impossible to comprehend and understand one another; and the graphic sign that connotes the conference is the precise transcription of this concept: the title ‘translated’ into signs, derived from the visual alphabet designed for the visual identity of the UID since 2017. There are many topics which refer to three macro sessions: - Witnessing (signs and history) - Communicating (signs and semiotics) - Experimenting (signs and sciences) Thanks to the different points of view, an exceptional resource of our disciplinary area, we want to try to outline the prevailing theoretical-operational synergies, the collaborative lines of an instrumental nature, the recent updates of the repertoires of images that attest and nourish the relations among representation, history, semiotics, sciences