296 research outputs found

    Uma introdução às filas de espera

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    Esta tese trata de sistemas de filas de espera estudando o seu comportamento ao longo do tempo e quando se encontram em estado de equilíbrio. A tese é constituída por três grandes capítulos. Em primeiro lugar são apresentados alguns conceitos básicos da probabilidade, da estatística e de processos de estocásticos. São também descritas as condições e características necessárias para formar um sistema de filas de espera. Em seguida desenvolvemos vários tipos de sistemas de filas de espera markovianos, estudando várias características de cada modelo, entre elas o número esperado de clientes no sistema e na fila, o tempo esperado que um cliente aguarda no sistema e na fila, após o sistema estar em equilíbrio. Apresentamos também alguns gráficos e comparações. Por fim, fazemos uma abordagem a alguns sistemas de filas de espera não markovianos, com um estudo menos aprofundado, mas sempre tentando determinar as características que foram determinadas nos modelos markovianos.Orientação: Sandra Maria Freitas Mendonç

    Humor, Otimismo e Bem-estar em Contexto Educativo: estudo exploratório

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    O bem-estar, o otimismo e o humor no contexto educativo são fenómenos que, além de contribuírem para a criação de um ambiente de aprendizagem positivo e acolhedor, influenciam significativamente o desempenho académico, o envolvimento dos alunos, a construção de relacionamentos interpessoais saudáveis e o desenvolvimento geral da comunidade educativa. Neste sentido, o objetivo deste estudo é analisar as variáveis humor, otimismo e bem-estar no contexto educativo. A amostra desta investigação é constituída por 323 indivíduos, docentes e não docentes nas escolas de Portugal Continental e Ilhas, com uma idade média global de 46 anos. Em relação aos instrumentos utilizados estes foram, um Questionário Sociodemográfico e Profissional, a Escala do Bem-estar Experiencial de Pocinho e Garcês (2019) e Escala de Otimismo de Barros de Oliveira (1998). Relativamente, aos resultados deste estudo, verifica-se, que existem, efetivamente, diferenças significativas na relação do humor positivo com o bem-estar fator 2 e diferenças significativas na relação do humor positivo com o otimismo. Conclui-se que o humor, o bem-estar e o otimismo são variáveis positivas relevantes para o contexto educativo.Well-being, optimism, and humor in the educational context are phenomena that, besides contributing to the creation of a positive and welcoming learning environment, significantly influence academic performance, student engagement, the building of healthy interpersonal relationships, and the overall development of the educational community. In this sense, the objective of this study is to analyze the variables of humor, optimism, and well-being in the educational context. The sample of this research consists of 323 individuals, both teachers and non-teaching staff, in schools from mainland Portugal and islands, with an overall average age of 46 years. Regarding the instruments used, they were a Sociodemographic and Professional Questionnaire, the Experiential Well-Being Scale by Pocinho and Garcês (2019), and the Optimism Scale by Barros de Oliveira (1998). Concerning the results of this study, it is observed that there are indeed significant differences in the relationship of positive humor with Experiential Well-Being (2nd fator) and significant differences in the relationship of positive humor with optimism. It is concluded that humor, well-being, and optimism are relevant positive variables for the educational context

    A prescrição de medicamentos para utentes pensionistas abrangidos pelo regime especial de comparticipação de medicamentos numa farmácia rural e urbana de Portugal

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    O objectivo deste estudo consistiu na análise às prescrições de pensionistas abrangidos pelo regime especial de comparticipação de medicamentos numa farmácia comunitária rural e numa farmácia urbana de Portugal. Este estudo teve como finalidade conhecer o perfil das prescrições, verificar se ocorreu dispensa de medicamentos genéricos e comparar os custos entre os medicamentos de marca com os seus respectivos genéricos. Com o presente estudo também se pretendeu determinar quais as classes farmacoterapêuticas mais prescritas de forma a verificar-se quais as características de consumo de medicamentos nesta população. Através do estudo observacional transversal foram analisadas 200 prescrições da farmácia urbana e 200 prescrições da farmácia rural, das quais 37 correspondiam a prescrições oriundas do lar sendo, por isso, retiradas da amostra uma vez que podiam provocar vieses nos resultados, devido ao facto da população do lar possuir características particulares. Em ambas as farmácias verificou-se que havia uma maior prevalência das prescrições pertencerem a utentes do sexo feminino, de o próprio utente ser a pessoa que mais vezes vai comprar a medicação assim como as prescrições serem emitidas por médicos com especialidade em medicina geral e familiar. A maioria das prescrições era electrónica. Por sua vez encontraram-se diferenças substanciais entre as duas farmácias quando quem ia buscar a medicação era um familiar ou outra pessoa, quando a especialidade do médico era outra que não medicina geral e familiar e psiquiatria e quando o médico não referia a especialidade. No que respeitou à prescrição manual, à quantidade de medicamentos prescritos por prescrição assim como nas prescrições que estavam incorrectamente preenchidas para a autorização de genéricos, também se confirmaram divergências de valores na análise das duas farmácias. As diferenças também se destacaram quanto à dispensa de genéricos nas duas farmácias e nas prescrições que não se encontravam prescritas por denominação comum internacional (DCI). Verificou-se que nas duas farmácias o número de medicamentos não dispensados era semelhante. O custo das prescrições reduzia em 56,5% na farmácia rural e 61,4% na farmácia urbana quando se substituíam os medicamentos de marca por genéricos. Os 5 grupos farmacoterapêuticos mais prescritos foram iguais nas duas farmácias: Sistema Nervoso Central (26,1% na farmácia rural e 30,0% na farmácia urbana); Aparelho Cardiovascular (31,3% na farmácia rural e 26,9% na farmácia urbana); Aparelho Locomotor (7,7% na farmácia rural e 10,3% na farmácia urbana); Aparelho Digestivo (8,4% na farmácia rural e 7,0% na farmácia urbana) e Sangue (6,3% na farmácia rural e 5,1% na farmácia urbana). Através dos resultados obtidos tornou-se possível obter um conhecimento mais profundo desta população, perceber a influência do meio envolvente nas prescrições emitidas para este segmento da população, identificando e caracterizando as principais diferenças entre as farmácias do meio rural e do meio urbano.The aim of this study was to review the prescriptions of pensioners covered by the special repayment of drugs in a rural community pharmacy and in an urban community pharmacy in Portugal. This study aimed at understanding the profile of prescriptions, checking whether there has been dispensing of generic drugs and to compare costs between branded drugs and their respective generic. The present study also sought to determine which are the most prescribed pharmacotherapeutic classes to determine the characteristics of drug used in this population. Through the transversal observational study, 200 urban pharmacy prescriptions have been analyzed and 200 rural pharmacy prescriptions, from which 37 corresponded to prescriptions arising from households and therefore removed from the sample since it could lead to bias in the results, due to the fact that a household population has special characteristics. In both pharmacies it was found that there was a higher prevalence of prescriptions belonging to female users, the user being the person who most often would buy the medication and prescriptions were issued by doctors with expertise in general and familiar medicine. Most prescriptions were electronically issued. Substantial differences were found between the two pharmacies when those who would get the medication was a relative or another person, when the specialty of the doctor was other than general and familiar medicine and psychiatry, and when the doctor did not report a specialty. Regarding the manual prescription, the quantity of prescribed drugs per prescription as well as the prescriptions that were filled incorrectly for approval of generic drugs also confirmed divergent values on the analysis of the two pharmacies. The differences are also emphasized on the dismissal of generics on the two pharmacies and on the prescriptions that were not prescribed by DCI. It was found that on those two pharmacies the number of not dispensed drugs was similar. The costs of prescriptions would lower 56,5% at the rural pharmacy and 61,4% at the urban pharmacy when replacing generics by branded drugs. The five most commonly prescribed pharmacotherapeutic groups were similar in the two pharmacies: Central Nervous System (26,1% in the rural pharmacy and 30,0% in the urban pharmacy); Cardiovascular System (31,3% in the rural pharmacy and 26,9% in the urban pharmacy); Locomotor System (7,7% in the rural pharmacy and 10,3% in the urban pharmacy); Digestive System (8,4% in the rural pharmacy and 7,0% in the urban pharmacy) and Blood (6,3% in the rural pharmacy and 5,1% in the urban pharmacy). The results obtained made it possible to achieve a deeper understanding of this population, see the influence of the surrounding environment on the prescriptions issued for The aim of this study was to review the prescriptions of pensioners covered by the special repayment of drugs in a rural community pharmacy and in an urban community pharmacy in Portugal. This study aimed at understanding the profile of prescriptions, checking whether there has been dispensing of generic drugs and to compare costs between branded drugs and their respective generic. The present study also sought to determine which are the most prescribed pharmacotherapeutic classes to determine the characteristics of drug used in this population. Through the transversal observational study, 200 urban pharmacy prescriptions have been analyzed and 200 rural pharmacy prescriptions, from which 37 corresponded to prescriptions arising from households and therefore removed from the sample since it could lead to bias in the results, due to the fact that a household population has special characteristics. In both pharmacies it was found that there was a higher prevalence of prescriptions belonging to female users, the user being the person who most often would buy the medication and prescriptions were issued by doctors with expertise in general and familiar medicine. Most prescriptions were electronically issued. Substantial differences were found between the two pharmacies when those who would get the medication was a relative or another person, when the specialty of the doctor was other than general and familiar medicine and psychiatry, and when the doctor did not report a specialty. Regarding the manual prescription, the quantity of prescribed drugs per prescription as well as the prescriptions that were filled incorrectly for approval of generic drugs also confirmed divergent values on the analysis of the two pharmacies. The differences are also emphasized on the dismissal of generics on the two pharmacies and on the prescriptions that were not prescribed by DCI. It was found that on those two pharmacies the number of not dispensed drugs was similar. The costs of prescriptions would lower 56,5% at the rural pharmacy and 61,4% at the urban pharmacy when replacing generics by branded drugs. The five most commonly prescribed pharmacotherapeutic groups were similar in the two pharmacies: Central Nervous System (26,1% in the rural pharmacy and 30,0% in the urban pharmacy); Cardiovascular System (31,3% in the rural pharmacy and 26,9% in the urban pharmacy); Locomotor System (7,7% in the rural pharmacy and 10,3% in the urban pharmacy); Digestive System (8,4% in the rural pharmacy and 7,0% in the urban pharmacy) and Blood (6,3% in the rural pharmacy and 5,1% in the urban pharmacy). The results obtained made it possible to achieve a deeper understanding of this population, see the influence of the surrounding environment on the prescriptions issued for this segment of the population, identifying and characterizing the main differences between pharmacies in rural and urban areas

    Análise e dimensionamento de sistemas para abastecimento a linhas de montagem

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    Trabalho realizado na Ficocables, Lda. e orientado pelo Eng. Filipe TeixeiraTese de mestrado. Mestrado Integrado em Engenharia Industrial e Gestão. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201

    Pregnancy of unknown location

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    Pregnancy of unknown location is a situation in which a positive pregnancy test occurs, but a transvaginal ultrasound does not show intrauterine or ectopic gestation. One great concern of pregnancy of unknown location is that they are cases of ectopic pregnancy whose diagnosis might be postponed. Transvaginal ultrasound is able to identify an ectopic pregnancy with a sensitivity ranging from 87% to 94% and a specificity ranging from 94% to 99%. A patient with pregnancy of unknown location should be followed up until an outcome is obtained. The only valid biomarkers with clinical application and validation are serum levels of the beta fraction of hCG and progesterone. A single serum dosage of hCG is used only to determine whether the value obtained is above or below the discriminatory zone, that means the value of serum hCG above which an intrauterine gestational sac should be visible on ultrasound. Serum progesterone levels are a satisfactory marker of pregnancy viability, but they are unable to predict the location of a pregnancy of unknown location: levels below 5 ng/mL are associated with nonviable gestations, whereas levels above 20 ng/mL are correlated with viable intrauterine pregnancies. Most cases are low risk and can be monitored by expectant management with transvaginal ultrasound and serial serum hCG levels, in addition to the serum progesterone levels. To minimize diagnostic error and intervene during progressive intrauterine gestation, protocol indicates active treatment only in situations when progressive intrauterine pregnancy is excluded and a high possibility of ectopic pregnancy exists

    Elaboración de un manual de organización y funciones de la Empresa Industria de Plástico S.A. "IPLASTIOCOSA"

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    Tesis (Licenciatura en Administración de Empresas)--Universidad Americana, Managua, 2008Este manual es una herramienta administrativa que proporcionará información sobre la descripción de puestos, así como las diferentes funciones que se debe realizan en cada uno de estos, con el propósito de definir el perfil de cada puesto de la empresa, mejorando el proceso de reclutamiento, selección y contratación de personal, Para la elaboración de este Manual de Organización y Funciones de IPLASTICOSA se realizó un estudio de tipo descriptivo en el cual se evaluaron las diferentes áreas de la empresa y su funcionamiento para conocer el efecto que ocasiona a la empresa el no contar con un manual administrativo de este tipo. El presente estudio se llevó a cabo durante los meses de septiembre 2007- enero 2008 conformado por 46 trabajadores de los cuales se delimitaron a 23

    Prenatal natural history of isolated fetal mild bilateral pyelectasis

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    OBJECTIVE: To analyze the prenatal outcomes in a cohort of fetuses with mild bilateral pyelectasis and determine whether performing serial ultrasounds is a good follow-up strategy. METHODS: A prospective longitudinal study was conducted on 62 fetuses with mild bilateral pyelectasis. Fetal mild bilateral pyelectasis was considered when the renal pelvis measured (in millimeters) ≥5.0 to 10.0, ≥7.0 to 10.0, and ≥10.0 to 15 at ≤23 weeks 6 days, 24 to 31 weeks 6 days, and ≥32 weeks, respectively, with no uretero-calyceal dilatation. Ultrasounds were performed every 3 weeks to assess whether the mild bilateral pyelectasis regressed, remained unchanged (Group 1) or progressed (Group 2). RESULTS: Group 1 consisted of 53 fetuses (85.4%), and progression was observed in 9 cases (Group 2, 14.6%). The initial renal pelvis diameter was significantly larger in fetuses with progression (p=0.028). Statistically significant differences in the renal pelvis diameter were also found at weeks 31 and 35 for both kidneys (

    Serum concentration of vascular endothelial growth factor and depth of trophoblastic invasion in ampullary ectopic pregnancy

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the association between the depth of trophoblastic infiltration and serum vascular endothelial growth factorconcentration in patients with an ampullary pregnancy. METHODS: This prospective cross-sectionalstudy involved 34 patients with an ampullary ectopic pregnancy who underwent salpingectomy between 2012 and 2013. Maternal serum vascular endothelial growth factor concentrations were measured using Luminex technology. Trophoblastic invasion was classified histologically as follows: stage I, limited to the tubal mucosa; stage II, reaching the muscle layer; and stage III,involving the full thickness. The qualitative data were compared using Fisher's exact test. The nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests were used to evaluate differences in serum vascular endothelial growth factor among the degrees of trophoblastic invasion. ROC curves were constructed to determine vascular endothelial growth factor cut-off values that predict the degree of tubal invasion based on the best sensitivity and specificity. RESULTS: Eight patients had stage I trophoblastic invasion, seven had stage II, and 19 had stage III. The median serum vascular endothelial growth factorconcentration was 69.88 pg/mL for stage I, 14.53 pg/mL for stage II and 9.08 pg/mL for stage III, with a significant difference between stages I and III. Based on the ROC curve, a serum vascular endothelial growth factor concentration of 25.9 pg/mL best differentiated stage I from stages II and III with asensitivity of 75.0%, specificity of 76.9%, and area under the curve of 0.798. CONCLUSIONS: The depth of trophoblastic penetration into the tubal wall isassociated with serum vascular endothelial growth factor concentration in ampullary pregnancies