35 research outputs found

    Contaminant-induced immunotoxicity in harbour seals: Wildlife at risk?

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    Persistent, lipophilic polyhalogenated aromatic hydrocarbons (PHAHs) accumulate readily in the aquatic food chain and are found in high concentrations in seals and other marine mammals. Recent mass mortalities among several marine mammal populations have been attributed to infection by morbilliviruses, but a contributing role for immunotoxic PHAHs, including the polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) was not ruled out. We addressed this issue by carrying out a semi-field study in which captive harbour seals were fed herring from either the relatively uncontaminated Atlantic Ocean or the contaminated Baltic Sea for 2 years. We present here an overview of results obtained during this study. An impairment of natural killer (NK) cell activity, in vitro T-lymphocyte function, antigen-specific in vitro lymphocyte proliferative responses, and in vivo delayed-type hypersensitivity and antibody responses to ovalbumin was observed in the seals fed the contaminated Baltic herring. Additional feeding studies in PVG rats using the same herring batches suggested that an effect at the level of the thymus may be responsible for changes in cellular immunity, that virus-specific immune responses may be impaired, and that perinatal exposure to environmental contaminants represents a greater immunotoxic threat than exposure as a juvenile or adult. Together with the pattern of TCDD toxic equivalents of different PHAHs in the herring, these data indicate that present levels of PCBs in the aquatic food chain a

    Morbillivirus infections of aquatic mammals: newly identified members of the genus.

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    Several disease outbreaks, which have caused the deaths of many thousands of seals and dolphins during the last decade, have now been attributed to infections with newly identified Morbilliviruses. Outbreaks in the late eighties amongst harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) and grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) in northwestern Europe and amongst baikal seals (Phoca sibirica) in Siberia were caused by the newly discovered phocine distemper virus and by a strain of canine distemper virus, respectively. Although closely related these two viruses were not identical. They were more distantly related to the viruses which caused mass mortality amongst striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba) in the Mediterranean sea in the early nineties. This dolphin morbillivirus was shown to be closely related to a virus that was found in harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) which had stranded at the coasts of northwestern Europe in the late eighties: porpoise morbillivirus. The present knowledge of the genetic and antigenic relationships of these apparently new members of the genus Morbillivirus with the established members of the genus is presented. In addition, the origin and epizootiological aspects of these newly discovered viruses are discussed. Finally experimental evidence that environmental pollution may have contributed to the severity and extent of these infections in recent years is presented

    Haematology and clinical chemistry values for harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) fed environmentally contaminated herring remain within normal ranges

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    Abstract: Twenty-two young harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) were fed herring from either the relatively unpolluted Atlantic Ocean or the heavily polluted Baltic Sea as part of a 2½-year immunotoxicological study. Blood samples taken at regular intervals were analyzed for routine haematology and clinical chemistry. Minimal differences between the two groups were observed in these parameters over the course of the experiment. Of the 20 clinical chemistry parameters analyzed, slight differences were found in serum levels of urea, creatinine, magnesium, and cholesterol. In haematology profiles, red blood cell counts and haematocrit values were higher in seals fed Baltic herring, but these differences diminished over time. Neutrophil counts were also higher in this group of seals, especially during the second half of the feeding study. Factors affecting haematological and clinical chemistry parameters within feeding groups included gender, age, and season. The data collected demonstrate a relative insensitivity of clinical chemistry parameters to the effects of chronic exposure to environmental contaminants accumulated through the food chain, but suggest the induction of clear alterations in differential white blood cel

    Relative immunocompetence of the newborn harbour seal, phoca vitulina

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    The immune system of many mammalian species is not fully developed at birth, with newborns obtaining temporary immunological protection from maternal antibodies. Little is known of the immune system of the harbour seal, and developmental aspects of its immune system have not been systematically studied. We collected blood and milk samples from nine free-ranging mother-pup pairs throughout the lactation period on Sable Island, Canada, in an effort to characterise developmental aspects of the immune system of this newborn pinniped. Pup lymphocytes responded stronger to the mitogens concanavalin A, phytohaemagglutinin, and pokeweed mitogen tha

    Suppression of natural killer cell activity in harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) fed Baltic Sea herring

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    Mass mortalities among marine mammal populations in recent years have raised questions about a possible contributory role of contaminants accumulated through the marine food chain. While viruses were shown to be the primary cause of the outbreaks, an immunotoxic action by organochlorine chemicals in affected animals could not be ruled out. We carried out a 2 1/2 -year immunotoxicological experiment in which two groups of 11 harbour seals each were fed herring from either the relatively contaminated Baltic Sea or the relatively uncontaminated Atlantic Ocean. Seals in the Baltic Sea group accumulated 3-4 times higher levels of Ah-receptor-mediated 2,3,7,8-TCDD Toxic Equivalents in blubber than did their Atlantic counterparts following 2 years on the respective diets. Blood was sampled a total of 17 times during the course of the experiment for immunological evaluation, during which time the natural cytotoxic activity of peripheral blood mononuclear cells isolated from seals fed Baltic Sea herring declined to a level approximately 2

    Impairment of Immune Function in Harbor Seals (Phoca vitulina) Feeding on Fish from Polluted Waters

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    Disease outbreaks with high mortality rates among seals and dolphins have recently attracted considerable public and scientific interest. Allhouyh in most cases morbillivirus infections were shown to be the primary cause of the disease outbreaks, it was speculated that pollution-induced immunosuppression had playat:! a contributory role. Here we present results of a prospective study under semifield conditions, in which two groups of harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) were fed herring from marine regions with different contamination levels; the hig

    Short term fasting does not aggravate immunosuppression in harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) with high body burdens of organochlorines

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    Two groups of 11 harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) with different body burdens of organochlorines were subjected to an experimental 15-day fasting period, during which they lost an average 16.5% of their body weights. Blood levels of the most persistent organochlorines showed an approximate twofold increase, while levels of aryl hydrocarbon receptor-binding organochlorines remained largely unaffected. Few differences in immunological parameters were observed between the two dietary groups. Numbers of circulating lymphocytes dropped to about 65% of the initial values and NK cell activity showed a slight increase in both groups. Mitogen- and antigen-induced lymphoproliferative responses of the Baltic group of seals remained within normal ranges. These results suggest that relatively short-term fasting periods do not present an additional immunotoxicological risk to seals with high body burdens of organochlorines

    Host resistance to rat cytomegalovirus (RCMV) and immune function in adult PVG rats fed herring from the contaminated Baltic Sea

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    The immunotoxic potential of many classes of environmental contaminants has been well established in laboratory studies, with much attention being focussed on aryl hydrocarbon (Ah)-receptor binding polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB), polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin (PCDD), and polychlorinated dibenzofuran (PCDF) congeners. In a semi-field study, we previously showed that harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) fed herring from the contaminated Baltic Sea had lower natural killer cell activity, T-lymphocyte functionality and delayed-type hypersensitivity responses than seals fed herring from the relatively uncontaminated Atlantic Ocean. While ethical and practical constraints preclude in-depth studies in seals, specific reagents and a wider array of immune function tests allow such studies in laboratory rats. We therefore carried out a feeding study in rats aimed at extending our observations of contaminant-induced immunosuppression in harbour seals. The same two herring batches used in the seal study were freeze-dried, supplemented and fed. to female adult PVG rats for a period of 4 1/4 months. Daily contaminant intakes of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) toxic equivalents (TEQ) were estimated to be 0.3 ng/kg body weight and 1.6 ng/kg in the Atlantic and Baltic groups, respectively. At the end of the feeding experiment, no contaminant-related changes in spleen CD4+/CD8+cellularity, natural killer cell activity, or mitogen-induced proliferative responses of thymus or spleen cells could be detected. However, total thymocyte numbers and thymus CD4+/CD8+ratios were reduced in the Baltic group. A novel model was established to assess the specific T-cell response to rat cytomegalovirus (RCMV). When applied to the feeding study, no differences between the Atlantic and Baltic groups in the RCMV-induced proliferative T-lymphocyte responses could be detected, but virus titres in salivary glands of infected rats of the Baltic Sea group were higher. These elevated RCMV titres and changes in thymus cellularity suggest that the dietary exposure to low levels of contaminants may have been immunotoxic at a level which our immune function test could not otherwise detect. While the herring diet per se appeared to have an effect on several immune function parameters, lower plasma thyroid hormone levels in the Baltic Sea group of rats confirmed that exposure to the environmental mixture of contaminants led to adverse PHAH-related health effects

    Impaired cellular immune response in rats exposed perinatally to Baltic Sea herring oil or 2,3,7,8-TCDD

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    While the immunotoxicity of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) has been well established, the effects of complex environmental mixtures of polyhalogenated aromatic hydrocarbons (PHAHs) are poorly understood. Many PHAHs, including the polychlorinated-biphenyls (PCBs), -dibenzofurans (PCDFs), and dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), possess 'dioxin-like' activities, and accumulate in the aquatic food chain. Organisms occupying high trophic levels may therefore be exposed to concentrations which may present an immunotoxic risk. In this study, pregnant PVG rats were administered a daily oral dose of 1 ml of the following during pregnancy and lactation: (1) oil extracted from herring caught in the relatively uncontaminated Atlantic Ocean; (2) oil extracted from herring caught in the contaminated Baltic Sea; or (3) the Atlantic herring oil extract spiked with 2,3,7,8-TCDD. The daily intakes of aryl hydrocarbon (Ah)-receptor dependent toxic equivalents (TEQ) for mothers were 0.3 in the Atlantic group, 2.1 in the Baltic group, and 134 ng/kg body wt. in the 2,3,7,8-TCDD positive control group. Immune function and host resistance to rat cytomegalovirus (RCMV) we

    Fine-Scale Mapping of the 4q24 Locus Identifies Two Independent Loci Associated with Breast Cancer Risk

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    Background: A recent association study identified a common variant (rs9790517) at 4q24 to be associated with breast cancer risk. Independent association signals and potential functional variants in this locus have not been explored. Methods: We conducted a fine-mapping analysis in 55,540 breast cancer cases and 51,168 controls from the Breast Cancer Association Consortium. Results: Conditional analyses identified two independent association signals among women of European ancestry, represented by rs9790517 [conditional P = 2.51 × 10−4; OR, 1.04; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.02–1.07] and rs77928427 (P = 1.86 × 10−4; OR, 1.04; 95% CI, 1.02–1.07). Functional annotation using data from the Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE) project revealed two putative functional variants, rs62331150 and rs73838678 in linkage disequilibrium (LD) with rs9790517 (r2 ≥ 0.90) residing in the active promoter or enhancer, respectively, of the nearest gene, TET2. Both variants are located in DNase I hypersensitivity and transcription factor–binding sites. Using data from both The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) and Molecular Taxonomy of Breast Cancer International Consortium (METABRIC), we showed that rs62331150 was associated with level of expression of TET2 in breast normal and tumor tissue. Conclusion: Our study identified two independent association signals at 4q24 in relation to breast cancer risk and suggested that observed association in this locus may be mediated through the regulation of TET2. Impact: Fine-mapping study with large sample size warranted for identification of independent loci for breast cancer risk