1,163 research outputs found


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    This research was dealt with the nutritional evaluation of pre-cooked flour in experimental rats (Wistar) to evaluate physical and chemical properties of the digesta of rats as well as glucose and cholesterol content of their blood. This research used 2 types of bananas, Tanduk bananas (Musa corniculata) and Raja Nangka bananas (Musa paradisiaca Linn) and 3 types of cooking (boiling-cooling, steaming-cooling, and baking-cooling) which were selected from the previous research. These flours were used to substitute wheat flour (until 15-20%) in crackers and sensory characteristic of the crackers were evaluated. It was found that bananas pre-cooked flour from pre-cooking have high resistant starch content (6.38-11.40%). Pre-cooked flour diets have no effect on the volume, weight, water content, and pH of the digesta and glucose content of the blood. But these diets increase the concentration of acetic acid, propionic acid and butyric acid of the digesta and decrease cholesterol content of the blood, especially Tanduk pre-cooked flour (from bananas Tanduk after boiled and cooled), hence it has good effects on the colonic health. Crackers produced by the partial substitution of wheat flour (up to 15-20%) with pre-cooked flour (especially Tanduk pre-cooked flour after boiled and cooled) was preferred by the panels in terms of texture, color, and taste allowing for further development for health food products of high resistant starch. Key words : pre-cooked flour, resistant starch, bananas, boiling, steaming, baking, and cooling

    Evaluasi Nilai Gizi Pati Resisten Pisang

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan aktivitas dan prestasi belajar dalam bimbingan sosial tata krama pergaulan melalui layanan orientasi pada peserta didik kelas 7-G SMP Negeri 5 Probolinggo Tahun Pelajaran 2016/2017. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian tindakan kelas. Subyek yang diteliti adalah peserta didik kelas 7-G di SMP Negeri 5 Probolinggo Tahun Pelajaran 2016/2017 dengan jumlah  27 orang. Hasil aktivitas belajar bimbingan sosial tata krama pergaulan melalui layanan orientasi pada peserta didik kelas 7-G SMP Negeri 5 Probolinggo Tahun Pelajaran 2016/2017 mengalami peningkatan yaitu proses dan hasil layanan sangat baik (skor 19) atau melebihi dari hipotesis (skor 11-15). Hasil prestasi belajar bimbingan sosial tata krama pergaulan melalui layanan orientasi pada peserta didik kelas 7-G SMP Negeri 5 Probolinggo Tahun Pelajaran 2016/2017 mengalami peningkatan menjadi 100%. Kata Kunci:  Layanan Orientasi, Prestasi Belajar, Bimbingan Sosial, danTata Krama Pergaulan Abstract: This study aims to increase learning activity and achievement in social guidance on social manners through orientation services to 7-G grade students of SMP Negeri 5 Probolinggo in the 2016/2017 academic year. This type of research uses classroom action research. The subjects studied were 27 students of class 7-G at SMP Negeri 5 Probolinggo in the academic year 2016/2017. The results of learning activities for social guidance on social manners through orientation services for class 7-G students at SMP Negeri 5 Probolinggo for the 2016/2017 academic year have increased, namely the process and service results are very good (score 19) or exceed the hypothesis (score 11-15) . The results of learning achievement of social guidance on social manners through orientation services to 7-G class students of SMP Negeri 5 Probolinggo in the 2016/2017 academic year have increased to 100%. Keywords: Orientation Services, Learning Achievement, Social Guidance, and    Social Manners


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    Pineapple fiber flour is a solid waste of pineapple industry. In this research, the processing included washing, drying, milling and shieving (80 mesh) so that produce pineapple fiber flour. The purpose of this research was to determine the best combination of treatment of pineapple fiber flour concentration and the kind of bread improver to produce sweet bread which had good quality, preferred by consumer and had high fiber content, This research used Completely Randomized Design with Factorial Pattern (2 factors). The first factor was the concentration of pineapple fiber flour (2.5, 5 and 7.5%) and the second factor was the kind of bread improver (sodium bicarbonat, ammonium bicarbonat and without bread improver). It was found that the best treatment based on sensoric evaluation of sweet bread is the concentration of pineapple fiber flour of 2.5% with ammonium bicarbonat addition. This sweet bread had 29.89% moisture content, 11.2% crude fiber, calory value = 263.33 cal/100g, hardness value = 0.01 kg/cm2 and improving volume = 158.4 %, taste score = 5.87 (rather like), color score = 6.07 (rather like) and texture score = 6.4 (rather like until like). Key Words : Sweet Bread, Pineapple Fiber Flour, Bread Improve


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    Pendahuluan: Kualitas hidup ialah persepsi individu mengenai adat-istiadat dan aturan yang layak dengan tempat tinggal atau domisili yang berhubungan dengan arah tujuan, keinginan, standar dan sikap caring semasa hidupnya. Berdasarkan sudut pandang kesehatan, lanjut usia dapat merasakan yang namanya process aging yang ditandai dengan kemunduran fungsi tubuh terhadap fungsi fisik dalam hal ini lansia mudah terserang penyakit. Bertambahnya penyakit dikelompok lanjut usia dapat menimbulkan transformasi pada kualitas hidup lansia itu sendiri. Kesehatan lansia memiliki tujuan untuk mengupgrade kualitas hidup Lansia agar sehat, independent, tumbuh dan berkembang secara produktif, bermanfaat dan makmur sehingga lansia dapat hidup sehat dan Bahagia di hari tuanya. Studi ini bermaksud untuk memberitahukan dan membahas variabel demografi yang mempengaruhi kualitas hidup Lansia. Metode: Metode penulisan analysis artikel ini berbasis literature review data base yang ditelusuri menggunakan website Google Scholar dan Pubmed antara tahun 2016-2022 dengan kata kunci pencarian ((status demografi) AND (kualitas hidup)) AND (lansia). Standar yang diinginkan penulis meliputi: (1) riset yang mengupas variabel status demografi dengan kualitas hidup lanjut usia, (2) jenis riset kuantitatif dengan metode crossectional. Total artikel yang diperoleh sebanyak 10 yang memenuhi pertanyaan penelitian. Hasil: Berdasarkan hasil analisis terhadap 10 artikel di temukan variabel yang terkait dengan kualitas hidup usia yang lebih tua ialah umur, gender, tingkat pendidikan, kapasitas ekonomi, status perkawinan, pendapatan, serta pekerjaan. Sehingga di butuhkan peran tenaga kesehatan dalam mengupaya pembangunan pada bagian kesehatan yang didasari  program kesehatan dengan menjalankan peran Kesehatan terkait promosi, pencegahan, penyembuhan serta pelayanan rehabilitatif. Kesimpulan: Upaya pengembangan kesehatan ini ialah untuk menaikkan harkat dan martabat masyarakat


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    Marmalade is food product from fruit juice and is intermediate moisture food. Marmalade is produced by mixing sugar, acid, pectin, fruit peel slice (albedo). The aim of this research was to determine the best treatment of fruit:albedo proportion and sugar addition. This research used a Completely Randomized Design with factorial pattern and 3 times repetition. The first factor is the proportion of fruit:albedo (80:20,60:40, 40:60) and the second factor is the addition of sugar (55,60 ad 65%) The best treatment is the proportion of fruit:albedo (80:20) and the addition of 60% sugar. The product had 23,95 mg/100 g vitamin C content, total soluble solid 73,61%, total sugar 65,87%, smeared strength 9,6 cm, total hedonic score of taste (131), color (197,5) and texture (112,5). Key words : marmalade, shaddock, albedo, suga

    Effect Of The Addition Of Guar Gum And Red Palm Oil On The Physical And Chemical Of Mellorine Sari Tempeh

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    The study aimed to determine the effect of the addition of guar gum and red palm oil on the physicochemical characteristics of mellorine sari tempeh and obtain the best combination on mellorine.The study used a Complete Randomized Design (RAL) two-factor pattern with three repetitions.Factor I is the addition of guar gum (v/v) 0.4%;0.6%; and 0.8%. Factor II is the addition of red palm oil 3%, 6%, and 9%. The results of this study showed that mellorine sari tempeh has met SNI ice cream standards and meets european patent specification of mellorine standards .The best treatment obtained from the addition of guar gum 0.8% and red palm oil 9% produces mellorine with protein content of 4.024%, fat content of 6,317%, overrun 18,03%, melting time of 23,53 minutes, antioxidant capacity of 7,121%, total solids of 39,06%, emulsion stability 95,86%, viscocity of 2123mPa.s and Vitamin A of 2,89mg/100gr

    PEMBUATAN DENDENG SUKUN (Pengaruh Penambahan Sorbitol Dan Lama Penyimpanan)

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    Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pembuatan dendeng sukun dalam rangka penganekaragaman pangan. Untuk meningkatkan citarasa produk denedeng dilakukan penambahan udang dan bumbu-bumbu. Penambahan sorbitol pada peneletian ini dilakukan unutk memperpanjang masa simpan dan memperbaiki tekstur dendeng. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mempelajari pengaruh penambahan sorbitol dan lama penyimpanan pada kulitas dendeng sukun. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap pola faktorial. Faktor pertama adalah penambahan sorbitol (2,5, 5, dan 7,5%) dan faktor kedua adalah waktu penyimpanan (0, 3 ,6, dan 9 minggu). Produk dendeng terbaik dihasilkan dari penambahan sorbitol 7,5%. Produk tersebut mempunyai skor kesukaan bau dan tekstur yang tertinggi. Produk tersebut masah layak dionsumsi hingga 9 minggu penyimpanan, karena amasih mempunyai kadar protein 21,343%, aw 0,757 dan total kapang 1,1.101 (cfu/g) yang masih memenuhi syarat SII. Kata kunci : dendeng sukun, sorbitol, lama penyimpanan


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    Tempeh and tofu is one source of vegetable protein. Due to high soybean prices, various efforts were made to overcome these problems, such as soy-based food diversification. This research studied about tofu production made of greenpeal, tunggak beans, gude beans, and peanuts and make use of the tofu waste (solid waste of tofu) for making tempeh gembus. This study aims to determine the nutritional value of tofu and tempeh gembus from four kinds of nuts, namely green beans, tunggak beans, gude beans, and peanuts as well as learn the hedonic value of tofu and tempeh gembus which are produced. This research uses Simple Complete Random Design with 2 times replications. Data obtained and analyzed using analysis of Variety to know the difference between the treatments and if there are differences followed by Duncan test (DMRT). The results showed that the kinds of nuts has significant effect on the water content, proteins, dissolved nitrogen, and protein digestion value. The best treatment is peanuts tofu and tempeh gembus of which have the highest nutritional value, i.e. the protein content (tofu 10.83% and tempeh gembus 21.67%), dissolved nitrogen (tofu 2.56% and tempeh gembus 6.01%) , the protein digestion value (tofu 85.79% and tempeh gembus 87.03%), and C-PER values (tofu 2.78% and tempeh gembus 2.87%) and the hedonic value of the product is relatively high compared to other nuts products. While tofu and tempeh gembus from gude beans has relatively low nutritional value and hedonic values compared to tofu and tempeh gembus of greenpeal, peanuts and tunggak beans. Keywords: tofu, tempeh gembus, greenpeal, tunggak beans, gude beans, and peanut