62 research outputs found

    On minimal λco-open sets

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    We introduce and discuss the notions of minimal λco-open sets in topological spaces. We establish some of it basic fundamental properties of minimal λco-open. We show that the notions of minimal open sets and minimal λco-open are independent and finally we obtain some application of a minimal λco-open sets

    On λ D − R0 And λ D − R1 Spaces

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    In this paper we introduce the new types of separation axioms called λ D − R0 and λ D − R1 spaces, by using λ D-open set. The notion λ D − R0 and λ D − R1 spaces are introduced and some of their properties are investigated

    S-I-convergence of sequences

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    In this article, we use the notions of a semi-open set and topological ideal, in order to define and study a new variant of the classical concept of convergence of sequences in topological spaces, namely, the S-I-convergence. Some basic properties of S-I-convergent sequences and their preservation under certain types of functions are investigated. Also, we study the notions related to compactness and cluster points by using semi-open sets and ideals. Finally, we explore the Iconvergence of sequences in the cartesian product spac

    On decomposition of bioperation-continuity

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    In this paper, we introduce some new types of sets via bioperation and obtain a new decomposition of bioperation-continuity using this sets

    Almost contra (i, j)-continuous multifunctions

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    The purpose of the present paper is to introduce, study and characterize the upper and lower almost contra (I, J)-continuous multifunctions. Also, we investigate its relation with another well known class of continuous multifunctions

    On inversely θ-semi-open and inversely θ-semi-closed functions

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    In this paper, we introducethe concepts of inversely 6-semi-openandinversely 6-semi-closed functions andobtain their charactcrizationsif it is possible in terms of 6-closure and6-intcrior by using sets determined by thefibres of the function. Finally, we obtainits relationships withthe strongly @-continuous

    On real valued ω-continuous functions

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    The aim of this paper is to introduce and study upper and lower !-continuous functions. Some characterizations and several proper- ties concerning upper (resp. lower) !-continuous functions are obtained

    Weakly (I, J)-continuous multifunctions and contra (I, J)-continuous multifunctions

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    The purpose of the present paper is to introduce, study and characterize upper and lower weakly (I, J)-continuous multifunctions and contra (I, J)-continuous multifunctions. Also, we investigate its relation with another class of continuous multifunctions. AMS Subject Classification: 54C10, 54C08, 54C05, 54C6

    Notas sobre propiedades espectrales de un operador, su heredabilidad y aplicaciones

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    In this paper we describe the behavior of Weyl type theorems or Weyl type properties, for an operator TT on a proper closed and TT-invariant subspace WXW\subseteq X such that Tn(X)WT^n(X)\subseteq W, for some n1n\geq 1, where TL(X)T\in L(X) and XX is an infinite-dimensional complex Banach space. Our main purpose is to show that for these subspaces (which generalize the case Tn(X)T^n(X) closed, for some n0n\geq 0) a large number of Weyl type theorems are transmitted from TT to its restriction on WW and vice-versa. As application of our results, we obtain conditions for which Weyl type theorems are equivalent for two given operators. Also, we give conditions under which an operator acting on a subspace can be extended on the entire space preserving the Weyl type properties.Este art\'{\i}culo versa sobre el comportamiento de los Teoremas, o propiedades, de tipo Weyl para un operador TT sobre un subespacio propio cerrado y TT-invariante WXW\subseteq X tal que Tn(X)WT^n(X)\subseteq W, para alg\'{u}n n1n\geq 1, donde TL(X)T\in L(X) y XX es un espacio de Banach complejo e infinito dimensional. Nuestro principal prop\'{o}sito es exhibir que para tales subespacios (los cuales generalizan el caso Tn(X)T^n(X) cerrado, para alg\'{u}n n0n\geq 0), una gran cantidad de Teoremas tipo Weyl se transmiten de TT a su restricci\'{o}n sobre WW y viceversa. Como aplicaci\'{o}n de nuestros resultados, obtenemos condiciones para que los Teoremas de tipo Weyl sean equivalentes para dos operadores dados. As\'{\i} como tambi\'{e}n, condiciones bajo las cuales un operador que act\'{u}a sobre un subespacio de un espacio dado, pueda extenderse a todo el espacio preserv\'{a}ndose las propiedades tipo Weyl

    A note on preservation of spectra for two given operators

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    We study the relationships between the spectra derived from Fredholm theory corresponding to two given bounded linear operators acting on the same space. The main goal of this paper is to obtain sufficient conditions for which the spectra derived from Fredholm theory and other parts of the spectra corresponding to two given operators are preserved. As an application of our results, we give conditions for which the above mentioned spectra corresponding to two multiplication operators acting on the space of functions of bounded p-variation in Wiener’s sense coincide. Additional illustrative results are given too