745 research outputs found

    Gestión Pedagógica: Caso de una Universidad Pública

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    La presente investigación tiene como objeto de interés el análisis teórico-práctico de la gestión pedagógica desarrollada en una universidad pública ubicada al Sur de México. Abordada desde una visión cualitativa, la investigación documental se centró en una revisión específica sobre autores latinoamericanos que han investigado sobre la gestión educativa y pedagógica. Posteriormente, se contrastó la información documental con un proyecto de investigación longitudinal desarrollado por un grupo de docentes en una universidad pública ubicada al sur de México. Losresultados de este proyecto permitieron observar las fortalezas y las debilidades de desarrollo de la gestión pedagógica, denominado como un proceso profesionalizante en el fortalecimiento de una enseñanza-aprendizaje por competencias. Se requiere dar seguimiento a proyectos abocados a la gestión pedagógica a nivel regional o local, buscando que las políticas educativas en el nivel profesional puedan ser más certeras y congruentes ante la diferencia de realidades que se vive a lo largo de todo el país. The present research has as an object of interest the theoreticalpractical analysis of the pedagogical management developed in a public university located in the South of Mexico. Approached from a qualitative perspective, the documentary research focused on a specific review on Latin American authors who have investigated educational and pedagogical management. Subsequently, the documentary information was contrasted with a longitudinal research project developed by a group of teachers at a public university located in southern Mexico. The results of this project allowed to observe the strengths and weaknesses of pedagogical management development, called as a professionalizing process in the strengthening of teaching-learning by competencies. It is necessary to follow up on projects aimed at pedagogical management at the regional or local level, seeking that educational policies at the professional level can be more accurate and congruent in the face of the difference in realities that exist throughout the country

    Can the previous year unemployment rate affect productivity? A DPD contrast

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    This paper presents evidence that sector productivity level increases when either relative wage or the level of unemployment rises. It can be established that value added depends not only on present unemployment rate, but also on the level of unemployment of the previous year. Both facts are consistent with the efficiency wage model. Moreover there is support for the idea that an increase in sector's wage with respect to the previous year level, al so increases productivity. The empirical evidence has been obtained using Dynamic Panel Data estimation. Este documento presenta evidencia que el nivel de productividad del sector se incrementa, cuando aumenta el salario relativo o el nivel de desempleo. Se establece que el valor añadido depende no solamente de la tasa de desempleo actual, sino también de la tasa del año anterior. Ambos hechos son consistentes con el modelo de eficiencia salarial. Es más, se sostiene la idea que un aumento en el salario del sector con respecto al del año anterior también incrementa la productividad. La evidencia empírica se obtiene a través de una estimación de panel dinámico de datos.Salarios, rigidez, panel Wage, rigidity, panel

    Wage premium in the industrial sector of the spanish economy : empirical evidence.

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    t. This paper presents evidence that firm-level productivity increases when the relative wage rises, or the level of unemployment rises. Both facts are consistent with the efficiency wage model. Moreover, there is support for the idea that an increase in the sector"s wage with respect to the previous year also increases productivity. We obtain the empirical evidence through a double-hurdle model. We use this estimation technique because it can be established that the differences in productivity between sectors could be explained by differences in effort. It means that some of the industrial sectors of the Spanish economy may pay wage premia while others do not. We also test this implication through panel data

    Documents of the Marquis of Valdeflores journey over Spain (Real Academia de la Historia, MS. 917018)

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    En 1752, el Marqués de Valdeflores inició un viaje por la geografía española, comisionado por la Real Academia de la Historia, para formar una historia de España. Durante dos años recorrió Extremadura y parte de Andalucía, acompañado de un dibujante, realizando una completa descripción de inscripciones y monumentos antiguos. El volumen I de las “Memorias” de su viaje se conserva en el legajo 9/7018 de la biblioteca de la Academia, ordenadas para una futura publicación, que nunca llegó a producirse.In 1752, the marquess of Valdeflores began a journey over Spain, commissioned by the Real Academia de la Historia to write a National History. For two years he went over Extremadura and part of Andalucía with a draughtsman, carrying out a complete description of ancient inscriptions and monuments. The 1st volume of this journey’s “Memorias” is preserved in the bundle 9/7018 of the Academia’s library, arranged for a future publication, never carried out

    A note about effort, wages and unemployment

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    The purpose of this paper is to observe that in a principal agent-model with performance contracts, may exist involuntary unemployment as a consequence of the incentive wage system used by the firm. We show that, in a context of identical firms, the firm that pays more gets a higher level of profits per worker. Also, the reward received for identical workers are different depending on the wage contract stipulated for alternative firms. El propósito de este trabajo es demostrar que en un modelo de principal-agente, con contratos salariales endógenos, el desempleo involuntario aparece como consecuencia del sistema de incentivación salarial utilizado por la empresa. Se demuestra que, para empresas idénticas, la empresa que paga un salario mayor obtiene un nivel de beneficios por trabajador más elevado. Igualmente se comprueba que trabajadores idénticos consiguen ingresos diferentes dependiendo del tipo de contrato estipulado por la empresa.Incentivos, salarios de eficiencia, principal-agente Incentives, efficiency-wages, principal agent

    social responsibility in the electricity sector

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    In recent years, corporate social responsibility has become a key factor in business management. Thus, new principles and business practices have emerged to ensure sustainable development, taking into account the environmental and social problems. In this respect, the purpose of this paper is to analyze the voluntary information disclosure by the electricity sector´s companies in their corporate social responsibility reports. Given that the main impacts of electrical energy production affects the environment, the analysis of an international sample composed of 40 electrical corporations reveals that sector improvements in environmental performance are superior to the economic and social developmentEn los últimos años, la responsabilidad social corporativa se ha convertido en un factor clave de la gestión empresarial. Así, han surgido nuevos principios y prácticas empresariales encaminadas a procurar el desarrollo sostenible atendiendo a la problemática medioambiental y social. En este sentido, el objetivo del trabajo es analizar la información voluntaria que divulgan las organizaciones del sector eléctrico en las memorias de responsabilidad social corporativa. Dado que las principales repercusiones de la producción de energía eléctrica afectan al medioambiente, el análisis realizado a una muestra de carácter internacional compuesta por 40 corporaciones eléctricas revela que las mejoras del sector en el desempeño ambiental son superiores al económico y socia

    Transfusion-associated adverse events incidence and severity after the implementation of an active hemovigilance program with 24 h follow-up. A prospective cohort study

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    Background: Hemovigilance (HV) is usually based on voluntary reports (passive HV). Our aim is to ascertain credible incidence, severity, and mortality of transfusion-associated adverse events (TAAEs) using an active HV program. Study Design and Methods: Prospective cohort study to estimate transfusion risk after 46,488 transfusions in 5830 patients, using an active HV program with follow-up within the first 24 h after transfusion. We compared these results to those with the previously established passive HV program during the same 30 months of the study. We explored factors associated with the occurrence of TAAEs using generalized estimating equations models. Results: With the active HV program TAAEs incidence was 57.3 (95% CI, 50.5–64.2) and mortality 1.1 (95% CI, 0.13–2.01) per 10,000 transfusions. Incidence with the new surveillance model was 14.0 times higher than with the passive. Most events occurred when transfusions had already finished (60.2%); especially pulmonary events (80.4%). Three out of five deaths and 50.3% of severe TAAEs were pulmonary. In the multivariate analysis surgical patients had half TAAEs risk when compared to medical patients (OR, 0.53; 95% CI, 0.34–0.78) and women had nearly twice the risk of a pulmonary event compared to men (OR, 1.84; 95% CI, 1.03–3.32). Patient's age, blood component type, or blood component shelf-life were unrelated to TAAEs risk. Discussion: Active hemovigilance programs provide additional data which may lead to better recognition and understanding of TAAEs and their frequency and severit

    CHK1 expression in gastric cancer is modulated by p53 and RB1/E2F1: implications in chemo/radiotherapy response

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    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.-- et al.Radiation has a limited but relevant role in the adjuvant therapy of gastric cancer (GC) patients. Since Chk1 plays a critical function in cellular response to genotoxic agents, we aimed to analyze the role of Chk1 in GC as a biomarker for radiotherapy resistance. We analyzed Chk1 expression in AGS and MKN45 human GC cell lines by RT-QPCR and WB and in a small cohort of human patient's samples. We demonstrated that Chk1 overexpression specifically increases resistance to radiation in GC cells. Accordingly, abrogation of Chk1 activity with UCN-01 and its expression with shChk1 increased sensitivity to bleomycin and radiation. Furthermore, when we assessed Chk1 expression in human samples, we found a correlation between nuclear Chk1 accumulation and a decrease in progression free survival. Moreover, using a luciferase assay we found that Chk1's expression is controlled by p53 and RB/E2F1 at the transcriptional level. Additionally, we present preliminary data suggesting a posttranscriptional regulation mechanism, involving miR-195 and miR-503, which are inversely correlated with expression of Chk1 in radioresistant cells. In conclusion, Chk1/microRNA axis is involved in resistance to radiation in GC, and suggests Chk1 as a potential tool for optimal stratification of patients susceptible to receive adjuvant radiotherapy after surgery.This work was supported by Instituto de Salud Carlos III–Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria (PS09/1988 to ISP; PI11-00949, pI014-1495 and Feder Funds to RP); Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid-Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (CCG10-UAM/BIO-5871 to ISP); Fundación Leticia Castillejo Castillo and Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (SAF2012-30862 to RSP), Spain. JBI was supported by a fellowship from Catedra Isaac Costero, funded by Banco Santander UAM and is a doctoral student from a double doctorate program in Molecular Biosciences (UAM) and in Biomedical Sciences, (UNAM) and received fellowship CVU:607546 from CONACYT.Peer Reviewe